HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 03/20/1996Dmf! MbWm to be WPwwd by Ou Tsm Vwiadm Bowd at dwApit 3,1996 MedLg. TRANSPORTATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MIEWTES MARCH 2O,19% 5:50 - 5:35 p.m FM RF.FERENCEi : Chair................................................Colin Ga'e ty..................................................54G-0AG0 493-0100 Vice Chair........................................Paul Valsntine................................................ Liaison. Smith.....................................................223-0425 council ..............................Will Staff Liaison....................................TomFiazia...............:...................................224-6052 Mic16 Wlrite..................................................221-6(M BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mack Egeland, Sara Frazier, Dolores Hightieid, Elizabeth Hudetz, Tun Johnson, Paul Perim aer, and Paul Valentine. STAFF PRESENT: Ran Phillips, Susanne Edminster, Eric Bmc]% Kathleen Reavis, Dick Scbmffw.1\Ti h Wbite Guests: Sandy Lemberg AGENDA: Call to Order Approval of Minutes A. PUBLIC COMMENT & ACTION ITEMS TRANSPORTATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES March 20,1996 Page 2 1. Capital ImprovemefltPrM=-SusanneP.dmiostra C. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Timberline Road Expansion - More Engemoen 2. City Council Budget Issues - Susanne Edmindeer 3. Harmony Bilm Corridor - Kathleen Reavis 4. T-NOTES (UPDATES) - FYI - Q dt A 5. Board Member Reports 6. Board Member Reports 7. Council Liaison Reports 8. StaffRepads 9. Summary - Next Agenda MEETING: Colin Cmdy called the meeting to order at appaoodmately 5:50 pm Thera was a maUan and a second to approve the March 6,1996 Transportation Board maethrt minutes. The motion carried. mundma sly. Colin Gerdy asked for conomeeta $omthe Board onthe minutes and the last meeting. Paul Valonkm fah that too much paper had been wasted with the new minutes kmmat. The Board se Y explained that she bad time constraints and apologized for the waste. A. PUBLIC COh04Z Tl' Sandy Lemberg stated be came tooigbt bemuse be foh that theTmmbedine Road eadensian is a big issue. His eoocem. is primarily about the election and the ration on the ballot, which be had samples of for the Board. He wanted Mare Engemoem to hear what he has to say. Last November be wend to a meeting where the same MAW and backg=nd was presented. He mad the part where it says that to fiord the design and cambuction of Timberline north fia n Prospect to Suomoitview, (a two lane road is estimated at $4.4 million or $3.1 million in `89 dollars) rigbd-cf-way costs apprm 5700,000. lie fah that &tier pointing this out as wrong information to Marc E880 mcen, tbat Mare bas continued to port out exact same information. He foals it is wrong infatuation. According the ballot sample be offered, be feels that the length and dollar amount is understated. Mr. Lemberg feels that every" is being "bamboozled"' Mr. Lemberg's position is, if the city can build it all for 53.1 million to go ahead but be feels it will cost 57.8 million Sandy is asking the city to conduct an investigation as to haw the Sgm'e of 54A or TRANSPORTATION BOARD MEETING MINI M March 20,1996 Page 3 S3.1 milliom was arrived at. He feels that the City should make the public aware with a public awareness campaign. He said be felt the City should hold an election with the "correct" facts. k& Lemberg asked Nfarc Engemoen to respond to this in his proemtaticm. B ACTION 1TEM3: Pricrto the Board Meiling. W Lemberg had asked percussion from the Board to change the order of the agmda this • lie bad another meeting cam9rct and be wanted the Board to start with the Tmubed= Exbwm n p =meat m rattiest m gw scheduled action item. The Board members he made the request of agreed this would be possible. C. DISCUSSION TTEMS: 1. Timberline Road Extension - Marc Engemoen Marc E gamow began by saying be bas spoken. to Mr. Lemberg many times reference this project. Marc did say these was an k000si denq in the description of the projed and the budget amount and theybove beenvery candid about this at the Open House and at every meeting he bas attended. The issue to be resolved is what to do about the inconsistency. Marc said he leaves legal opinions to attorneys and political opinions to boards, commissions+ service directors, and City Council. 1W Lemberg again stated that it was wrong. Colin Gerety, Board Chary, then said the fact that there are differences are understood, but be them asked that the Board move an with the presentations. Mara Engamoen than continued and stated that he would give the basic mformatiem that bas been presorted overibe past six maathe. He tided abet he world hbe to come back in May and have a man interactive disoussion with the Board At this meeting, be wanted to bring us up to speed. Marc them stated that a work session has been scheduled with City Council April 9,1996. lie also stated that the City bas esisting policm that encourage development is the northeast quadrant of the City but these hasn't been a lot of growth mWaring there. One of the reasons why d wWPmed has shifted away from the northeast in the past 15 years is physical barriers. 'lye Tmubedi re aderanon will have little err no effect on the total population. but establishing balanced land uses in each quadrant of the city would help reduce congestion. Because the northeast erns is crtpaded to receive more development, building the Timbline mtendon would reduce congestion of cross town routes. He then noted that distance and object cause congestiam Tye enact amamt ofnew, deve]op that will occa in the nathesat cannot be determined. A reasonable asarmopiim is between 10°Ya and 30% of all new development is the urban growth will be located in TRANSPORTATION BOARD MEETMG MINUTES Match 20,1996 Page 4 the nord=sk Mete dun demonstrated a chart of the Fat Collins urban growth area Master Street Plan. It shows Timberline as a major arterial. Mw e's presentation mdLxied same drawings of the exb=m including a 1995 traffic srmm=Y, same duawmp showiog the various lmvhr of service both with and without the Timberline wdension and scenarios for fitture years' aggressive growth, both with and without the Timberline cdenam Ron Phillwo then said that this will not effect the growth of the city, but the distribution of the growth Marc then introduced a flow chart of the public participation process and technical analyses project schedule. Marc then asked the Board if they had questions. There was a lot of miscellaneous discussion in refinence to levels of service, time frame, altematives, etc. At the and of Marc Eagemoen's presentation, Colin Gerdy than requested mxAber agenda change. Susaaae F.dminster agreed to exchange agenda placement with Kathie= Reavis. L harmony Road Bike Corridor - Kathleen Reavis KathleenReavis introduced the staff she has been working with an this project which included Tom Chapel, Engineering, Peggy Caitlin with BN7B, and Betty Drake from Drake and Associates. They have been wading with a Citizen's Advisory Group since last fall to came up with ideas AM suggestions for this protect. Kathleen demonstrated a display that would be taken to the people ratter than have the people come to them. They will be taking this display to blm shops, Mini -Library, and differed places to make the i itmmtion available. iiewleu Packard and REI have etrpseased an interest in having the display sot up in their busineasea. Kathleenwent m to arplam that the Citiaan g=V was made up of a combination of cyclists, business repiesentatives, and properly owners. The group was able to work with a lot of different audiences. There are a lot of different types of cyclists out there which include young children, the average cyclist, and the hard core commuter cyclisk Kathleen explained that there are a lot of constraints along this ccaider, both physical and characteristic constraints such as a very high tragic volume, high speeds, and truck traffic. There ate not a tut of fimds available to work with The plan shows bike lanes will be 10', V, and than 6' at interactions. Um is not enough finding to do it all at once so the Citizen's group decided • TRANSPORTATION BOARD MEEMG NUNUTES March 20,1996 Page S bop priority was Tmmbaiine and County Road lime. This is a very dangerous area. The secamd pna * is between County Road 7 and County Road 9 m fiat OfHewle<t Packer& Paul Valentine asked where are fimds were c=mg from. Kathleen Reavo replied they were m mwmnet fimds, other fimdio8. and they are presentlYtiYIDg to come up with same way t'D generate more money far this project. Kathleen then opened the presentation fi)r disewsion fiom the Board. There was a lot of u ;. :.:�.• � •.� a �s� n:n . u •t a :,� i,=+.. � . - . _..n, �;' ....a • r... - . . ..0 ; .• .. _. ....-.:•a. eau . • •.�:.• B. ACTION ITEMS City Caoncil Budget Items: Susame Edmimster Srnaene beganby telling the Board that City Council wads to bear fiem the Board as to their priorities m spmdmg money in 1997 for t<ansportatiom. Susanne Edminster than told the Board that a letter of recommendation needs to be presented to the City Council by 4.08-96. She than noted that the Transportation Board packet contained a list with multiple project items listed including visionary thingsBoard members had metiomed inthe pest Sunanme then aslmd the Boerd if they wanted to add to the list, reduce the list, prioritize, or what ever their wishes were Susanne encouraged the Board to choose several projects to reinforce to the City Council that there are still needs out there that need fimdmg. Paul Valentine felt some of the items were duplicative. The board then wet over the budget issues item by item and discussed priorities, changes, de., and whether the issues were new or amgoing. There was thm discussion on how the letter would be worded, what issues would be addressed, exactly what the board wished to tell the City Council, what the fimctim of the letter would be and how the War would be the moat effective insetting some of the Board's priority needs met. Susanne Edminster then agreed to draft a letter and bring it back to the Board at their 4-03-96 meeting for approval and Colin GmW s signature. The Board was comfaatable with ibis demur m. TRANSPORTATION BOARD MFZMG McRnES Match 20,1996 Page 6 C. DISCUSSION rl EMS CONTINUED I Capital hnprovema d Prop -am - Susanne Edminster &==e E&=st r beganby telling the Board tbat she Lad poomised to bring to this Board the criteria that acr internal stWSmW came up wish £or the CaPild b4xOvemeat Program. Susatmo then singled out individuals who volrmtemed to become mvdved; Paul Perlmutter, Alan Beatty, Tim Johnson, and Colin Gerety. Susanne will be waddng with these four Board members as to how they want to create a process for the Board to get throughthis, how they %an want to go about evaluating whether or not some different criteria should be tried, etc. Susanne then stated that this was just the first stage to keep the Board abreast of what is happening. She then stated they had come up with their criteria and are sharing information. This is her plan an how to get through the Capital Improvement Program painlessly In answer to a question from a board member, she told him the Board's job would then be to take all 100+ projects that will be brought before the Board and make recommendations about priorities, order, rm&r WAability, adjustments, and recommendations and the Board will be holding public meetings to discuss the Capital Improvement Program. Once done, the C.I.P. plan will presented in its entaciy to City Council, assume an advocacy position, will be sous to Rotary and other various groups of choice and talldog about the plans. The C.I.P. group will be turning in their projects to the City Team an 4-26, 1996. The Boards will be getting all the infcamntion at the beginning of June. This Board has until September to get through their process. Intent is to have this signed, sealed and delivered for ApnI 97 election. 4. T-Notes - Noon S. Board Member Reports: T9m Johnson repaied to the Board that Parks and Recreation. is asking to take the lottery money that is being used for trails and it into capital projects for parks, which could include trails, but not be dedicated to trails. He felt that the Board should be aware of this and track this issue carefully. Paul Valeotme ahead with the Board that he had wgmienced a bicycle accident Monday evening. A by made a U4um in fioot of him ran aver lie bicycle while he was under it. He was not injured but bis bicycle was. Ile also traveled to Colorado Springs Saturday and Paul had same time so he touted the city. He felt that we ate in much batter shape, roadwise, than they are. • TRANSPORTATION BOARD MEETING AMWJTES March 20,1996 Page 7 6. Crisis Lbd m Report - Now 7. Staff Reports -Now & St wnmT - Ned Agenda 1. Budget issues - Susanne 2. Street oversizing - Ron 3. Pedestrian plan update - RAY Moe 9. Other Business Merle Egeland brought before the Board how to handle the time issue during presentations, such as when someone runs aver. Board members told Mark to interrupt and Just say, "We are approaching It time" 'lbe Board also agreed that for a 1wgthy presentatio , to ratify the speaker ten mi utes Friar to his time limit and five minutes before a sbort presentation time is up. There being no fiather business, the meeting 4ourned at 9:42 pm