HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 02/17/1999Draft minor es to be approved by the Transportation Board at their March 17, 1999 meeting. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES of the TRANSPORTATION BOARD City of Fort Collins — City Hall (CIC Room) February 17, 1999 5:30 p.m. FOR Chair: Tim Johnson - 416-0821 Staff Liaison: Randy Hensley - 416-2058 Staff Support: Cindy Scott - 224-6058 HOARDHQARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Sara Frazier Steve Hanna Bruce Henderson Tim Johnson Chris Ricord Brent Thordarson Heather Trantham CITY STAFF PRFRFNT: Susanne Edminster Randy Hensley Ron Phillips Cindy Scott Lucinda Smith Peter Wray GUESTS P F NT: Tim Baldwin (Kimley-Horn) Jerry Gavaldon (P & Z Board Member) Vicky McLane (NFRT & AQPC Manager) Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:53 p.m. ABSENT: Alan Beatty Mark Egeland Dan Gould Ray Moe Transportation Board Regular Meeting Minutes February 17, 1999 PUBLIC COMMENT None PRESENTATION on the Status of the North Front Range Transportation Alternatives Feasibility Study by Tim Baldwin, Kimley Horn — 45 min. Tim Baldwin, from Kimley-Horn & Associates, presented the latest information from the Transportation Alternatives Feasibility Study. (Mr. Baldwin distributed hard copies of the overhead presentation to the Board. Copies are available.) He stated that the first phase of the Study is complete — there is now a compilation of alternative transportation options such as regional bus service, passenger rail, and highway widening with or without HOV lanes. The second phase of the Study will decide the feasibility of each option with regard to cost and ridership. Mr. Baldwin said that it is anticipated that recommendations will be made in June or July 1999. The recommendations will be fiscally constrained by the projected available funding in the next 20 years. Key points of his overhead presentation were: ♦ This is a Major Investment Study that is being sponsored by four public agencies — CDOT; North Front Range Transportation & Air Quality Planning Council; Upper Front Range Regional Planning Commission; and the Denver Regional Council of Governments. ♦ The Study's purpose is to develop regional solutions to safety problems, traffic congestion, air quality issues, and mobility problems between the northern Colorado population centers and the Denver metropolitan area. Solutions recommended by this study must fall within projected funding constraints and must be sensitive to community needs and environmental regulations. ♦ Map depicting the overlapping study areas ♦ US36/North Metro Update ♦ Maps showing Western Alignment A & B ♦ Maps showing the I-25C & D Alignment ♦ Map of Interior Alignment ♦ Map of Eastern Alignment ♦ Initial Evaluation Criteria of Phase II Board members were invited to submit any feedback via e-mail or the web site. APPROVAL OF MINUTES There was a motion and a second to approve the January 20, 1999 Transportation Board meeting minutes as presented The motion carried unanimously. l Transportation Board • Regular Meeting Minutes February 17, 1999 I. BIKE/PEDESTRIAN SAFETY ISSUES — Ricord/Groves/Edminster Ricord stated that he met with Edminster and Groves to discuss how bike riders can feel safer on the roads. The group decided to set up strategies/options. There was discussion about how additional funds could be generated with a surcharge on tickets and that other agencies add $6 to a $50 ticket. This idea was presented to the Municipal Judge some time ago, but he/she was not receptive. It was stated that perhaps it is time to present the idea again, making it known that the $6 could be used by the Traffic Division of the Police Department. The point was made that compared to other cities, Ft. Collins has a very low number of traffic officers, which is three, where Greeley has ten. Adversely, it was pointed out that it may project a negative perception if officers were paid using the revenues off tickets. Education was a major topic of discussion. Everyone agreed that there would need to be a major campaign to make the public aware of the increase should the surcharge be implemented. After an education program was off the ground, then the Police Department would be asked .o join and provide enforcement — working in tandem is the best approach. Groves gave the example of how the Police Department spent one year just educating the community before the photo radar program was even implemented. Thordarson brought up ideas such as deputizing people and allowing them to sit near intersections with a radar gun and record the license plate numbers of speeding vehicles, and working with the State on an educational program that requires people who are renewing their plates to watch a video on bike/pedestrian safety. Frazier stated that the red shoes/slogan from the Walkable Communities Workshop (or Pedestrian Road Show) is a great idea — "Don't Tread on Red." Reavis said that the signage used by the City of Colorado Springs may be an option to consider. She explained that in the downtown area, there are huge signs on the traffic signal mast arms that simply say, "Yield to Pedestrians." It is very visible to drivers and is a valuable reminder. Chair Johnson concluded the discussion by stating that the Safety Committee will check into the ideas brought up at this meeting and will give a report at the next Transportation Board meeting. Transportation Board Regular Meeting Minutes February 17, 1999 II. TOPICS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS — Hensley Hensley referred to the memo included in the Board's packets. He asked for feedback so that a list of monthly agenda items could be made. The following items were brought up for future agendas: 1. A Technical Report i.e., what techniques and resources are available for solving transportation problems 2. Street Maintenance — an update on funding 3. General Dial -A -Ride information (fares/cost) 4. Presentation on trails/bike lane vision 5. Capital projects overview 6. Trash redistricting 7. Traffic model for the City — how it works; boundaries: assumptions used 8. Pedestrian and Bicycle issues — on -going discussions 9. North Front Range Transportation & Air Quality Planning Council — how the organization is funded and how it works 10. Transportation Operations Maintenance Policy Hensley thanked the members for their thoughts and stated that he would use this information and work with Chair Johnson on future agendas. III. MOUNTAIN VISTA SUB -AREA PLAN UPDATE — Wray/Daggett Mr. Wray said that the Plan is entering its final phase and will be presented to the City Council for approval on March 16. He stated that he would like the Board to review the proposed transportation network, reach an agreement with the amendments to the Master Street Plan and submit a written recommendation addressed to Council for their consideration. Mr. Wray then reviewed the proposal with the Board, using colored displays for reference. Mr. Daggett added information on how the Mountain Vista Sub -Area Plan relates to the Northeast Truck Route project. Upon conclusion of the review, there was a question/answer period. Chair Johnson asked for board member's comments on the proposal: Ricord: Generally, I think it's a good plan. I certainly support it. The land use/transportation integration is especially good. Trantham: I think the plan is good and I support it. Frazier: It's good to do planning before they get there. I like the multi - modal approach. Thordarson: From what I've seen, it's good planning. Transportation Board • • Regular Meeting Minutes February 17, 1999 Hanna: I see a problem in getting to College. Why not make Conifer a 4- lane arterial? Daggett: We wanted to use it for a multi -modal corridor instead. Generally, I think it's a good plan. Henderson: I think it's exciting and looks great. If this is approved, does it impact the truck route alternatives? Daggett: No. There was a motion and a second to approve the amendments as proposed The motion carried by a unanimous vote. Hensley said that staff will provide Wray with a letter of recommendation on behalf of the Board and will include a copy of the minutes. IV. CLEAN SCREEN PROGRAM —Smith Ms. Smith gave an overview of the Clean Screen Program, referring to the information that was mailed out separately from the Board's packets. The Clean Screen Program is a proposal that allows citizens to opt out of going to a traditional emissions testing station by being declared clean by two drive -by tests. Upon conclusion of her overview, Ms. Smith stated that she is not expecting any action from this Board. This agenda item was originally placed under ";action Items" but due to the results of a recent meeting, this information is intended solely for information only. She further explained that previously, there were several air quality issues of concern to be discussed at a hearing, set for this Friday. However, after a meeting that was attended by Ms. Smith and Ms. McLane, the Air Pollution Control Division felt enough of the concerns were resolved. Ms. Smith said that the City of Fort Collins City Council said they would concur with the program as long as the cut points were lowered, which happened. There was a brief discussion that focused primarily on cost comparisons and standard test criteria versus remote test criteria. Trantham inquired about the position of the Air Quality Advisory Board on this issue. Smith said that the AQAB requested more information before making a decision and that data is not available yet. There was a consensus that the Transportation Board would follow the lead of the Air Quality Advisory Board on this issue. Ms. Smith said that she would continue to keep the Board updated on the issue. Transportation Board Regular Meeting Minutes February 17, 1999 V. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS • Henderson: Distributed an article about traffic congestion that he saw during a recent trip to California. The article was entitled: Toughest Commute on I-680. ■Hanna: Commented that he didn't like how the Northeast Truck Route Study Session went. The major issue seemed to be Owl Canyon, and Karla Harding (CDOT) said it wasn't feasible. Asked why wasn't that conveyed to the Board. Hensley responded that City staff was not aware of it beforehand. That was the f rst time staff heard it as well. Hanna said that in the future, there needs to be better communication with CDOT on positions. ■ Thordarson: 1) Shared information from an article in the newspaper that reported the lowest gas prices occurred in November 1998 — 97.9 cents, the lowest since 1979. 2) Read about the top ten major bike friendly cities in Bicycling magazine — noted that Fort Collins has all the same qualities that the top ten listed does. ■ Frazier: Has an alternative fuels vehicle report. She will forward it to Hensley for inclusion in the next agenda packet as an FYI. ■ Tr m: Inquired about transit service south of Harmony and Trails to Rails between Fort Collins and Loveland. ■ Ricord: Reported that City Council voted unanimously to include the transportation tax on the ballot. • Johnson: Stated that everyone's help is needed on the tax initiative — meetings will be held every Wednesday at noon in the basement meeting room in Home State Bank located on the comer of Mountain and Mathews. There is an initial meeting Monday night at the Coffee Connection located at Shields/Drake near Pulse. VI. STAFF REPORTS ■ Hensla: Reported that the Technical Advisory Committee of the NFRT & AQPC voted to award Enhancement funds to the Poudre River Trail project earlier today. The NFRT & AQPC should give their approval at their March meeting. VII. NEXT AGENDA - 30 minute presentation/discussion about the 1999 Pedestrian Program (no action) - Report on the Mobility Report Card - State funding agencies — description of projects - 6 year list and 20 year list OTHER BUSINESS There being no other business, the meeting adjoumed at 9:22 p.m. dar— Cindy L. ott Executive Administrative Assistant