HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning And Zoning Board - Minutes - 04/01/1999U Chairperson Colton called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll Call: Weitkunat, Carpenter, Meyer, Davidson, Gavaldon, and Colton. Member Craig was absent. Staff Present: Deines, Blanchard, Eckman, Shepard, Schlueter, Reavis and Olt. Agenda Review: Director of Current Planning Bob Blanchard reviewed the Consent and Discussion Agendas: Consent Agenda: 1. Minutes of the November 6, November20, and December 18 • (continued), 1997 and March 18,1999 Planning and Zoning Board Hearings. 2. #17-90D Spring Creek Center PUD - Final Discussion Agenda: 3. #11-81R Huntington Hills Apartments PUD, 7th Filing - Preliminary 4. #38-98 Landings Bay - PDP The Planning and Zoning Board Minutes for December 18, 1997 were continued and the March 18, 1999 was added to the item. Member Davidson pulled item 2 for discussion. Member Weitkunat moved for approval of Consent item 1. Member Gavaldon seconded the motion. The motion was approved 6-0. Project: Spring Creek Center PUD —Final, #17-90D Project Description: Request for an 86,000 s.f. of mixed -use development in seven buildings to include office, business services and auto related convenience uses on 11.6 acres. • The property is located at the southeast corner of the Planning and Zoning Boartr Minutes April 1,1999 Page 2 of 9 intersection of East Prospect and Timberline Roads and zoned E — Employment. Recommendation: Approval Hearing Testimony, Written Comments and Other Evidence: None Public Comment: None Discussion: Member Davidson asked how they anchor the gas tanks. Ron Gonzales, Poudre Fire Authority, stated there is a checklist for the Fire Departments to make sure that gas tanks will not float out of the ground when there is a high water level. He explained the documents used to create the checklist. He gave an explanation of the anchoring. Member Gavaldon moved to approve the project as recommended. Member Carpenter seconded the motion. The motion was approved 6-0. Project: Huntington Hills Apartments PUD, 7th Filing — Preliminary, #11-81R Project Description: Request for a 224 unit multi -family project on 11.94 acres, located north of Trilby Road, south of Harmony Road, west of College Avenue and east of Lemay Avenue. The property is zoned LMN — Low Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood. Recommendation: Approval with Conditions in staff report Hearing Testimony, Written Comments and Other Evidence: Ted Shepard, Chief Planner of Current Planning, gave a presentation about the project and surrounding areas with a brief history. He also reviewed the site shots for the project. C� Planning and Zoning Brd Minutes • April 1,1999 Page 3 of 9 Linda Ripley, VF Ripley and Associates, was representing Andover Development. She gave a presentation about the project. She gave a history of the placement of the project to preserve the drainage ways. The buildings were a variety of stories with buildings that had multi -levels. The complex had perimeter landscaping and interior landscaping as well. The pedestrian circulation would have sidewalks on both sides of the streets and pedestrian connections to trails. Ms. Ripley described the materials used in the buildings. She discussed some history of the project and the LDGS score of 119. She discussed the connection from Mail Creek Lane to Roma Valley Drive, that had been a concern of the residents. The Miramont residents were concerned about more traffic around the school. Ms. Ripley showed a progression of the afternoon congestion at the school. The last issue discussed was the measures the City had taken to improve the situation in the area. She wanted to reiterate that everyone would get something positive out of this project. Ruth Rawlins, Traffic Engineer for the developer, presented some daily traffic counts for the area from independent traffic studies. She also presented a long-range analysis for the intersections in the area. Public Comment: • Bill Alexander, resident of Fossil Creek Meadows and geologist, pointed out that the development was on a floodplain. He noted that most floodplain areas are developed with parks not housing. He felt the better use for the area would be a park not a high - density development. He had a petition from his homeowner's association stating that they are opposed to development in the floodplain. If there was development, the association wanted there to be another connection through the other neighborhoods so Fossil Creek Meadows would not have the bulk of the added traffic alone. Barry Long, president of the Fossil Creek Meadows homeowner's association, wanted to make sure the Board received a copy of the petition. Tom Graph, president of the Miramont Homeowner's Association, wanted to comment on the Master Street Plan. Mr. Graph wanted to see the Board separate the Street Plan from the project and decide on it as a separate issue. He felt the street connection was detrimental to the neighborhood. The landowners did not consent to the road use. He thought the connection would only be for thoroughfare. The citizens did not want the road connected. The Miramont Homeowner's Association would gladly discuss a pedestrian and bicycle path connecting the two neighborhoods. Greg Miller, homeowner in Miramont, agreed with Mr. Graph. The neighborhood would be greatly affected. They had never seen a Master Plan with a connection. He was concerned about the safety of the children. There were other busy times on the road • that would be detrimental to the safety of the children. Planning and Zoning Boaru Minutes April 1,1999 Page 4 of 9 Charlie Lanter, resident of Miramont and manager of the Homeowner's Association, wanted to make the comment that there was dangerous traffic and expensive bridges. He did not want the connection. Brian Schum, 813 Fossil Creek Parkway, noted that the Huntington Hills neighborhood should not bear all of the weight of the traffic due to the connection. When he bought his house he did know about the connection. He felt the safety of the children in his neighborhood is not less important than the safety of children in Miramont. He supported the project. He wanted to suggest that the drop point in front of the school is extremely dangerous and it should be eliminated. Cal Winters, resident of Miramont, was concerned about the safety of children because of traffic short -cutting through the neighborhood and in front of the school. He asked that they not create an arterial shortcut through their neighborhoods. Martha Grady, homeowner in Fossil Creek Meadows, was there to discuss the flawed history of the planning process. She objected to the fact that there was no neighborhood meeting to discuss the shift in densities. The burden of density had fallen on Parcel J. She felt that there were bad planning decisions that affect the citizens and the ecosystem. Rod Denvelson, homeowner in Fossil Creek Meadows, discussed the issues of values in the neighborhoods. He agreed with the concern about the floodplain. He felt that they were sacrificing the value system for a development that will pay for the bridge. Ron George, homeowner in Fossil Creek Meadows, wanted to review some numbers from the April 1994 ODP Hearing Minutes. Parcel J was set for 5-10 d/u per acre and Parcel L 1.05 d/u per acre. This calculation would be exceeded by the proposed development. He made a comment about the affect on the neighborhood. The project would affect the wildlife. He felt it was worth preserving the waterways as well. Wayne Beverly, homeowner in Miramont, was concerned about the safety of the children in the neighborhoods. He felt the connection would only increase traffic. Walt Grady, homeowner in Fossil Creek, was against the development because of the demolition of green space. Jack Villams, residence of High Castle, noted problems in the development and the street plan changes. He felt it was improper for City staff to promote the connection. He hoped the Board would reject the project and review it properly. Jaime Alexander, resident of Fossil Creek Meadows, wanted the Board to keep in mind that there is little open lands left. She mentioned the deaths of children out at CLP due to traffic. She asked the Board to consider losing open space that we cannot get it back. Planning and Zoning April 1,1999 Page 5 of 9 Pard Minutes • Barry Long, with Fossil Creek Meadows, felt the project was in the wrong place and not to let another one come in later. Mike Shomer, resident in Fossil Creek Meadows, stated that storms erode the areas of the creeks. Tom Graph, a homeowner in Miramont, asked the Board to split the subject and discuss the two issues of the Master Street Plan and the development separately. Discussion: Don Toronto, TST Consulting Engineers, addressed the floodplain issues. He also addressed some of the concerns with open space. Lucia Liley, representing the applicant, addressed the partial abandonment of Parcel A. Linda Ripley wanted to respond to the separation of the project from the Master Street Plan. The applicant did not object to that, however Ms. Ripley felt there were benefits so any delays in the project may jeopardize the land trades. • Member Weitkunat asked for specifics of the LDGS at the preliminary stage. Director Blanchard responded that there would be a run through at the final stage. Member Gavaldon asked Ms. Rawlins for a review of the traffic information she had presented. He wanted to discuss the traffic findings with Eric Bracke. They discussed the existing and the projected traffic counts. Matt Delich, traffic engineer for the applicant, noted that the proposed development only contributed 15% of the daily traffic. Eric Bracke, Traffic Opperations, made additional comments about the classifications of collector streets and volumes allowed on them. Member Davidson asked for clarification of cut -through traffic. Matt Delich responded that there were only small projected effects so they weren't added into the report. Member Weitkunat noted that on the Master Street Plan, the connections were shown and she asked for clarifications on the specific changes. Mike Herzig, Engineering Department, responded that an amendment to the Master • Street Plan would have to go through the Transportation Board and to City Council for approval. Planning and Zoning Boaru Minutes April 1,1999 Page 6 of 9 Member Colton asked if the Master Street Plan is amended to reflect the actual use of the streets. Eric Bracke responded that the design and the nature of the streets on the Master Street Plan were anticipated to exceed the expected volume numbers. He felt the City would not need to make the expenses to change all of the Master Street Plan maps. The bike lane widths on the streets would be the same whether they were arterials or connectors. Member Davidson asked Paul Eckman about the legalities of green belts on a connection and the easements. Mr. Graph and Mr. Long showed the designated green belt where Roma Valley Drive would continue. Charlie Lanter stated the date that the green belt was dedicated to the Homeowner's Association. Paul Eckman, Deputy City Attorney, noted that the Board could make a recommendation to the City Council about the Master Street Plan changes. Member Davidson asked for the traffic information at peak times. Ms. Rawlins had that information and presented it to the Board. Kathleen Reavis, Transportation Planning, discussed the tools they would use for the safety at the school site. Member Colton asked Tom Shoemaker why the City did not purchase the whole area for open space. Tom Shoemaker, Natural Resources, responded that the City was not successful at obtaining the largest open space. They could only develop the parcels as multi -family, so they tried to make the best of the area. Marsha Hilmes, Stormwater Planning, described the floodplain area surrounding the project. There was a regulatory floodplain, which had been revised with current rainfall numbers. The project was outside of the 100-year floodplain. The consultant for the project would be responsible for re -mapping the floodplain in that area upon development. Member Davidson asked if they would be figuring the floodplain information with both waterways included and for a 500 year flood. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes • April 1,1999 Page 7 of 9 • Glen Schlueter, Stormwater Department, responded that they did not have the information on every single situation. Marsha Hilmes added that the project is outside of the floodplain. Tom Shoemaker stated that the land transfer is not dependent upon the project itself. Member Colton asked if the children would go to Werner Elementary. Kathleen Reavis responded that the children would go to Werner Elementary and there were current bus routes for the area. Member Weitkunat added a comment that the Board does like this project and it had fulfilled the requirements. The project did have problems with traffic issues and connections. She thought it would be best to focus separately on an amendment to the Master Street Plan. Member Weitkunat moved to approve the project subject to an amendment to the Master Street Plan with conditions listed in the staff report. Member Meyer seconded the motion. • Member Colton asked how the issue of the floodplain would be addressed. Bob Blanchard, Director of Current Planning, responded that the floodplain issues would be addressed again at final review. Member Davidson expressed he would not be supporting the project approval due to his previous comments. Member Gavaldon favored a continuance due to the street and traffic issues. Member Weitkunat wanted to stress that this project was still a preliminary, not a final. There still would be time for them to adjust the project to fulfill the conditions. Member Colton stated that he would have preferred the area to stay as open space, but he knew that was not possible. He felt that there needed to be connectivity in neighborhoods. He liked the project with the'added open space. Member Davidson said that besides his concerns, he did feel that the project was very nice. The motion was approved 4-1 with Member Davidson voting in the negative and Member Carpenter claimed a conflict. Planning and Zoning Boar Minutes April 1,1999 Page 8 of 9 Member Gavaldon moved to recommend an amendment to the Master Street Plan with the neighborhood connections. Member Weitkunat seconded the motion. The motion was approved 5-0. Project: Landings Bay — PDP #38-98 Project Description: Request for a mixed -use development consisting of 64 multi -family residential units and 32,000 s.f. of office space; located south of East Horsetooth Road, north of Boardwalk Drive, east of JFK Parkway and west of Landings Drive. The property is zoned E — Employment. Recommendation: Approval Hearing Testimony, Written Comments and Other Evidence: Steve Olt, Current Planning, gave a presentation of the project including a review of the slides. He also explained the modification. John Prouty, the applicant, gave a short presentation of the project. Frank Vaught, Vaught Frye Architects, added his comments to the presentation. Public Comment: None Discussion: Member Weitkunat asked about the sidewalks and safety. Kathleen Reavis responded that the sidewalks did provide a thoroughfare, and they were safe. Member Gavaldon moved to approve the modification for this project as recommended. Member Davidson seconded the motion. Planning and Zoning Lard Minutes April 1,1999 Page 9 of 9 The motion was approved 5-0 with Member Carpenter absent due to a prior conflict. Member Gavaldon moved to approve the project as recommended. Member Weitkunat seconded the motion. Member Weitkunat felt this was a great project. It came to the Board better than what was expected. Member Gavaldon agreed. Member Davidson liked the mixed -use and he felt the project was nice due to the added details. Member Colton agreed with the other Board Members. The motion was approved 5-0 with Member Carpenter absent due to a prior conflict. Other Business: • None The meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m.