HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning And Zoning Board - Minutes - 01/08/1963.RT COLLINS PLANNING AND ZONING ARD
seat Meeting It was announced by the Chairman of the Board that the next
meeting will be held on Tuesday January 8, 1963.
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned
C rman
January 8, 1963 The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P. M. Present: Chair-
man Robert Ocheltree, Virgil Magerfleisch, Roy Portner, Dr. Robert
M. Lee, James Keese, City Manager Max L. Norris. Absent: Mayor
Eugene H. Frink.
Minutes The minutes of the meeting of December 4, 1963 were approved as
Annexation of A petition for the annexation of a parcel of land to be known
Maxwell's First
Addition 1-3 as Maxwell's First Addition wan presented to the Board by James H..
Stewart. It was moved by Mr. Norris and seconded by Mr. Portner
that the petition be favorably recommended to the City Council.
Rezoning of N-50 A petition for the rezoning of the North 50 feet of Lot 1, Lesser's
ft. of Lot 1, Lessers
Subd. B-D 2-3 Subdivision from B to D was presented to the Board by Dominick R.
Tappero. It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and seconded by Mr. Portner
that the petition be favorably recommended to the City Council. Passed.
Thunderbird Estates A petition for the annexation of a parcel of -land to be known
Third Annexation
3-3 as Thunderbird Estates Third Annexation was presented to the Board
by Mr. James H. Stewart. It was moved by Mr. Norris and seconded by
Dr. Lee that the petition be favorably recommended to the City Council.
Final Plat The final plat of the Thunderbird Estates Third Subdivision
Thunderbird Es-
tates Third Subd. was presented to the Board by James H. Stewart. It was moved by
is 4-3
Mr. Magerfleisch and seconded by Dr. Lee that plat be favorably re-
commended to the City Council subject to the landowners and/or sub-
dividers entering into the usual written agreement with the City
for the installation of utilities and public improvements. Passed.
Spring Creek A petition for the annexation of a parcel of ground to be known
Annexation 5-3
as the Spring Creek Annexation was presented to the Board by James
H. Stewart. It was moved by Mr. Portner and seconded by Mr. Norris
that the petition be favorably recommended to the City Council. Passed.
Final Plat Spring The final plat of the Spring Creek Second Subdivision was pre -
Creek Second Subd.
6-3 sented to the Board by James H. Stewart. It was moved by Dr. Lee
and seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch that the plat be favorably recommend-
ed to the City Council subject to the landowners and/or subdividers
entering into the usual written agreement with the City for the in-
stallation of utilities and public improvements.
Sourth Taft Hill A petition for the annexation of a parcel of ground to be known
Annexation 7-3
as the South Taft Hill Annexation was presented to the Board by James
H. Stewart. It was moved by Dr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch
that the petition be favorably recommended to the City Council. Passed.
Rezoning of 1 un- A petition for the rezoning of 1 unplated parcel in the Second
plated parcel in
Second College College Addition from A to C was presented to the Board by James H.
Addition A to C
8-3 Stewart. It was moved by Mr. Portner and seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch
that the petition be favorably recommended to the City Council. Passed.
Rezoning of 1 un- A petition for the rezoning of 1 unplated parcel in the Second
plated parcel in ,
Second College College Addition from A to D was presented to the Board by James H.
Addition A to D
9-3 Stewart. It was moved that the petition be favorably recommended to
0 the City Council. Passed.
New Zoning
February 5, 1963
Rezoning of Lot
11 Blk. 91 C-D
First Elliott -
Miller Annexation
Elliott -Miller
Subdivision Final
Plat 12-3
Mr. James Guyer read a report from the Citizens Advisory Group
on Long Range Planning concerning the proposed Zoning Ordinance.
This report particularly stressed a need for further detailed study
before finalization of the ordinance.
The Board discussed many facets of the proposed ordinance.
The meeting was adjourned at ll:lh P. M.
The meeting was called to order at 7:L1 P. M. Present: Chair-
man Robert Ocheltree, James Keese, Virgil Mager£leisch, Dr. Robert
M. Lee, and Max L. Norris, City Manager. Absent: Roy Portner and
Mayor Eugene H. Frink.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
The meeting of the Fifth Institute of Planning Officials was
called to the attention of the Board and two members expressed a de-
sire to attend.
The petition for the rezoning of Lot 11, Block 91 from C to D
was presented to the Board. It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and
seconded by Mr. Norris that the motion be tabled. Passed.
The petition for annexation of an acre to be known as the First
Elliott -Miller Annexation was presented to the Board by Mr.. Stewart,,
It was moved by Mr. Norris and seconded by Dr. Lee that the petition
be favorably recommended to the City Council. Passed.
A petition for the approval of a final plat of the Elliott -Miller
Subdivision was presented to the Board by Mr. Stewart. It was moved by
Dr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Keese that the plat be favorably recommended
to the City Council subject to the landowners and/or subdividers enter -
Indian Hills Subd
Fifth Filing
Final Plat 13-3
Doctor's Center
Subd. Preliminary
Plat. 14-3
r �
Request for Con-
sideration of Sixth
Fairview Subd.
Final Plat
Sixth Fairview
Subd. Final Plat
Report of Parks
& Recreation
ing into the usual written agreement with the City for the installation
of utilities and public improvements. �adS•
The final plat of the Indian Hills Subdivision Fifth Filing was
presented to the Board by Mr. Stewart. It was moved by Mr. Keese and
seconded by Dr. Lee that the plat be favorably recommended to the City
Council subject to the landowners and/or subdividers entering into the
usual written agreement with the City for the installation of utilities
and public improvements. PasSQd
The preliminary plat of the Doctor's Center Subdivision was presented
to the Board by Mr. Stewart. It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and second-
ed by Dr. Lee that the plat be approved. It is also recommended to the
City Council that the final plat, which will agree with this submitted
plat including agreed changes, be favorably considered subject to the
landowners and/or subdividers entering into the usual written agreement
with the City for the installation of utilities and public improvements.%a",
It was requested by Mr. Bartran that the final plat of the Sixth
Fairview Subdivision be considered at this meeting. It was moved by
Mr. Norris and seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch that the request be approved.
The final plat of the Sixth Fairview Subdivision was presented to
the Board by Mr. Bartran. It was moved by Mr. Norris and seconded by
Dr. Lee that the plat be favorably recommended to the City Council sub-
ject to the landowners and/or subdividers entering into the usual agree-
ment with the City for the installation of utilities and public improve-
ments iL`55cC�
Mr. S. R. DeBoer made a report on the progress of the parks and
recreation planners.
The meeting was adjourned at
ecre a /°
March 5, 1963 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P. M. Present: Chairman
Robert Ocheltree, James Keese, Virgil Magerfleisch, Dr. Robert M. Lee,
Roy Portner, and City Manager Max L. Norris. Absent: Mayor Eugene H.
Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented.
Citizens Committee A report was made by Mr. James Guyer regarding the work of the
for Long Range
Planning Citizens Committee for Long Range Planning.
Fifth Annual Insti- Reports were made by Virgil Magerfleisch and Dr. Robert M. Lee con-
tute for Planning
Officials cerning their participation in the Fifth Annual Institute for Planning
Rezoning of Lot A petition was presented to the Board for the rezoning of Lot 11,
11, Block 91 C-D
10-3 Block 91 excepting 25 feet square in the northeast corner of said lot
from C to D by Mr. Donald D. Holleman. A motion was made by Mr. Keese
and seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch that the petition be favorably recommend-
ed to the City Council. Passed.
Rezoning of Blue A petition for the rezoning of Blue Bell St. to City Park Avenue
Bell St. to City
Park Ave. along along Wagner Drive from A to C was presented to the Board by Mr. Jack
Wagner Drive A-C
16-3 Nicols. It was moved by Dr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Portner that the
petition be tabled. Defeated.
It was moved by Mr. Keese and seconded by Mr. Norris that the peti-
tion be favorably recommended to the City Council. Passed; Dr. Lee vot-
ing against the motion.
Reaoning of Block A petition for the rezoning of Block 133 from C to D was presented
133 C-D 41-2
to the Board by Mr. Alvin Miller. It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and
seconded by Dr. Lee that the petition be denied. Passed.
It was moved by Mr. Norris and seconded by Mr. Portner that the re-
quest df the petitioner for the withdrawal of the petition for the re-
zoning of Block 133 be approved. Passed.
41-2 •
Second Elliott A petition for the annexation of a parcel of land to be known as
Miller Annexation
40 17-3 the Second Elliott -Miller Annexation was presented to the Board. It
was moved by Mr. Norris and seconded by Mr. Portner that the petition be
favorably recommended subject to the approval of the First Elliott -
Miller Annexation. Passed.
Columbine Court The final plat of the Columbine Court Third Subdivision Second Fil-
Third Subdivision
Final Plat 18-3 ing was presented to the Board by Mr. William Boehnke. It was moved by
Mr. Magerfleisch and seconded. by Dr. Lee that the plat be favorably re-
commended to the City Council subject to the landowners and/or subdivid-
ers entering into the usual written agreement with the City for the in-
stallation of utilities and public improvements. Passed.
Seventh Fairview The final plat of the Seventh Fairview Subdivision was presented to
Subdivision Final
Plat 19-3 the Board by Mr. William Bartran. It was moved by Mr. Keese and seconded
by Mr. Portner that the plat be favorably recommended to the City Council
subject to the landowners and/or subdividers entering into the usual
written agreement with the City for the installation of utilities and
public improvements. Passed.
Indian Hills Sixth The final plat of the Indian Hills Sixth Filing was presented to
Filing Final Plat
29-3 the Board by Mr. James Stewart. It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and
seconded by Dr. Lee that the plat be favorably recommended to the City
Council subject to the landowners and/or subdividers entering into the
usual written agreement with the City for the installation of utilities
and public improvements. Passed.
Request for Con- It was requested by Mr. Hardy Clark that a petition for the annexa-
sideration of an
Annexation tion of a parcel of land to be known as the South Taft Hill Second Annex-
ation be considered by the Board at this meeting. It was moved by Mr.
Magerfleisch and seconded by Dr. Lee that the petition be so considered.
10 Passed.
South Taft Hill A petition for the annexation of a parcel of land to be known as
Second Annexation
21-3 the South Taft Hill Second Annexation was presented to the Board by
Mr. Hardy Clark. It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and seconded by Mr.
Norris that the petition be favorably recommended to the City Council.
Request for Con- It was requested by Mr. Harry 0. Hard that a petition for the re-
sideration of a
Rezoning zoning of the north side of a section of the 600 block of W. Prospect
be considered by the Board at this meeting. It was moved by Portner
and seconded by Magerfleisch that the petition be so considered. Passed.
Rezoning of a Sec- A petition for the rezoning of a parcel of land on the north side
tion of North Side
of 600 Block of W. of the 600 block of W. Prospect St. from A to C was presented to the
Prospect St. A-C
Board by Mr. Harry 0. Hard. It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and second-
ed by Mr. Keese that the petition be favorably recommended to the City
Council. Passed.
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 1 . M.
April 2, 1963 The meeting was called to order at 7:37 P. M. Present: Chairman
Robert Ocheltree, Virgil Magerfleisch, Roy Portner, Jim Keese, Dr.
Robert M. Lee, City Manager Max L. Norris, and Mayor Eugene H. Frink.
Minutes The minutes were approved as submitted.
Maxwell Second A petition for the annexation of an area to be known as the Max -
Annexation 23-3
well Second Annexation was presented to the Board by Mr. James Stewart.
It was moved by Max L. Norris and seconded by Mr. Portner that the pe-
tition be favorably recommended to the City Council. Passed.
University Acres The final plat of the University Acres Eighth Subdivision
Eighth Subd.
Final Plat 24-3 was presented to the. Board by Mr. James Stewart. It was moved by Dr.
go Lee and seconded by Mr. Frink that the plat be favorably recommended
to the City Council subject to the landowners and/or subdividers entering
into the usual written agreement with the City for the installation of
utilities and public improvements. Passed.
South Tdft Hill The final plat of the South Taft Hills Subdivision was presented
Subd. Final Plat
25-3 to the Board by Mr. Hardy Clark. It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and
seconded by Mr. Keese that the plat be favorably recommended_to the City
Council subject to the landowners and/or subdividers entering into the
usual written agreement with the City for the installation of utilities
and public improvements. Passed..
Final Report of Mr. S. R. Deboer gave the final report of the Parks and Recreation
Parks & Recreation
Planners Planners. Chairman Ocheltree expressed his appreciation and the appre-
ciation of the Planning and Zoning Board for the work of the Planners.
Zoning Ordinance Mr. Norris exhibited a use map for consideration in the develop-
ing of the new zoning ordinance. The Citizens Committee was consulted
in this regard.
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 0 . M. ._
ST :
May 72 1963 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. Present: Chairman
Robert Ocheltree, James Keese, Dr. Robert M. Lee, Roy Portner, City
Manager Max L. Norris. Absent: Virgil Magerfleisch and Mayor Harvey
Minutes The minutes were approved as submitted.
Rezoning of Lots A petition for the rezoning of Lots 27 and 28, Block 284 from B
27 and 28, Elk.
284 BtoD 26-3 to D was presented to the.Board by Mr. Luis A. Baez. It was moved by
Dr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Portner-that the motion be tabled. Passed.
Kramer Annexation A petition for the annexation of a parcel of land to be known as
the Kramer Annexation was presented to the Board. .It was moved by Mr.
Norris and seconded by Mr. Kesse that the petition be favorably recom-
mended to the City Council. Passed.
Bicycle Route A report for the Bicycle Route Committee was presented by Mrs.
Committee Report
Dwight Ghent and Mrs. Herbert Riehl.
It was moved by Dr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Keese that it be re-
commended to the City Council that consideration be given to the desig-
nation of bicycle routes,,in the City of Fort Collins. Passed.
Notification in After a discussion concerning the problems of rezoning, it was
cases of rezon-
ing suggested that no petitions for rezoning be acted upon if received
later than the fifteenth of the month prior to the scheduled meeting
of the Planning and Zoning Board. The Secretary of the Planning and
Zoning Board will notify all residents living within a two hundred foot
radius of `.any portion of the property concerned before the meeting
at which the petition will be considered. A notice will be sent to all
Planning and Zoning Board members that the above will be considered as
an amendment to the Rules of Procedure of the Planning and Zoning Board
at the next regular meeting.
Adjournment The meeting was
��:t 7A07 n, ice' ��1�
June 4o 1963 The meeting was called toorderat 7:38 P. M. Present: Chairman
goRobert Ocheltree, Roy Portner, James Keese, Virgil Magerfleisch, Dr.
Robert M. Lee, City Manager William F. Widdows, and Mayor Harvey G.
Minutes The minutes were approved as submitted.
Correspondence A recommendation from the Citizen's Advisory Committee that con-
sideration be given to the hiring of a City Planner was read to the
Rezoning of Lots The petition for the rezoning of Lots 27 and 28, Block 284 from
27 and 28, Block
284 B-D 26-3 B to D was considered since it had been tabled at the previous meeting.
Mr. Baez stated he desired to withdraw the petition.
Edwin S. Brown A petition for the annexation to the City of Fort Collins of an
28-3 area to be known as the Edwin G. Brown Annexation was submitted to the
Board by Mr. Edwin G. Brown. Mr. Ralph Kessler, the prospective buyer
• of the area was called in for consideration of the plans for the area.
It was moved by Dr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Widdows that the petition
be tabled. Passed.
Eighth Fairview The final plat of the Eighth Fairview Subdivision was submitted to
Subdivision Final
Plat 29-3 the Board by Mr. William D. Bartran. Dr. Jack Altman offered an objec-
tion to the final plat. It was moved by Mr. Keese and seconded by Mr.
Portner that the plat be favorably recommended to the City Council sub-
ject to the landowners and/or subdividers entering into the usual agree-
ment with the City for the installation of utilities and public im-
provements. Passed. Dr. Lee voted negatively.
Fairview Park Mr. William Bartran discussed with the Board the proposed purchase
of the area to be known as Fairview Park. It was moved by Mr. Keese and
seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch that it be recommended to the City Council
that the purchase of this area be given favorable consideration. Passed.
Consideration of It was moved by Mr. Portner and seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch that
Petition for rezon-
ing of area in a petition for the rezoning of an area in University Acres from A to
University Acres
A - C C be considered at this meeting of the Board., Passed.
Amendment to the It was moved by Dr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Portner that the
Rules of Procedures
of the Planning following amendment be made to the Rules of Procedure of the Planning
and Zoning Board
and Zoning Board: "No petitions for rezoning will be acted upon if re-
ceived later than the fifteenth of the month prior to the scheduled
meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board. The Secretary of the Plan-
ning and Zoning Board will notify all residents living within a two
hundred foot radius of any property concerned before the meeting at
which the petition will be considered." Passed.
Rezoning of Area A petition for the rezoning of an area of University Acres from A
in University Acres
A-C 30-3 to C was presented to the Board by Mr. William Allen and Mr. William
Tiley. It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and seconded by Dr. Lee that
the petition be favorably recommended to the City Council. Passed.
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned a
2, 1963
The meeting
was called to order
at 7:40 P. M. Present: Chairman
Robert Ocheltree, James Keese, Virgil Magerfleisch, Dr. Robert M. Lee,
No and Mayor Harvey G. Johnson. Absent: Roy Portner, City Manager William
F. Widdows.
Minutes The minutes were approved as submitted.
Edwin S. Brown The previously tabled petition for annexation by Edwin G. Brown
28-3 was presented. It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and seconded by Dr.
Lee that this petition be favorably recommended to the City Council
on the condition that an agreement be entered into to the satisfaction
of the Council providing for the dedication of the North twenty-five
feet for street purposes, and for the dedication of a strip along
Spring Creek for bridle path and park purposes and for off-street
parking. Passed.
Fifth Fairview A petition for the annexation of a parcel of land to be known as
to 31-3 the Fifth Fairview Annexation was presented to the Board. It was
moved by Dr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Keese that the petition be favor-
ably recommended to the City Council. Passed.
Rezoning Emigh's The petition for the rezoning of a portion of Emigh's Subdivision
C-D 32-3 from C to D was presented to the Board by Floyd J. Holsinger. It was
moved by Mr. Keese and seconded by Dr. Lee that the petition be favor-
ably recommended to the City Council. Passed.
Rezoning N.E. The petition for the rezoning of the North East corner of Pros -
Corner Prospect
and Lemay pect and Lemay from A to D was presented to the Board by Dr. Clyde E.
A-D, 33-3
Honstein. It was moved by Dr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch
that the petition be favorably recommended to the City Council. Passed.
Rezoning Chris- The petition for the rezoning of the South g, Northwest 4, Section
tian Church Area
A-C 34-3 24, T7, R.69, North of Arthur Ditch (Christian Church Area) from A to
C was presented to the Board by Mr. Harold Hafer. It was moved by Mr.
Keese and seconded by Mayor Johnson that the petition be denied. Passed.
Consideration of It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and seconded by Dr. Lee that the
hiring a City
Planner matter of hiring a professional resident planner as suggested by the
Citizen's Advisory Committee be considered. Passed.
Hiring of a It was moved by Mr. Magerflesich and seconded by Dr. Lee that it
resident City be recommended to the City Council that a professional resident planner
be hired. Passed.
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 M.
August 6, 1963 The meeting was called to order at 7:37 P. M. Present: Chairman
Robert Ocheltree, Roy Portner, Jim Keese, Dr. Robert M. Lee, Mayor Harvey
G. Johnson, and acting City Manager William F. Widdows. Absent: Virgil
Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted.
Rezoning Lots A petition for the rezoning of Lots 11-34, Bristol Subdivision from
11-34 Bristol
Subdivision B-C B to C was submitted to the Board by Mr. Morris G. Bristol. It was
moved by Mr. Portner and seconded by Mr. Keese that the petition be tabled.
Rezoning of Lots A petition for the rezoning of lots 12, 13, 14, block 91 from C to D
12, 13, 14, Block
91 C-D 36-3 was submitted to the Board by Mr. William Allen. It was moved by Mr.
Johnson and seconded by Dr. Lee that the petition be favorably recommended
to the City Council. Passed. Mr. Portner disqualified himself because of
interest conflict.
Rezoning of A petition for the rezoning of the 400 Blocks of Stuart street from
h00 Block,
Stuart St. B to A was submitted to the Board by Mr. Curtis N. Neeley. It was moved
B-A 37-3
by Dr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Keese that the petition be favorably
me recommended to the City Council. Passed
Rezoning A petition for the rezoning of a section of University Acres from A
Acres A-B to B was submitted to the Board by Mr. William Allen. It was moved by Mr.
Keese and seconded by Dr. Lee that the petition be favorably recommended
to the City Council. Passed.
Rezoning A petition for the rezoning of a section of University Acres from A
Acres A-C to C was submitted to the Board by Mr. William Allen. It was moved by
Mr. Keese and seconded by Dr. Lee that the petition be favorably recommend-
ed to the City Council. Passed.
Fourth A petition for the annexation of a parcel of land to be known as -the
College '
Annexation Fourth College Annexation was submitted to the Board. It was moved by
L O-3
Mr. Portner and seconded by Dr. Lee that the petition be favorably re-
commended to the City Council subject to a workable agreement on water
rights. Passed.
West A -petition for the annexation of a parcel of land to be known as the
First Annex- West Mulberry First Annexation was presented to the Board by Mr. Joseph
ation hl-3
W. Rogers. It was moved by Mr. Keese and seconded by Mr. Portner that
the petition be favorably recommended to the City Council. Passed.
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 10:08 P. M.
oeptember 3, 1963 The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. Present:
Chairman Robert Ocheltree, Roy Fortner, Jim Keese, Virgil
Magerfleisch, and Dr. Robert M. Lee, Mayor Harvey G. Johnson
and City Manager Robert F. Boos.
Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as
Rezoning of Lots A petition for the rezoning of Lots 11 to 34, Bristol
11-34 Bristol
subdivision B-C subdivision was presented to the Board. It was moved by Dr.
Lee and Seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch that this item be denied.
west Mulberry A petition for the annexation of a parcel of land to be
First Annexation
41-3 known as the west Mulberry First Annexation was presented to
the Board by Mr. Roscoe Anderson. It was moved by Virgil Mager«
fleisch and seconded by Roy Fortner that the petition be
favorably recommended to the City Council. Passed.
Rezoning of west A petition for the rezoning of the west '-� of Block 53
k Block 53 from
B to D 42-3 from B to D was presented to the Board by Mr. Dale Fletcher
It was moved by Mr. Keese and seconded by Dr. Lee that the
petition be favorably recommended to the City Council. Passed.
Rezoning south
A petition for
the rezoning of the oouth 150 feet of the
ft. of East 150
Lot 12, Emigh's
East 150 ft. of Lot
12, Emigh's oubdivision was presented to
division from C
to D
the Board by Mr, w.
A. King, It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch
and seconded by Mr. Keese that the petition be denied. Passed.
Adjournment The meeting was adjour at 8:30 P. MLZI,2� -
. %
ATT ' T:
October 11 1963
The meeting was called to order at 7:37 P. M. Present: Chairman
Robert Ocheltree, Virgil Magerfleisch, James Keese, Dr Robert M. Lee,
Roy Portner, Mayor Harvey G. Johnson, and City Manager Robert F. Boos.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted.
Rezoning Lot 1,
Arp6tition for the rezoning of Lot 1, Lesser's Subdivision from B
Lesser's Sub -
Division B-D
to D was presented to the Board by R. E. Carlsen. It was moved by Mr.
Portner and seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch that the petition be favorably
recommended to the City Council. Passed.
Rezoning West
Apetition for the rezoning of the West half of Block 184 from C to
Half, Block 184
C-D 45-3
D was presented to the Board by Mr. C. R. Yancey. It was moved by Dr.
Lee and seconded by Mr. Boos that the petition be denied. Passed.
Rezoning Lots 25-
A petition for the rezoning of Lots 25-30 and 36-46, Columbine Ct.
30, 36-46, Colum-
bine Ct. 2nd Sub-
2nd Subdivision, Lots 1-4, Columbine Ct. 3rd Subdivision, let Filing, and
division, Lots 1-
4, Columbine Ct.
Lots 5-8, Columbine Ct., 3rd Subdivision, 2nd Filing from A to B was
let Filing, Lots
5-8, Columbine
presented to the Board. It was moved by Mr. Keese and seconded by Dr.
2nd Filing
A-B 46-3
Lee that thelpetition be denied. Passed.
Thunderbird A petition for the annexation of an area to be known as the Thunderbird
Estates Fourth
Annexation 47-3 Estates Fourth Annexation was presented to the Board. It was moved by
Mr. Keese and seconded by Mr. Portner that the petition be favorably re-
commended to the City Council subject to negotiation of the water rights.
First Betz A petition for the annexation of an area to be known as the First Betz
48-3 Annexation was presented to the Board by Mr. E. R. Betz. After discussion
with the Board, Mr Betz withdrew the petition.
Sixth Highlander A petition for the annexation of an area to be known as the Sixth
Heights Annex-
ation 49-3 Highlander Heights Annexation (Zone C) was presented to the Board by Dr.
Henstein. It was moved by Mr. Boos and seconded by Mr. Keese that the
Spetition be favorable recommended with the provision that the area north
of Pitkin be zoned "C" and south of Pitkin be zoned "A" subjeet to ne-
gotiation of water rights. Passed.
North Highlander The final plat of the ninth Highlander Heights Subdivision was sub -
Heights Sub-
division Final mitted to the Board for approval. It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch
Plat 50-3
and seconded by Mr. Boos that the plat be favorably recommeded to the
City Council subject to the landowners and/or subdividers entering into
the usual written agreement with the City for the installation of utilities
and public improvements and to the annexation of said area. Passed.
Rezoning of Lots A petition for the rezoning of Lots 8-12, Block 96 from B to C was
8-12, Block 96
B-C 51-3 presented to the Board by Mr. Portner. It was moved by Mr. Johnson and
seconded by Mr. Reese that the petition be favorably recommended to the
City Council. Passed. Mr. Portner disqualified himself from participation
in the consideration of the petition.
Rezoning East A petition for the rezoning of the East Half of Block 82 from B to
Half Block 82
B-D 52-3 D was presented to the Board by Mr. Betzing. It was moved by Mr. Keese
and seconded by Mr. Portner that the petition be favorable recommended
to the City Council. Passed. Mr. Magerfleisch disqualified himself from
participation in the consideration of the petition.
Betz -Fischer A petition for the annexation of an area to be known as the Betz -
First Annex-
ation D Zone Fischer First Annexation to be brought into the City of Fort Collins
zoned D was presented to the Board`:?by Mr. Gene Fischer. It was moved by
Dr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch that the petition be favorably
recommended to the City Council subject to negotiation of the water rights.
Reconsideration It was moved by Dr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch that the
of First Betz
Annexation First Betz annexation be reconsidered at the meeting. Passed.
First Betz A petition for the annexation of an area to be known as the First Betz
D Zone 48- Annexation and zoned D was presented to the Board by Mr. E. R. Betz. It
was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and seconded by Dr. Lee that the petition
be favorably recommended to the City Council subject to the negotiation
of the water rights. Passed.
November 5, 1963
Rezoning North
78 feet, lot
3, Block 4,
Babbit Addition
A-B 54-3
Vacation of
portion of West
Coy Drive
Heights Tenth
Final Plat
Request of Con-
sideration of
the following
The meeting was
Secre ry
The meeting was called to grder at 7:36 P. M. Present: Chairman
Robert Ocheltree, James C. Keese, Roy Portner, Virgil Magerfleisch, Harvey
Johnson, Mayor, Robert M. Lee, City Manager Robert F. Boos.
The minutes were approved as submitted.
A petition for the rezoning of the north 78 feet, lot 3, block 4,
Babbit Addition from A to B was presented to the Board by Mr. David A.
Foltz. It was moved by Dr. Lee and seconded by Mayor Johnson thatthe
petition be denied. Passed.
A petition for the vacation of a portion of West Goy Drive was present-
ed to the Board by Mr. John Kochenburger. It was moved by Mr. Keese and
seconded by Mr. Portner that the petition be granted subject to a filing of
annexation petition and to entering into an agreement with the Public,Ser-
vice Co. of Colorado for relocation of gas line and subject to the dedication
of an additional ten feet for the connecting l;pk between East and West Coy
Drives. Passed.
The final plat of the Highlander Heights Tenth Subdivision was presented
to the Board. It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and seconded by Dr. Lee that
the plat be tabled until the adjoining subdividers have coordinated their
plans to effect an adequate correlation between the two. Passed.
A request was presented to the Board of the following items: East Acres
First Annexation, Preliminary Plat, Joe W. Rogers Subdivision, Preliminary
Plat, T. R. Jennaway Subdivision, and Master Plan, Alvin L. Miller, Foothills
Subdivision, First Filing by Mr. Philip Robinson. It was moved by Mr.
Portner and seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch that the request be approved.
East Acres A petition for the annexation of an area to be known as the East Acres
First Annexation
58-3 First Annexation was presented to the Board by Mr. Philip Robinson. It
was moved by Mr. Portner and seconded by Dr. Lee that the petition be
denied due to absence of access right and master plan of the area. Passed.
Preliminary The preliminary plat of the Joe W. Rogers Subdivision was presented
Plat, Joe W.
Rogers Sub-- to the Board by Mr. Philip I. Robinson. The plat was considered by they
division 59-3
Preliminary The preliminary plat of the T. R. Jennaway Subdivision was presented
Plat, T. R.
Jennaway Sub- to the Board by Mr. Philip I. Robinson. The plat was considered by the
division 60-3
Matter Plan, The Master Plan of the Alvin L. Miller Foothills Subdivision First
Alvin L. Miller
Foothills Sub- Filing was presented to the Board by Philip I. Robinson. The Master Plan
division First
Filing 61-3 was considered by the Board.
Report by the Mr. Boos reported on the progress of the selection of a City Manner
City Manager
and Consultant. It was suggested that the consultants be interviewed on
the 21st and 22nd of November. It was suggested that applicants for the
position of Planner be interviewed on Novenber 15.
There was considerable discussion about land use and zoning ordinance.
Ajournment The meeting was adjourned at 10: P. M.
December 3, 1963 The meeting was called to order at 7:33 P. M. Present: Chairman
eRobert Ocheltree, Virgil Magerfleisch, James Keese, Roy Portner, Dr.
Robert M. Lee, Mayor Harvey G. Johnson, and City Manager Robert F. Boos.
Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted.
Introduction of Chairman Ocheltree introduced the new City Planner, Gene M. A118n,
New City Planner
to the Board.
Highlander Heights The Highlander Heights Tenth Subdivision Final Plat, previously
Tenth Subdivision
Final Plat 56-3 tabled, was reintroduced. It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and seconded
by Mr. Portner that the final plat be recommended for approval to the
City Council subject to the landowners and/or subdividers entering in-
to the usual written agreement with the City for the installation of
utilities and public improvements. Passed.
Rezoning Lot 10, A petition for the rezoning of Lot 10, Block 1, Alpert Subdivision
Block 1, Alpert
Subdivision from A to C was presented to the Board by Mr. John Kochenberger. It
No A-C 62-3
was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and seconded by Mr. Johnson that the pe-
tition be denied. Passed.
Riverside Avenue Two petitions for the annexation of an area to be known as the
64-3 and 65-3 Riverside Avenue Annexation (D zoning) was presented to the Board by Mr.
Ralph Eastman. It was moved by Dr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Keese that
the petitions be favorably recommended to the City Council. Passed.
Alvin L. Miller A petition for the annexation of an area to be known as the Alvin
First Foothills
Annexation L. Miller First Foothills Annexation (partially coned B and C) was pre-
sented to the Board by Mr. Alvin L. Miller and Mr. James Stewart. It
was moved by Mr. Keese and seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch that the petition
be favorably recommended to the City Council subject to the negotiation
of the water rights. Passed.
Alvin L. Miller
The final plat of
the Alvin L. Miller
Foothills Subdivision, First
Foothills Sub-
division, Final
Filing was presented to
the Board by Mr.
Alvin L. Miller. It was moved
Plat, First Fil-
ing 67-3
by Mr. Magerfleisch and
seconded by Mr.
Portner that the final plat be
recommended to the City
Council subject
to the landowners and/or sub-
dividbrs enterinp into the usual written agreement with the City for the
installation of utilities and public improvements. Passed.
Delta Eta House A petition for the annexation of an area to be known as the Delta
Annexation 68-3 Eta House Association Annexation was presented to the Board by Mr. John
Kochenburger. It was moved by Dr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Keese that
the petition be favorably recommended to the City Council. Passed.
East Acres A petition for the annexation of an area to be known as the East
First Ann-
exation 6903 Acres First Annexation was presented to the Board by Mr. James Stewart.
It was moved by Mr. Portner and seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch that the
petition be favorable recommended to the City Council subject to the
negotiation of water rights. Passed.
Green Meadows The final plat of the Green Meadows Homesites was presented to the
Homesites Final
Plat 70-3 Board by Mr. James Stewart. It was moved by Mr. Keese and seconded by
Mr. Boos that the final plat be recommended to the City Council subject
to the landowners and/or subdividers entering into the usual written
agreement with the City for the installation of utilities and public
improvements. Passed.
Referral by A petition for the rezoning of a parcel of ground from R-Residential
Fort Collins
Regional Plan- to C-Commercial submitted by Raymond A. Nauta and Sammie Nauta was re-
ning Commission
71-3 ferred from the Fort Collins Regional Planning Commission to the Planning
and Zoning Board of the City of Fort Collins for recommendations. Mr.
John Kochenburger represented the petitioners. It was moved by Mr.
Magerfleisch and seconded by Mr. Keese that it be recommended to the Ft.
Collins Regional Planning Commission that, because there has been no
definite need shown for commercial usage and since the arguments against
the rezoning are valid points, the petition be denied. Passed.
Referral by Ft. A petition for the rezoning of a parcel of ground located west of
Collins Regional
Planning Com- Lemay Avenue and beginning at a point approximately 200 feet north of thi
mission 72-3
junction of 'Elizabeth street and Lemay Avenue from R-Residential to M1
-multiple family and C-Commercial was referred from the Fort Collins
Regional Planning Commission to the Planning and Zoning Board of the City
isof Fort
Collins for recommendations.
It was moved
by Mr.
Boos and se-
by Dr. Lee that the petition
be tabled and
that the
County Plan-
ning Board be requested to suspend action until the Fort Collins Plan-
ning and Zoning Board has an opportunity to study the area and submit
recommendations. Passed.
Request for A request was made by Mr. Frank Boxberger that a preliminary plat
of Applewood of the Applewood Estates be considered at this meeting. It was moved
Estates Pre-
liminary Plat by Mr. Portner and seconded by Mr. Keese that the request be approved.
Applewood Estates The preliminary plat of the Applewood hstates was presented to the
Preliminary Plat
73-3 Board by Mr. Frank Doxberger. It was moved by Dr. Lee and seconded by
Mr. Keese that the plat be favorably recommended to the/Planning Board.
Lighting on It was moved by Mr. Portner and seconded by Mr. Magerfleisch that
North College
Avenue Mr. Allen be assigned the investigation of the lighting of North College
Avenue and report his findings to the Board. Passed.
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:51 P. M.
December 10, 1963 The meeting was called to order at 7:46 P. M. Present:
Acting Chairman, Robert M. Lee, Virgil Magerfleisch, Roy Portner
and City Manager Robert F. Boos. Absent: Robert Ocheltree, James
Reese, and Mayor Harvey G. Johnson.
Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as sub-
Suggested Off- The suggested off-street parking ordinance was discussed by
Street Parking was
Ordinance the Board. It moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and seconded by Mr. Boos
that it be recommended to the City Council that an ordinance in
substance similar to that presented by Trafton Bean and Associates,
dated December 6, 1963, be adopted. Passed.
Referral of Fort A referral from the Fort Collins Regional Planning Commission
Collins Regional
Planning Commission of the Rezoning of the property west of Lemay Ave., beginning at
of Rezoning of Pro-
perty west of Le- a point west of Lemay Ave., beginning at a point 200 feet north
may Ave. 72-3
of the Junction of Lemay and.Elizabeth was presented to the Board.
It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and seconded by Mr. Boos that
the referral be tabled due to insufficient information being on
hand to substantiate a recommendation.
Recommended Planning A recommended Planning Program for the City of Fort Collins
Program for the
City of Fort Collins prepared by Trafton Bean and Associates, dated December 6, 1963,
was presented to the Board and discussed.
Agreement with Traf- An agreement with Trafton Bean and Associates for services
ton Bean & Associates
as consultants to the City of Fort Collins was read to the Board
and discussed. It was moved by Mr. Magerfleisch and seconded by
Mr. Boos that the agreement be favorably recommended to the City
Council. Passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:4& P.
Secre r