HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 05/15/1996City Council Liaison:
Staff Liaison:
May 15, 1996
Will Smith
Tom Frazier
Colin Gerety
The meeting of the Transportation Board began at 7:08 p.m. in the CIC Meeting
Room, 300 West Laporte, Fort Collins, Colorado, following a Board member trip to
examine the proposed Timberline extension alignment. Board members present
included Vice Chair Paul Valentine, Tim Johnson, Paul Perlmutter, Sara Frazier,
Ray Moe, Mark Egeland, and Dolores Highfield. Staff members present included
Tom Frazier, Ron Phillips, and Kathleen Reavis.
Moved by Mr. Perlmutter, seconded by Mr. Johnson: To approve the May 1st
meeting minutes as written. Motion passed unanimously.
No public comment was heard.
The Board discussed various possibilities for action that could be taken with regard
to the Timberline extension alignment proposal. It was decided that each member
present would express a brief summary of their thoughts on the project. Staff would
then draft a letter compiling those thoughts, and the draft letter could be commented
upon by the Board at the June 5th meeting. A revision of the letter would then be
delivered to Council in a supplemental packet for their consideration when making
a determination on the Timberline project on June 11th. The attending Board
members thoughts were expressed as follows:
Mr. Perlmutter stated that he favors Option C. He believes it is the correct long-term
solution and is necessary in terms of growth and traffic flow. He does not believe
that Option A is politically viable and feels Option B is short-sighted. He added that
Timberline will be another north/south arterial that will relieve some of the pressures
on the existing north/south arterials, and if this project is not undertaken now, it will
simply be more expensive in five or ten years. He also stated that little development
exists for Option B or C. However, as the city grows eastward, additional
development could occur along Mulberry, and now would be the time to act on
development decisions.
Mr. Valentine stated that he supports Option C also for the same reasons.
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May 15, 1996
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Ms. Highfield stated that she had previously strongly supported Option A and still
is unsure exactly which option she supports. She noted that she utilizes 1-25 to
commute daily and eliminate time spent traveling through town, and feels that route
works well. She feels Option B would be a poor choice for safety reasons at the
Mulberry intersection. She added that Option C would probably be the best choice
but reiterated that she has not completely made up her mind on the issue.
Mr. Egeland stated that he supports Option C. He noted that with Option B, the
problem is simply being moved up a mile, and it would be a waste of money. He
also believes Option A is not politically viable. He added that he supports Option
C but would really like to see in writing that there will be a connection with the trail
system. He also would like to see pedestrian improvements put in at this time
because if they are not built now, he feels they never will be built. He also believes
potential problems exist even with Option C due to the amount of traffic that will be
turning onto Mulberry for downtown access.
Ms. Frazier stated that she supports Option C. She feels that Option B has safety
problems. She noted that she is somewhat uncomfortable with statements such as,
"We can do this." She would like to have those statements be, "We will do this."
She also would like to have a park -and -ride located somewhere in the area. She
added that this project can and should be done properly to show the citizens of Fort
Collins the proper way of developing a transportation corridor.
Mr. Johnson stated he favors the option of giving the proposal back to the citizens
to focus on and vote on again. He noted that a petition is being drawn up and will
be sent out for citizen signatures to put the issue on the ballot in November. He
said the 1989 process was deeply flawed due to the fact that when it was voted on,
the issue was from Prospect to Summitview, but the funding that was associated
with it was for Prospect to Mulberry, which was a significant difference. He believes
it is worth reminding the citizens that such a flawed process will not take place in the
future. He stated that with regard to transportation and development in the
northeast, growth will happen. However, a policy in the city has been adopted that
growth should be paying its own way. He believes the issue should be looked at
again separately by the citizens as opposed to Council making the decision.
Mr. Johnson also stated that an additional north/south arterial would increase ease
in moving people to the south. He noted that the east/west transportation is very
bad, and increased ease in traveling to the south will make it harder for the
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May 15, 1996
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businesses in the northeast to develop and function. Therefore, he feels it is much
more important to make a connection with 1-25.
Mr. Egeland questioned the possibility of annexing the project into the city limits so
the City Design Standards would be applicable to the Timberline project. Mr.
Phillips noted that Staff has met with some of the proponents and opponents of the
project. The proponents were asked if there would be any possibility of them
examining the issue of annexation for the business area along Mulberry and out to
Timberline and perhaps beyond. He felt that Staff gained acceptance to the
Northeast Business Association taking a look at that possibility. The association will
be surveying their members and discussing the option at meetings.
Mr. Phillips also stated that the intention is to secure repayment agreements that go
in place to require developers to repay the City for their share of the cost of the
improved Timberline roadway.
Mr. Phillips also noted a few options that are being considered as part of the Capital
Improvements Program in regards to examining alignments in various areas. He
stated that if the Timberline project is built, it will tie into Summitview. The route of
Summitview and Vine over to College could be a possible truck route that would
bypass Riverside and Jefferson and still come out on North College and continue
out on 287. Mr. Egeland questioned the possibility of such a route obliviating the
need for the Lemay rebuild. Mr. Phillips stated that the route may mitigate the need
for such an extensive rebuild. He added that no opportunity to turn onto Vine would
be developed, therefore, perhaps making the route less expensive than the Lemay
rebuild proposal. Mr. Phillips noted the route is simply an idea at this point and has
no data to support it yet.
Staff stated that they would draw up a letter outlining the majority view of the
Timberline project. Mr. Johnson stated that he would develop a letter outlining the
minority view of the project. Attempts would be made to contact members not
present to obtain their opinions.
Ms. Reavis addressed the Board concerning the Pedestrian Plan. She noted that
the next focus group meeting would be held on May 16th at the Senior Center. She
also noted the open house which would be held on May 29th.
Mr. Moe suggested that the plan be brought back for at least one more presentation
to the Board. He noted that many different components are tied into the plan such
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May 15, 1996
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as the developments of the street standards on what the cross -sections would be
and development of level of service standards.
Mr. Moe discussed the pedestrian goals which were outlined in the Board's packet.
He noted research had been undertaken concerning what other cities are
implementing, and goals for multi -modal transportation were extracted out of one
draft of the City Plan. A meeting was then held with the Pedestrian Advisory
Committee and suggestions on consolidation were made to develop the draft
contained in the Board's packet. The material will be presented again to the
Pedestrian Advisory Committee on the 16th of May, and comments were solicited
from the Board concerning the information received on the pedestrian goals.
In response to questioning, Mr. Moe stated that the key to the first goal is that the
pedestrian should be at a level equal to other modes of transportation. Ms. Reavis
added that the intent of the goal was to prevent planning of the pedestrian piece
after a project is laid out. Mr. Perlmutter stated that he was uncomfortable with the
word "equal" in the goal. He suggest perhaps the word should be changed to
"balanced." He noted that he agrees with the philosophy but feels that equality will
not be had in terms of priority in some funding. Mr. Moe suggested that the word
change be raised at the Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting. He added that
the last bulleted item dealt with funding issues rather than the philosophical idea
outlined in the first goal.
Mr. Egeland suggested somehow implementing an aspect of accessibility in
perhaps changing neighborhoods so they are built in such a way that one does not
have to go out of their way to access an arterial. He also expressed concern that
the key in making this plan happen lies not only in passing the plan but also in
changing funding. Mr. Valentine noted by way of example the elimination of
pedestrian access when snow is piled up in front of the bus stops. He added that
that is part of the level of service and how that service should be provided for
access. Mr. Moe noted that those issues are addressed in the goals that discuss
promoting the mix of uses to maximize the potential for pedestrianization. Mr.
Phillips suggest consideration for the third from the last goal to say something such
as, "Develop pedestrian standards that promote porosity activity and safe
pedestrian linkages."
Mr. Moe discussed the sidewalk standards and gave the Board handouts showing
various diagrams of possible streettsidewalk layouts. He noted that a more formal
presentation of what the streets will look like will be given perhaps at the next Board
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May 15, 1996
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meeting. He stated the diagrams and information received by the Board was the
result of a great deal of compromise arising from discussion between the different
areas of engineering and the development community in the city.
Mr. Moe pointed out that the arterial intersections in the past have been developed
to be more auto friendly, and the radius of the turns has increased over time. The
new proposal will narrow the radius somewhat, and that will become a plus from
the pedestrian standpoint.
Mr. Egeland questioned whether landscaping had been considered for the
separated grass areas. Mr. Moe replied that the City Forester is working on details
of what trees are acceptable, the distance between them, and the appearance of
the landscaping. He noted that it is a compromise of all the issues in terms of safety
and appearance. Ms. Reavis added that lighting has also been considered in the
same regard in an effort to ensure sufficient lighting for both vehicles and
Mr. Moe discussed the last issue in the plan concerning pedestrian levels of service.
He stated that under the Congestion Management Plan, a recommendation was
made that levels of service be developed for all modes of transportation. He stated
that some key issues exist: connectivity, how to reach your connection; and
continuity, developing a continuous stream of opportunities to reach different
Mr. Moe stated that concerning the issue of connectivity, a set of standards were
developed to outline the level of service. He pointed out that a connection could be
made to another location, such as a bus stop, by developing a "pedestrian way,"
independent of the roadway, perhaps through the back of a cul-de-sac, et cetera.
He noted that if a connection was made, a developer could meet the level of service
standards set forth.
Mr. Moe pointed out that the issue of street crossing is also important to consider.
He noted four types of issues exist that are being studied: Signalized and
unsignalized intersections; issues surrounding crossing a major street and a minor
street; mid -block crossing; and security.
Ms. Reavis noted that a work session will be held with City Council on the 28th of
May to discuss the plan, and the hope is to bring the overall plan back for approval
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May 15, 1996
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in July. In the interest of time, a decision was made to make further comments
regarding the Pedestrian Plan to Ms. Reavis or Mr. Moe outside of the meeting.
Mr. Frazier gave the Board draft copies of the parking study which included the
downtown summary, the existing financial overview, and the neighborhood study.
He noted that no recommendations had been made on the downtown summary or
the financial overview, but the recommendation for the neighborhood draft is for
some type of residential permit system. Mr. Frazier added that Council will hear the
parking issue on the 28th of May. He also pointed out that the parking issue will be
dealt with by Board member subcommittee, and therefore, is not scheduled to come
back to the Board on a formal basis unless such is recommended by the
Mr. Frazier stated that the Street Design Standards are still in draft form at this
point. The standards contain every cross-section, and the Board will receive a copy
of that in their next packet.
Mr. Frazier noted that a Board meeting has been set up for July 3rd. He questioned
whether the Board wanted to meet on that night. Mr. Johnson suggested holding
the Board meetings for July on the 10th and the 24th instead. Mr. Phillips stated he
did not foresee any problem with that suggestion.
Mr. Frazier stated that a couple of reports and letters have been generated
concerning Dial -a -Ride. He added that an evaluation has been undertaken on the
Dial -a -Ride issue, and the major part of the recommendation from the Senior
Advisory Board was, again, to set up a board to deal with just Transit and Transit
issues. Mr. Frazier noted that the letters and updates on that issue will be
contained in the Board's next packet.
Mr. Valentine pointed out that on July 10th the Board will have to allow time in their
agenda to hold an election for chair.
Mr. Frazier stated that in the interest of time at the next meeting, Staff will distribute
the Timberline letter early so Board members can read it and make comments
before the meeting if they would like.
Mr. Johnson moved adjournment. Ms. Highfield seconded the motion. With no
objections, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.