HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning And Zoning Board - Minutes - 03/07/2002r1 U r1 U Chairperson Gavaldon called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Roll Call: Carpenter, Craig, Colton, Torgerson, Bernth, Meyer, and Gavaldon. Staff Present: Gloss, Shepard, Stringer, and Deines. Agenda Review: Director of Current Planning Cameron Gloss reviewed the Consent and Discussion Agendas: Consent Agenda: 1. Minutes of the December 7, 2000 and February 1, 2001 (Continued) Planning and Zoning Board Hearings. 2. #53-85AX C.A.T., 8th Filing Replat, Atrix Labs — Project Development Plan (Pulled to Discussion — Gavaldon) Discussion Agenda: 3. #5-02 Poudre School District 2003 Elementary School — Site Plan Advisory Review Chairman Gavaldon pulled Item #2, C.A.T., 8th Filing Replat, Atrix Labs — Project Development Plan to discussion. Member Bernth moved for approval of Consent Item #1, less the February 1, 2001 minutes. Member Colton seconded the motion. The motion was approved 7-0. Project: C.A.T., 81h Filing Replat, Atrix Labs — Project Development Plan Project Description: Request for an addition and construction of a new building totaling 129,184 square feet. Located at the southeast corner of Centre • Avenue and Worthington Avenue and zoned E, Employment. Two modifications are requested: Planning and Zoning Board Minutes March 7, 2002 Page 2 to Section 3.5.1(G), Building Height Review and 3.5.3(B)(2), "build to" line, of the City's Land Use Code. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the C.A.T., gth Filing Replat, Atrix Labs — Project Development Plan. Hearing Testimony, Written Comments and Other Evidence: Steve Olt, City Planner, discussed some site shots of the site showing surrounding building setbacks. He stated that part of the development request was for a modification to the build -to line as it is in excess of the 15-foot setback that the building should have to the "less than full" arterial streets. The north -side building setback would be about 27 feet from the edge of the street, which would be closer to the street than any of the surrounding buildings. Planner Olt further discussed site shots of the property and its surrounding buildings. He stated that the height of the proposed new building will be 47 to 54 feet up to the top of the mechanical screen unit. Member Colton asked why there was only one entrance toward the parking lot and why there weren't more along the sidewalk. Mark Oswald, architect with the Neenan Company, stated that all the parking and access to the building is from the south as a result of responding to the build -to lines on the north and west. One of the main reasons for having only one entrance is for security of the research activities that will be occurring in the facility. He added that the labs for the building are located on the north side in order to maintain constant lighting and temperature and an entrance on that side of the building may disrupt lab activities. Member Colton asked if the single entrance was consistent with the other Atrix buildings. Mr. Oswald stated that the Atrix building directly to the east is also a single- entry building but does have fire exits, which are strictly exits. Chairman Gavaldon stated that the development proposal contains some good street connections that meet the service level expectations. Planner Olt stated that there would be two motions necessary — one for the modification and one for the project itself. • Planning and Zoning Board Minutes March 7, 2002 Page 3 Member Bernth moved for approval of the request for modifications of standards in Sections 3.5.3(B)(2)(a) and (b) of the Land Use Code as they pertain to C.A.T., 8th Filing Replat, Atrix Labs Expansion and New Building PDP based on the findings of fact and conclusions in the staff report. Member Meyer seconded the motion. Chairman Gavaldon thanked Planner Olt and the applicant for the 3-D artwork and details. The motion was approved 7-0. Member Bernth moved for approval of the C.A.T., 8th Filing Replat, Atrix Labs Expansion and New Building PDP based on the findings of fact and conclusions in the staff report. Member Carpenter seconded the motion. • The motion was approved 7-0. Project: Poudre School District 2003 Elementary School, Site Plan Advisory Review Project Description: Request for a Site Plan Advisory Review of the 2003 elementary school which consists of an 11.3 acre campus located on the east side of Timberline Road just south of Kechter Road. The school will serve 600 students and contain 63,092 square feet. Once annexed (anticipated for the Spring of 2002), the site will likely be in the LMN — Low Density Mixed -Use district. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Board advise the Poudre School District Board of Education that the location, character and extent of the proposed 2003 Elementary School, is appropriate and conforms to the elements relative to the adopted master plan (City Plan) and the Fossil • Creek Reservoir Area Plan of the City. . Planning and Zoning Board Minutes March 7, 2002 Page 4 Hearing Testimony, Written Comments and Other Evidence: City Planner, Ted Shepard, stated that this project is a Site Plan Advisory Review for an as -of -yet unnamed elementary school scheduled to open in August of 2003. The site is southeast of Timberline and Kechter. The 63,000 square foot school would serve 600 students and would be similar to the Zach Elementary School currently being built. The school property will be annexed upon gaining contiguity from the Westchase property located to its south and will likely be zoned LMN. Tammie Simpson, project manager from the Poudre School District, gave the applicant's presentation. She discussed some of the background information analyzed by the District when considering new school construction. She stated that District representatives have met with City staff to resolve many issues. She discussed the sustainable and recycled products to be utilized in the school. Some of the energy strategies include thermal ice storage, which will cool the building during the day after running at night and special electronic ballasts, and lights that will lower energy demand as well. Ms. Simpson stated that the exact outdoor color scheme and pattern have not yet been chosen. She added that the school's elevation will be similar to Zach Elementary. The building will have exposed pipes and other components that will serve as a learning tool for "how a building runs." The District is hoping for a late April bid date and construction starting at the beginning of May. Public Input Troy Klummer, a resident of South Timberline Road, asked whether the annexation will include properties north of the school site or just the new subdivision south. He also asked about right-of-way on Timberline Road and if any additional easement will be needed for Timberline Road. Planner Shepard responded that no properties north would be included in the annexation. He added that he was not aware of any potential right-of-way acquisition. The street improvements will be done to the north property line of the School site. Member Craig asked why the parking lot wasn't placed on the side or rear of the building so students wouldn't have to go through the parking lot to access the building. She also asked what the School District and City was doing to help students cross Timberline Road. Ms. Simpson stated that because of the site configuration and size, including the detention pond location, the proposed parking configuration seemed to make the most Planning and Zoning Board Minutes • March 7, 2002 Page 5 sense. Also, the ballfields are more appropriately located on the east side of the school, away from Timberline Road. Member Craig stated her concerns for student safety and suggested that the District possibly examine other site layouts. Ms. Simpson stated that students will be bussed in from the west side of Timberline. The traffic study calls for an eventual light at the intersection of Timberline and Trilby Roads and at Kechter and Timberline Roads. If bussing does not work in the future, crosswalks or other solutions may be considered. Member Craig asked how many students are to be bussed in. Ms. Simpson replied that about 90% of students will be bussed from the north and west. Member Torgerson asked if there was concern about hitting balls into adjoining properties. Ms. Simpson replied that the site would be fenced with a 6 or 8-foot fence and the • ballfield would face northeast so as to hopefully avoid that occurrence. Member Carpenter moved that the Planning and Zoning Board advise the Poudre School District Board of Education that the location, character, and extent of the proposed 2003 Elementary School is appropriate and conforms to the elements relative to the adopted master plan and the Fossil Creek Reservoir Area Plan of the City based on the findings of fact and conclusions in the staff report. Member Torgerson seconded the motion. Chairman Gavaldon stated that he appreciated the work put into the project by the School District. The motion was approved 7-0. Director Gloss confirmed the date of the Planning and Zoning Board retreat for March 29tn He stated that the location had not yet been determined. He asked for input from members regarding future worksession agendas. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 P.M. 0