HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning And Zoning Board - Minutes - 04/10/1978MINUTES APRIL 10, 1978 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Burnham, Ed Vandriel, Robert Evans, Gary Ross, Phyllis Wells, Gary Spahr STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Deibel, Eldon Ward, Sue Cilley, Robert Steiner LEGAL COUNSEL: Lucia Liley Bob Burnham called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 1. Approval of March 6 and March 13, 1978 minutes. Gary Ross: Moved to approve the March 6 minutes. Ed Vandriel: Seconded the motion. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. Ed Vandriel: Moved to approve the March 13 minutes. Gary Ross: Seconded the motion. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. - Bob Burnham: Noted receipt of resignation letter from William Dressel. Asked the secretary to write a letter of appreciation to him for his service on the Board. Ed VanDriel: So moved. Gary Ross: Seconded the motion. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. 2. #49-78 Cimarron Square P.U.D., Revised Preliminary Plan. Description: Proposal for 152 multi -family units on 13.2 acres zoned R-P, Planned Residential District, located at the southeast corner of South Shields Street and West Drake Road. Applicant: T.D. Murphy, c/o Robert Sutter, 3000 W. Drake Road, Fort Collins, CO 80521. Paul Deibel: Gave staff position and recommended approval subject to the following comments: 1. Streetwidth. The Police and Fire Departments feel that the length and number of units served by the interior loop street are such that it should be 36' wide and allow Planning and ZonfPs Board Minutes • page 2/April 10, 1978 parking on both sides, since enforcement of parking on one side only is extremely difficult. The P.U.D. ordinance, however, allows a 28' street with parking on one side for streets that serve 100 dwellings or less as long as 2 off-street parking spaces per unit are provided. The street as proposed provided "direct" access to 76 three and fourplex units on lots fronting the street (all of which have 2 spaces per unit) and indirect access via the apartment area parking lots to 76 apartment units. The planning staff feels that the 28' street in this case is consistent with the intent of the ordinance, and that the configuration of driveways would allow for a substantial amount of on -street parking on one side of the street. We would, however, recommend a sidewalk on both sides of this street. 2. Buildings as depicted do not appear to provide sufficient room for two off-street parking spaces per unit. 3. Intersections of internal loop street, apartment parking lot entrances, and arterial streets should be better defined so as to eliminate potential for conflicting turning movements. 4. Fire access to apartments at southwest corner of tennis courts should be improved, and inside turning radius of apartment parking lot turnarounds should be verified. 5. Plan should allow for City oversizing of sidewalk for 7' bike- way along South Shields. 6. Open space and lots. All of the buildings within this P.U.D. are on individually deeded lots. Active recreational area is consolidated at the core of the site with generally good accessibility by most units - assuming common pedestrian circulation across individually deeded lots as is the applicants intent. It is also intended that the property owner's association maintain landscaping on these lots as well as in common areas. The legal instruments which accompany the final plans should clearly specify common access to lots within the project as well as any other limita- tions of property rights commonly associated with individually deeded lots. 7. Data. The preliminary plan should also include: a) verification of parking space distribution with respect - to number of bedrooms; b) verification that total floor area will not exceed 1/3 of net area, as per R-P zone; c) verification that impervious surfaces cover less than 10% of open space; d) differentiation of common open space vs. open space in lots; e) elevation or character study of 21 story buildings. 8. Other details. The final plan should include: Planning and Zonif Board Minutes • page 3/April 10, 1978 a) system of graphics for easy identification of dwelling units; b) security lighting; c) minor sewer realignment to provide service to clubhouse; d) building envelopes should specify max. floor areas as well as parking spaces in garages. Ed VanDriel: Asked how strongly the Fire and Police Departments felt about the street width. Paul Deibel: Said they 'gave what they considered to be optimal but noted they could provide adequate service with the proposed 28 foot streets. John Dengler(Representing the applicant): Said sidewalks on both sides of the street conflicted with design objectives. Said two car garages would be provided for each unit with covenents restricting parking to inside the garages. Agreed to provide room for a bikeway on Shields. Said homeowners in the vicinity who objected to the plan had been contacted and of the 18, only two responded. Phyllis Wells: Asked if a problem might be created with the entrances of the.. apartment unit parking lots so close to the intersections at Shields and Drake with the proposed interior street. Dengler: Said the intersections were at right angles and thought that should mitigate the problem. Phyllis Wells: Thought a problem might exist at the entrance of the northern parking lot. Dengler: Said it could be moved south. Phyllis Wells: Thought the overall plan was an improvement.% Gary Ross: Asked if the proposed sidewalk would be on the side with or without parking. Dengler: Said on the inner side, with parking. Ed VanDriel: Asked how parking covenents would be enforced. Dengler: Said lawyers were working on it. Phyllis Wells: Asked staff about traffic problems at northern parking lot entrance, Paul Deibel: Did not see a Droblem with it. Gary Ross: Asked what assurances there were for two off-street parking spots per unit. Paul Deibel: Said it would have to be indicated on the final plans. Added, Re sidewalks, thought there was great potential for large Planning and 2ono Board Minutes • page 4/April 10, 1978 amounts of pedestrian traffic. Said it was a tradeoff for the narrow street. Phyllis Wells: Agreed. Bob Burnham: Said the ordinance didn't require walks on both sides of the street. Paul Deibel: Said that applied only when less than 100 units were to be served and that it was unclear in this instance how many units would be served. Pointed out that the apartment dwellers would probably not use the walks much. Phyllis Wells: Moved to recommend approval subject to staff comments including a 28 foot street and walks on both sides. Robert Evans: Seconded the motion. Gary Ross: Objected to walks on both sides of the street. Thought there was enough concrete without an additional walk and that there was sufficient room behind the units for adequate interplay. Phyllis Wells: Thought walks should be provided because of the large numbers of people living on the site. Vote: Robert Evans: YES Ed VanDriel: YES Gary Ross: NO, objected to two sidewalks. Phyllis Wells: YES Gary Spahr: YES Bob Burnham: YES, but did not agree with the stipulation for walks on both sides of the street. Motion carried, 5-1. 3. #55-78 West Wind P.U.D., Preliminary Plan. Description: Proposal for 24 multi -family units on 3.35 acres zoned R-P, Planned Residential District, located on East Stuart Street east of Lemay Avenue. Applicant: C. Richard McCoy, 11931 W. 58th Arvada, Colorado, 80202.. Paul Deibel: Gave staff position and recommended approval subject to the following comments: 1. Parking lots should be adjusted slightly to provide 24' backup -space for perpendicular parking and sufficient inside turning radius for fire apparatus; 2. 6' utility easements should be indicated along Stuart and Lemay; 3. final utility plans should provide for a fire hydrant at entrance off Stuart Street; and also for provisions for drainage to Spring Creek. Planning and Zon Board Minutes page 5/April 10,078 • 4. preliminary plan should indicate location of existing trees. Ed VanDriel: Asked if the developer would be responsible for street improvements on the part not adjacent to his property. Paul Deibel: Said yes, but only widening of the pavement, not full improve- ments. Bob Burnham: Asked for storm drainage system explanation. Paul Deibel: Said the plan called for the most expedient way to remove water from the site and that there would be no on -site detention. Phyllis Wells: Asked about open space area along Lemay Avenue. Paul Deibel: Did not anticipate future development on the site. Noted any change would require an amendment to the P.U.D. C.R. McCoy(Applicant): Said expansion was impossible since H.U.D. regulations prohibited changing the plans. Robert Evans: Asked if the area would be landscaped. McCoy: Said a permanent covering would be provided. Agreed to meet all staff comments. Harry McCabe(1508 Buckeye): Noted he had been opposed to the plan when it was orginally submitted as WindDrift. Listed what he explained were different angles from which the Board should review the item and for the record: 1) the effect the proposal would have on the quality of life, education, the neighborhood and property taxes. 2) thought since it was a public assistance low-income housing project it should be restricted and rigidly controlled. 3) thought some means should be established to enforce all units be two -bedrooms and the architectural appearance of the buildings. 4) thought the rental costs should be made public information so that taxpayers could be made aware whether they were being gouged or not. 5) thought a means of enforcing the intensity of use should be established so that units would not be crammed with children. Said his wife had called the Fort Collins Housing Authority and had been informed that five kids could be permitted per unit. 6) questioned maintenance techniques, pointingout children's play areas could become ugly. Said he thought the plan was an improvement over the previous Planning and Zongg Board Minutes • page 6/April 10, 1978 submission but that precautions should be taken to avoid a disservice to the surrounding neighborhood. Bob Burnham: Said the Board was concerned only with the design aspects. Asked John McGraw (Director Human Resources) to respond to Mr. McCabe's comments. John McGraw: Said H.U.D. prohibited more than four people per two bedroom unit unless a child was under one year old. Did not know where Mr. McCabe got his information that five children would be allowed per unit -corrected that to mean five people total. Said special maintenance and architectural controls amounted to a housing code which the City did not have and that if such controls were applied to WestWind, they should be applied across the board for all development. Said the Rental range would be $265-$335 compared those rates to other apartment complexes in the City: Santana - $265- unfurnished; Pine Tree Village - $225-unfurnished; Foothills Meadows - $225-unfurnished; Scotch Pines - $290-unfurnished; Hill Pond - $300-unfurnished. Explained that all those complexes had been built when construction costs were sub- stantially less and that none included utility costs while the proposed rental rates for WestWind included a $50-$60 monthly rate for utility payment. Added that that figure was a minimum allowance and should the actual bills be higher, the lessee would be responsible. Gary Ross: Asked if there was any flexibility in the rents so that if abnormal amounts of vacancies occurred rates could be dropped to fill apartments. McGraw: Explained the reverse could happen as well and that the rates would not change in either event. Reed Rosenthal(Representing Stonehenge HOA): Requested the developer commit himself in letter form to certain architectural and maintenance standards. McGraw: Responded that such a requirement should be made across the Board or not at all. Gary Ross: Asked if such guarantees could be volunteered. Lucia Liley: Said they could but to require them could not be imposed on the developer. Jerry Dunn(1501 Patton): Said Board should look at what already exists (Santana) and then consider the impact of adding WestWind to the area. Suggested the Board impose as many conditions as possible to prevent anything "slipping through the cracks." Also thought Board should prohibit any future development on the open space Planning and Zoning Board Minutes page 7/April 10, 1978 area at the Western edge of the site. Said a credibility problem existed with the developer. Gary Ross: Suggested a hedge be installed along the western edge of the open space as a safety precaution for playing children. McCoy: Agreed. Gary Ross: Moved to recommend approval subject to staff comments and special consideration for a hedge at the western edge of the site and that more than low maintenance landscaping be installed in the open areas. Ed VanDriel: Seconded the motion. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. 4. #56-78 3rd Amendment of Eastgate P.U.D., Preliminary Plan. Description: Proposal for 48 residential units and 12 commercial uses on 6.2 acres zoned R-M-P, Medium Density Planned Residential District, and B-P, Planned Business District, located on Riverside Drive between Montgomery and Pitkin Streets. Applicants: George W. Betz and Dan Bailey, P.O. Box 7, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80522. Eldon Ward: Said the Petitioner requested tabling. Ed VanDriel: So moved. Robert Evans: Seconded the motion. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. 5. #57-78 Granada Heights Subdivision, Preliminary Plan. Description: Proposal for 45 multi -family and 10 single family lots on 23.84 acres zoned R-L-M, Low Density Multiple Family District, and R-M-P, Medium Density Planned Residential District, located north of West Vine Drive and west of North Shields Street. Applicant: Castle West Homes, 415 Peterson St., Fort Collins, Colorado, 80521. Paul Deibel: Gave staff position and recommended approval subject to the following comments: 1. Zoning. The plat does not appear to recognize that only single family uses may be developed on individually deeded lots which are not part of a P.U.D. in the R-M-P zone. Lots 29-32 and 39-45 are zoned R-M-P, but are similar in size and configuration to the other lots in the subdivision zoned R-L-M, Low Density Multiple Family District, which would allow multi -family uses. i • Planning and Zoning Board Minutes page 8/April 10, 1978 2. R.R. Buffer. Lots along the north boundary of the site should conform with the Subdivision Ordinance requirement that lots backing onto a railroad be 150' deep. Proposed lots are only 130' deep. 3. Utilities: a) Water main should be looped through Chaparro Street cul-de-sac, across Arthur Ditch and between lots 54 and 55 to Cuesta Road, b) The area north of Arthur Ditch should be filled (to 5,002 el.) to provide sufficient fall, for gravity sewer line, c) Detention area should discharge under the Railroad to the north rather than into the Arthur Ditch, d) Six ft. easement should be provided along all street R.O.W. 4. Streets: a) Intersection of Granada Drive and Cuesta Road should be at a right angle, b) Bikepath and low maintenance landscape treatment should be provided along W. Vine Drive. (Also, altercation of cul-de-sacs might improve shape of lots and the end of both culs.) 5. Street name duplications ("Granada" and "Chaparro") should be eliminated. Bob Burnham: Was uncomfortable with storm drainage discharge to the north onto County Land and under the Railroad tracks. Paul Deibel: Said it was engineered to pass beneath the tracks. Said detention plans called for regulated discharge rate and would be corroborated on the final plans. Board discussed how the discharge would be moved from the south side of the ditch to the north side. Paul Deibel said it was feasible from an engineering standpoint. Chris Vackerel(Applicant): Said all drainage problems had been engineered succe§sfully. Gary Ross: Asked if the drainage problems had been discussed with the R.R. Vackerel: Said yes and that a system for discharge already existed. Phyllis Wells: Asked who reviewed the utility plans. Paul Deibel: Said the Engineering Department did. Phyllis Wells: Asked who was liable if the drainage system didn't work. Paul Deibel: Said he didn't know, but that the engineering review proceedure was there to mitigate such a development. Phyllis Wells: Thought it might be a lack of forsight. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes page 9/April 10, 1978 Robert Evans: Moved to recommend approval subject to staff comments. Gary Ross: Seconded the motion. Phyllis Wells: Asked petitioner about staff comments on lots on the east. Vackeral: Said a rezoning might be sought later. Phyllis Wells: Asked if he agreed with staff comment on the street angle. Vackeral: Said yes. Vote: Robert Evans - YES Ed VanDriel - YES Gary Ross - YES Phyllis Wells - NO, Saw drainage as a problem, thought lot layout on the east was poor, thopght it was overall bad planning. Gary Spahr - NO, agreed with Phyllis Well's comments. Bob Burnham - YES Motion carried 4-2. 6. #58-78 Collindale South Subdivision, First Filing, Preliminary Plat. Description: Proposal for 18 Industrial/Business lots on 35.75 acres zoned I-P, Industrial Park District, located on Harmony Road west of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. Applicants: Bill Day and Bill Tiley, c/o ZVFK Architects, 218 W. Mountain, Fort Collins, CO 80521. Paul Deibel: Gave staff comments and recommended approval subject to the following comments: 1. Harmony Road. This is the first proposal for development along Harmony Road within the City of Fort Collins. A precedent for a parkway landscape treatment along Harmony should be set The I-P, Industrial Park zone requires a 75' front setback (50 ft. landscaped) on lots along all arterial streets. The final plat should provide a) a coordinated landscape plan for this area along Harmony, b) a pedestrian/bike way through this area, and c) accelleration and decelleration lanes at street intersections with Harmony. 2. Utilites. a) The Collindale South detention pond should be platted with this filing, its size to be based on projected runoff from its entire basin. (The nature of drainage to the east of the railroad tracks should also be specified). b) the water line in the cul-de-sac should be looped to the west. 3. Names. a) the name of this development should be changed at this time to avoid confusion with Collindale P.U.D. b) the preliminary plat should indicate proposed streetnames. Planning and Zon�g Board Minutes • page 10/April 10, 1978 Ed VanDriel: Asked how drainage would pass under R.R. tracks.(comment #2 above) Paul Deibel: Said it would go under. Said engineers would require a description. Bill Tiley(Applicant): Explained the drainage system. Paul Deibel: Said a bikepath should be shown on the plat along the eastern edge of the site. Tiley: Agreed. Gary Ross: Asked if there would be a R.R. siding. Tiley: Said possibly. Ed VanDriel: Moved to recommend approval subject to staff comments. Robert Evans: Seconded the motion. Phyllis Wells: Said motion should also be subject to the Urban Service Steering Committee recommendations. Ed VanDriel: Accepted. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. 7. #59-78 2000 Park Center P.U.D., Preliminary Plan. Description: Proposal for a commercial P.U.D. on .97 acres zoned H-B, Highway Business District, located on College Avenue north of the Sherwood Ditch. Applicant: Franz Fealty, 2000 S. College Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80521. Ed VanDriel: Abstained from discussion and vote. Paul Deibel: Gave staff position and recommended denial because of the substanital changes entailed by the following comments: 1. Frontage Road. The plan does not make adequate provisions for the continuation north of the frontage road as platted in in the Arthur Subdivision (in front of Taco John's) and the intersection of this frontage road with access to the site from S. College Avenue; 2. Parking and Internal Circulation. The parking lot layout appeal to be unworkable. The site plan indicated 71 parking spaces are provided, however, the width of these spaces range from 7 ft. to a maximum of 8.5 ft. The standard minimum width requirement for parking stalls is 9 ft. Moreover, backup space and/or accessibility are insufficient for at least 13 of the spaces shown. Finally, the parking lot layout entails dead-end parking aisles which do not lend themselves to good internal circulation for a retail development) Planning and Zoning Board Minutes page 71/April 10, 1978 3. Pedestrian Access. Access and internal circulation for pedestrians should have a strong emphasis in planning for this location. The proposal does entail a pedestrian -oriented landscape patio area. This feature of the plan should, however, be emphasized by wider internal sidewalks (e.g. 6' in front of buildings rather than the 2' to 4' segments shown), prominent tie-ins with sidewalks along Remington Street and S. College Avenue, a pedestrian conncetion across or through "loading area" between existing and proposed building: and a pedestrian connection between the buildings and uses proposed on this plan and the bank building directly north; 4. Peripheral treatment. The plan should indicate proposed location of street curb, sidewalks, easements, and landscaped areas along Remington St. and S. College Avenue. 5. Landscaping. Although landscaped area is minimal treatment along buildings in the patio area and in the parking lot are generally adequate. However, some islands for trees in parking lot should be increased in size as per "Administrative Guidelines" for commercial site plans. Also, the plan should specify automatic underground irrigation rather than irrigation by hose bib which has not proven to be practical or economical for commercial development; 6. Other comments; a) plan should indicate proposed grade contours for frontage road area so that drainage provisions may be assessed, b) provisions should be made for disposi.tion of existing underground gas storage tanks, c) an additional fire hydrant should be provided at the southeast corner of bank area. Noted that a revised plan submitted prior to the meeting appeared to respond to some of the above comments. Bob Burnham: Said this was another "after the fact" case and recommended tabling action. Bill Franz(applicant): Said he received staff comments only on the Thursday prior to the meeting. Said the new plan met those comments. Paul Deibel: Franz: Gary Spahr: Paul Deibel: Franz: Explained that comments were written only in anticipation of the Planning and Zoning Board meeting. Gave detailed description of how the revised plans met the conditions of staff comments. Argued against inclusion of frontage road. Asked if it was practical to install a frontage road over the ditch and on such a grade. Said yes. Explained his research on the frontage road indicated that, according to the City Attorney, the road would be abandoned Planning and Zonto Board Minutes • page 12/April 10, 1978 because property owners to the south had not contributed to it. Bob Burnham: Asked about parking. Franz: Said he had 63 stalls plus the Bank parking lot and unlimited parking along Remington Street. Said part of the plans were for storage facilities which reduced parking requirements. Paul Deibel: Said one half of the parking requirements were necessary for storage -warehouse facilities. Phyllis Wells: Saw three alternatives; denial, tabling, or withdrawal. She said with so many problems approval was not an option. Gary Spahr: Suggested bringing the plans back as both preliminary and final. Bob Burnham: Asked staff to interface the plan with the University National Bank plans if the item were tabled. Robert Evans: Moved to table the item and have it return as both a preliminary and final with attention to parking problems and discussion with the City about the Frontage Road. Gary Ross: Seconded the motion. Requested the staff inform the applicant of the pitfalls of submitting a plan as both a.preliminary and final. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. Gary Ross: Asked Lucia Liley to look into the Frontage Road question.__ Lucia Liley: Said she would. 8. #25-78 Collindale P.U.D. Second Filing Final Plat and Plans. Description: Final plans for 58 condominium units on 6.62 acres zoned R-L-P, Low Density Planned Residential District, located on Horsetooth Road east of Lemay Avenue. Applicant: Bartran Homes, 1942 Constitution Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80521. Eldon Ward: Gave staff recommendation for approval. Phyllis Wells: Moved to recomend approval. Gary Ross: Seconded the motion. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. Bernie Kane(Representing the applicant): Asked if the item would appear before the next Council meeting. Paul Deibel: Said it would go at the first May meeting. 11. #61-78 Collopy, Paxton, Troutman, et. al. - Harmony Road Rezoning. County Referral Planning and Zoning Board Minutes page 13/April 10, 1978 Description: Proposal to rezone 94.6 acres located on Harmony Road west of the C&S Railroad tracks from the FA-1, Farming District to the R2, Residential District. Applicants: Lydia M. Collopy, Margaret M. Pexton, and May Troutman, et, al., c/o Gene Fischer, P.O. Box 506, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80521. ' Eldon Ward: Gave staff position and recommended approval, subject to any development conforming to City subdivision standards and to comments of the Urban Service Sterring Committee. Phyllis Wells: Asked how the zoning compared to Park South. Eldon Ward: Said Park South was R-1 and this proposal was for R-2. Said this would be lower density than Park South. Phyllis Wells: Asked if it complied with the County Land Use Plan. Eldon Ward: Said yes. Phyllis Wells: Asked if it was in the area of the Corridor Study. Eldon Ward: Said yes. Ed VanDriel: Moved to recommend approval subject to Urban Service Steering Committee and Staff comments. Gary Spahr: Seconded the motion. Vote: Robert Evans: YES Ed VanDriel: YES Gary Ross: YES Phyllis Wells: Abstained, Said it was hard to base a vote on anything with so -many studies being conducted. Was uncomfortable with casting a vote since she was not sure if the petition was being seen in the light intended. Gary Spahr: YES Bob Burnham: YES 12. #62-78 Colorado Construction Company - Irish Drive Rezoning. County Referral Description: Proposal to rezone 1.2 acres located on Irish Drive south of West Vine Drive from the FA, Farming District to the Rl, Residential District. Applicant: Colorado Construction Company, 345 S. Taft Hill Road, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80521. Eldon Ward: Gave staff recommendation for approval. Robert Evans: Moved to recomend approval. Ed VanDriel: Seconded the motion. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes page 14/April 10, 1978 Vote: Motion carried unanimously. 13. #63-78 Sterling Sand and Gravel - N. Taft Hill Special Use Review. County Referral Description: Proposal for a use requiring special review on 185=.6 acres zoned FA, Farming, located east of North Taft Hill Road and north of West Vine Drive. Applicant: Sterling Sand and Gravel, P.O. Box 287, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80522. Eldon Ward: Recommended approval subject to the following comments: a) dedicate the necessary right-of-way for the trail system along the Poudre River where it crosses the site; b) coordinate plans for the southwest portion of the site with the Water and Sewer Department in relation to the sewer line planned to run through this area from LaPorte; c) assure that the reclamation plan will include adequate landscape treatment (that is unclear from the documents submitted). Ed VanDriel: Moved to recommend approval subject to staff comments. Phyllis Wells: Seconded the motion. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. 14. #64-78 McConnel - Cotton Willow Estates Rezoning. County Referral Description: Proposal to rezone 49.3 acres located south of U.S. Highway 287 and west of the town of LaPorte from FA, Farming, and C, Commercial, to R-2, Residential. Applicant: Lee F. McConnell, 4102 Greenridge, LaPorte, Colorado, 80535 - and - Everitt Enterprises, Inc., 3000 S. College Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80521. Eldon Ward: Gave staff recommendation based on the following discussion; This is a request to change the zoning of 50 acres in the Poudre River Flood Plain to allow urban density development. A master plan for Cotton Willows including this area was approved by the County in 1971. The changes made to the County Zoning Resolution last year prohibit the applicant's desired density from occuring in the FA zone. Throughout the review of this project the Planning and Zoning Board has strongly recommended against it. Considering the number of sites platted and available for the type of residential construction intended, the City has not seen any rationale for favoring continued housing development within the flood plain. Approval of such developments must be with conditions to raise structures above the level of the flood fringe; a requirement de- signed to be applied in remedial situations for existing development. Damage in a flooding situation is not restricted Planning and Zoning Board Minutes page 15/April 10, 1978 to structures. It seems ill advised to create potentially problematic living conditions in the presence of a clear and present danger. Earl Stafford(Representing the applicants): Said his engineers had worked out all problems associated with the floodplain. Ed VanDriel: Said FHA required flood insurance for homes in the area. Stafford: Pointed out that loaning institutions would not supply development funds if the danger of flooding was too great. Also said only the northern three-quarters of the site was being purchased for development by Everitt Homes, Robert Evans: Asked about the Federal Floodway Study. Gary Ross: Said the flood issue in Fort Collins was growing into a big problem and needed to be addressed. Robert Evans: Moved to recommend denial or delaying action until completion of the floodway study. Ed VanDriel: Seconded the motion. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. 15. #65-78 Aragon - North U.S. 287 Rezoning and Special Use Review. County Referral 1 Description: Proposal to rezone 5 acres on U.S. Highway 287 east of N. Shields Street from C, Commercial, to I, Industrial, and allow a use (auto salvage yard) requiring special review. Applicants: Edward and David Aragon, 516 N. U.S. 287, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80521. Eldon Ward: Gave staff recommendation for denial. Gary Ross: Thought there might be no other practical uses for the site and the request constituted only an expansion of an existing use, not the creation of a new one. Ed VanDriel: Said in salvage yard on a state highway was bad. Moved to recommend denial. Phyllis Wells: Seconded the motion. Gary Ross: Said the salvage yard already existed. Phyllis Wells: Said if more commercial zoning were needed a junk yard wouldn't be there. Vote: Robert Evans: YES Ed VanDriel: YES Gary Ross: NO Phyllis Wells: YES Gary Spahr: YES Planning and 4oni• Board Minutes • page 16/April 10, 1978 Bob Burnham: YES Motion carried, 5-1. Gary Ross: Left meeting at 9:45. 16. #66-78 Taft Associates - West Horsetooth Road Rezoning. County Referral Description: Proposal to rezone 6.5 acres located on Horsetooth Road west of South Taft Hill Road from B, Business to C, Commercial, Applicant: Taft Associates, 2300 West Horsetooth Road, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80521. Eldon Ward: Gave staff recommendation for denial. Gary Spahr: Moved to recommend denial. Phyllis Wells: Seconded the motion. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. 17. #67-78 Northwest Commercial Park P.U.D. Masterplan. County Referral Description: Proposal for a commercial planned unit development on 29.7 acres zoned C, Commercial, located northwest of the Colorado 14 Interstate 25 interchange. Applicant: W. Dean Smith, P.O. Box 1953, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521. Eldon Ward: Gave staff recommendation for approval with the comment that proposed street names might be a problem. Ed VanDriel: Thought street names were good.. Dean Smith(Applicant): Agreed with Ed VanDriel. Gary Ross: Moved to recommend approval subject to staff comments. Robert Evans: Seconded the motion. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. 18. #68-78 Vista Bonita Subdivision, Sixth Filing. County Referral. Description: Proposal for 18 single family lots on 8.3 acres zoned R-1, Residential, located north of Colorado Highway 14, and east of Baker Lake. Applicant: Harold Fisher, 1240 E. Mulberry, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80521. Eldon FTard: Gave staff recommendation for approval. Ed VanDriel: Moved to recommend approval. Planning and Zono Board Minutes page 17/April 10, 1978 Phyllis Wells: Seconded the motion. Vote: Motion carried unanimously.. Other Business: Bob Burnham: Said a new County Representative was needed to replace William Dressel. Phyllis Wells: Volunteered. Robert Evans: Moved to appoint Phyllis Wells as the new County Representative. Gary Spahr: Seconded the motion. Vote: Motion carried unanimously. Bob Burnham: Instructed the secretary to write a letter to the county informing them of the new representative. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.