HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning And Zoning Board - Minutes - 01/16/1978PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES January 16, 1978 Board members present: Bob Burnham, Phyllis Wells, Robert Evans, Ed VanDriel, Gary Spahr. Staff present: Les Kaplan, Eldon Ward, Paul Deibel, Kew Waido, Robert Steiner Legal Representatvie: Lucia Liley. Bob Burnham: Calledthemeeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and welcomed new Board member Gary Spahr. 1. #1-78 Dreher First Annexation. Description: Proposal to annex 28.52 acres located south of Conifer Street and east of North College Ave. Applicant: Staff initiated. 2. #2-78 East Vine Drive Fourth Annexation. Description: Proposal to annex 6.89 acres located north of East Vine and east of North College Avenue. Applicant: Staff initiated. 3. #3-78 East Vine Drive Fifth Annexation. Description: Proposal to annex 201.97 acres located on East Vine Drive west of North Lemay Avenue. Applicant: Staff initiated. 4. #4-78 Hiatt Annexation. Description: Proposal to annex 4.27 acres located on North Lemay Avenue 1/4 mile south of Wilcox Lane. Applicant: Staff initiated. Les Kaplan: Explained planning objectives for the four city -initiated annexations: 1)compatibility with downtown Fort Collins; 2)functionally inter -related land uses; 3)supportive to downtown; 4)short-run viability; 5)fill void between downtown and areas to the north; 6)zoning as a means to stimulate north development; 7)zoning should meet community need; 8)zoning should be discouragingto urban -type develop- ment in the county; 9)zoning should be responsive to Lemay Avenue and Timberline Road extensions. c ` Planning and Zoning Board Minutes January 16, 1978 . • page 2 Explained staff zoning recommendations and their inter -relationships. Charles Unfug(representing the Dreyers): Expressed opposition to the annexations claiming that until the exact location of the proposed expressway was known any plans to spur development were premature. Ernest Monroe(property owner on East Vine Drive): Opposed to annexation and concerned that a city assigned zone would not permit him to continue present land uses. Les Kaplan: Said he could have legal non -conforming uses. Don Slago(property owner): Opposed to any annexations because they were premature. Said his land was used agriculturally and that he planned to continue that use. Questioned the adverse effects on the neighborhood should Lemay Avenue be improved and used as a truck route. Noted that Dry Creek had been filled in the area of the Dreyer annexation. Jim Whitehead(Property owner on East Vine Drive): Had no real complaint about annexation but considered it premature. Les Kaplan: Said annexation was being pursued to remove uncertainty of development. Noted the proposed expressway was meant to encourage development but was having the opposite effect. Whitehead: Though it was premature to encourage development. Bob Burnham: Said people should recognize the flood problems in the area and that public hearings would be held on those problems. Phyllis Wells: Thought it was important to note that annexing the areas met the Goals and Objectives established for growth of Fort Collins, Colorado; that there was a need to make growth in the North more feasible and to maintain a healthy downtown. Pointed out to concerned citizens that the annexations were not capricious acts of land grabbing but rather an extension of the Goals and Objectives for controlling the City's growth. Ed VanDriel: Thought some people might be opposed to annexation because of additional cost but noted the increase would be negligable. Moved to recommend that all four areas be annexed to the City. Robert Evans: Seconded the motion. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes January 16, 1978 . • page 3 Zoning of the Dreyer Annexation. Les Kaplan: Outlined zoning recommendation for the Dreyer annexation as HB, RH and RMP. Pointed out the recommendations made by staff involved rezonings of areas presently within the city limits. Bob Burnham: Thought those rezonings should be handled in the manner and procedural format of all non -city petitioned rezonings. Lucia Liley: Said the Board really should not consider the rezonings since property owners had not been notifyed. Bob Burnham: Agreed. Said the Board should consider only zoning of the annexations. Charles Unfug: Expressed concern for the RH zoning south of Conifer Street. Said Dreyer's intended to expand Jax Surplus Store east into the proposed RH zone. Beyond the expansion,.businesses of a similar nature were envisioned. Thought having a residential zone so close to the proposed expressway was undesirable. Suggested Dry Creek not be used as a zoning line between RH and RMP. Thought the whole annexation should be zoned into a business district to provide a balance for the businesses in the southern part of the city. Requested HB for the Western half and IP for the Eastern half of the site. Robert Evans: Asked if Mr. Unfug was aware of the legal implications of having Dry Creek filled. Unfug: Thought there was little concern since there was no water in the creek. Robert Evans: Thought the creek was a good zoning line since a floodway could be declared along it permitting no development. Wm. Dressel: Noted the underground water problem in the area was a real concern. Ed VanDriel: Questioned having the RH & RMP zones completely surrounded by business and industrial zones. Wm. Dressel: Thought apartments were needed but wasn't sure the location was correct. Robert Evans: Suggested extending the HB zone East to Redwood Street. Wm. Dressel: Moved to recommend the HB zone for the area between the city limits on the West and the centerline of Redwood St. on the east and the rest of the annexation for IP. Noted the area could be rezoned at a later time if problems developed over the Dry- Creek floodway. Planning and Zor Board Minutes • January 16, 1978 page 4 Ed VanDriel: Seconded the motion. Vote: Robert Evans - YES Ed VanDriel - YES Wm. Dressel - YES Phyllis Wells - NO, favored the HB zone and some IP but felt there should be some RMP zoning as well. Gary Spahr - YES Bob Burnham - YES Zoning of East Vine Drive Fourth Annexation Les Kaplan: Recommended HB zone on the Western portion and C - commercial for the rest of the annexation. Ernest Monroe: Objected to having his property split into two zones. Asked that it all be commercial. Les Kaplan: Pointed out he could continue any present land use regardless of the zoning. Monroe: Asked about drainage water - noted it often ended up on his property. Les Kaplan: Said if the land developed in the city, storm water runoff would be planned and engineered to Mr. Monroe's benefit. Robert Evans: Suggested extending the HB ggae.east as far as was recommended for the Dreyer Annexation - the centerline of Redwood Drive. Wm. Dressel: Asked staff about the possibility of extending Redwood South to Vine Drive. Paul Deibel: Said local street patterns were usually left up to local development but thought it might provide a good alternative to a frontage road. Robert Evans: Moved to recommend HB zoning east to the centerline of Redwood Drive and C-commercial for the remainder of the annexation. Phyllis Wells: Seconded the motion. Vote: Robert Evans - YES Ed VanDriel - NO Wm. Dressel - NO - Wanted all of the Monroe property zoned C-commercial Phyllis Wells - YES Gary Spahr - NO Bob Burnham - YES The motion failed to carry. Planning and ZoBoard Minutes January 16, 197W page 5 Wm. Dressel: Moved to recommend C-commercial for the Monroe property and HB for the remainder of the site and East to the centerline of Redwood Drive where it did not conflict with the Monroe property. Ed VanDriel: Seconded the motion. Phyllis Wells: Saw the recommended zoning as providing no incentive to extend Redwood to Vine. Wm. Dressel: Did not think a zoning line was an incentive for a road extension. Vote: Robert Evans - YES Ed VanDriel - YES Wm. Dressel - YES Phyllis Wells - NO Gary Spahr - YES Bob Burnham - NO - Thought the recommended zoning was a departure from the philosophy of deepening the RB zone along N. College. The motion carried, 4-2. Zoning of East Vine Drive Fifth Annexation Les Kaplan: Recommended C, RMP, IP and RLP zones. Melvin Johnson (Property Owner): Said he intended to build a church in the area and was concerned the floodplain might interfere with those plans: Lucia Liley: Johnson: Lucia Liley: Wm. Dressel: Johnson: Les Kaplan: Wm. Dressel: Phyllis Wells: Said he could submit plans for the church prior to the floodway designation becoming official but noted City Council might table it. Asked what would happen to the value of the land if it fell within the floodplain. Said City could consider it as open space. Thought the federal government might provide some compensation and suggested Mr. Johnson contact his Congressman. Asked when all the information regarding the floodplain designation would be known. Said he'd contact Mr. Johnson when he knew. Moved to recommend the zoning as per the staff recommendation. Seconded the motion. Planning and Zo Board Minutes • January 16, 197 page 6 Vote: Robert Evans - YES Ed VanDriel - YES - Reluctant aye; concered with the RMP zone being located between industrial zones. Wm. Dressel - YES Phyllis Wells - YES Gary Spahr - YES Bob Burnham - YES Zoning of the Hiatt Annexation. Les Kaplan: Recommended RLP zoning Don Slago: Asked for a zoning clarification. Les Kaplan: Explained. Wm. Dressel: Moved to recommend RLP zoning for the Hiatt annexation. Robert Evans: Seconded the motion. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. Wm. Dressel: Recommended informally that the MM zone and the area along College Avenue be considered for rezoning. The Board recommended informally and unanimously for said rezoning considerations. 5. #5-78 Allen Annexation. Description: Proposal to annex 117.7 acres located on South Shields Street 600 feet north of West Horsetooth Road. Requested zoning is R-L-P, Low Density Planned Residential District. Applicant: Bartran Homes, Inc., 1942 Constitution, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80521. 6. #6-78 Trend Homes First Annexation. Description: Proposal to annex 73.85 acres located on Horsetooth Road 1/4 miles east of South Taft Hill Road. Requested zoning of R-L, Low Density Residential District. Applicant: Jim Strauss, c/o Trend Homes, Box 794, Longmont, Colorado, 80501. 7. #7-78 Trend Homes Second Annexation. Description: Proposal to annex 82.95 acres located at the northeast corner of Horsetooth Road and South Taft Hill Road. Requested zoning is R-L, Low Density Residential District. Applicant: Jim Strauss, c/o Trend Homes, Box 794, Longmont, Colorado, 80501. 3 Planning and 2onBoard Minutes . page 7 January 16, 1978 Les Kaplan: Located the three proposed annexations and recommended approval for the following reasons: 1)Their urban orientation; 2)Avoid development in the county; 3)Provide a balance to Southeastern growth; ---Recommended RLP zoning for all three annexations, ---Said annexations should include all the land south to Harmony Road. ---Noted the City Parks and Recreation Department planned to locate a park in the area. Wm. Dressel: Asked why staff was opposed to the petitioner requested RL zone for the two Trend Home Annexations. Les Kaplan: Pointed out that the RLP zone permitted RL uses. Said that if projected uses for the land changed the RLP zone would insure site plan review. Wm. Dressel: Said the Board had seen many P.U.D.s and thought more subdivisions were needed. Paul Deibel: Said the RLP zone allowed more planning flexibility. Ed VanDriel: Asked if the petitioners would object to a one -month tabling to allow the city to contact residents in those areas between the proposed annexations and Harmony Road for thier inclusion for annexation. Ron Hoisington(Representing Trend Homes): Thought it was an imposition to ask them to deal with land they did not own. Thought it was at the owner's discretion whether or not to annex. Regarding the staff recommended RLP zoning, no objections were proffered. Tom Kafis(Representing Bartran Homes for the Allen annexation): Agreed with Mr. Hoisington. Wm. Dressel: Agreed with the applicants. Les Kaplan: Said that if area was annexed and developed at a later time responsibility for Horsetooth Road improvement would be left entirely up to the developers. Phyllis Wells: Asked for projected population figures. Les Kaplan: Said 3,800 people. Phyllis Wells: Thought alternatives should be studied for staging growth. Wm. Dressel: Suggested at some point someone would have to say no to so much annexation. Les Kaplan: Pointed out that a no must be defensible. Planning and Zo Board Minutes . January 16, 197* page 8 Wm. Dressel: Moved to recommend approval of all three annexations. Ed VanDriel: Seconded the motion - as a defensive measure. Vote: Ed VanDriel - YES Robert Evans - YES Wm. Dressel - YES Phyllis Wells - YES - but expressed frustration in the lack of growth control and for some phasing plans. Gary Spahr - YES Bob Burnham - YES Zoning of the Allen Annexation. Ed VanDriel: Moved to recommend RLP. Robert Evans: Seconded the motion. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. Zoning of Trend Homes First and Second Annexations. Phyllis Wells: Moved to recommend RLP. - Robert Evans: Seconded the motion. Voter Robert Evans - YES Ed VanDriel - YES Wm. Dressel - YES, reluctant aye - felt there was a problem of too much planned zone areas. Phyllis Wells - YES Gary Spahr - YES Bob Burnham - YES Phyllis Wells: Suggested the staff notify property owners south of the Trend Homes and Allen annexations about possible inclusion of their lands for annexation. Regarding the North Fort Collins Annexations, recommended to City Council that a pedestrian system and possible park or recreation area be provided for if a floodplain area was designated. Said pedestrian access to Lee Martinez Park should be considered. Bob Burnham: Suggested the Council take a strong position to keep any floodplain area as small as possible. Other Business. Request for out -of -city utility service west of South College and north of Harmony Road. Les Kaplan: Said the Urban Service Steering Committee recommended the item be tabled until completion of the Urban Service Area study. I Planning and Zo Board Minutes danauary 16, 197 page 9 • Noted that if the District utilites served the site they would also service Park South. Phyllis Wells: Asked what was wrong with the Steering Committee's recommen- dation. Les Kaplan: Said nothing. Wm. Dressel: Agreed with the Steering Committee's recommendation. Phyllis Wells: Moved to concur with Steering Committee's recommendation and to have a study done to determine the logic of developing the area. Ed VanDriel: Seconded the motion. Vote: Robert Evans -YES Ed VanDriel - YES Wm. Dressel - YES Phyllis Wells - YES Gary Spahr'— Abstained - felt he was too uninformed on the issue to vote. Bob Burnham - YES Tim Handley(4536 N. County Road 13;President of the Riding Club - Boots & Spurs): Regarding the Trend Homes Annexation. Concerned that if his property were to be included in the annexation what would happen to the Riding Club. Les Kaplan: Said the use could continue. Handley: Asked about such potential problems as night lights, noise, dust. Bob Burnham: Said it might violate the nuisance ordinance. Les Kaplan: Said he was unprepared to discuss Mr.Handley's concerns in detail and suggested a meeting at a later date. Wm. Dressel: Suggested the meeting should include legal council. Eldon Ward: Said the zoning administrator should also attend. The meeding adjourned at 9:35 p.m.