HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning And Zoning Board - Minutes - 07/23/1958` q July P3, 195R COUTYS PLINNINO ANn 7nNINW'ARn The meeting of the Planning and 7oning Board was called to order by the • Chairman, Edward V. Withrow, at 7:20 P. M. Members present were: John n. Rartman, G. R. palmes, Roy A. Fortner, and Edward W. Withrow. James C. Reese entered the mooting later. Members absent: nr. Robert M, 1". Minutes The minutes of the meeting of July A, 195R, were approved as anmroved presented. Correspondence July 23, 1958 vr. *dward V. Withrow, Chairman Planning and Toning Board City of Fort Collins, Colorado near Mr. !Jithrow: It has been recnested by the Rousing and Rome Finanoe Agency and the Colorado :State Planning nivision that "Paste -one" be Attached to "all reports, maps *net other documents completed as a part of this contract" (for Xederal Planning Assistance) shawEng that Federal fimde have been used. %, cloaed you will find such "Paste-ons". It is respectfully requested that these be attached to all rotate, maps, doev"nta, etc. which have previously been submitted to the City of Fort Collins. NoVery truly yours, /a/ Forold Beier. Rearing on The Chairman called for the hearing on Fighlander #eights First Highlander Subdivision. Heights lot Subdivision NOTICR OF RFARINO July IR, 1958 ORP.?TTWA Notice of hearing to aporove or disspprove a plat submitted to the Planning and Toning Board, City of Fort Collin, Colorado, on the Rth day of July, A, n. 195A, tir C. F.. Ronstain and Roland Voitsel is hereby Riven. Said hearing is to be held at a meeting of the planning and Toning Board, City of Fort Collins, Colorado, on the P3rd day of July, A. D. 195R, at 7:00 P. M., at the Fort Collins Municipal Building, Fort Collins, Colorado. Said plat, to be known set RIORLANYWR FSIORTS FIRST SMMMSION is situated in the SW; of Section 1A, Township 7 North, Range FP West of the Fth P. M., City of Fort Collins, County of Larlsor, State of Colorado. Said plat is on file in the office of the City Clerk, Fort Collins Munioitfal Building, Port Collins, Colorado, and is available for inspection durinrr regular office hours. Signed. James C. xaese x Mary, . uid'oning Board City of Fort Collins, Colorado • The matter was discussed by the Board. It was proved by Mr. Rartmmmn and seconded by Mr. Portaor that the plat of the Highlander HejFrhtm First Subdivision, nmrt of the rW of Section in, Township 7 North, Range AR 'pest of the fth r. M. be aeoro►eed as presented and sub6oct to the owners and/or subdividers anbering into a written mpreement with the City of Fort Collins that all public iruro►emente, utilities and facilities nec- essary for the develotmamt of the area being subdivided will be installed in accordance with the standard specifications of the City and the said plat be submdtted to the City Council with the recommendation that it be approved subject to the foregoing condition. The Chairman declared the motion nasoed upon the affirmative vote of all members present. Highlander Heights 2nd Annex. Rezoning part of Pod Orchard Park Wivisian The matter of the petition and application for annexation of the area to be known as the Highlander Heights Second Annnaxation, was presented to the Bond and discussed et length. It was moved by Mr. Hartman that it be recommended to the City Council that the Petition and Application for Annexation of the Prom to be known as the Highlander Heights Second Annexation to the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, a part of the Sw? of Section 1% Township 7 North, Rango 6A west of the 6th P. M., Lorimer County. Colorado, be accepted. The notion was seconded by Mr. Reese. Upon the affirmative vote of all members present the Chairman declared the notion passed. The following petition for changing zoning, referred to the Planning and 7oninng Board by the City Council, was Peed and discussed at length: July 17, 195A To the Mayor and City Council Fort Collins, Colorado Oenntlemen t The undersigned hereby request the toning of the property described below be changed from A to C for the purpose of erecting a nurising home thereen. Lots Fight and Nine of the Second Orchard Park Subdivision and an untplattod Prom described me follm at Beginning at the Northwest cornor Of Lot Night, thence west 210 feet,, thence 'South 'N1h feet, thence West. 210 feet, thence in a Northerly direction to the point of beginning, the area also being part of the Second Orchard Rubdivi eon. Respectfully submitted, /s Edwin t . Mill /s ale Beard a Franklin Heard /a/ R. H. Flinn 4P -349 - • It was moved by Mr. Hartmen that it be recommended to the City Council that the tone of Lots PigW and Nine of the Second Orchard Park Subdivision and an unplett.ed area described as followst Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot glut, Thence 'meet 210 feet, thence South 21h feet, thence East 210 feet, tkexinee in a Northerly direction to the point of beginning, the area also being part of the Second Orchard Subdivision be changed from A Hone to C cone. Mr. Heose seconded the motion. The Chairman declared the matter. passed upon the affirmative vote of all members present. Time of Mr. Rartmwn moved that the tire of the meetings be changed from meeting 7tM P. M. to 7t30 P. M. The motion was soaondod by Mr. Ueso. Upon changed the affirmative vote of all members present the Ohdirson declared the motion passed. Meeting It was moreed by Mr. Xeese and seconded by Mr. Palmmes that the meeting adjourned be adjourned.