HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommission On Disability - Minutes - 12/20/1993COMMISSION ON DISABILITY
DECEMBER 20, 1993
3:00 - 5:00 P.M., CIC ROOM
Members Present:
Arne Anderson
Roy Beauchamp
Angela Byrne
Judith Sayre Grim
Debra Ann Kalin
Diane Rehner
Shirley Reichenbach
Ray Sanderson
Robert Willmot
Members Absent:
Steve Annear
Rita McGill
Staff Present:
Pete Dallow
Andrea Rieger
- November minutes changed to correct Robert Willmot's name, and
add an absent member category.
- Committee Reports:
Ray reported that the transportation committee is still working
on a ride training program. Carolyn Harms is working on a
brochure. COD to review a draft of the brochure (enclosed with
Angela reported that the new paratransit contract would require
the client to pay for rides requested, but not used (booked but
not canceled). What if the non-use was not in the rider's
control? (This may be addressed on a case -by -case basis.)
Building Plan Review - Andrea sent a memo to Building Inspection
requesting that they allow.Jim Riegles to participate in the
building plan review subcommittee through April. Jim has not
talked to Shirley yet. Andrea to contact Jim, and request that
he phone Shirley.
Survey: Pete distributed a collection of comments from the
surveys already received. There will be a follow-up article
requesting public comment in the February issue of City News.
Diane drafted the article, and requested comments. Add Pete's
name to the article as a contact person for questions or
concerns. (It turned out to be too expensive to place the entire
survey in City News.)
Discussed the 1994 workplan. COD members can decide what
workplan items they have an interest in working on. Debbie will
call COD members to ask what areas they are interested in working
on. Need to establish subcommittee which will set their own
goals, objectives, etc. COD needs to structure subcommittees
around roles and responsibilities. Need to have subcommittee
leaders, with specific to-do items. May need to decide what kind
of reports are needed and how to use them.
Would like to have a community open house in February/March.
Debbie will let us know.
Need to contact Parking and obtain information on the status of
disabled parking -- Opportunities for more active enforcement.
What types of enforcement opportunities are available? Does the
COD need to make a recommendation to Council? Can any
enforcement be done on private parking lots? Need options and
analysis. Andrea will collect this information and explore
options. Results/information will be sent to COD members before
January meeting.
Shirley will call and check with Terry Keith on opportunities for
working with Speaial Olympics.
Rita will report on the proposed clubhouse next month.
Angela Byrne reported that it is difficult to find an acceptable
apartment. Can only be on the list for Section 8 housing for 60
days, but can ask for an extension. Would like to recommend that
a certain portion of all new housing be reserved for affordable,
accessible housing. Also, some landlords don't want to work with
the Section 8 program: There are no consequences to Sec. 8
tenants for damage to housing. Does the COD need to send a
letter to Council's affordable housing authority stating that all
affordable housing should be accessible? Angela to check with
Neighbor to Neighbor, also to check on CDBG programs on making
capital improvements. Pete to check with the Housing Authority.
Andrea to check on the City's ADA training.
Discussed letter from Felix on accessibility. Building Review
Board rejected COD recommendations for improving accessibility.
It's important for people to be able to live on their own. These
types of improvements which increase accessibility should benefit
builders by increasing the living opportunities for retirement -
age people. The new building code should go before Council in
February. Is there any data on how many people need provisions
for accessibility? Can we present data and recommendations to
Council? COD recommendations are not unreasonable nor
unjustified. Shirley and Arne to work on a letter. Pete to talk
to Felix Lee.
Discussed proposed changes to the COD bylaws. Changes to be
incorporated in the bylaws, and sent out with meeting minutes for
the Committee to review prior to the next meeting.
Next meeting will be on January 24. Will discuss name change at
that time. Include planning calendars with meeting minutes.
Shirley will contact Steve Annear before next meeting. Material
to be discussed at meetings should be distributed prior to the
meeting, if possible.