HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 12/17/1997r
Meeting Minutes
December 17, 1997
The meeting of the Transportation Board was called to order at 5:59 p.m. Board
members present included: Tim Johnson, Steve Hanna, Dan Gould, Alan Beatty, Paul
Perlmutter, Chris Ricord, Donn Hopkins and Sara Frazier.
Staff members present included: Randy Hensley, Kelli Ann Cordova, Matt Baker,
Kathleen Reavis, Gary Diede, Tom Frazier, Ron Phillips, and Cindy Scott.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the last meeting were not yet available for approval.
Council Liaison Reports
A report was given by Sally Craig, P & Z Board, stating that as part of the 1998
Work Plan they will interface with other boards.
John Fooks of the Air Quality Board, stated how a large portion of the Air
Quality issues are related to Transportation issues. Example: how more than
90% of the carbon monoxide comes from the vehicles on city streets. It was
suggested that perhaps those projects that are identical to both the Air Quality
Board and the Transportation Board could be worked on at the same time. And
could help ease the confusion to City Council -- instead of getting numerous
written recommendations on a project from several boards, they would instead
receive only one recommendation from all boards, jointly, which may be
involved in the particular project. Example of this confusion given was the
growth rate which recently was received by Council from several boards with
differing numbers. The boards should first meet jointly to reach a consensus on
issues and then forward on those recommendations to Council. Some "like"
issues for the Air Quality Board and Transportation Board are the Transportation
Maintenance Fee, Street Oversizing, Alternate Transportation (being studied by
the MPO), Mason Street Corridor, Traffic Light Systems, Intelligent Roadways,
etc. The real goal is to form "joint committees."
DECEMBER 17, 1997 PAGE 2
Lucinda Smith, Natural Resources, thanked the Transportation Board for
working on the carbon monoxide project. She stated how benchmarking has
been used extensively in private industry over the past several years and how
it is beginning to be used more in the public sector. She stated that the process
they are currently using involves: (1) Developing a citizen's Air Quality survey;
(2) Examine how other communities are accomplishing this issue; and (3) To
recommend process improvements that are applicable to Fort Collins. She then
stated some of the results of the citizen's Air Quality survey. A couple of
results of interest included general improvements to the traffic system and
addressing large truck traffic that passes through the northern corridor of Fort
Collins. The three main issues which arose from this survey are related to
Transportation issues also. The project which was selected to benchmark is
Traffic Signalization and/or Control Systems. There was some discussion
concerning the funding of the benchmark project and what funds were currently
earmarked for this, priority ranking of this project, how other communities are
handling this problem, etc.
It was discussed how "timely communication" on joint projects is very
important and how quickly a year can go by if boards are sending items back
and forth for consideration and discussion. "Timely" means boards meeting
together on the same night for discussions, or subcommittees being formed.
Discussion was held on Street Oversizing and NEXUS and the steps that would
be taken to explain it to the board, examples, etc. and possibly give the board
the opportunity to redo their recommendation to City Council. A couple of
important key concepts include NEXUS being a connection or link. What "we"
usually refer to when talking about NEXUS is how it relates to the development
process, and when we talk about the link we mean the impacts of the
development and the exactions we impose on that development. The concepts
we currently have on NEXUS are a matter of interpretation.
Kathleen Reavis and Matt Baker discussed a recent development project that
had come through the City. The project looked at this evening was the
Jefferson Commons project on west Elizabeth. They discussed what was
required when this project came in under the LDGS, what would be required if
it came in today, and what can be required as related to NEXUS. Discussion
was had on some problems that arose on this project and how they possibly
could have been resolved under the current system, what could and could not
have been required under NEXUS, etc.
DECEMBER 17 1997
There was some discussion on the maps and how the calculations for new
developments and redevelopments are arrived at and about adding up the costs
of Street Oversizing and how they are attributed to development. There was
also discussion about how the costs for capital improvements are calculated and
the levels of service are determined. Gary briefly explained "levels of service"
and increases to levels of service. There was brief discussion on "margin of
error" in calculations regarding Transit service.
Some discussion was held regarding the impact fees and the "loopholes" that
were in the planning cycle years ago and whether or not they were still there.
It was stated that back in the late 70's traffic studies were not required. It is
believed that all the "loopholes" are now covered and that studies have to be
done today. There was brief discussion on County Road 32 and its impact.
Discussion was held on the County and how they are trying to come up with
"County Wide" impact fees or "Area Fees" (example: between Loveland and
Fort Collins) and that they'll have a different fee from what the City has. The
County does not want to have three or four fees (i.e., inside the Urban Growth
Area, Fort Collins, Loveland) because that would be a nightmare, but instead
they are trying to balance all things out and moving toward trying to apply a fee
on the impacts.
There was discussion in consideration of the old letter from Paul Valentine to
City Council recommending adoption of the staff Street Oversizing proposal.
There was some discussion regarding the methodology used in calculating road
impact fees, how development was to be congratulated for improving their
standards, determining development impacts in trip generation, and how
developers are now paying more for their portion, etc. It was stated that
perhaps it should be emphasized that what is being looked at for Street
Oversizing is modification of the program. We're trying to make sure the fee
is appropriate for the cost. It was moved by Alan to send the recommendation
to Council, seconded by Paul Perlmutter and carried unanimously. Tim and
other board members will redo the language in the recommendation and come
up with a final version.
DECEMBER 17, 1997 PAGE 4
II. Board Reports
Sara Frazier passed out the Clean Cities Stakeholder letter, asking for
recommendations that could be made to Council to pay for $250/year board
membership. Sara moved to ask Council to pay for membership and Alan
seconded. Motion carried unanimously. It was determined that staff needs to
draft a letter to Council from the Transportation Board about the Clean Cities
motion. Sara has attended most of the meetings and feels that this is a very
important board.
Paul asked if Streets could explain the impacts of the new street standards on
snow plowing efforts (positive or negative). Both issues will be addressed by
a Streets representative at the next board meeting.
Chris suggested that someone from the Streets Division should be on the next
agenda to discuss snow and gravel in the bike paths on east Drake and
Alan stated he'd like an update on Transfort and Dial -A -Ride on problems he's
hearing from bus drivers.
Dan would like to stay current on Transportation Alternatives Feasibility Study
(TAFS) meeting times and dates, progress reports, etc. He would also like a
short overview on the status of the transportation funding issues and would like
the elements of the "vision" reviewed periodically.
Tim wanted to thank the visitors at tonight's board meeting and asked board
members to reciprocate with Air Quality and Planning & Zoning visitation.
Board liaison volunteer assignments are:
Benchmark Committee
P & Z
P & Z
P & Z
Mass Transit
Air Quality
DECEMBER 17 1997
N x enda:
It was suggested that the agenda for the next finance subcommittee include a
Maintenance discussion.
It was asked when will there be a replacement for Paul Valentine?
It was suggested that a letter to Paul thanking him for his services be drafted
and sent to him.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.