HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 05/18/2005MEETING MINUTES of the
May 18, 2005
5:45 p.m.
City of Fort Collins -Municipal Building
Community Room
215 N. Mason Street
CHAIR: Brent Thordarson 679-2165
VICE CHAIR: Gary Thomas 482-7125
STAFF LIAISON: Mark Jackson 416-2029
ADMIN SUPPORT: Cynthia Cass 224-6058
Sara Frazier
Neil Grigg
Jeannette Hallock-Solomon
Bruce Henderson
Tim Johnson
Ed Robert
Gary Thomas
Brent Thordarson
Heather Trantham
Lee Watkins
Don Bachman
Kathleen Bracke
Cynthia Cass
Tom Frazier
Randy Hensley
Mark Jackson
Ron Phillips
Kevin Westhuis
Brian Werle — Carter Burgess
Dave Woolfall — Carter Burgess
Rick Price
APPROVED Regular Meeting Minutes
Transportation Board
May 18, 2005
The meeting was called to order by Chair Thordarson at 6.01 p.m.
There were no changes to the agenda.
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Rick Price, owner of Experience Plus Specialty Tours: We do bicycling and walking tours in
about 12 countries around the world. We don't do any here in Colorado. Our building is the
one right over there by Martinez Park with the turret on it. Please come and visit us anytime.
I'm not here because I have any specific concern, but I would like to thank this group of
volunteers for doing what you do. My business keeps me so busy I've never had the time or
energy to volunteer to come in and talk about bicycling on a regular basis. I'm too
committed to my business and not enough to my community, but I have gotten interested
recently. Three weeks ago I attended the Bike Town meeting that Bike Colorado sponsored
here with SmartTrips here in this room. We had a great turn out. I also want to say that I'm
not here to complain about City staff or policies either, because I have tremendous respect for
the technical and the management staff in this town who undertake bicycling and pedestrian
planning issues. I think we're very lucky to have a community like we do.
I want to talk briefly about what I see coming down the pike in the future. We are headless
in this town for a Pedestrian/Bicycle Coordinator at the moment. Betsy Jacobsen did such a
fine job that CDOT hired her. It's too bad that we had to lose her because now we have no
spokesperson in this City administration because of the hiring freeze. Recently I decided to
try and get involved and find out what the advocacy process is. Who do I call if I have a
problem? I'm going to circulate a picture, please look at both sides of it. The bike detour
asks cyclists to get off their bike and walk five blocks please. You'd never ask the driver of
an automobile to do that! My concern is that as we address funding issues and I understand
the City staff are now going through a prioritization to try and unfreeze some of the positions
that have been frozen. September 1 is the drop dead date for recommendations to Council
and I hope that somewhere in there that there will be time for public comment, but my
concern is that this board is probably in the best position to influence policy issues and
questions regarding transportation for bicycles and pedestrians in this town and I want to
encourage you to do everything you can to think about including that in your
recommendations and in working with City staff and in advising Council on this. I also will
be talking with the City Manager and I think you can expect to see some interest. We had
50-60 people here the other evening to talk about issues relative to bicycling and walking in
this community.
APPROVED Regular Meeting Minutes
Transportation Board
May 18, 2005
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I want to highlight one or two of the favorite issues that came out that evening. One of them
was a question of communication. I raise the question with the issues relative to law
enforcement. The County has some problems with bicyclists on county roads and the City
has some problems with scofflaws. Lots of students create problems in this town on bicycles.
I complain about them. I'm sure you do, I think we all do. I'd love to see SmartTrips
engaged in more of an educational outreach approach rather than just trying to leverage
people into VanGo and to pretend to ride their bike once a week. I'd like to see more
outreach. I'd like to see more communication between City agencies: SmartTrips,
Transportation Planning, Parks and Recreation. The photo that I passed around represents a
classic communication problem. Someone said we need a detour and someone else said to
route them this way, but the map that they provide differs from the signage. It's a mistake,
an error, but it makes bicyclists in this town kind of laugh at whoever is responsible. That's
just one good example of a lack of communication. My concern is that there be more focus
of this committee and look at encouraging reestablishing a Bike and Ped Coordinator in this
town in some logical office.
I'd like to ask you one question. How do you gather input in your capacity as citizen
volunteers on what I think is very critical committee, how do you gather input from your
constituents, from other citizens about bicycle and ped issues?
Johnson: I bicycle everywhere in town and I coordinate with people at the bike shops and I
made some effort for the last couple of years to drop off bike maps at the bike shops and just
talk to people there and at places like Avagadro's and find out where connections are made.
I happened to miss this detour that you saw. I wouldn't mind if you would call me directly
when you find something like that. I get feedback from a number of people, but in this town
we have a few thousand cyclists and I can't talk to all of them. If I'm out on the trails I will
ask them what they think. I'll frequently talk to people at stop lights and ask them how they
like their routes, do they feel good about it and so on. I get that kind of ad -hoc feedback
daily or weekly.
Henderson: I use the intemet a lot for it too and am in touch with a couple of bike groups
which is a great way to collect specific feedback on specific questions.
Thordarson: About a year ago, we had a bike focus group as a part of the update to the
Transportation Master Plan. They helped City staff with a system and facilities inventory
and helped determine potential routes.
Johnson: One of our previous Chairs, Chris Ricord, worked at the Bike Broker for years and
was an Olympic class cyclist when he was in his riding prime. He had his own network of
hard core riders and we got input while he was on the board and I still see him from time to
time so we have that linkage as well.
Price: I've been here 21 years and I've seen the interest in cycling go up and down. We get
people on Council who are interested and we get those who aren't. At the moment I see a
lack of communication or anything linking people together. We are going to start a log on
local bike issues and I'll try to get that out to you through some logical vehicle. We're going
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Transportation Board
May 18, 2005
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to try and do that as a pubic service. Glad to hear about all these things and I will talk with
Tim about getting on an email newsletter or whatever information linkages there might be.
Johnson: One of the things that this board does on a regular basis, is at the end of the
meeting, we have `Board Member Reports". As a way to communicate with staff, we
communicate a lot of things that we see as individuals as we go about the town. From those
of us who ride bicycles you'll hear about construction areas where they aren't cleaning up
after themselves for instance. Staff takes notes and generally, things are rectified rather
quickly. So if you get information to one of us, that's another way to get feedback to staff on
a monthly basis. You can call them directly too of course.
Price: I would solicit any ideas that anyone else has as well. My email address is:
rickgexperienceplus.com if you have any ideas and would like to communicate with me I
would love to hear from you.
Last night I was at the Metropolitan Planning Organization meeting. There were two county
commissioners there, one being Glenn Gibson. I asked that same question of that group —
how they gathered information from the bicycling or walking public. Mr. Gibson turned to
me and said, "You know what I do, is I go out on January 9 on the county roads and I look
around and see how many bicycles there are out there. I allocate my time and effort and
resources accordingly." I thought he was making a joke or pulling my leg and I said, "Can
you explain your joke or explain to me what it is you're talking about?" He said, "It's pretty
clear. Nobody is out on their bike on January 9u' and that's where my priority is for
bicycling. It's recreational activity anyway. When funds are short, that's what we cut first."
The two federal guys who were there conducting the meeting said, "You know 4% of Federal
funds from Transportation and Highway Administration go to alternative forms of
transportation and about six years ago, we determined that the federal level that bicycling is
a legitimate, verifiable form of transportation." There were all a little bit embarrassed about
what our county commissioner had to say. I just wanted to share that with you and I've
written to the editor of the Coloradoan to share that with them as well and it will be on our
log. I am delighted to hear your responses to that same question as I posed to Mr. Gibson.
Thank you very much.
There was a motion and a second to approve the minutes ojAprU 20, 2005 as presented
The question was called and the motion carried by a unanimous vote,10-0.
APPROVED Regular Meeting Minutes
Transportation Board
May 18, 2005
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a. US287 EOS UPDATE — b Bracke
Bracke stated that before starting her item, she would like to share some good news on
the Mason Transportation Corridor project. On Friday, May 1 P, staff got the signed
railroad agreement from Burlington Northern.
Bracke introduced Brian Werle and Dave Woolfall from Carter Burgess and stated that
they are also working with the Colorado Department of Transportation on this project.
The first open house was back in April so it's still very early in the project. This part of
the US 287 EOS covers the portion from Harmony Road on the north to 29`s Street in
Loveland on the south.
Highlights of the presentation included:
- What is an EOS?
- Process
- Study Area
- Purpose of Study
- Outcome of Study
- Need for Study
- Goals for Alternative Development and Screening
- Relationship to Regional Corridor Studies
- Study Schedule
- Public Involvement Opportunities
- What's Next
Board Comments/Ouesturns:
Thomas: Where does transit fit in?
Werle: We are looking for ways to enhance the current system.
Bracke: The project team is working on getting that feedback from the various
communities involved as each may have different needs and visions.
Johnson: What is the criteria for having a separate bike lane? Is it when there are 4-
6 lanes? Is it at a certain volume or speed?
Werle: The starting point is checking with the City of Fort Collins.
Johnson: It makes sense to have a bike lane/sidewalk separated from the highway.
I'm not sure when a separate bike/pedestrian facility is warranted. Also,
right at the Harmony intersection with regard to the Mason Corridor that
we're building that will come a little bit south of that might even be
worthwhile to look at a connection to funnel traffic from US287 over to
the Mason Corridor because that section from south of Harmony to
Horsetooth is just wicked riding because of all the turnouts in there. If
you bring them over to the Mason Corridor before Harmony somewhere
south it would be convenient.
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Transportation Board
May 18, 2005
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Henderson: I see that there's a map with the other studies going on in the regional
corridor. Is the implication of that some effort to coordinate this study
with those in terms of assumptions say on US 287 maybe it's going to
impact other parts of the corridor etc? Is the purpose to coordinate and
share data?
Werle: Yes.
Henderson: In looking at your goals that you outlined from the beginning,
is there an effort to prioritize the goals because it seems like in the process
of some of the decisions down the road with these different options if you
prioritize the goals, that actually might help be able to weight the
alternatives that you've got.
Werle: We always try to avoid weighting goals because that takes you to the next
step of the argument that this person thinks bike and ped stuff is more
important and this person thinks something else is more important. The
process is one of informed consent where people consider everything.
They consider their own values in looking at the different goals. I don't
think we really prioritize the goals. I think it's an all encompassing
Thordarson: Does the City of Loveland currently have a plan to widen US 287 to six
lanes south of 29u'?
Werle: We've heard confusion on that.
Thomas: Their City Master Plan is under review right now.
Robert: I've heard nothing about street lighting. Where does that fit in?
Werle: That's a good question. I don't think we've gotten down to that level yet.
Woolfall: Part of that would come from City standards, how the cities approach their
lighting on each end of it and what they want. We'll have to talk about
Johnson: One other thought that may be a little out of the box on cycling in the
future, you can look at the volumes that you have presented here for Taft
Hill for future volumes to be running ring about close to what US 287 is
carrying currently. You might look at the extension of Mason Street as
being the designated north/south corridor for cycling off route. You'd
have a system that you don't have to interact with vehicles. Then you just
need to think about some connections where people get on and off. It also
enhances the auto mode too because they don't have to be looking for the
cyclists. As a cyclist you try to get away from College as fast as you can.
It's so dangerous.
Thordarson: Are there any examples of other EOS processes that have gone all the way
through and have been successful?
Werle: This is the first. And we might finish first.
The board thanked Bracke, Werle and Woolfall for their time.
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Transportation Board
May 18, 2005
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Hensley stated that originally, the plan was for staff to give the board a Transportation
Funding 101 course. However, everything has since changed due to the new budgeting
process the City is going through. It's called Budgeting for Outcomes (BFO).
Hensley explained the BFO process in detail. He went over the concepts of. setting the
price of government, determining the results that citizens want, determining the priorities
of results and allocation of dollars, developing requests for results (RFRs), making offers,
ranking offers and preparing the budget.
Hensley also explained that in terms of the Results Teams, there is a Transportation Team
of which he is a part of. He said that he would appreciate any feedback from the board
that he could take back to his team. The board then spent a few minutes asking general
questions about BFO and then inquired about how it will affect Building on Basics
(BOB). Johnson commented that the Transportation Master Plan should be central to the
process. Hensley stated that since BOB is the next item on the agenda, he will move from
BFO to BOB at this point.
Bachman said that in the materials that were included in the packets to Council (a copy of
which were included in the Board's packets), the purpose was to show the history of how
we got to where we are, what our current semi -short list of projects was and basically
asking if we're still going in the right direction. Council indicated that staff is going in
the right direction and now need to figure out how it combines with BFO and their Policy
Agenda. It was also noted that the project descriptions that were asked for at the last
meeting were also included in the board's packets.
On May 24, there will be another Work Session. Council is going to be asked if they are
still supportive in continuing with the '/4 cent sales tax in the November election.
Another question will be: how does this list look? Staff will be presenting an outreach
plan as well.
Other important dates:
- June 14 Work Session — Council will hear what the results are to -date from any
informal citizen surveys and feedback from any outreach.
- July — it is proposed that a formal scientific survey be conducted to get some more
- July 26 Work Session — Staff is expecting to hear a recommendation from the City
Manager to the City Council for ballot language.
As far as citizen and Transportation Board input, in between each of these Work
Sessions, there will be opportunities to consider what Council is doing. Staff will keep
bringing updates to the board. Bachman encouraged members to time into Work
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Transportation Board
May 18, 2005
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Sessions on those dates as well. The last letter from the Board is attached to their packet
so they do have it.
The board talked about various issues and in conclusion requested that Council Liaison
Kurt Kastein come to a future board meeting to discuss transportation funding issues and
concerns. Staff will coordinate that.
Chair Thordarson stated that this item would be deferred until another time due to time
Jackson stated that on the 28 h at the Council Work Session, the Chair, Vice Chair and
staff liaison of 4-5 different boards are required to attend the meeting and go over their
review. Chair Thordarson and Vice Chair Thomas stated they plan to attend.
Chair Thordarson then referred to the questions from the City Clerk's office and the
answers that he drafted. Bachman reminded the board that this is a periodic review
initiated by the Clerk's office that every board goes through every 5-6 years or so.
The group agreed to go over the questions/answers one at a time. That exercise resulted
in some items of note:
- Retreats. The board would like to look into doing one at some point.
- Tour of Streets and/or the Traffic Operations facility.
- Time Keeper. A time expectation is written on the agenda but it doesn't seem to be
enforced. As the Vice Chair, Thomas agreed to be the time keeper who will remind
people of how much time is left.
- In the past, the board Chair would go to Council Work Sessions to be there for major
transportation items in case there were any questions. For item #6, it might be
mentioned that board representation at Work Sessions can be helpful.
There was a motion and a second to approve the Periodic Board Review submittal with
the statement that the Council might consider inviting the board leadership to be
available at Work Sessions on relative topics. The motion carried unanimously 9 — 0.
Johnson: Thank You to Parks & Rec Staff. Please thank the P&R staff for
putting in that crossing at Drake with both the signal light and
changed location because the movements of the kids there are now
far better than they've been in the past. This is the Power Trail at
APPROVED Regular Meeting Minutes
Transportation Board
May 18, 2005
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Thordarson: Mileage Based Pricing for Vehicle Registration. I've noticed in
the news lately some discussion about this topic in some parts of
the country. Sounds interesting. I think it would definitely tend to
make people more aware of what their VMTs would cost them. In
looking for that information on the Internet, I came across a pretty
interesting web site which has a lot of good transportation related
info. It's at: www.vtpi.org
Overland between Drake and Prospect. Question for staff: Right
now the lanes are marked for two lanes northbound and one south
with a bike lane on each side. There are neighborhoods on the east
side of the street making for a lot of left -turn movement from the
southbound lanes to the east, but no tum lanes. Overland is
heavily used by bicyclists and this makes for a potential area for
conflict between the modes. It doesn't seem unreasonable to just
have one northbound lane and change it a bit to make it safer.
I11MIVl at a1 1 D101113171 M
Bachman: Mulberry Project. Opened on schedule and turned out really nice.
N. College Project. The closure lasted for three days and there were no
May 3 Council Meeting, The resolution for the Kechter and Ziegler
roundabout was adopted. Safety was brought up by this board at their last
meeting. Staff agreed to do a neighborhood meeting and staff also found
out that a barrier can be placed just inside the curbs to discourage crossing
anywhere but where you're supposed to. There will be an outreach effort
to the schools and parents and crossing guard personnel will be provided if
desired for the first few weeks of school. The speed limit inside the
roundabout is 20 mph.
Harmony Road Transfer. Back in March, I reported to you that we were
negotiating with CDOT on the transfer of ownership of Harmony Road to
City of Fort Collins. We've almost closed the deal and in order to accept
the deal, the Intergovernmental Agreement requires a lump sum payment
at the end of June.
Jackson: Pikes Peak RTA — PowerPoint Presentation Hand -Outs. I gave everyone a
copy of the presentation that was done at the May MPO meeting. Tom
Frazier has been trying to get a representative from Pikes Peak RTA to
come speak to our board. We thought we had it arranged for June, but
then a conflict came up. We may be able to still get the person to come in
APPROVED Regular Meeting Minutes
Transportation Board
May 18, 2005
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July, but we thought we'd take this presentation and give you all a chance
to look at it see if you can start formulating some questions that we can
send down to them and have them reply back. We want to have a dialogue
with them somehow and thought that this was a way to get started just in
case we can't get this person to come in June. This is your homework and
if you have any questions or comments bring them back and we'll talk
about it next month. We'll have an RTA item on the agenda.
Articles. I included several articles not only in your packets, but some
more that I came across since. If you ever get tired of them, just let me
Safety & Enforcement Theme for July? If you like the theme approach,
like the finance one that we did, we're thinking of doing a safety and
enforcement theme night. We could include TDM, PD, Traffic
Operations, Transportation Planning and what the City does for
community education.
Next Aeenda:
• US 287 Bike Lanes
• RTA - Pikes Peak
• Kastein come talk about transportation finance/BOB
• Update on local RTA
Phillips: We've lost three employees in Transportation Services to death.
Susan Johnson from SmartTrips, Gary Bowers from Traffic Operations,
and a former Streets employee, Liz Porter. The last few days have been
very difficult.
Chair Thordarson adjourned the meeting at 9:18 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Cass, Executive Admin Assistant
City of Fort Collins — Transportation Services