HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 05/19/1999Draft minutes to be approved by the Transportation Board at their June 16, 1999 meeting.
City of Fort Collins — 281 N. College
May 19, 1999
5:30 p.m.
Staff Liaison:
Sara Frazier
Dan Gould
Steve Hanna
Bruce Henderson
Tim Johnson
Brent Thordarson
Heather Trantham
Linda Dowlen
Aaron Fodge
Tom Frazier
Randy Hensley
Cam McNair
Ron Phillips
Cynthia Scott
Marlys Sittner
Lucinda Smith
Tim Johnson ........
Randy Hensley.....416-2058
,vnthia Scott ........
Alan Beatty
Mark Egeland
Ray Moe
Kurt Kastein
Mary Warring
Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:50 p.m.
Mary Warring reminded the Board that there is a SH 14/1-25 Interchange Project
Open House on Monday, May 24 from 4 — 7 p.m. at the Plaza Inn.
Transportation Board
DRAFT Meeting Minutes
May 19, 1999
Page 2
There was a motion and a second to approve the April 21, 1999 meeting minutes
as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
Lucinda Smith of the City of Fort Collins' Natural Resources Department stated
that she would be giving a presentation of the Local Action Plan to Reduce
Greenhouse Gases. Before she began, she stated that the draft Local Action
Plan contains a range of new measures that have been identified by the staff
technical team and/or the Citizen Advisory Committee. It does not represent a
recommendation to Council.
After receiving the Transportation Board's input, staff will further evaluate the
measures and develop a recommendation. She said that she would be asking
the following questions of the Board tonight upon conclusion of the presentation:
1. Do you endorse some or all of the proposed measures?
2. Are there any you wish to highlight as very important?
3. Are there any you don't feel Council should consider?
4. What type of reduction target should Council adopt?
Ms. Smith went through her presentation, which covered the following highlights:
• What is Fort Collins' commitment to the CCP campaign?
• Process
• Our energy audit
• How we compare to other CCP cities
• 1990 City government emissions
• 2010 forecast (in the absence of actions to reduce greenhouse gases)
• CO2 emissions growth 1990-2010
• 2010 emission predicted to increase by 159% over 1990 levels
• CO2 reduction benefit of COMPLETED measures
Total CO2 reduction benefit of existing measures (228,000 tons
• Potential new measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Energy related
Transportation related
- Waste reduction
- Purchasing
- Tree planting
- Education
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DRAFT Meeting Minutes
May 19, 1999 Page 3
• Total CO2 reduction benefit of potential new measures (894,000 tons
• 2010 emissions versus reductions
• Implementation
• Project schedule
(Please see the attached excerpt — 2 pages - from the listening log which
captures all the comments from the Board.)
Smith stated that her staff is keeping a listening log of all the comments they receive.
She will send it to C. Scott for distribution to the Board Members.
Introductions were made. Mr. Kastein talked about his first impressions of being a
member of City Council. He thanked the Board Members for being on the Board, which
is a very important and time consuming job.
Mr. Kastein said that he would be available to the Board, but doesn't plan to attend all
meetings. It was agreed that he would have time on the agenda for the Board's annual
retreat in the fall and that there would be a place at the beginning of each regular
meeting agenda for Mr. Kastein to speak to the Board if he so desires.
Responding to requests within 24 hours is one of Mr. Kastein's goals as a council
Transportation is probably the #1 issue with the citizens of Fort Collins, along with
growth, and Mr. Kastein said that he is committed to working with staff on the
transportation funding issue.
Mr. Frazier stated that he would cover five areas on the topic of transit:
a. Bus shelters and advertising
b. Examining the current system
c. Youths on buses/fares
d. General operations data
e. Summary of items in the 2000-2001 City budget
Bus shelters and advertising — Dowlen
Ms. Dowlen filled the Board in on background information relating to
advertising in the bus shelters. Since 1995, Transfort has had a successful
relationship with Outdoor Promotions/chancellor Media with interior and
exterior bus advertising and bus bench advertising.
Transportation Board
DRAFT Meeting Minutes
May 19, 1999
Page 4
Ms. Dowlen reported that Transfort earned $43,439 in commission from bus
panels and $22,178 from bus bench revenue in 1998. Just from January
through April 1999, $39,931 has been earned which is over half the entire
total of 1998.
Currently, staff is working on a venture that would add bus shelters to the
contract. Shelters have overhead protection, bench, lighting, concrete
improvements to meet with ADA requirements and a vandal -proof exterior.
Chancellor would like to provide 100 shelters. This would be at no cost to the
City or Transfort and the City can expect $80,000 per year in advertising
In order to receive these benefits, the following need to occur:
• The sign code needs to be revised to include bus shelters in the already
existing exemptions of bus panels and bus benches.
• Will have to go through committee and ultimately to City Council.
• Would eventually like the Transportation Board's support either by letter or
testimony at any of the meetings, however, no action is required by the
Board at this time.
Board Comments/Questions:
Johnson: Asked Dowlen to provide a summary of the cost and pictures of the
shelters in Loveland to use as an example for the board members the next time
the Board considers this issue.
S. Frazier: Requested that staff include the City ordinance pertaining to signs in
the packet when the Board considers this issue.
Trantham: Asked about the lifetime of the shelters. Answer: 10 years
Ricord: Noted that the shelters on Mason Street are nice. Asked if there are
limits to the types of advertising that is allowed. Answer: Yes. No tobacco,
alcohol, sexually explicit, or discrimination of any certain groups is allowed. Staff
always reviews the ads first.
Examining the current system — Sittner
Ms. Sittner stated that staff has completed an evaluation of current routes.
Information on Transfort's Annual Ridership, broken down into various
categories, was distributed. The most critical indicator is the average
passengers per hour on specific routes. Traditionally, wages are 80% of the
budget. It is not only a performance measure, but an economic measure. In
Transforfs system, there is an average 28 passengers per hour, including
the FoxTrot route. Without it, the average is 30 passengers per hour.
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DRAFT Meeting Minutes
May 19, 1999 Page 5
It is possible that a planning study will be conducted to find out how to best
strengthen the weaker routes in the next year or so.
Another method of evaluating the routes, especially the weak performers, is
to look at housing, employment, and shopping opportunities along that route.
Particular routes may be the focus of more marketing, such as the South Side
Looking at service delivery standards is another way to evaluate the routes.
On -time performance is one of the standards reviewed as is passenger
Ms. Sittner covered more measurements and then turned the floor over to the
Board for questions/comments.
Board comments/questions:
Henderson: Asked if there is a level at which the route may be abandoned due
to low ridership. Answer: No, there isn't a hard, fast rule of thumb.
S. Frazier: Suggested putting signs on the rear of the bus that indicates how
many Single -occupant vehicles the bus replaces.
T. Frazier said that status reports will be provided to the Board as they become
available. Chair Johnson requested that it include what routes have the most
c. Youths on Buses/fares — Frazier
Data shows that youth ridership has increased by about four times since
1994. That was the first year that youths were allowed to ride Transfort buses
at no charge. However, due to increased problems caused by young people
while on the bus, it is time to re-evaluate the fare for youths. Mr. Frazier
asked if it is time to re-establish fares for youths.
Board comments/questions:
Banns: Suggested that Poudre R-1 should help pay for routes where there is a
high volume of kids.
Johnson: Suggested that parents ride with their kids to familiarize their kids with
the bus route — where to get on and off, etc.
Gould: Stated that in regard to the school district, schools don't open until 10
minutes before the bell rings. It wouldn't be good for kids to get dropped off by
Transfort buses too early, especially in the winter. Asked how this would be
coordinated with the school district — the schools have many different schedules.
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May 19, 1999
Page 6
Answer: T. Frazier said that the schools have various schedules in order for the
school buses to accommodate all the riders. He added that Transfort will work
with Poudre R-1 before the fall bus schedules are set.
S. Fra i r: Because field trips are expensive for the school district, can the City
do anything to help? Answe : Dowlen said that unfortunately, teachers have
taken advantage of Transfort's "free fare days" in the past and also that Transfort
is not allowed to compete because it is a governmental agency.
S. Frazier: Suggested getting the kids excited about the Mason Street corridor —
give students tours/field trips to see it or something along those lines.
Henderson: Asked about the South Side Shuttle's decrease in ridership.
Answer: The route currently doesn't accommodate the working shifts at
Celestica and Hewlett Packard.
Johnson: Asked if there is a service that lets people know about Transfort when
they are new to town. Answer: Dowlen said that there are many ways that
Transfort is marketed.
Mr. Frazier said that staff needs to talk with other groups about this issue and will
be back to this Board in the future.
d. Summary of items in the 2000-2001 City budget
A hand-out will be distributed later in the meeting that covers some of
Transfort's budget needs (during the Budget item on the agenda).
Some of the requests are:
- Evening service
- Funds to increase hours of operation (1 hour earlier) to help
accommodate people who work shifts
- Mulberry Street Route
- Improved service on Lemay, College and Shields
Mr. Frazier stated that the Board needs to be aware that staff is proposing to
increase the base fare from .90 cents to $1. That won't make a big difference in
revenue. The sensitive part of this proposal is that the current policy for Dial -A -
Ride is that the fees are double the amount of the fixed route fees. DAR fees
would increase from $1.80 to $2 for a single trip. The low income fee would
increase from .45 cents to .50 cents. It is anticipated that there will be opposition
from certain groups.
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May 19, 1999 Page 7
Job Access Grant Announcement:
T. Frazier announced that the Mulberry Street Feasibility Study received Job
Access grant funds for $186,000 and $90,000 for capital. This will put a route
going from Vine/Shields to the Transfer Center out to 1-25 and back beginning at
6:00 a.m. until midnight for six days of the week. This will get people who are in
low-income areas to places where there is a high level of jobs. The route goes
down Lincoln through the industrial park and by the new housing area on the
corner of Lincoln/Lemay. It then goes to the hotel/motel area to the east.
Partnerships will be developed in future years with Larimer County, and
businesses to help come up with local dollars to help support years 2-5.
Hensley explained that the City Manager's Office has asked that all the Boards
and Commissions review and provide feedback on the Council Policy Agenda
(included in the Transportation Board packets).
Trantham asked why the Overland Trail Re -alignment project is an issue again.
Phillips said that a council member suggested that if the City is willing to look at
the SH 14 relocation, then in fairness, the Overland Trail re -alignment should be
re-examined as well.
Mr. Kastein further explained that this document is just a template at this time.
Council will be meeting this Friday and Saturday to go over exactly what should
be on the policy agenda.
Henderson said that he would like to see Council take a leadership role in solving
transportation problems, i.e. the transportation tax issue.
Chair Johnson referred to page 3 — Long-term Financing for Transportation. He
stated that funding methods need to be determined. This problem is not going to
go away. He asked that council examine the roles that the Board, staff and
council can play in finding a solution.
Ricord commented that a key question to ask is whether or not growth is paying
its own way.
S. Frazier stated that the issue of trash districting needs to be brought before
council again. There has to be a way to get districting accomplished in this city.
There were no other comments on the Council Policy Agenda.
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May 19, 1999 Page 8
Hensley stated that the budget process is in full swing and that a major deadline
was met on May 17 when staff turned in a prioritized list of unmet needs. Copies
of the 2000-2001 Transportation Service Area Decision Packages were
distributed to the members. Hensley went over the unmet needs list and referred
to the descriptions of each project on page 13.
Hensley stated that he will provide information on the service area's base budget
at the next Transportation Board meeting.
• Gould: Reported that the Mason Street Corridor Lead Team held a meeting
recently at the Lincoln Center where a reasonable number of people
attended. This Saturday there will be a design workshop from 9 a.m. to 3
p.m. at the City of Fort Collins' Streets Facility. This would be a great
opportunity to see all the latest information, needs and design.
• Henderson: Distributed an article from USA Today entitled, `The Boston
Highway Project Once Considered a Boondoggle Now is Seen as the City's
• Trantham: Reported on the latest Streets Standards meeting and referred to
a hand-out included in the Board's packets as an informational item. The
next meeting of the committee will be on June 4 from 9 — noon.
Ricord: Reminded the Board that at one time there was a confidential memo
from Bob Blanchard regarding whether or not the Planning & Zoning Board is
advised by the Transportation Board. He asked what became of that issue.
Hensley said that a liaison from this board was designated to attend P & Z
meetings as necessary and that Jerry Gavaldon and Sally Craig from P & Z
were attending the Transportation Board meetings on a regular basis. Ricord
said that he thought the crux of the concern was if there should be advice or
information passed between the two boards legally. Chair Johnson asked
that Hensley call Bob Blanchard to find out more on the subject, put it in
writing, and share the information with the Transportation Board.
Johnson: Asked that updates on the Mason Street Corridor be put on every
agenda from now on. He added that Edminster put on a good road show and
encouraged people to see it when they have an opportunity.
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DRAFT Meeting Minutes
May 19, 1999 Page 9
SH 14 Relocation Project Report — Phillips distributed this report and displayed
maps showing the modified Vine route which has been moved 100' further than
the original proposed route. The Board examined several maps including the
Downtown Couplet Alternative and the County Road 58 alternative.
1. Budget Update — 45-60 min.
2. Mason Street Corridor Project Update
3. Modeling — John Daggett
4. FOR JULY: An update on the Transportation Alternatives Feasibility Study
(There is an Open House on May 22 at the Foothills Fashion Mall
from 10 a.m. — 2 p.m.)
There being no other business, the board meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Cynthia L. Scott
Executive Administrative Assistant
GI PS Aor Gl iA a-4-0 60a6m
Begs the question: What Does The Goal Mean... What Effect
7, Ci Em 1 ee n
p Does It Have? We need more choices for the plan. What can the
19 9 House Janet sustain, not what effort can we sustain.
Have a "Phase 2"pan which might go into a ect w en a pre-
determined percentage of goals in the 1' phase have been
May 7,
City Employee Open
accomplished The City should definitely lead by example but
there needs to be an active publicity campaign informing the
citizen of what the City is doing, the advantages and how much
effort is required.
May 7,
City Emp oyee Open
We should do whatever is the iggest bang or the buck and
May 7,
City Employee Open
Would it be less "painful" tract thisEtypeowork out?E]
May 71
City Employee Open
The City should do what it
The most potential for CO2 savings rests with transportation.
May 7,
M ay
City Employee Open
Make the number one priority in Transportation planning safe,
accessible and convenient human -powered trans ortation.
May 7'
Start requiring that public service and City vehicles do not idle
unnecessarily. Some idle for up to 30 minutes, unnecessar .
May 19,
Transportation Board
At the tailpipe, you don't have emission in electric vehicles, but
281 North College
you do globally from the eneqX production.
Have you considered fuel cells along with hybrid vehicles?
Transportation Board
Detroit is movin in that direction.
Transportation Board
Has anyone done an audit of 1991 Levels?
Easily achieved initiatives are important. Many of these ideas are
Transportation Board
out of our control. Yet, I don't think we should say these
initiatives are impossible just because they are out of our control.
Any new changes over the next ten years could be educated, like
Transportation Board
fuel -efficient vehicles, as they become available.
How large is the capacity of our wind power site? If the wind
Transportation Board
doesn't blow, then we have to provide a back-up, alternative
ene source.
What is the tore _A photovoltaics., We should evaluate them in
Transportation Board
the context of solar and wind subscription together. It may
corn liment wind capacity better.
Little will happen with fuel cells in the next couple of years. 'this
plan should implement a step function. Many of these initiatives
Transportation Board
will not be realized until the plan is well online. The plan is not a
failure, if all these initiatives aren't realized in the first couple
Transportation Board
Has a carbon tax been considere : At the state level maybe?
Transportation Board
There seems to be a huge savings from compact fluorescents.
The Cityshould be the first to convert.
Transportation Board
Are you looking at additional incentives to reduce VMT beyond
the currentplans? We need to look at more.
Transportation Board
Are there any other types of disincentives beyond parking?
P44 availability'
VMT reduction is not achievable if we need people to not drive 3
Transportation Board
days/week. Have someone take on the job to work with the
private sector to see what inhibitor is hurting teleworking. Get
businesses interested in a more efficient fleet/autos.
Transportation Board
I would like to see the trash districting on the list of priority
Did anyone notice the City of Longmont compacts trash in the
Transportation Board
truck and waits to dump it when the truck is full. This reduced
the VMT needed to -and -from the landfill.
Global warming seems ominous. I think we should consider the
Transportation Board
established 2010 goal. If 20% is the goal scientists promote, we
shouldn't consider any other goal
Transportation Board
We need to keep alternative modes —SAFE. Then people will use
May 19,
Electric Board
Suppose we use all hydropower, would we drop to zero
Wood Street
Electric Board
Are all transportation forms lumped together in the emissions
audit and forecast?
Electric Board
Is it possible to receive money for a fuel cell pilot?
Electric Board
How much under "Reduced City Building" initiative is already
being done?
Electric Board
Are we looking into LED's at the Utilities?
On solar hot water heaters, do we know the average repair costs?
Electric Board
3% of the systems failing seems for the age of many systems
Electric Board
Are the transportation numbers in these initiatives supported by
the transportation measure defeated in April.)
Electric Board
Aren't recycling ratesdeclining? Isn't the market poor.
Electric Board
ere isn't a way that the streetlights could be lowered at a certain
time in the evenm ?
Electric Board
Is this plan written in anticipation of emissions trading and a
carbon tax?
Electric Board
Is this program all based on the Kyoto conference?
The idea is, if Council approves this plan, they would delegate
Electric Board
City Departments to adopt, implement, and budget for some or
all of these initiatives over the next ten years.