HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Board Of Appeals - Minutes - 07/11/1996ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS
July 11, 1996
8:30 AM
11 Council Liaison: Ann Azari 11 Staff Liaison: Peter Barnes 11
Chairperson: Martin Breth, Jr.
229-1629 (w) 226-5101(h)
The regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals was held on Thursday, July 11 1996, in the
Council Chambers of the Fort Collins Municipal Building. The following members were present:
Shannon, Gustafson, Stockover, Breth, Feiner, Keating, Lieser. Members absent: None.
Staff members present: Peter Barnes, Zoning Administrator
Paul Eckman, Deputy City Attorney
Jennifer Nuckols, Building & Zoning
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Breth.
The minutes were approved with corrections.
Appeal 2175 713 S. Lemay Avenue by Joe Frye Vaught Frye Architects approved
Section 29-478(b)
--- The variance would allow the use of the building to change from "Amigos Restaurant" to
"Farmers Bank" without requiring that the existing rooftop mechanical equipment be totally
screened from view. The existing parapet wall screens about 80% of the equipment.
--- Petitioner's statement of hardship: To totally screen the equipment would require that the
existing parapet wall be raised about another 2 feet. This would increase the snow drift
potential within the screened area and create structural loading problems. Also, increasing
the height would cause the building to architecturally look out of balance or proportion.
--- Staff comments: None.
Zoning Administrator Barnes showed slides of the existing Amigos Restaurant building and
explained that it is being proposed to change that building to a bank. He showed the existing
rooftop mechanical unit and he stated that the code section that deals with this instance is a
fairly new section that was added effective March 1, 1996. It is a code that is applied City wide
that requires rooftop mechanical units be screened from view. He further continued that the
ordinance applies to existing buildings when the use of the building is proposed to be changed
from one use to another, and before a Certificate of Occupancy can be issued the property
needs to be brought up to current code compliance.
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July 11, 1996
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Board member Shannon asked if the code is for aesthetic purposes. Barnes replied yes.
He continued that there were two screening requirements put in the code, one being to screen
rooftop mechanical units and the other to require trash dumpsters be enclosed with a solid
Joe Frye, Architect, appeared before the Board. He explained that he is working with the
owners of Farmer's Bank to convert this building into a bank and to make it more aesthetically
pleasing by changing the color and doing additional exterior alterations. Mr. Frye stated that he
and the owners feel that adding an additional 2 feet to the existing parapet will make the
building look taller and more boxy, as well as adding lateral force problems which would then
require removing a portion of the roof and existing finishes.
.Shannon asked if a drawing were available? Barnes stated that it was included in Board
member packets.
Stockover questioned the new color of the building? Mr Frye replied that it would be the same
color as the existing Albertson's building which is beige.
Shannon stated that she did not see what the building would look like if the additional two feet
were added. She questioned if that had been drawn? Mr. Frye replied to effectively screen
that unit, the parapet would have to go up about two and half to three feet and that he had not
done a drawing showing that.
Breth asked if it would be possible to use a different heating unit? Mr. Frye stated that there is
not enough room to go with two smaller units on that roof.
Breth stated that he was having a difficult time finding the hardship. He continued that the code
is clear as to what needs to be done.
Shannon stated that she disagreed and that the hardship is that you will make an ordinary
building an ugly building for the purpose of supposedly improving the looks.
Gustafson stated that he does find a hardship in that Mr. Frye is working with an existing
building and that there are structural issues that come into play which would significantly
increase the costs.
Stephen Slezak addressed the Board in favor of granting the appeal
No one was present in opposition of the appeal.
Gustafson moved to approve Appeal 2175 based on the hardship stated. Keating seconded
the motion. Yeas: Shannon, Gustafson, Stockover, Breth, Feiner, Keating, Lieser. Nays:
None. The motion passed.
Appeal 2176 614 W. Magnolia St by Mark Moses Owner, approved
Section 29-119(3), 29-119(4)
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July 11, 1996
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--- The variance would reduce the required front yard setback from 15 feet to 9.3 feet in
order to allow the existing front porch to be rebuilt in the same location. The variance
would also allow the new porch roof to be flat, instead of having a roof pitch of at least
--- Petitioner's statement of hardship: The existing porch has no foundation, is rotting, and
needs to be rebuilt. The porch will be the same size and at the same location as the
existing. Most of the front porches on the block are at about the same setback as the
proposed. The owner obtained a permit earlier this year to install a door from the
second floor onto the porch roof of the planned new porch. (The new roof was planned
to be a deck). The code changed prior to obtaining the porch permit. The new code
requires a 2:12 pitch roof. Such a roof pitch would not be practical for a deck, and the
doors are already done. Flat roofed porches are not uncommon in the older part of
town, and the flat pitch doesn't deviate much from the existing pitch of the roof.
--- Staff comments: None
Barnes explained that this issue encompasses a new code provision. This proposal is to
rebuild the front porch of the home. Slides were shown of the home and the existing upper
level door that was recently added to provide entrance onto the proposed deck. Barnes stated
that the home owner obtained a permit to add the french doors before the code changed and
that it was their intent to later add the flat pitched deck.
Gustafson questioned if flat pitch roofs are uncommon? Barnes stated that there are not too
many flat pitched roofs, and it is uncommon to see a flat pitched roof although there are some
but most are similar to this existing roof.
Shannon asked if the purpose of the slope is to maintain character? Barnes stated that there
was a need to put minimum design standards in the code. East side, West side design
standards are concerned with how houses will fit in a neighborhood.
Keating questioned as to when the first permit was issued if the owners intended to do a flat
roof over the porch? Barnes stated that the home owner was present and could better answer
that question.
Mark Moses ,owner, appeared before the Board. Mr. Moses stated that when the first permit
was applied for, they were working on the design for the deck and that the design was not yet
finalized. He stated that it would be impractical to repair the existing deck due to structural
problems. Mr. Moses continued that there are other flat pitch roof porches in area. He stated
that upper deck would not be one of redwood but would be an architecturally correct painted
porch that would retain the character of the home. Further, the footprint would remain the same
as is existing.
Gustafson questioned if the porch is to be enclosed or open. Mr. Moses stated that the porch
will be glassed in.
Feiner questioned if the upper deck will be fenced in? Barnes stated that there were drawings
of the proposed deck in their packets.
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July 11, 1996
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No one was present in favor or against this appeal.
Breth stated that he had no problem with the setbacks and that he was in favor of supporting a
Gustafson moved to approve appeal 2175 based on the hardship stated. Shannon seconded
the motion. Yeas: Shannon, Gustafson, Stockover, Breth, Feiner, Keating, Lieser. Nays:
None. The motion passed.
Appeal 2177, 223 S. Howes St., Steve Slezak. petitioner. Section 29-493(1)
--- The variance would reduce the required 5 ft. parking lot landscape strip along the north
property line to 0 ft. for the length of the 105 ft. driveway located along the north side of
the lot. The variance is necessary due to the proposed use change from residential to
--- Petitioner's statement of hardship: The existing driveway is already at this location. The
5 ft. adjacent to the building is to be removed due to the excessive slope. The slope
creates a dangerous situation, especially on the north side of the building. This 5 foot
section will be removed and replaced with landscaping. This topographic problem
makes it impractical to move the driveway over enough to comply with the code. The
driveway provides the only access to the parking. The property to the north is a drive -up
bank facility.
--- Staff comments: None
Barnes showed slides of the existing house and the adjacent bank on the north side. He stated
that due to the change of use from residential to office, it is required that a 5 foot wide
landscape strip be along the side lot line adjacent to a parking area, which includes the
driveway serving the parking lot that will be located in the back of the building. He stated
further that the back yard of the building is all concrete and then showed the topographic areas
where on the north side of the building the ground slopes down. Barnes explained that the 5
foot landscape strip will be put on the south property line as required by code.
Lieser questioned if it is currently being used as a residence? Barnes replied that he believed
the property to currently be unoccupied and that is has always been residential.
Breth questioned the south side of the property that shows concrete along the building? Barnes
explained that the drawings received in the Board member packets, show the existing and
proposed landscaping on the south lot line and that the parking code does not require
landscaping right up next to the house, just adjacent to the parking area.
Stephen Slezak appeared before the Board. He stated that the house is 75 years old and has
been used as residential but at one point was used as a daycare. It has currently been empty
for 18 months and the new owners want to convert it to office space. He stated that the existing
driveway was already there and is not a matter of whether you do or don't landscape, but that it
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July 11, 1996
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didn't seem feasible to lower the slope immediately adjacent to the building and pave that
landscape next to the property line, because that would wipe out landscaping in the front yard
and it would change the curb cut location.
Keating questioned whose property the north side fence is located on? Slezak replied that it
belongs to the property in question.
Keating questioned what will happen with that fence? Slezak stated that the plan is to just
leave the fence as it is and that there is no reason to take it down. Keating stated that if no
landscaping , his thought was that the "ugly" fence should come down. Slezak stated that he
did not know the owners intentions for the fence but that there should not be any particular
adverse reaction to that proposal.
Mr. Woodward, the home owner of the property to south, appeared before the Board. He
stated that he lived next door to the house in question for 40 years and that the original owner
put the concrete in as well as the wall fence. He explained that the concrete was put in so that
the original owner would not have to mow the grass. He stated that he has no objection to the
passing of the variance.
No one was present in opposition to the appeal.
Shannon stated that there is a hardship based on topography and the existing driveway and it
would be an improvement over what is existing.
Breth stated that he sees a hardship with the topography of the lot on the north side and can
see why it wouldn't make sense to move the driveway over. He further stated that he would
support the addition of requiring the fence come down as part of the variance and that he would
be in favor of passing it.
Keating moved to approve appeal 2177 with the condition that the north side fence come down
or be replaced if it is found that the home owners own that fence.
Discussion followed on the appropriate wording of the motion and Barnes explained the fence
Slezak stated that it would not be problem for the owners to take down the fence .
Lieser seconded the motion. Yeas: Shannon, Gustafson, Stockover, Breth, Keating, Lieser.
Nays: None. Abstentions: Felner. The motion passed.
Other Business
East side/west side code changes.
Barnes discussed the changes that were adopted by Council in March after two years of staff
review and input from the east side/west side neighborhoods. He stated that the ESWS
neighborhoods were rezoned in 1991 and originally the ESWS neighborhood plans called for
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July 11, 1996
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ordinances implementing certain policies of those plans. Part of that dealt with architectural
review and guidelines and design standards. There were 6-7 design standards added to the
code. He continued to explain those guidelines and presented to the Board that they may be
seeing more of these issues brought before them as variance appeals.
Barnes explained to the Board that staff will go back to Council in January with a status report
and review of these changes, and that Council may then opt to make revisions. He stated that
input from the Zoning Board of Appeals may be important information for Council to consider.
City Attorney Eckman stated on the question of hardship, that just because something may look
nice, doesn't mean that the variance should be granted. The purpose of the Board is not to
circumvent Council, but to only grant variances when a legitimate hardship is found.
Barnes stated that because Council put the provision in the ordinance that they want to review it
after a year, is indication that they are going to want feedback, not just from the community, but
also from boards and commissions that will be dealing with the issue, as well as staff.
The meeting was adjourned.
Marty Breth, Chairman Peter Barnes, Zoning Administrator
July 1, 1996
Roll call.
2. Appeal 2175. The variance would allow the use of the building to change from "Amigos
Restaurant' to "Farmers Bank" without requiring that the existing rooftop mechanical
equipment be totally screened from view. The existing parapet wall screens about 80%
of the equipment. Section 29-478(b) by Vaught Frye Architects, 713 S. Lemay Avenue.
3. Appeal 2176. The variance would reduce the required front yard setback from 15 feet to
9.3 feet in order to allow the existing front porch to be rebuilt in the same location. The
variance would also allow the new porch roof to be flat, instead of having a roof pitch of
at least 2:12. Section 29-119(3), 29-119(4) by Mark Moses, 614 W. Magnolia St..
4. Appeal 2177. The variance would reduce the required 5 ft. parking lot landscape strip
along the north property line to 0 ft. for the length of the 105 ft. driveway located along
the north side of the lot. The variance is necessary due to the proposed use change
from residential to office. Section 29-493(1) by Steve Slezak, 223 S. Howes St..
5. Other business.