HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning And Zoning Board - Minutes - 05/20/1999Chairperson Colton called the meeting to order at 6:43 p.m. Roll Call: Gavaldon, Meyer, Carpenter, Craig, Davidson, and Colton. Staff Present: Blanchard, Shepard, Eckman, Olt, McCallum, Virata, Stringer, Schlueter, Bracke, Barnes, Waido, and Dairies. Agenda Review: Director of Current Planning Bob Blanchard reviewed the Consent and Discussion Agendas: Consent Agenda: 1. Minutes of the December 18, 1997, and March 4, 1999 Planning and Zoning Board Hearings. (continued) 2. Modifications of Conditions of Final Approval 3. #30-91 C CDOT Region 4 Maintenance Facility at East Vine Streets Facility - PDP 4. #30-91 D East Vine Streets Facility PUD — Amended Final (discussion) 5. #13-82CC Oakridge Village PUD, 111h Filing, Parkside at Oakridge — Preliminary and Final 6. #16-89M Stetson Creek PUD, 41h Filing - Final Discussion Agenda: 7. Recommendation to City Council for the Intergovernmental Agreements for the Fort Collins Cooperative Planning Area Adjacent to Fossil Creek Reservoir (consent) 8. Recommendation to City Council for the Spring 1999 Land Use Code Amendments Item 1 was continued. Member Craig pulled item 4 for discussion. Item 7 was placed onto the Consent Agenda. Member Gavaldon moved for approval of Consent items 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7. Member Carpenter seconded the motion. The motion was approved 6-0. n U Planning and Zoning Boar, Minutes May 20, 1999 Page 2 of 5 Project: East Vine Streets Facility PUD — Amended Final Project Description: Request to renovate an existing building and add eight new structures for a total of 52,994 s.f. to the existing facilities on 20.7 acres; located south of East Vine Drive and west of Lemay Avenue. The parcel is zoned I - Industrial. Recommendation: Approval Hearing Testimony, Written Comments and Other Evidence: Member Craig had questions about the level of service for the project and did not request a presentation. Member Craig asked about the transit level of service E in the area. Eric Bracke, Traffic Engineer, could not address the question. Ruth Rawlins, representing the applicant with the Traffic Impact Study for this project, responded that Route 8 currently served that area. Member Craig asked if there was services on Lemay and Vine. Ms. Rawlins noted a point where a bus stop was close to that intersection. She also noted that the reason for the level of service E Was that the headways weren't short enough. They estimated the level of service would increase with future development in the area. Member Craig asked why the intersection of Vine and Lemay was at a level of service F. Ms. Rawlins responded that the intersection would be brought to a level of service D with added intersection improvements from other developments. The trips generated by this project would not be enough to warrant the applicant to make the improvements as compared to the other development coming in the same area. The applicant completed the traffic impact study with the understanding of what improvements were needed at that intersection even prior to the addition of this project. Eric Bracke added that the Streets Department would be making the signal changes in about a year. Member Gavaldon asked Ms. Rawlins to review the updated impact study. Planning and Zoning•rd Minutes May 20, 1999 Page 3 of 5 • Ms. Rawlins reviewed the differences between the study that was originally submitted and the revised study after subsequent developments had become a factor. Member Craig asked for an estimate of the level of service 5 years in the future. Ms. Rawlins made a guess that it would stay at the level D. Eric Bracke would be responsible for the signal improvements and no added lanes would be necessary. Public Comment: None Member Gavaldon moved to approve the project as recommended. Member Davidson seconded the motion. The motion was approved 6-0. • Project: Spring 1999 Land Use Code Changes Project Description: Request to make 20 Code amendments, with #129 and #203 discussed separately. Recommendation: Forward a recommendation to City Council Hearing Testimony, Written Comments and Other Evidence: Bob Blanchard, Director of Current Planning, reviewed the recommended Spring 1999 Land Use Code changes. He addressed #129 and #203, two recommended changes he felt may need to be discussed separately. He also reminded the Board to make a motion including the two ordinances. The first Ordinance was an amendment to the Harmony Corridor Plan as well as the Design Standards and Guidelines required for the HC Plan and the other was the Ordinance to amend the Land Use Code. Public Comment: Pat O'Donnell, resident of Fort Collins, addressed his concerns for traffic problems in the west part of the City. He felt there was not much commercial development on the • westside, especially fuel stations. He was unsure why the City wanted to make the change that MMN would not include C-stores with fuel stations, only C-stores. He felt Planning and Zoning Boar, Minutes May 20, 1999 Page 4 of 5 his development would not fit into the proposed change. He wanted MMN to include C- stores with fuel sales. Discussion: Ken Waido, Advance Planning, stated that the change to the Land Use Code was a universal change to all MMN districts, not only effective on Mr. O'Donnell's property. He reviewed the background of the MMN zoning change. The reason for removing the fuel sales use from the MMN section was because a fuel related use located in a section designated primarily for pedestrian traffic was not fitting. Fuel sales belonged in the activity center. Member Colton asked if there was a need for fuel sales in that area. Ken Waido responded about the need in the area with references to opportunities still available. Member Craig asked what the size of the MMN section was and what access problems existed for that site. Ken Waido responded that it was approximately 12 acres in size. Mike Herzig, Engineering Department, added that the whole MMN site had left turn access problems off of Drake due to the median. Member Davidson agreed with the concerns of access for that site. Member Davidson added that he had not experienced a lack of fuel sales in the area. Member Colton asked what zoning districts allow fuel sales to be sure there were opportunities for that use. Ken Waido responded with all of the districts that allow fuel sales. Member Colton asked Mr. O'Donnell if he felt fuel sales was his only option for the site. Mr. O'Donnell responded that fuel sales was not his only option, but he felt the problems began with the median being placed on Drake which restricted access. Member Gavaldon moved to recommend the LUC amendments along with the two ordinances. Member Craig seconded the motion. The motion was approved 6-0. Planning and Zoning Rrd Minutes • May 20, 1999 Page 5 of 5 • Member Craig moved to recommend the amendment #129 — removing Convenience Stores with Fuel Sales from MMN. Member Carpenter seconded the motion. The motion was approved 5-1 with Member Meyer voting in the negative. Member Meyer asked what the staff timeline was for response to the proposed 90-day response from the applicant. Bob Blanchard responded that the existing staff response time for subsequent revisions was 3 weeks for review and 1 week for response by letter. Member Gavaldon moved to recommend the amendment #203 — Timely Progress for Development Review. Member Craig seconded the motion. The motion was approved 6-0. • Other Business: Member Gavaldon reviewed the handout for the Mason Street Corridor Open House. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. •