HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning And Zoning Board - Minutes - 06/02/1959Ma COi. INS FLANKING AND ZONINGi June 80 1959 The meting of the Planning and Zot>board was called to order kw the Chatawea, Edward Y. Nithrows at MO P* , lsomhartie present woret Jame C. lsaese, Dr- A teert M. Imes ksbert 00boltree, 0. H. Pilum# AV A. Pwtmr, Comseilamn * nald 0. 8oaart4, representing Mayor Jask A. Harvoy, and Idwawd W. Atbrew4l xinnta the minutes of the meeting of Key 5, 1959, were ayprsrsd as presented. Cosrespoodmmoe The following oorr"powdosroe "In presented t Hy 200. 1959 M. Edward H. Withrow, chairman Fort C 14M Planning & Zoning board Fort Collinst Colorado Dear Mr. Athrovr As you knows it treat nwrber of the City's large shade tross on South college Airemwm are now being removed in ao meation with the widening of South College Avesmo audit would seen to m that it would be a proper function, or your Board to eaooider the matter of having • thecae suede trios replaced by the respective owners of the properties fronting an South Counts Aveano, As I understand it, the sidsdwUo will vat be constructed Joining the curb and to not *ease theta should bo roan in the yard between the house and walk for r Ao or no" shalt areas and I thick that the property owners should bs to V4 in tress Aererer possible, I think that ywnr" Board, in oarrriNS out its Ration CC long r'wago ploming, would be a proper party to aowdartoks UU respandMlity and that it abeeld "Weider and rocs mod the " of tr" or trove to be plaited. Our Trust Dapartmat is the Ames of one of the" proportios and I tool that we should replace sasr of the shads treesbeing ,renewed. Z think I should he advised by sonhsaity ageswy with yregard to the kind of tree risiah we should, put in. it ass" is se that it sight be dmirable to mmsoaed one typo of tree for the avenue, while at the seam ties I am sus that U-M40A be better fowr the City to )too d several types of treeee from *Aft rho scold, ashe his on mlmieu - I an on" you will agent that the Avenue will preS=% a ♦e7 barren appearance if sanrefrart is not ash to replace our trees. Tsk7 troy *00o"e' Wined) Jobet D,, Hart ma Ties-Praxtdmt & Trust Offloor Mr. Palms stated tbat as somas es South College Avewswe vlo widened a forester fray Colorado atsto University v1U ocatact the property evhers to advise then an the type of trams to plant, TkU letter was, ref :-sad to Mr. Palnes to answer. dv 2, 1959 (continued) 2 rai r the Chairsan collod Pear the Roasing on Ftirriew Swbdivisies, First Fi1i Ut Snbd. Naxos or Rugga CSiOwrINUS 1W 270 1959 Moti+sc of a Fins to apPrxe of dirapgurarw a PUt submitted oto t4w Massing o the 25OW Zooieg A"Xd, City of Fort Collins, Colorsdo, day of April, A. D. 1959, bpr Bastran and Sartrsn Constriction caaPM is busby Ss**%. Said boarlag is to be bold at a sesting•of tke planding and Aoard, Cite of Fort Collies, Colorado, an the Sad dey at Junes A. D. 1959, at 7130 F. PA., at the Fort Collins *zAlalpal BdIdUKO Fort Collins,Colwado. Sold plat to be ianown ass FAIR71i% MW SCffi rMI(W Is sitastwd in the .S$ J of Secticim 15, Townrbip 7 Borth, Rangy 69 Wert of the 6tb F.K., City or Fort Collins, cpsatyl'at lariser, State of Colorado. Said plat ds W file in tko ortios of the rlaiming and Led MosuAdo Feet Collins *mlctp►al Saildiasg, Fart Collies* Cclorada, ad is available for inspection during reining office hot". Signed, d C. rcrt, toilinso polosado The ,following Persar Were in attopdaase, at the swoungs Alden All Attorsyr F. S. Ibbone 1320 Nbetword Or, J. A. R. A. Pieroon h Dr. R. A. Sohlaweenrr 3Jt'i Lakewood Dr. Q. L. "tn M Springfield Dr, W. S. Bertram 0060 it. D1 LU$M Cower The tatter was dimmed at Jar4th with tboss pgropost tp %be aoard. Ater all passes were heard the it W490 m deolorod the boax4ft oleo". ' xt was saved by Dr. Jwe that the final plat, of riirriw Sebdirisiom, First Fiiiag, a Portion Of the 888 of Sondes I $' i Township 9 ,lisetb, 6y West of the 6th P. X., City or Fort, Comm, Cowsty Of I&VINOr, State of Coloayudd, be app wed subject to the egspliaaroe with the SO&WiSian Rubs Sand Regulations end tie owners aedAW snhdiridars of the PsVPertar into a written ssraasamt With the Ciiy St,JWt Cashes that tail .pwblis lepsovaunts, utilities and fasilitiss ssSlarY for the drVelapa nk of the area being subdivided will beiastalied gbesstols 4th 8gbd. in accordance with the standard specifications of the City, and the plat be subspitted to the City Council with the recommendation that it be apprd►ed subject tothe foregoing condition. The motion wane seconded ttcr Mr. Partner. Vow the Affirmative rote of all mesabero present the Chairmen declared the motion paned. MIKE UP WAXM tpii 'TIBGSs Aw 27s 195P Notice of a hearing to approve or disapprove a plat submitted to the Planning anal Zoning Bond, City of Fort Conies, Colorado, an the 25th day of April, A. A. IZ9s by.C. X. Honstaft And Roland Weltsel is bsneby glen. Said hearing Is to be hold at a meeting at the Planalog aad Zaoing Beards City of Fort. Collins, Colorado, an the tad day of dune, A. A., IMs at 700 P, M., at the tort Collins hut#aipal Building, Fort Collins Colorado. Said plat to be known as e -HIDSLUM HUMS SZCM SUBDIVISION is situated is the $w$ of Section 180 Townoh p 7 Martha Range 68 West at the 6th P. M.s City of Fort Co113me, County of Larimer, State of Colorado. Said plat is an file in the office of this PJswdog and toning Board, Port Collins KWA.0ipal Buildings Part Collins, Colorado, and is available for Impaction wing regular cake hours. Sigoods OM C. bomtwyo Port follieus, Colorado Tips matter was dissrrrsed at langth bW the Board. It we moved by Mr. Noose tad seconded ly Mr. Osboltras that the final plat of Ht5hloader 591ghts Second Bubdiviaion, a portion of the SWj of Section 38, TwA Mip 7 North, Range 66 Hour at the 6th P. M.s City at, Fort Collins, County of Lsrlsers State at Colorado, be approved subject to the owners and/or aub81videmr of the papapsety maturing robe a writtym agraessaa with the Cit'T of Port Callifr that the public iasparo omnts, + blades and facilities necessary for the derolopmat at the area being sWWlvlded will be imrtallod in smoordanoo tgth the gtgodedd "asitieations at the City, and the plat bs aWwAtted to the City Council with the recommendation that It be appmed subject to the foregoing condition. The Chairman declared the action passed apes the rffirmat3rs'vote of all Nadu" prevent. The Ghairassn called for the Rearing on lti.11er Browwrmr Yoothills Bub- ditrisiom, Fourth Piling. Jump,.2, 1959 (eentimmed) RitBStlSiidY Matise of a hearing to the nommift arid Zoning am 25th 4AW of Apruo A. D. IV is boroby g1ron* a Em Said bearing Is to be MIA at a weetIng of the PlasmAng and Using heard, QV of Fort colline't Colorado, an the W dw oaf :002, A. D. 1010s at 1*30 P. No$ at the tort callION 00141114, Jftwlftgs Fort- Col lim'O COIO"do. Said plat to be know mot MILL&H MWXWI IW"ZUS SYJMIVISZDNO P%M FILM In situated In the NSA of the 91;6 Soctim 160 Towwtdp ? KwthA am" 69 West at the 6th P.M.* cur of Port collimso C*=* of Larlmostj State of CoUwado. Said plat is an file to the offft* at as Plmmlft and Zoulft loardi Fort ColUme Mnlo$4*1 *JMUX# �Jpwt CoUlm, COIW&dOo and 14 O"CUU0 for IMPSOUGIN 4MVIM Xft*JAr OffiWO hftM. Signed# JM C. lose* 386rOUATt FIXIMMU41 &VA saw &am Part collims,' coukrudA nis'notter Was discussed at lmfttkt JW. the boards Mr, Odwltree wrod that tko nwa pig% of miner arotbaret rootwxU SwAivis$04 ftwrth Filing, a Portion of Um 04 of the U4 at Section 16f Towuddp? Riarthp gap 69 West of us 6th P. Mos (;:Ltq at fort CWUJAW# Com4y of Ux%mw# State at Colorado, be a"rewed #004"t to Us CWW= OW/ur SWAJVI"n -ofW W"Wq outorift taro a wrl"m agreement lith the City at fwL coulas t"t the Public IMPrOWSMOsts., VUU%14w and f&UUtjsp, asuoss=7 Sep the d"*jopmgft of am beleg subdivided will ko ImstaUed in aeoe�rdansq, ut+A the stand&* the 4poauuatum at %m altro MA the put be VdwdA;tq4 to S)w city Cowen x" *A* moomm"Olau" tw* it be &Ppwsd 4"Ject. to the fmo"14 Condition. W* Wame s"ondod Us emrUm. Open the aftiftativo, veto of all sewban P"Out the Q"Iwm declared the motion pesoodo Resew The Petition to rosems Aleck 92 to IT's Commor", veftrred, to the Board Moak 92 kv the (XV COmmolls mw read #* discussed at loagW. It sup stared br Hr. w a OdWl%M end 0001NOW kW Mr. ftrtw Wo matter be %mUod vatil Ant mmt- Intl for the board to fwtlwr atuo. up" to o affirmativo vote of au M*Aozw PNOOst the QwLnm declared QW motion possedw The petition, referred to tm imurd 1w the city covoail, requost4mg late dr fOWP 91"s and 4Xv P340stO 30-OubdITIMica be Changed f"M an A Ple"dowe some to a B cowmeraw zeme$ and 14U awe twos three, end the SontAL m toot • 014 lot rMoms WIMO.6 subdivisoms be- skmmwo te,-&# Asside"O zooss "a present" and at 11,010h, 0 The foliating "Ititlen Was also Suede . I I . 2, 1959 (continued) 5 PETITION To the Planning Commission of Fort Collins, Colorado. %he 'kkdersignado owners of property on hest Prospect Street and South College Avenue, respectfully request that the petition for the re-sonimg of Lots in Wlard Addition be granted, as to Lots Ones Two, Threat Fours Five and Six. These in attendance at the mewti4 weres too. W. B. Vanvant 319 West Lake Louis X. Clark 131 kart Lake Mrs. H. B. Break 1W south College C. H. Alford 1417 South College K. H. Gross Attorney spa A. Miller Owner Mr. Palms asbed to be examed frr. the remainder of the meeting. After all persona ware heard the Oudrran deolOod the hearing closed. It sees screed ty Dr. Lee that it be recommended to the City Council that the patition requesting Lots fount five, and sixj.P issnts Rs -subdivision, to be changed from an A Residence Zone to a D Cemseraial Zones and Logs asns, twos three, and the south 191 Peet of Lot fifteen, Wiard+s Subdivision to be changed to a C Bpsidenes Saw be approved.The motion was seconded by Mr. Oohaltrao. Ayers Dr., Lees Mr. Ochaltroo and'Mr. Withrow. Roy,sr Mr. Eaenct Mr. Partner, Mr. Rob&U. This matter was tabled until the next meeting. is The Petition for a Change in Zoning, referred to the Basal kW the City Council, for Let 2 in Block 127 from the sga residentill scene to a "D" 127 commercial sane was rears pad discussed at lengths. fir. fame stied it be E, recommended to the City Couscll that :Lot 2 in $look 227 be removed from the "B" residential sons, and ,placed ,in the "D° centennial some. The motion was seconded by Itr. Fortner. - el Harold Beier submitted thirty copies of "Publie Facilities and BuildingsM.' He also gave a brief report an the work to be completed and told his ideas of What a Planning Board Bb$WM be. The Chairmen called for a special meeting for 3me 9, 19591, at 7130 P.X. #g her. loss* mowed and Mr, Oobeltres seeetded that the seating be adjourned. owed The Otairsan declared the nesting odioarred upon the affirmative vote of all aombers present.