HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 11/15/1995Draft Minutes to be approved by the Transportation Board at the December 20,1995 meeting. TRANSPORTATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 15,1995 6:00-8:35 P.M. FOR REFERENCE: Chair -- Colin Gerety 546-0460 Vice Chair Paul Valentine 493-0100 Council Liaison Will Smith 223-0425 Staff Liaison Tom Frazier 224-6052 Secretary -- Cindy Scott 224-6058 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Alan Beatty, Sara Frazier, Colin Gerety, Dolores Highfield, Donn Hopkins, Tim Johnson, Ray Moe, Paul Perlmutter & Paul Valentine. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Mark Egeland (called) and Elizabeth Hudetz (called). STAFF/COUNCIL GUESTS PRESENT: Susanne Edminster, Tom Frazier, Ron Phillips, Gary Diede, Matt Baker, Laura Varden - Staff AGENDA: Call to Order Approval of Minutes A. PUBLIC COMMENT B. ACTION ITEMS 1. 1996 Work Plan - Adoption 2. Retreat Agenda C. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. City Plan Discussion 2. Proposed Increase to Street Oversizing Fee 3. T-NOTES (UPDATES) 4. Board Member Reports 5. Council Liaison Reports 6. Staff Reports 7. Summary/Next Agenda 8. Other Business Gerety called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. There was a motion and a second to approve the October 18,1995 Transportation Board meeting minutes as presented Board members Gerety and Frazier commented that formal titles are not necessary when referring to them in the minutes. The motion carried by a unanimous vote. A. PUBLIC COMMENT None B.1. 1996 WORK PLAN Gerety asked if the Board would like to accept the plan as presented in draft form. Valentine said that this is fine as a plan, but he would like to hold the item until Saturday's retreat to discuss details further. Phillip said that the work plan can be adopted and refined as needed. Changes can be made even after adoption. There was a motion and a second to adopt the proposed 1996 Work Plan as presented. The motion carried by a unanimous vote. Cindy will file it with the City Clerk's office before the November 30 deadline. B.2. RETREAT AGENDA The retreat will be held on November 18 from 9:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. at the Edward's House. Lunch will be provided as well as breaks/snacks. Suzanne Jarboe -Simpson will not be available to facilitate. Edminster asked all the board members what they would like to get out of the retreat to ensure that when setting the agenda, everyone's needs will be met. Frazier: The Board needs to have time to talk about their own personal visions and goals for transportation. Highfield: Getting to know the other members better is important and to have an icebreaker similar to what was done last year. She would also like a session where the Board can share things that people in the community have asked members about, to discuss whom these things can be directed to (Community Issues) in the Transportation Services Area. Beatty: 1) Bus transportation, inter -urban connections, tie the North Front Range together; 2) Disability issues; 3) Commuter air service; and 4) Better understanding of CSU issues. Moe: Work loads seem overwhelming, we need an opportunity to decide what our different interests are so each member can tackle certain items. 2 r 9 • Hopkins: Agreed with Moe. Would like to bring forward what he knows about the university's planning efforts. Both long and short term. Perlmutter: There are other things that are happening in City government that relates to transportation and it gets confusing. I would like to better understand and keep abreast of those things. Most of the board's time seems to be spent in having things presented to us and there seems to be no structure in terms of what we do that period of time. We need to know if we need to respond and in what way. We need to spend some time on our vision. Valentine: Getting to know each other better is important and he agreed that the Board absorbs a lot of information from presentations and then don't do anything with it. Gerety: 1) Where is the City going and where does the City say that it is going? 2) What does the City want to happen? 3) What does the Board want to happen and how are we most effective in doing that? Johnson: 1) Visions; and 2) Funding structure for transportation in Fort Collins. Edminster said that there appears to be some commonality. The retreat should start off with some introductions and "getting to know each other" exercises. She said that a possible focus could be on why it is that everyone is here and from there, get an idea of what the vision is for everyone individually. She also said that there was mention of wanting to find out about the city, the staff, who is responsible for what, where is the city going overall and in addition, what are the expectations of this Board? There are some big items and there may not be time to get into details such as discussing the disability issues. Mr. Frazier passed out packets of information for the board to read before the retreat. Edminster said that she and Marc Engemoen (facilitator) will put together a retreat agenda based on the comments heard tonight. She will attempt to come up with something that will be refreshing and entertaining as well as productive. C�7f l��i/�1►:\`►i 7 (.Y�111.X9SI]�I Mr. Frazier said that there will be a workshop tomorrow from 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. at the Senior Center to get input on what people feel is important to the community. It will be organized similar to the City Dialogue program. There will be divisions of land use, environment, open land, transportation, population, economic viability, community image and design. There will be a facilitator at each one of those areas for discussion. Varden said that as an addendum to what Frazier said, she and Moe are working more closely on the Civic Center Advisory Committee project, are sharing transportation and parking data, and that this plan is moving forward along with the City Plan. The Board discussed the Visual Preference Survey and their impressions of it in general. C.2. PROPOSED INCREASE TO STREET OVERSIZING FEE - Baker Mr. Baker from Engineering explained that the current street oversizing program has worked fairly well. (He referred to some visuals.) He said we have been able to provide arterial streets to newly developing areas by taking a fee from the people who are building or developing those new houses and using that money to construct the streets. However, there are things that are not funded in the current oversizing street model and those modifications are what the new proposal is about. They are: an inflation factor of the construction costs (no increase since 1986); additional traffic signals; operation upgrades; alternative modes; open space street construction; bridges and box culverts. Mr. Baker then went into more detail on each of the modifications. The process for this item is to: 1) go to the Transportation Board for input on each of the modifications, whether to include them or not. 2) Take this out for the cost of services, do a couple of open houses; 3) Bring a recommendation to Council. After a question/answer period, there was a motion to support the new fee increases to include inflation adjustment, additional signals, operation upgrades, alternative modes, open space street construction, bridges and box culverts. There was a second and the motion carried by a unanimous vote. The board would also like staff to investigate the following policy issues: - Should new development pay for all the costs to improve the arterial and collector streets, rather than using the General Fund to help pay for these costs? - Should we expand the square mile cost analysis for determining the fee to a larger land area model? - Should we have more fee categories to address the impacts relating to the location of the land use, i.e., a business located centrally as opposed to being on the outskirts of the city? C.3. T-NOTES (UPDATES) a. Transportation Demand Management Deferred until the next meeting. 4 b. Transit Development Plan Deferred until the next meeting. C. Master Transportation Plan Varden said that she provided the scope of work in the packets which has been signed off on and is ready to contract out. She explained that basically, we are revising the Master Transportation Plan from scratch which includes political components such as the Master Street Plan, setting down level of service criteria by mode, putting in a capital improvement plan for the project, looking at environmental tasks and the environmental relationships to transportation and air quality, historical preservation, etc. This plan will be finished in July. Frazier added that staff will have key decision points for each plan ready for the Board's reference at the retreat. d. Transportation Maintenance Fee (Formerly TUF) Edminster said that the City attorney would like staff to stop using the word "utility" due to Amendment 1 as it does treat utilities different from other funds. She asked that the Board spend a majority of their time at the next meeting talking about TMF because staff is on a very tight time frame. In order to get this implemented in 1996, which is the recommendation of the City Manager and the Finance Director, staff has to move this along quickly. Everything should be ready in one package for the Board's review at the next meeting. CA. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Gerety said that the Mayor would be hosting a program tomorrow night, channel 27, called Perspectives and the topic will be traffic. Ms. Frazier said that she has been invited to be on the selection committee for the marketing/advertising firm for the advertising on buses/bus stops. The interviews are next week and she said that if anyone has any thoughts or ideas, to let her know as soon as possible at her home number. C.5. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS None C.6. STAFF REPORTS No time C.7. SUMMARY/NEXT AGENDA - Master Transportation Plan - TDM (Goes before City Council in Jan.) - TDP (Goes before City Council in Jan.) - Transportation Maintenance Fee (Goes before City Council in January) The group agreed to talk about the next agenda in more detail at their retreat. C.S. OTHER BUSINESS There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. 64. C S0 Cindy L. 9cott, Secretary