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Draft minutes to be approved by the Board at the January 18, 1995 meeting.
DECEMBER 21, 1994 5:50 - 7:50 P.M.
Colin Gerety
Vice Chair
— Paul Valentine
Council Liaison
— Will Smith
Staff Liaison
— Rick Ensdorff
Board Secretary
— Cindy Scott
Alan Beatty, Mark Egeland, Sara Frazier, Colin Gerety, Dolores Highfield, Paul Perlmutter, and
Paul Valentine.
Elizabeth Hudetz and Dave Lemesany
Chair Gerety called the meeting to order at 5:50 p.m.
1. Approval of Minutes
2. Bus Shelter Advertisement
3. 1995 Work Plan
1. North College Avenue Plan - Briefing
2. Fort Collins/Loveland Corridor - Briefing
3. Meeting Summary/Next Meeting Agenda
4. Board Member's Comments
5. Other Business
There was a motion, a second and a unanimous vote to approve the November 16, 1994
Transportation Board meeting minutes as presented.
Daggett noted that the reason for bringing this to the Transportation Board is that this item
is going to City Council on January 3. He referenced a letter to the Planning and Zoning
Board that was included in the packets. It explains that Transfort is asking Council to put an
exception in the Sign Code for bus shelter advertising. Only one of the side panels of the
shelters would have ads. Bus benches are excepted in the sign code because their primary
purpose is for something other than advertisement, so in this regard, it is the same as bus
benches in the sense that the shelter is really there for purposes other than advertising.
Daggett said that Council will be asked to except the shelters and as explained in the letter,
Transfort is taking about a $120,000 hit from the federal government for 1995 and this is one
of two programs that are designed to make up that short fall. This particular program will
produce about $35,000 of revenue to Transfort and the other program, putting external
advertising on the buses, will produce about $100,000.
He went over the packet of information: Page 1 is the letter that explains the two programs
he just talked about. Page 2 is an announcement about the advertising. Page 3 shows why
shelters should be excepted: they are a much needed customer amenity for transit
passengers; shelters can add non -tax revenue to funding for transit services in Fort Collins;
shelters can help meet Transfort's ADA responsibilities - it is all farmed out to a private
company who are building and maintaining the shelters; shelter capitalization and
maintenance can be transferred to the private sector.
The concept is to go to bid and select a firm. That firm would agree to build x shelters per
year with a long term agreement to be able to advertise on one panel within the shelter. That
will pay for the pouring of the pad, construction of the shelter, purchase of the shelter
materials and also give Transfort a revenue of about $35,000 a year and generate a profit
for the company who is doing it. In the next 5 - 10 years, there will bean increase in shelters
starting with 15 and then 20, 25, 30 and so on. There are currently 17 shelters in the city
system out of 545 bus stops. Obviously, there is not much coverage from the weather for
Phillips added that this is a proposal to exempt the city from it's own rules for the social
purpose of providing shelters at no cost to the city and providing revenue to help offset some
of the expense of providing transit services.
Gerety asked if there are size limits - Daggett replied that it is limited to the side panel of the
shelter. The Board asked a few more questions and then Chair Gerety asked if the board
would like to make a recommendation to the City Council. He said that there seems to be
a general feeling of endorsement with a few concerns such as: making sure to get the
highest price possible; that some stops be reserved for Transfort ads; that the funds should
be pumped back into Transfort as opposed to general funds; and having limits in the
ordinance restricting the types, content, size and style of ads. Gerety will compose a letter
with a recommendation outlining these concerns.
A.3. 1995 WORK PLAN
Chair Gerety stated that he talked with everyone about the past year and where the Board
is heading. He heard concerns about how much the board initiates versus how much they
track and how the board communicates. He and Ensdorff came up with a similar work plan
for 1995 as the one for 1994 that outlines the items that will be tracked by members and lists
major projects for direct action. Egeland suggested that there be a place on the agenda for
staff to update the board on what has happened in the last month to improve communication.
Chair Gerety went over the work plan, briefly going over each project listed. After a
discussion, it was agreed that "Major Projects" would be renamed "Direct Board Action" and
"On -going Projects" would be titled "Board Monitoring". After a discussion, there was a
motion, a second and a unanimous vote to approve the following the 1995 Work Plan:
- Transportation Financial Plan
- One-way Couplet
- Transportation Demand Management
- Comprehensive Plan/ Land Use/Urban Design
- Pedestrian Plan
- Downtown Parking Plan
- Transit Development Plan
- Prospect/Shields Neighborhood Plan
- Alternative Transportation Program
- Harmony Road Bike Project Design
- LaPorte Lot Operation (Alternative Transportation)
- Statewide Transportation Plan
- Bus Fares
- Timberline Extension
- College/Prospect (design)
- College/Drake (design) ?
- Taft Hill/Drake (design) ?
- Vermont Underpass (design)
- SH 14/US 287 Corridor
- Statewide Plans for Transportation
- Bikeway Plan
- Rail Feasibility
- Fort Collins/Loveland Corridor Plan
Cindy will submit the final plan to the City Clerk's office tomorrow.
Sandy Lemberg: My perception of what's going on is that the Board now looks like it is taking
more initiative than I have seen, but the main thrust of my comments is going to be to
suggest that the board do just that which is to take initiative. It seems that the make-up of
the board since I've known it has been basically in favor of alternative modes, but it
sometimes gets sidetracked by staff and I was hoping to see the board take more initiative,
for instance, on rail feasibility. Specifically, there are a bunch of new stop signs. Some on
Peterson by the library and one at Cherry/Sherwood. The traffic light on Mountain and
Shields were changed so that it's only green for one direction at a time for east/west. I don't
believe that this board knew about any of these things before they happened, the city just
does these things, I don't think that this is right. It seems as if it is the policy of the city to put
up more and more stops, causing congestion, pollution, totally unnecessarily. The board
needs to adopt a policy stating that it needs to see those things first.
Regarding the Statewide Transportation Planning (Regional Transportation Plan), the MPO
was told in no uncertain terms by 50 people that that is not what people want. First of all,
their public outreach process was inadequate and Citizen Planners and some other people
are now going forward and asking the feds to rework the plan because they didn't allow
adequate citizen input. Basically, they met for a year and a half and pretty much did what
they pleased, they put their notices of meetings as a 2" x 2" ad on the back page of the
newspaper. They called that their process saying that they did everything they could, but
they continued to do the same thing, so we finally asked people to come. We put up posters,
sent out mailings and got 50 people to the meeting and every person that came, except staff,
wanted more in alternative modes and did not want more roads built and now they are talking
about widening 1-25. Phillips interjected that it is not the MPO, the MPO is not pushing for
widening of 1-25. Lemberg: Widening of 1-25 is going to do nothing, it will not have any
positive effects, so I feel that Council should (and this Board should ask them to do that)
make a statement to CDOT that they are concerned, this is unacceptable and that they will
do whatever they can to fight it.
Phillips stated that there was an article referring to 1-25 between Colorado Springs and
Denver and Senator Ray Powers is from Colorado Springs and he is the one that is going
to be pushing to take the 80 million dollars that now comes off the top of each HTF monies
and put it back into roads, but there is no discussion of 1-25 north of Denver.
Lemberg: I was hoping that this Board would just take the reins and look around and
address these and other issues, because I think that it is critical.
Planner Clark Mapes stated that this presentation was scheduled 6 weeks ago when it was
thought that this board would be in the "critical path" of the approval process for both the Fort
Collins/Loveland Corridor and the North College Avenue Plan and as it turns out, this is not
a critical time for the board after all. He said that he will go ahead and bring the board up
to date. He then gave a slide presentation. To touch on the basic highlights, they were:
1. Community identity - separate identity, each have own history.
2. Rural character - open land, natural areas
3. Identity of exactly where the corridor is
0 r
4. Support transportation systems that compliments the land use plan without
more stop lights on major roads
5. Support land use "clustering" to maintain separateness
Mr. Mapes stated that the adoption process was supposed to be done by now. However,
it will go through the City Councils, then a joint meeting of the Councils and County
Commissioners in late January and then what comes out of that will be a final draft that will
go to the Planning & Zoning Board and the boards of the other agencies for a
recommendation. The plan might be adopted in March.
Gerety stated that in looking back, there has been talk of the plan going to the voters for a
number of years and they have yet to do something about this. We missed a great
opportunity. People talk about the government taking and down -zoning land and by making
it so that the property seems less valuable tomorrow than it was today. Then the other half
of that is the government up -zoning of property. One of the things that encourages
development is the government providing the infrastructure and over a period of thirty years,
all the infrastructure which was necessary for development was provided and now we say,
now we don't want anybody to develop, despite the fact that there is sewer, phone, and
electricity already there. The only thing which is missing in the corridor for development is
a fully developed transportation infrastructure. We missed the boat on the corridor because
we didn't decide as a government and as communities where we were going to provide
infrastructure and where we were not going to provide infrastructure. Now we have to pay
again for the increased value that we put in it by putting the infrastructure in it.
In regards to the new sewage treatment plant, Gerety asked if we are going to be providing
sewage treatment to people outside of the urban growth area. If so, then in the next few
years then the city may be providing a sewage infrastructure which encourages urban sprawl
outside of the urban growth area, and there is no Council policy against this?! Phillips
responded that there could be. He said you have to try to balance the fact that there is
already sewage treatment in areas outside the city which is not doing a good job of treating,
so do you ignore that and have a water quality problem or do you say, well it's already
happened so we're just making it better? Gerety stated government has traditionally
responded exclusively in the direction of providing additional service.
Due to time constraints, this item has been deferred until another meeting.
Egeland: - The Vermont Underpass design contract has been signed. The underpass
will hopefully be done before the new Fort Collins High School is open.
- The Hickory/Redwood project will be done in about 3 months.
- The last sign has been posted in the Bikeway Signage project.
- Bikes on buses is coming in 1995.
- Bike Parking project - he would like to hear more on that.
Valentine: - The bike survey results should be ready next month, there was a computer
glitch causing a delay. The most popular message overall was that there
needs to be a much larger education component than even the focus group
- N. College Avenue Plan update
- Congestion Management Plan Recommendation
- Beatty stated that perhaps the Board should be informed about what went into traffic
changes like stop light and signs. This will be on a future agenda.
- Egeland suggested that the public comment portion be conducted the same way as City
Council so as not to get involved in discussions or arguments.
There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Cindy L. cott, Secretary