HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommission On Disability - Minutes - 01/10/19830
JANUARY 10, 1983
The regular meeting of the Commission On Disability was called to
order by chairperson Bobbie Guye at 6:50 P.M. on Monday, January 10,
1983, in the new Municipal Building, 300 W. LaPorte Avenue, Fort Col-
lins, CO.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Eldon Decker, Bobbie Guye, Pat Crist, Nancy
Jackson, Charlotte Kanode, Rosemary Kreston,
Dorothy Lasley, Betty Pidcock, Betty Shuey,
Rosalie Smith.
CITY STAFF: Diana Royval
GUESTS: Nancy Berry (Diabetes Foundation)
Dorothy Lasley made a motion that the reading of last month's
minutes be dispensed with and accepted as written with the following
corrections: Page 1: Chairperson of the Budget Committee is Betty
Shuey; the Resource Directory is being readied for its first printing;
Page 2: The NYDP Awards Sub -Committee was working on awareness; Page
3: Diana Royval read a thank you letter from Ellen Bartlett concern-
ing her opportunity to participate in the Mayor's Awards Breakfast
and Awareness Day, and Bobbie Guye already sent thank you letters to
all persons involved. The motion was seconded and carried.
Betty Shuey introduced guest speaker Nancy Berry, President of the
Fort Collins chapter of the Diabetes Foundation, who explained some of
the facts concerning diabetes. Eleven million persons in the United
States suffer from the two types of diabetes which are either hereditary
or caused by a virus. It is characterized by the body's inability
to utilize sugars, and must be treated with daily insulin shots. The
incidence of diabetes in Fort Collins is twice that of the national
statistics. Complications of the disease can cause blindness due to
ruptured blood vessels in the eyes, kidney failure resulting in the
need for regular dialysis treatments, and heart attacks or loss of
limbs because of blockage of large blood vessels. New medical advan-
ces are simplifying treatments, however.
The Fort Collins chapter publishes a bi-monthly newsletter which
is mailed to 1400 subscribers, and any interested person may have their
name added to the list free of charge. Monthly meetings are held
every third Wednesday at Poudre Valley Hospital, and the chapter
maintains a speakers bureau, members of which will give educational
presentations to other groups. Mrs. Berry can be contacted at
484-5806 to make reservations and arrangements.
Evelyn Husar has agreed to be the COD liaison with the Senior
Citizens Board, and will be reporting on issues concerning the dis-
abled population of Fort Collins.
Bobbie Guye attended the December 15th meeting of the Mountain
Bell Consumer Panel of Fort Collins. All phone centers will be dis-
continued after January 1, 1983, and present stock cleared out.
Thereafter, American Bell telephones can be purchased from Sears,
Roebuck, & Company. Customers will have the opportunity to buy the
phones they presently have leased from Mountain Bell at a cost of
$19.95 per phone for ninety days, then the price will advance to $49
per unit. Insurance for inside wiring is available at .450 per month,
with no charge for repairs. Service warranties on equipment can also
be purchased.
It is estimated that measured service will be initiated by 1984
or 1985, and the next consumer panel meeting will discuss it at length.
Dorothy Lasley reported that the Community Action Board had a
Christmas party for their December meeting.
Nancy Jackson stated that the editorial drafted by the 504 Campaign
Committee was published in the January 8th edition of the Coloradoan,
but that it contained a typographical error which she would ask to be
corrected. She received a letter from the Department of Justice indi-
cating the public comment period on the upcoming Section 504 revisions
would be 120 days, and that several regional public hearings would be
Nancy plans to call a meeting of the committee later in the month,
at which time efforts will be concentrated on targeting support groups
to form a networking organization. Nancy, Rosemary Kreston, and Bobbie
Guye will be guest speakers at an in-service training session on Section
504 at Poudre Valley Hospital on January 18. A video tape concerning
504 and its meaning will be shown, followed by a panel discussion and
a question and answer period.
In the absence of Mike Meyers, there was no report on the progress
of the Resource Directorv.
Bobbie Guye read a letter of confirmation that the COD submission
for the NYDP Awards Contest had been received. Pat Crist suggested
that a copy of the narrative be sent to the City Council, and Bobbie
volunteered to do so. Additionally, she will write thank you letters
to Evelyn Husar and Ingrid Jackoway for their assistance in typing
the material.
Nancy Jackson incurred expenses of S9.64 in making copies of sup-
porting material sent. Dorothy Lasley made a motion that she be re-
imbursed that amount. The motion was seconded and carried.
Dorothy Lasley also received sample news releases which can be
used for publicity with the local media. Copies will be sent to the
Coloradoan newspaper.
Budget Committee Chairperson Betty Shuey said there would be a
report after the COD goals and objectives are revised and priorities
Bobbie Guye will call Mike Meyers concerning the display advertise-
ment he is working on for the Architectural Barriers Removal program.
She has -prepared some news releases and public service announcements to
be submitted to the Coloradoan and radio stations.
Betty Pidcock volunteered to be an alternate representative for
Bobbie Guye on the CDBG Citizens Steering Committee, and requested
that Diana Royval send her some background material. Nancy Jackson
felt she could attend some of the special meetings which are called
in addition to the regular meetings on the second Thursday of each
A discussion on re-evaluation of the COD goals and objectives
was held. It was decided that there should be a closer association
with all city government departments in a support and advisory capacity.
Also, advance examination of major issues concerning the handicapped
population is imperative, as well as developing a viable plan of action.
Rosemary Breston, Nancy Jackson, and Patricia Frisbie conferred
with Care -A -Van and Transfort director Marjorie Walsh on January 6
to get an update on the status of Transfort with the addition of the
nine new buses the city recently purchased. It was reiterated that
the two buses presently equipped with wheelchair lifts are obsolete
and will be retired as backup units. If needed, Care -A -Van will be
called into action during peak hours of ridership, and new routes
are being designed to accommodate more patrons.
As the situation new stands, no new buses will be purchased again
until sometime after 1985. The $157,000 formerly reported as excess
funding is earmarked for operating deficits.
It was Rosemary greston's contention that the city should be
commended for improving the transportation system which will benefit
developmentally disabled, but reminded that future buses ought to be
equipped with wheelchair lifts to accommodate the physically handi-
capped users, thus increasing their options for using Care -A -Van ex-
clusively. Dorothy Lasley made a motion that Rosemary and Nancy Jack-
son write a letter to that effect to the City Council. The motion was
seconded and carried.
A special meeting of the COD to work on revising the goals and ob-
jectives was called for Monday, January 24 at 7:00 P.M. in the Old
Firehouse at 232 Walnut Street. Diana Royval will send out copies of
the present ones with this month's minutes.
Rosemary Kreston compiled a letter of thanks to Mayor Cassell for
inviting members of city boards and commissions to the performance of
"A Christmas Carol" at the Lincoln Center in December. As soon as
it is typed, Diana Royval will send it to Bobbie Guye for her signature
as COD chairperson.
Nancy Jackson reported there is a slide show presentation concern-
ing employment of handicapped in transportation available from Marjorie
Walsh's office. Bobbie Guye will call Marj to try to reserve it for
the February 14 COD meeting.
There being no further business, Dorothy Lasley made a motion that
the meeting be adjourned at 8:50 P.M. The motion was seconded and
Eldon Decker
Respectfully submitted,
Bobbie Guye