HomeMy WebLinkAboutAir Quality Advisory Board - Minutes - 11/18/1996MINUTES aftm
NOVEMBER 18,1996
For Reference: John Fooks, AQAB Chair - 229-5225
Will Smith, Council Liaison - 223-0425
Brian Woodruff, Staff Liaison - 221-6604
Board Members Present
John Fooks, Ray Sons, Pete Perkins, Harry Edwards, Eric Levine, David Gallup, Susan Bilo,
Nancy York and John Scanlon
Board Members Absent
Staff Present
Natural Resources Department: Sally Maggart, Brian Woodruff, Linda Devocelle, Susan
Caplan, Susie Gordon and Lucinda Smith; Traffic Operations: Eric Bracke; Transportation
Planning: John Daggett
Lisa Silva, Air Pollution Control Division; Susan Crick, CSU student; Sonja Bisbee, Coloradoan
The meeting was called to order at 4:35 p.m.
John Fooks announced a shift in the agenda. Item 3, Transportation Level of Service Criteria,
will be presented first, followed by Approval of Minutes and Committee Reports.
Transportation Level -of -Service Criteria, Eric Bracke
Eric Bracke, City Traffic Engineer, referred to the draft of the Multi -modal Level of Service
Manual and the Transportation Impact Study Guidelines. He noted that these are new guidelines
for development review and mitigation. They will go to Planning & Zoning next week for
review and to Council in December.
Bracke explained that staff time and the cost of doing a transportation study for a developer will
double. Staff is exploring the use of CSU interns.
Eric Levine said that he is concerned about growth paying its own way. He asked if staff time
could be paid with development impact fees. Bracke responded that fees could go up in the
David Gallup asked how the proposed Harmony Town Center rated in the study. Bracke
responded that it failed from a pedestrian standpoint; there are no sidewalks on Harmony and the
pedestrian crossings are not well lit.
Harry Edwards noted that the concept of neighborhood centers is not embodied in the mitigation
list. Bracke said that it applies to all developments except those that generate under 50 trips a
day are exempted from the traffic study.
Brian Woodruff noted that the Level of Service Manual does talk about activity centers and a
higher level of service is called out for bikes and pedestrians. The developer is obligated to do a
level of service analysis before and after development.
John Fooks asked if there is a decrease in level of service requirements as an infill incentive.
Bracke said that it will all be evaluated the same way.
Fooks suggested that the Board send their comments directly to Bracke.
Approval of Minutes
With the following changes, the minutes of the October 21, 1996 Regular Meeting were
approved as written:
Nancy York said that under OLD BUSINESS she should be included among those who
volunteered to serve on a committee to review the Air Quality Policy Plan.
With the following changes, the minutes of the October 30, 1996 Special Meeting were approved
as written:
David Gallup asked that the sentence on the second page, fourth paragraph, with
reference to "qualitative analysis" be deleted.
David Gallup noted that in Item 3, fifth paragraph, the second reference to "liability"
should read "cost".
David Gallup noted that on the last page it should be "Coalition for a Tobacco Free
Colorado", not "Citizens".
Eric Levine noted that there is part of a sentence missing after the motion passed 5-2-0 on
woodsmoke. He said it should read: "Eric opposed the motion because wood stove
pollution represents an infringement of the public's right to clean air."
Fooks asked board members to consider changing the meeting day. Will Smith, council liaison,
is unable to attend meetings on Monday. The change will be decided at the next meeting.
Review and Update Action Log
See attached.
Clean Cities: Susan Bilo
Bilo distributed copies of the first two pages of the Memorandum of Understanding that listed
the stakeholders. She said that the committee met last week and is working on by laws. A
stakeholder's survey has been conducted and she will report back to the Board with the results.
The main goal is to map the infrastructure along the Front Range for refueling information.
Bilo distributed articles on "Hyper -cars: the Next Generation" and on marketing.
Brown Cloud: Susan Caplan
Caplan reported that she has received $21,000 in the funding effort for a monitoring site. The
fenders are: Natural Resources Department, CSU, Kodak and Anheuser-Busch. Pete Perkins
said that he should know tomorrow if there will be a $4,000 contribution from Hailed -Packard.
Caplan said that a technical committee is being formed to monitor issues and report back to the
board. Fooks and Edwards volunteered to serve.
I/M: Lucinda Smith
Smith said that the core group met and there were questions about scope and definition. She
distributed a handout with the description of the problem. The next meeting is set for Tuesday,
December 3 from 11:30-12:30 p.m.
Radon: Linda Devocelle
Devocelle said the committee is looking at implementation procedures for the radon testing
ordinance and the woodstove point of sale ordinance. Because a building permit is required for
installation, the woodstove does not have to be replaced, only removed. The committee
discussed the creation of a disclosure form that would be kept in the files as a legal document.
Devocelle said that Felix Lee, Paul Eckman, Eric Levine and she will meet to discuss the point of
sale takings issue. Clarification is needed on whether to declare woodstoves as a public nuisance
to justify focusing on woodstoves or inserts at point of sale.
Lisa Silva, APCD, asked if the regulation would go beyond the state law. Devocelle responded
that it would. Nancy York said that banks might agree to not make loans on homes with
uncertified woodstoves; they don't for homes with certain furnaces or with bathrooms next to
Devocelle reported that a decision will be made this week on whether to go to Council with the
radon implementation.
Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan, Lisa Silva
Lisa Silva, APCD, said that there has been four years of clean data for Fort Collins, making it
eligible for attainment redesignation. She presented overheads that explained the process. These
will be reproduced and distributed to board members.
Eric Levine asked if federal funds are lost with redesignation. Silva responded that CMAQ funds
are available for continuing programs after redesignation. Brian Woodruff said that the money
can be used for a few years after redesignation but only for what has already been programmed.
Silva said that she will follow up with more information on the funding.
Levine asked if the percentage of improvements to cleaner automobiles is due to Detroit, the
federal government or oxygenated fuels. This will be put on the "bike rack".
Harry Edwards asked how redesignation would affect the state air permitting process for
proposed new source. Silva responded that less stringent standards would apply. David Gallup
suggested that the City apply more stringent measures; it makes sense not to relax the standards.
It was decided that the SIP subcommittee (Edwards and Perkins) would meet and report back to
the Board. Silva said that she can come back with more data and answers.
Edwards said that he would like to see Greeley's and Colorado Springs' application forms to use
as templates. Silva said that she could provide those.
Transit Development Plan, John Daggett
John Daggett, Transportation Planner, pointed out that there is a goal of 10 percent reduction
goal in single occupancy vehicles. He said that this will be realized in urban centers, not
between urban centers. The City is working on a comprehensive transportation plan for the
region. Major corridors between Fort Collins, Greeley, Loveland and Denver have been
identified. The plan is in the public participation process now; it will go to the Transportation
Board on Wednesday and to Council work session on December 10.
Daggett detailed the number of trips that can be captured the first year. The recommendation
will be for Loveland -Fort Collins service to be initiated as soon as possible. It could be started as
soon as January 1.
Daggett reported that a financing institution study on public transit is finished. The
recommendation is to use intergovernmental agreements between communities. The survey
concluded that people are willing to pay more between the cities than in the City.
Susan Bilo asked how people would get to their final destinations once they get to other cities.
Daggett responded that station cars are suggested.
1997 Work Plan
The final copy will go out in the next packet.
City Plan, Susie Gordon and Peter Wray
Susie Gordon, Environmental Planner, reported that the Principles & Policies have been adopted
by City Council. Copies will be available Wednesday in the Advance Planning Department.
Peter Wray, City Planner, said that this component is substantially complete but still requires
some polishing.
Wray said that regulations are being written to overhaul the land development codes and
reevaluate the existing zoning. This will be taken to Council in March. He announced that two
workshops will be held in December (December 2 at the Lincoln Center and December 11 at the
Senior Center) for the first public viewing of the proposed zoning maps.
Gordon reported that February 18 is the adoption date for the elements of the Comprehensive
Plan. There will be continuous board involvement between now and February on the
implementation schedule. She referenced Woodruff s primer on VMT as related to City Plan
that was sent to board members and noted the critical strategy for air quality goals.
Fooks said that it is critical that the board members get the information as soon as it becomes
available. Gallup suggested maximizing the use of electronic mail.
Benchmarking Report
Lucinda Smith said that she will have something for the next meeting.
Woodruff said that this is the time to look at an ambient air quality report; it is due to Council.
The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.