HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommission On Disability - Minutes - 05/10/1982j_ T T T E S
MAY 10, 1982
The regular xeeting of the Commission On Disability was called to
order by chairperson Rosemary Freston at 6:40 P.H. on 1ionday, T!iay 10,
1982, in the new ',Tunicipal Building, 300 `rest LaPorte Avenue, Fort Col-
lins, Colorado.
MBI' ERS PRESBITT: Connie Anne 3rakken, Eldon L. Decker, Dana S.
Hiatt, Nancy p. Jac':son, Charlotte ?;anode, Rose-
mary Kreston, Dorothy Lasley, Eetty Shuey.
„ob,.ae , u,; e, A7_ida Ioinaz, :-i're iieyers
S7' .FT': Linda. Pr_etz
(' 9S"'S: Julia Judson
Dorothy T.asloy nade a motion that the minutes from the April meet-
ing be accepted *vith the following changes: The time the meeting was
called to order was 6:45 P..I. rather than 7:45 P.:j-., and Tancy Jackson
suggested that the restaurant accessibility guide be added to the objec-
tives of Foal 1,=2. The motion was seconded and carried.
Rosemary Freston noted that the restaurant accessibility guide will
soon be available for distribution. Copies are being sent to the Chamber
of Co unerce, the Iarimer County Association of the 31ind and Physically
Handicapped, and the Office of Resources for Disabled Students at CSU.
Further copies will be put on sale at $1.00 each to help defray print-
ing costs.
J1don Decker reported that the Library Board meetings are now offic-
ially changed to the second Tuesday of each month instead of the second
Wednesday as wa:, previously scheduled.
In discussing the proposed awards guidelines, T,osemary Preston
suggested. some revisions such as cate;orizing the honors. The appointed
conunittee will neet to consider the changes and report at -the .text
Connie Brakken stated she had met with Nancy Jackson and Bobbie Guye
on April 30 to or-anize entries in the resource directory. She will finish
summarizing them and submit the finalized material to Linda Pretz's office
for typing.
Betty Shuey revealed her committee on goal #1 had not formally met,
but had conversed via telephone and decided to draft a letter invitint.
representatives of other groups servinE; handicapped to attend some COD
meetings so they could express their needs and concerns, and perhaps
suggest ways the COD could be of support. The committee also thought
some Groups for parents with disabled children should be included.
7osemary Yreston was of the opinion that the objectives set forth
by the committee on goal - 2 needed to be prioritize?. The members will
meet again to discuss that aim and reveal their decisions at the next
According to Dana Hiatt, the committee for goal #3 are still in the
process of clarifying their objectives.
Rosemary Kreston admonished all existing sub -committees for goals
to devise a plan of action for attaining the objectives they have out-
Connie Brakken commented she had learned frog the Crisis Center
that their immediate need in compiling the accessibility Guide is to
be educated on what "accessible" really means. Rosemary Kreston offered
to give advice on setting up guidelines and to furnish some literature.
Nancy Jackson gave a summary from Bobbie Guye concerning the voting
poll accessibility survey conducted last year by the Political Process
committee of the IYDP Task Force. Only 2 V of the voters to whom the
questionnaires were mailed responded, representing nine precincts.
Since the reapportionment of districts was completed, no further survey
has been made. it was suggested that some publicity be done to encourage
disabled residents to register to vote, and enlightening them of the
alternative, ways to vote if their particular precinct is inaccessible.
Charlotte Kanode was appointed to contact the League of Women Voters to
inquire if they would be willing to do the publicity work. She will re-
port her findings at the June meeting.
In the absence of Bobbie Guye, Nancy Jackson reported that Bobbie
had made the decision to mail out the monthly newsletter from the handi-
capped community on the fourth week of each month, beginning in Nay. It
would therefore follow the COD meetings so all announcements could be in-
Rosemary Kreston read the letter Bobbie Guye had drafted to Mayor
Cassell concerning his official proclamation for designating 1982 as the
National Year of Disabled Persons in Fort Collins. She chose to revise
it and will submit a cony of the finalized version to Bobbie for the
secretary's file.
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C.:D 3iAl,. ;:!Eh. Iir�P� F�I_Nram.�,, a -age _
?anc;r Jac'_ -son mentioned that the public comment -from 00D -!_with
Do'abie sent to the Coloradoan newspaper hac been nullliohed unde_- the
"Guest .pinions" -feature on Saturday, Ia., 8, 1982.
3osemar I:restan reviewed the -!)7=1'* workshop on Section 504 she
had attended in Denver last month. The main objective of the confer-
ence was to educate delegates in ways to mobilize Lheir communities
toward efforts to refute the revisions in the 504 guidelines. Since
then, ^osemary said she had composed three different form letters
which were distributed to CSU students for their signature, then mailed
to their respective legislators.
he thought it appropriate that OOD organize some sort of drive
which %.ould effectively advise the ;_Department of Justice that our com-
munity objects to the proposed revisions. It would be especially i*r-
portant to do this d,?._in:: the period for -public comment following the
publication of the conten.pla ced changes in t'_Ie Federal register. fancy
Jackson and 7�oserlary Tall select a, project to be carried out by COD
aIld notifZr eacA member of thei:P contributiu:., Dana Hiatt
volunteered to serve as a. resource consultant.
EQPTIO: G7 0771=h
rosemary Irestor. reminded those present that nominations for new
officers will be made at the June ,ieetiilL�, ant. asked 'l-hat everyone
give it some t'Iou`ht before then.
"_'here being no further business, Charlotte Kanode made a motion
that the meeting be adjourned at 8:15 P„,. The motion was seconded
and carried.
P.espectfully submitted,
obbie C^aye