HomeMy WebLinkAboutLibrary Board - Minutes - 08/11/2005LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — AUGUST 11, 2005 6:00 P.M. Ben Manvel I Staff Liaison: Brenda Chairperson: 221 A regular meeting of the Library Board was held on August 11, 2005 in the Ben Delatour Room of the Main Library at 201 Peterson Street. The following Library Board members were present: Nina Bodenhamer, Bob Burns, Don Oehlerts, Ralph Olson, Melissa Pattison, Mary Robertson, and Molly Thompson. City Staff Members Present: Council Liaison Friends of the Library Liaison: Visitors: Brenda Cams, Lu Benke, and Marjorie Teklits Ben Manvel Gwen Kelly, Heman Adams Gene Hainer, State Librarian Jean Blaylock, League of Women Voters The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson Ralph Olson. Don Oehlerts moved to approve the minutes of the July 14, 2005 meeting; Bob Burns seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved. Correspondence: Invitations to the August 27`h Annie Walk & Pet Fest were distributed to Board members. Nina, Molly, and Bob expressed interest in volunteering their help by judging the contests, and Marge will get information about the event to them. Reports/Presentations: a. Director's Report - Brenda Cams Brenda encouraged Board members to read the written Director's Report for an update on recent activities at the Library. She said the Library has been asked to cut another $250,000 from the proposed 2006/2007 budget. This means the total reduction proposed is $307,000. Other City departments have been asked to submit possible reductions as well. The southeast branch library was not included in the package, mostly due to large operation and maintenance costs down the line, so that other projects could be funded. Brenda added that if the partnership with the Museum and Discovery Center receives voter approval, the building the Museum currently occupies could be an option for future Library expansion. b. Friends of the Library — Gwen Kelly Gwen said the Friends haven't met during the summer but are scheduled to resume meeting on August 16`h. A Library staff member will present a program on "Every Child Ready to Read," a program on the importance of learning to read early in life. Brenda introduced Heman Adams, a very dedicated member of the Friends. C. Summer Reading Program Video — Brenda Cams, Lu Benke The video to promote the children's Summer Reading Programs was shown. This video was funded by the Friends of the Library and it was produced in such a way that it can easily be updated each year for future use. Lu explained that copies are lent to various schools in the spring in order to inform students of the program. The Board said it was very well done and of high quality. d. Public Relations — Nina Bodenhamer, Molly Thompson Nina presented samples of the READ Fort Collins poster campaign she has been working on. Two posters picture Sunny Lubick ("Tackle a Great Book this Season (?,yourlibrary!) and Christiano Sosa (Find Great People @yourlibrary!). Mary requested an electronic version be sent to her. The posters will be displayed at various locations including the Library, City Hall, and Poudre Valley Hospital. Nina said it might be nice to have some as postcards as well. Nina suggested a Soapbox article regarding BOB, and Mary said she has one prepared. Molly is unable to attend September's meeting but would like to start on the next Quarterly Newsletter. Suggested topics are statistics from the Summer Reading Program, Annie Walk photos, the READ poster campaign, and upcoming programs, such as the Day of the Dead in late October. Old Business a. Building on Basics (BOB) — Brenda Cams Regarding the suggested Building on Basics package that will go before voters this November, Ralph said he was glad to see a nice appropriation for Library technology. Brenda said the Library could not have been as efficient as it has been without technology. Mary asked if there is a plan in place for campaigning for BOB and if City staff can campaign or only provide information about it. Ben said they can provide information; he didn't know of any coordinated effort to pull groups together for campaign purposes. b. Library Funding Ben Manvel expressed more interest in a Library District than an Authority. If people were going to vote for a new tax, they might go for it. A Library District is a more comprehensive solution. He said the August 9"' Work Session with Council members to discuss Library funding was postponed until October or November so as not to cause confusion with the Building on Basics issues. Brenda showed the slide presentation she prepared for Council, and Bob Burns asked if she could email the presentation to Board members as it contained a lot of useful information. (The file is too large to email and those who want it can have a copy on CD). Ralph asked about the Board's plans in pursuing funding alternatives. The Board had hoped to get direction from Council, and he asked does that mean waiting until November? He is looking for ideas from the Board in terms of developing a strategy or timeline with an end date of November 2006 for a ballot question. Ben Manvel said he felt the Board will find support from City Council on a Library District concept. Whether it can happen quickly enough to occur by the November 2006 ballot, is difficult to say. It's very complicated and a lot of legal work has to be done. Brenda said Jamie LaRue has offered to assist. He said it is relatively easy to transition once you get voter approval, and there is a period of overlapping structures. She added that Burns Marketing, who did the survey for the Friends of the Library, said the results showed a lot of support for the Library and they felt it could easily be successful if placed on next November's ballot. Mary asked what would happen with the building. Brenda said she didn't know for sure, but it could be leased by the City to the Library District. Ralph suggested developing a proposal, something that describes what the Board envisions as an outcome. He said he visualizes a storyboard, with steady progress towards a goal. When the time comes to present the story, the Board will have confidence of its reception. Mary suggested meeting with each of the Council members and also the County Commissioners some time between now and the end of the year. After that, start to float a model of what it would look like. Perhaps at the November meeting, after the election, put together a starting timeline. Brenda felt Jamie LaRue might be able to help with that. He has an outline of the process, and Mary requested a copy. Mary asked Ben if he thinks the County would be concerned about mill increases; he said not as much as sales tax increases because we are near the cap. Melissa said she would check with Marty Heffernan regarding the Board's role and legality of developing a draft timeline and present her findings at the next meeting. Bob asked what would happen to the present Library building if a District concept was approved; who would take care of maintenance. Brenda said the Library could lease the building from the City if it didn't give it to the District; perhaps a long term lease (100 years?) with the park itself remaining with the City. It would be helpful to explore how it was done elsewhere. Bob asked if there are any Library Districts in Colorado that are funded only by sales tax. Mary said taxes to fund them are collected by the County and that the City can only collect a very small amount of property tax. Brenda said that Library Districts only levy on property tax but the City could choose to continue contributing sales tax funds if they wish. Ralph said he would like to have a talk in the future about a publicity campaign next year. Brenda said some money is proposed for this in the Budgeting for Outcomes -process. Also, the Library Trust and the Friends of the Library might be able to help. Nina said she would enjoy being a part of the process and is touched how everyone is so willing to volunteer time. Ralph added that everyone loves their library. Ben said Council will have their plates full for a while yet. They will be dealing with BOB and the budget process. New Business Other: Nina thanked Bob Burns for all the articles and information he has collected on emerging trends. Bob said there is a lot going on nationally concerning libraries, and he hopes to give a report at the next meeting. Melissa mentioned she read about doctors in Europe prescribing reading books to alleviate depression. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marjorie Teklits Administrative Secretary