HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning And Zoning Board - Minutes - 02/20/1968MINUTES OF MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD SPECIAL MEETING February 20, 1968 Call to Order: Chairman, Don Stuart called the meeting to order on February 20, 1968 at 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Don Stuart, Charles Rhoades, Tom Coffey, Mrs. Wood, Lynn Anduss, Dr. Bennett, Mayor, Ken Pastor, Council Members, Al Kruchten, Karl Carson, Jerry Kissock. Item #1 Minutes for meeting of February 6, 1968 were read and approved. Item #2 #2-68 Consider Matador Unit Development Plan involving 13.259 acres with a density not exceeding 20 units per acre. Bob Engelke: Located the tract and explained the Board of Zoning Appeals approval of density variance and the surrounding zoning. Attorney, Dave Wood: (For proponents) 1. There was no provision for Unit Development under the previous ordinance which limited the discretion on the part of the board in reviewing the site plans. 2. Section 19.2 sets special requirements. • 3. Explained Zoning Board of Appeals variance. 4. Phase No. 1 is completed. 5. Bartran, Jr. originally presented it under the old ordinance and went to Zoning Board of Appeals on lack of frontage problem on the first phase. 6. There has been some change in Phase No. 2 and 3. We are now asking for approval on Phase No. 2. 7. Forty-three percent open space in Phase No. 2. The total development will exceed twenty-five percent required. The open space is to be the responsibility of the owners. Bob Engelke: Pointed out the location of parking and driveways in rear of single familydevelopment now existing creating the effect of double frontage lots. Mr. Bartran: Referred back to the first master plan and showed screening between apartments and single family houses providing interior courts by this plan. Cannot screen now for total ditch perimeter. Bob Engelke: Original concept of Unit Development was to have 12 units and have sufficient open area for parking and screening thereby being compatible with the area. Dave Wood: Density moot question'. Bob Engelke: Not since plans are under consideration. Again mentioned rear yards (living area) adjoin the • tract in question. Landscaping will not be effective for a period of years. Need a set back on the parking • RLANNING & ZONING - MIWES Page 2 February 20, 1968 lot as it projects beyond the houses to the south. Questioned status of utility plans. Bill Bartran: Not approved yet. Mrs. Wood: What kind of lighting will be used in the parking area? Bill Bartran: Regular street lights. Ken Pastor: Moved to approve Phase No. 2 as amended on parking lot next to City Park. Charles Rhoades: Seconded the motion. All Ayes. Item #3 #12-68 Consider proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which would establish a minimum time limit between rezoning applications on a given property. Gene Allen: Presented written report to Fort Collins Planning and Zoning, Board, City Council and City Manager, dated February 9, 1968, concerning Revision to Section XXI of the Zoning Ordinance, pertaining to zoning map amendments. Don Stuart: Questioned procedure for amendment. Gene Allen: By recommendation. Don Stuart: Two parts -- agreement on procedure and time intervals. Those supporting? Dr. Eagan, Jim Danez, Herman Calases, Roger Steel and Ralph Bodish. Don Stuart: Those opposed? None Howard Jones: Spell out procedure, agree on idea. • Ken Pastor: Asked Howard Jones about year time limit. Howard Jones: Not sure, must work for home owner and developer. Lynn Anduss: Question of Board recommendations. Gene Allen: Rezoning could carry over more than one meeting. Charles Rhoades: Questioned wording of letter - speculation and realistic. Mrs. Wood: Boulder has a hearing every three months. Charles Rhoades: Board can refuse to hear now. Gene Allen: Not really. Tom Bennett: Council would welcome a recommendation. Karl Carson: We could use some help. Al Kruchten: No comment. Jerry Kissock: No comment. Tom Coffey: Moved more study he done, then make a recommendation. A written proposal from both sides. Lynn Anduss: Seconded the motion. Jake Step in the right direction. Dr. Eagan: Supported Gene. Mr. Steel: Supported Gene. Mr. Southerland: Commented upon development of the Fort Collins area. Tom Bennett: Fort Collins has done more in the last few years than all the past years. • Gene Allen: Do you accept the principal of the letter? FCANNING & ZONING - M*ES Page 3 . February 20, 1968 Board: Yes Don Stuart: Called for a vote on previous motion. All ayes except Charles Rhoades. Item #4 Consider proposed Subdivision Regulations. Bob Engelke: Presented and explained changes of this draft. Mrs. Wood: Questioned Section 3.16(2), plans not intended to be made by City Engineer. Don Stuart: Any added comments on changes to be called to the attention of the board? Bob Engelke: Read and explained the section on handling and installation of improvements. Developers' Engineer to do plans and City Engineer to review them. Park lands within the City are now about six percent of the total, so this changes to six percent accordingly, improvements, those required before a permit is issued and those after a permit and before a Certificate of Occupancy. Howard Jones: Representing the contractors and subdividers --brief comments on numerous parts of the proposed ordinance. Referred to staff. Item #5 Discuss long range planning program. Gene Allen: Presented written memo and asked for comments. Refer to memo to Fort Collins Planning and Zoning Board and City Council, dated February 20, 1968 • concerning Priorities for Work Program. Tom Bennett: Pleased - order not important. Mrs. Wood: Discussed the school site problems. Gene Allen: It might be a good idea to get a school board member to attend the Planning and Zoning meetings. Don Stuart: Recommended the City Council study this and recommend it back to the Planning and Zoning Board. Lynn Anduss: Move parks become a major topic. Ken Pastor: What phase is the downtown work in now? Gene Allen: Forming committee and preliminary work. Item #6 Other business to be considered. Gene Allen: Presented work on Fuqua Subdivision as worked out to involve Aborgast. Instructed to proceed. Item #7 Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD • Robert 0. Engelke Acting Secretary ROE/skd