HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 12/15/1999Draft minutes to be approved by the Transportation Board at their January 19, 2000 meeting. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES of the TRANSPORTATION BOARD December 15, 1999 5:45 p.m. City of Fort Collins — City Hall West 300 LaPorte Avenue FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Tim Johnson................416-0821 Vice Chair: Chris Ricord.................472-8769 Staff Liaison: Randy Hensley.............416-2058 Admin Support: Cynthia Scott ...............224-6058 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Dan Gould Bruce Henderson Tim Johnson Ray Moe Chris Ricord Brent Thordarson Heather Trantham Mary Warring Steve Yeldell CITY STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: Randy Hensley Cam McNair Ron Phillips Cynthia Scott ABSENT: Mark Egeland Brad Miller GUESTS IN ATTENDANCE: Joe Dumais Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:53 p.m. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Joe Dumais expressed the following comments related to the proposed roundabout at Mulberry/Lemay: - Check on the size of trucks in Britain - What about piggy -back trucks? - Consider that truckers usually travel in groups for safety - As a bicyclist, pedestrians must be able to cross, especially north/south - What queue is planned at peak periods of the day? - Concerned that truckers would find other ways through Fort Collins Transportation Board DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes December 15, 1999 Page 2 Other concerns expressed by Mr. Dumais: - Northwest corner of Elizabeth/Lemay is a hazard for bicylists. A grade separation would be acceptable to Mr. Dumais as a safety measure. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES There was a motion and a second to approve the November 17, 1999 Transportation Board meeting minutes as presented. Warring requested that Johnson's comments better reflect what he meant on page 4. It should say, "Compare the two alternatives versus a roundabout at the same LOS and state how much would it cost" The motion carried unanimously. 3. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT None 4. ACTION ITEMS 2000 WORK PLAN The Board devoted the next two hours to fleshing out their 2000 Work Plan. Rather than try to listlexplain all the numerous changes, the final Plan is included with these minutes. The Plan was approved by a unanimous vote at this meeting. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS None 6. REPORTS a. Board Member Reports Moe: None Henderson: None Thordarson: 1) Distributed three articles to board 2) Cottonwood Park - pedestrian trail to Silver Oaks is a connector between neighborhoods. Would be a good idea to promote and map connections such as this in city. Gould: Mason Street Corridor - Aware of siege going on in terms of a) people didn't understand the ballot language, and b) some feel it needs to include autos. Momentum is building. The web site data is interesting. Board briefly talked about each member writing letters/Soapbox articles to the Coloradoan to counteract negative publicity on several transportation projects. Yeldell: Was surprised to hear Senator Campbell say that he spoke with our Mayor who said that our most critical transportation need is finding funds for the truck route north of town. Transportation Board DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes December 15, 1999 Page 3 Warring: 1) The 30`" Anniversary of Earth Day is in April. Wanted to ensure that the City was aware of this. 2) Concerned that SH14 was pulled off the 20 year Plan. Phillips indicated that it was not and that he would discuss this issue with Warring separately. Ricord: None Johnson: 1) Reported that there was an article about a successful roundabout in Golden. 2) Commended Moe for his excellent presentation to the Fort Collins Area Chamber. b. Staff Reports Hensley: Will have a discussion via e-mail with the Board on the process to create Soapbox articles. Egeland has officially resigned from the Board. Staff or Chair Johnson will draft a certificate of appreciation for service to give to Egeland. McNair: Briefly explained that there are issues surfacing with the Taft Hill (Building Community Choices) project and that people may be coming to express their concerns at future Transportation Board meetings. NEXT AGENDA - Choose liaisons for various sub -committees as outlined in the 2000 Work Plan. - Soapbox Articles — discuss further if needed There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Cynthia L. Scott Executive Administrative Assistant u Transportation Board DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes December 15, 1999 TRANSPORTATION BOARD 2000 WORKPLAN Page 4 The goal of the Transportation Board is to create a balanced transportation system that provides choice, mobility, access, and safety for all people while achieving: 1) A reduction in the rate of VMT growth to equal the rate of population growth; and 2) A modal shift of 14% by 2015. TRANSPORTATION FINANCING A. Maintenance 1. Champion sufficient General Fund contributions to adequately fund maintenance needs, including an inflation -proofing program for Pavement Management to recover costs due to increases in construction prices and additions to the street network. B. Operating 1. Promote and support long-term funding for transit. 2. Examine other revenue sources for transit, including bus shelter advertising and other advertising. 3. Examine the feasibility of advertising in the parking facilities to generate revenue. 4. Examine the desirability and feasibility of the user paying for operating and maintenance costs in the downtown parking structures. C. Capital 1. Address the gap in capital funding for streets by: - Finding new ways to provide leveraging. - Monitoring Street Oversizing to insure that the base is appropriate and that sufficient impact fees are generated to cover the costs. 2. Promote and support funding for anew traffic signal system project suite. 3. Encourage the City to work with and seek funds from the North Front Range Transportation & Air Quality Planning Council. D. General 1. Monitor availability of revenue sources and how they are applied. 2. Continue to promote and support "shareback" of statewide transportation funds. 3. Develop and promote a package of transportation projects for the City's budget exception process. Transportation Board DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes December 15, 1999 Page 5 II. BUILDING COMMUNITY CHOICES (BCC) A. Work with City Council on the implementation and monitoring of the projects designated to start in 1999 and 2000. 1. Be a major participant in the truck route study a. 1-25/1-80 truck diversion b. Relocation of SH 14 2. Be a major participant in the Mason Street Corridor project B. Help to facilitate the public process for BCC projects. C. Specific liaison appointments: 1. Truck Route Study — Ricord and Trantham 2. Mason Street Corridor — Gould and Thordarson (alternate Bruce Henderson) 3. 1-25 corridor — Henderson and Warring III. TECHNOLOGY A. Work with City staff and advise Council on the development and installation of Intelligent Transportation Systems. B. Support and promote the new Traffic Control System as part of the overall transportation funding program. C. Investigate and promote other technology improvements such as bus -system GPS (global positioning system), pedestrian count -down devices and audible crossing devices, integration of transportation data with the GIS system, implementation of compliance data studies, increased traffic enforcement, implementation of a rating system for bike paths, better collection of accident data, and increased accessibility of transportation data by the general public. D. Support collaborative efforts with the private sector to encourage telecommuting. IV. COORDINATE WITH COUNCIL AND OTHER BOARDS AND AGENCIES A. Work with other City boards and commissions in advising City Council on transportation planning and construction projects. Provide specific liaisons to the Planning and Zoning Board, the Air Quality Board, the Natural Resources Board, and the Mason Street Corridor Project. B. Provide periodic recommendations to Council throughout the year. C. Continue to participate in the activities of the North Front Range Transportation & Air Quality Planning Council 1. Monitor projects, funding and issues 2. Participate in and advise Council on the Transportation Alternatives Feasibility Study Transportation Board DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes December 15, 1999 Page 6 V. COMMUNITY EDUCATION ON TRANSPORTATION A. Increase the public awareness of the rapid growth in Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), its affects on congestion and air quality, and alternative methods of dealing with this problem. B. Educate citizens on transportation needs, and, in particular, promote the importance of maintaining and enhancing mobility in the face of increasing congestion. C. Develop methods to illustrate more clearly the community costs of providing a transportation system, including such things as "social and hidden costs;" costs associated with congestion; total costs of transportation for the community and the individual; how costs can be reduced; how needs can be met; and examine the feasibility of providing this information to the public via a "web site." D. Promote and provide the publication of accurate, factual information in the local news media. E. Identification of and education about specific behaviors of users of the system that cause safety problems. VI. TRANSPORTATION SAFETY A. Promote transportation safety as it affects all modes of transportation, through engineering, education and enforcement. B. Make recommendations for enforcement in all modes of transportation. C. Be proactive in the planning and promoting of enforceable pedestrian safety regulations. D. Identify specific portions of the infrastructure and transit system where safety issues exist. VII. ON -GOING ACTIVITIES A. Work with City Council and staff on the implementation and monitoring of the Transportation Master Plan to insure that plans are meeting the goals and objectives established in City Plan. B. Monitor the implementation of the Regional Transportation Plan and the Unified Planning Work Program in conjunction with the North Front Range Transportation & Air Quality Planning Council C. Review and make recommendations for the amended Transit Development Plan.