HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 02/07/1996Tran•rtation Services
Office of the Director
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• Funding transportation maintenance in an amount adequate to maintain the current level
of service
• Ongoing maintenance of on -street bike lanes
• Construction of twenty-three necessary bicycle facility construction projects identified in
the City Bicycle Program Plan
• Bicycle education/encouragement coordinator position as recommended in the Bicycle
Program Plan
• Major expansion of multi -modal transportation programs as adopted in the Transit
Development Plan and Transportation Demand Management Plan
• Additional marketing to increase usage of alternative modes
• Planning, design, and construction of the HWW 287/14 truck routelbypass
• Integration of the railroad tracks into the community - effective commuter rail
• New program to move children between activity centers to reduce the number of vehicles
traveling to the same location
• Establishment of"urban" places that are lively for pedestrians; enhance walking
• Creation of transportation centers
• Mechanism for growth to pay for transit system expansion; involving developers and
others in the process
• Enhanced accessibility for those with disabilities including pedestrian audio signals for
visually impaired
• Increased funding for regional transportation connections
• Street Oversizing Fee review and adjustments
• Funding for parking lot maintenance
625 Ninth Street • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6615
February 7, 1996
Page 2
Colin Gerety called the meeting to order at approximately 5:50 p.m.
There was a motion and a second to approve the January 17, 1996 Transportation Board
meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried to approve the minutes.
Colin Gerety asked the Board for comments on the most recent Transportation Board meeting. The
Board responded with comments in favor of the meeting, felt that a lot of ground was covered.
Members also commented, individually, on the study session for the Transportation Maintenance
Fee. They felt that it was a good productive meeting, felt they had been enlightened, felt there were
some disappointments, some commented that they had been unable to attend the Study Session.
1. TDhI - Transportation Demand Management - Eric Bracke, Kathleen Reavis
EdcBiacke discussed with the Board the progress being made in the TDM Program. The plan is
scheduled to go before the City Council for approval on 02-20-96 and scheduled for MPO adoption
on 3-07-96. Eric stated that there is still time to incorporate some comments from the Transportation
Eric stated that there were basically six different break-outs, in terms of years, and approximately
sixteen different strategies the Technical Advisory Committee, through public meetings, have
decided would be most effective. He also stated if the three year budget is approved by City Council
on 03-07-96, by 7-01-96 the region should have a locally implemented, regionally coordinated TDNI
Program. The City of Greeley and the City of Loveland have already submitted requests for funds
for start-up and to hire people to get going with their activities. Each of the regions have a different
type of program. There is approximately $800,000 being programmed in 1996 to get this up and
running, over $900,000 in 1997, and over $1,000,000 in 1998. One of the programs started already
is the Employee Transportation Coordinator network. This is a project Kathleen Reavis has been
working on, very hard, along with other transportation coordinators.
Kathleen Reavis spoke briefly to the Board, also, in reference to this program. She noted that the
highlight of this program is to look at the education on the outreach side and to come up with ways
to market the program, not just to commuters, but to all the different audiences that are out there;
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from children to seniors, and everyone in between. She said it was important to raise the overall
awareness around the community so that when we walk out to get into our vehicles, at least the
thought goes through our minds that there are a lot of options available other than driving. Kathleen
stated that to think of other options will be a cultural change, from single occupant vehicles to the
other options that will become available to the public. Along with the marketing plan is the new
name for this program, Smart Trip. The marketing of this program will reach a much broader
audience, not just Fort Collins but the region.
Fric Bracke continued in the discussion to make note to the Board that their team went out this
spring and summer and collected a significant amount of data; auto occupancy count, traffic
volumes, stopping people on the side of the road and tried to get a good handle on the way people
are traveling. This will be done every two to three years. The object of this type of survey is to find
out what is working and to expand on it and if it isn't working, discontinue it.
Eric then asked the Transportation Board for a recommendation to City Council, supporting or not
supporting the program. The premise of this is for the City Council to give Will Smith direction on
how to vote on 3-07-96 at the MPO meeting.
Paul Valentine added that this is the single most important thing we can be doing for transportation
in this area. Paul also stated that he felt CSU'students would object to the statement in the transit
program that students would ride free. He stated that they are already paying through their student
aonn Hgnkins suggested to Eric Bracke and Kathleen Reavis that they get a world-wide web page
and do marketing electronically. Donn feels that the front door of CSU is a computer terminal and
this would be anexcellent way to reach people. Kathleen Reavis agreed that this was a great plan.
Eric-R cke again told the Board they would really appreciate the support.
There were a lot of questions and discussion from Board members regarding strategy,
discontinuities, use of rails. Swa-Erazer expressed disappointment in the fact that there was no
mention of rails in the plan.
Ron Phillips stated that he was going to a first meeting, 02-12-96, regarding the Intercity Passenger
Rail Feasibility Study. Various regions in the counties and cities have divided increments to match
funds available from CDOT and Transportation Division for this statewide feasibility study. This
will be a nine month schedule. He said we would like to be ready to begin our regional feasibility
study between Denver, Boulder, Fort Collins, and Greeley. He said we had a lot of money to raise.
There is $75,000 in ISTEA money and the WO budget and is less than 15% of what we need total.
We will need at least $500,000.
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Tim tohncnn commended Kathleen Reavis for the repetitions in the TDM plan regarding bicycle
safety. He said he would like to see, perhaps separate and emphasized, rules of the road. He would
like to see more awareness, from students for example, as to which side of the road they should
actually be on when exiting from school. Tim said he feels that rules of the road knowledge should
start early and be repeated in the community.
Mark Fgeland, went over some of the percentages and statements in the program and felt that some
clarification should be made. Kathleen agreed to make those clarifications. He also wondered if it
would be worthwhile to target the female commuter as a separate target group. Kathleen stated they
hadn't really dealt that far into the different target markets. Tney plan to look at commuters as a
whole. Mark felt there might be some unique issues and Kathleen agreed.
Dolores- iighfield questioned Kathleen on one of the icons, which Kathleen clarified. Kathleen
stated that a lot of the icons will be placed with information beside them but this particular icon had
generated a lot of intrigue.
Colin aerery then diverted attention back to the letter of support from the Board to the City Council.
He asked Board and Staff for input. Eric-Bracke stated that this will not be a "quick fix" It will
involve long term commitment.
C-nlin =iy then asked the Board if they did, in fact, wish to send a letter to the City Council in
support of the TDM program and the Board said they did. Some of the wording of the letter would
include: (a) support for the program, (b) long standing interest in educating the public in
transportation options and choices, (c) involvement of a long term commitment and funding, and (d)
urging Council in their adoption of the program.
A motion was made and seconded to send a letter in support of the TDivI Program to the City
Council. The motion carried unanimously.
CQiin-arety said he would draft the letter to present to City Council and a copy would be included
in the next Transportation Board packet.
2. Air Quality Action Plan - Brian Woodruff, Susan Bilo
Brian Wondru from the Natural Resources Department began his presentation by thanking the
Board for granting him the time to speak with them. Most of his presentation was in the form of
overhead projection. Brian said the City Council would be having a work/study session on the Air
Quality Action Plan 03-12-96 and adoption of a new Air Quality Action Plan is scheduled for mid -
April. Brian told the Board that no action was expected from the Board at this meeting, but they
could take such an action during their April meeting
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Bri�n�n!ff then gave a quick review of some elements of the plan. The plan was adopted in
1993 and the goal that was adopted was to continually improve air quality as the City of Fort Collins
grows. It recognizes the fact that the City is growing but also recognizes that we want to have the
air continue to get better at the same time. It was decided to measure air quality progress every two
years and update the action plan for the next two years. Brian then exhibited charts and graphs
showing the relationship between motor vehicle emissions and vehicle miles traveled. The graph
shows a downward trend, towards the year 2000, based on newer cars being developed with cleaner
emissions, replacing the older cats. Improvements are also credited to oxygenated fuels, emissions
testing and maintenance program. When miles are multiplied by emissions per mile, total emissions
are obtained. He stated that the overall objective of the Air Quality Plan is continual improvement,
however, the vehicle miles traveled are growing faster than the emissions technology can keep up.
This does not represent improvement. Brian stated that we want to represent improvement, so we
want to at least keep the trend from reflecting upwards after the year 2000.
There is an objective in the plan to reduce both vehicle miles traveled and per mile emissions. The
Council decided to attack this problem looking at both issues. The object is to reduce the vehicle
miles traveled growth. Brian stated that he felt that every time this Board meets and discusses TD1vI
(Transportation Demand Management), then they are working on air quality control.
In a moment of light-heartedness, Brian then introduced Susan_Bi1o, Air Quality Advisory Board
member, who "deputized" the Transportation Board Members and "empowered" the Board to help
the Air Quality Advisory Board reduce vehicle miles traveled as it relates to transportation issues.
Susan then passed out silver "badges" and "swore in" the members of the Board.
Brian then offered the Board a review of past activities of the Air Quality Plan program and some
future plans including new goals, reduction of single occupancy trips, reduction of vehicle miles
traveled down to equal the population growth rate, financing plans, land use, goals and vision
statement and structure plan. Brian did tell the Board that their air quality monitoring site was near
the CSU campus. There was some discussion from Board members about the ozone and why it
doesn't seem to be getting better.
Colin expressed an interest in seeing the finished copy of the proposed Air Quality Action Plan and
Brian assured the Board that a copy would be available to them at their April meeting and a draft
would be available in March.
1. Cost of Services Update - Susanne Edminster
Susannel-dminster began by thanking the Board for their participation in the recent study session
for the Transportation Maintenance Fee. She felt it sent a very positive message to the City
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Council. The Council asked a lot of questions and had need for further information so they have
asked that they come back for another study session on 2-27-96. The anticipated first reading of an
ordinance could be 3-19-96.
Susanne went on to discuss impact fees. She stated that the street oversize fee is an impact fee.
Because of new growth in the community, it is believed'that a portion of that new growth is
responsible for other impacts throughout the city. They are looking for some sort of monetary
The Council Growth Management Committee instruct_d staff to take a look at whether there should
be more impact fees for things like streets, community parks, as well as general government and
library. Staff has been doing a lot of research. There is a strict legal test that needs to be met if an
impact fee is to be implemented. If the fee is collected, it had better be directly related to the impact
of those people who are paying that fee. This, presently, is called Cost of Services but it truly is the
thought of implementing more impact fees. It will be going to the Council 7-13-96 but it will be
later in the evening before it gets on. Susanne Edminster informed the Board that the City Attorney
had trade a recommendation that the Council not do impact fees, but do what is called an excise tax.
It doesn't have impact fee requirements.
Susanne also made note that an impact fee could add several thousand dollars to the cost of a
building permit. Tim n-on felt it would be helpful to a homeowner to know that, over a period
of years, this would translate to about $7 per month added to their mortgage payment.
aa„ 1 Valentine commented that he felt the community, faced with too many ballot tax issues, will
Rev_ tvlQe preferred the idea of an impact fee over an excise tax. He felt that this concern should
encompass a much bigger area, not just Fort Collins. He felt it should also include Larimer County
and Weld County.
a. Transit Development Plan Update - Ron Phillips
RonPhillips informed the Board that the TDP Plan was going to City Council for adoption on 2-20-
96 as well as the TDM plan they reviewed this evening. He encouraged the Board to either attend
or call City Council members and indicate support of these plans.
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b. Master Transportation Plan - Ron Phillips
Ron Ph;11T told the Board that on the 2-06-96 City Council meeting, the Council decided not to
act on the local residential street standards, street widths, and construction standard. Ron suggested
to the Council that these be brought back to them as a package in April. They agreed to this. The
first priority is the street standards and the level of service standards for alternative modes. All three
of our consultant representative project managers working on the parking and pedestrian plan and
master transportation planmet about ten days ago and talked about these level of service issues and
are coordinating closely together. The plan is to have this completed by June.
c. Parking Plan - Dick Schaffer
on P illinc introduced Dick Schaffer, the City of Fort Collins's new Transportation Planner, from
Clark County, Nevada.
Dick —Schaffer talked with the Board, informing them that the Parking Plan is moving ahead and is,
in fact, in the home stretch. Dick told the Board that they were in the process of preparing the
parking surveys to be delivered to the downtown businesses. The surveys will be delivered, not
mailed, later this week. The surveys will be returned to the Parking Services office, compiled, and
sent to the consultant, U.R.S., and will then be getting the results from them. The other part of the
parking plan is CSU. He said they were coordinating closely with CSU Parking Services. There is
a meeting 2-15-96 with the surrounding neighborhoods where there is a significant impact of parking
by CSU students in those neighborhoods. Dick said there is still a lot of activity with Parking
Services. He is hopeful this will all be completed during the first six months of the year. It will then
be presented to the Board as a whole.
To answer questions from Paul-Wentine and MarkEgeland, Ron Phillips explained that the survey
would only be directed at the downtown businesses in conjunction with CSU. The plan will develop
standards for community wide use.
Dirk S haffer then told the Board that he thought a very important issue that needs to be addressed
is a study of trucks using Highway 287, going through town. These are mobility, access, and air
quality issues that relate to those trucks going straight up College Avenue and through town.
Alan Beatty discussed that he understood that trucks veering off I-25 and onto Highway 287 was a
mileage issue, not a time situation. This was in response to Ron Phillip's comments about the
possibility of Smart Ports, enabling trucks to continue without having to stop at the ports -of -entry.
Ron said the plan calls for a marketing program with Rand -McNally.
Ron Phillips handed out two draft resolutions, one pertaining to appropriation of funds and the other
pertaining to a reinstatement of the Noble bill. He asked the Board for a recommendation to the City
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would be adopted in any case but he thought it
Council to adopt these. Ron said he felt that
would be good to have the recommendation. Ron said he would bring these to the Board at the next
meeting for a recommendation. He is hopeful that one or both bills would be adopted. Ron said he
felt the Noble bill would generate the most funding.
Mark o 1 nd asked the outcome of the MPO meeting. Ron responded that boo regional PUS
amendments were adopted. The plan for Highway 34 was adopted Y
and287Berthoud was adopted with one dissenting vote. The resolutions were changed to read that these
projects, being a part of the plan, having priority for new funding, would not affect funding of
existing priorities.
3. Board Member Reports
paul Valentine reported that he picked up information at the recent City Council meeting that might
be useful Ritai2ayis, with the Fort Collins Police Services, mentioned that the Police Department
has =rant money available for use in neighborhood fund activities. The money can only be accessed
going through the Fort Collins Police Department. Rita mentioned holding Bike Rodeos and
by goactivities at various neighborhoods. The money is made available through the sale of
other ing ilarthrough
seized property.
Paul also mentioned that StQSg_Ackezman has a video available that is played on occasion on
Channel 14. It is excerpts from his tour around the world. He thought it might be an educational
tool that could be used by TDM.
Dt as-Highfield reminded the Board of the Timberline meeting on 2-22-96 at the Lincoln Center.
4. Council Liaison Reports - None
5. Staff Reports -None
6. Summary -Next Agenda
City Plan
Capital Improvement Program
Civic Center Report
Timberline Position
Street Over sizing Update
TMF Update
February 7, 1996
Page 9
7. Other Business
R=2hilhps informed the Board that the Timberline meeting that would have the all the information
will be 2-22-96, the night after the next Board meeting. This would be appropriate for a March
meeting so that all the necessary information would be available. Ron also told the Board that, in
reference to street over sizing, he would like to come to the first of March information meeting. He
then listed, for the Board, some of the meetings coming up:
2-20-96 Council Meeting (TDP/TDM) up for adoption
2-21-96 T-Board Meeting at CIC Meeting Room
2-22-96 Timberline Meeting at Lincoln Center
2-27-96 Transportation Maintenance Fee Study Session w/Council
3-19-96 TNT Meeting, hopefully for adoption
3-28-96 Downtown Master Plan, Open House
3-29-96 Citizen Planning Meeting
Ron Phillips told Tim, inhnsnn that he hoped to have TMF staff changes to them by the next
Transportation Board meeting on 2-21-96.
Alan Beath asked for a Dial -a -Ride report. Ron said the transition has been made, as of 1-01-96,
to Shamrock Tani. Shamrock is using the blue, city -owned vans. They are also providing taxi
service as well. The City has taken over the dispatching function. He said the savings should be in
the neighborhood of $100,000 - $140,000 per year with this new arrangement. Ron also told Alan
that the cost per trip is down by approximately 33%.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
--1 - t�
Micki White
Transportation Board Secretary