HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning And Zoning Board - Minutes - 05/15/2003Council Liaison: Karen Weitkunat Staff Liaison: Cameron Chairperson: Mikal Torgerson Phone: (W) 416-7435 Vice Chair: Jerry Gavaldon Phone: (H) 484-2034 Chairperson Torgerson called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Roll Call: Meyer, Gavaldon, Craig, Carpenter, Colton, and Torgerson. Staff Present: Gloss, Eckman, K. Moore, D. Moore, Wamhoff, Barkeen, Shepard, and Deines. Director of Current Planning Cameron Gloss reviewed the Consent and Discussion Agendas: Consent Agenda: 1. Minutes of the May 1, 2003 Planning and Zoning Board Hearing. 2. Modification of Conditions of Final Approval for Hearthfire PUD, 2nd Filing. 3. #45-02 Canyon and Howes, Project Development Plan. Recommendation to City Council: 4. #33-01J Swift Addition to Fossil Lake PUD, Annexation and Zoning. Discussion Agenda: 5. #39-02 Poudre School District Centennial High School Expansion and Remodel, Site Plan Advisory Review. Recommendation to City Council: 6. Spring 2003 Biannual Revisions, Clarifications, and Additions to the Land Use Code. Steve White, 1226 Town Center Drive, pulled Item #2, Modification of Conditions of Final Approval for Hearthfire PUD, 2nd Filing. Vice -Chairman Gavaldon asked if the Board would consider moving Item #6, the Recommendation to City Council for the Spring 2003 Biannual Land Use Code revisions to the consent agenda. Member Craig objected and had a question with respect to the definition of development. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes May 15, 2003 Page 2 City Planner Ted Shepard stated that staff was recommending that item, Ordinance Section #24, be pulled off as well as Ordinance Section #3. Those items should not be part of the recommendation to City Council. Member Gavaldon moved to pull Item #6, Recommendation to City Council for the Spring 2003 Biannual Revisions, Clarifications and Additions to the Land Use Code, from the discussion agenda to the consent agenda with noted deletions Member Carpenter seconded the motion. The motion was approved 6-0. Chairman Torgerson asked to see a staff presentation on the Canyon & Howes Project Development Plan prior to voting on the consent agenda. City Planner Bob Barkeen gave a brief staff presentation recommending approval. The site is located at the southwest corner of Canyon Avenue and Howes Street within the downtown area. There is an existing drive -though bank facility that would be demolished. There is a small triangular shaped lot located immediately to the southwest of the site that is also included in the plan. It would be used for an 8-space parking lot. Thirty-six other parking spaces will be provided below ground. These will be reserved for the residents that occupy the project itself. The project consists of 20 multi -family residential units on the upper four floors of the building; the entire project is six stories in height. The lower two levels will be for office/retail uses that would be permitted within the downtown zone district. The residential units would be condominiums and a for sale product. Many of the mature streetscape trees will remain; some of the smaller trees will be relocated either on the site, further to the south, or off -site. There is an entrance at the southeast corner of the building and the primary entrance is located at the very corner of Howes and Canyon. All elevations show a great deal of articulation and a variety of building materials. There is a separate small building for the mechanical components. Vice -Chairman Gavaldon moved for approval of Consent Items 1, 3, 4 and 6 with the changes as noted. Member Carpenter seconded the motion. The motion was approved 6-0. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes May 15, 2003 Page 3 Project: Modification of Conditions of Final Approval, Hearthfire PUD, 2nd Filing Project Description: Request to modify the condition of final PUD approval, which required that the development agreement, final plans and final plat for Hearthfire PUD, Second Filing, be executed prior to May 15, 2003. Staff Recommendation: Approval Hearing Testimony, Written Comments and Other Evidence: Mr. White stated his reason for pulling the item. He stated that there are several items with the First Filing that have not been addressed by the developer or completed. He presented the Board with a list of items that have not yet been completed for the First Filing. Chairman Torgerson stated that as a resident of Hearthfire, First Filing, he had a conflict of interest with the item. Deputy City Attorney Paul Eckman stated that the list of items was with respect to the First Filing and the Second Filing either being approved or extended was not dependent upon the First Filing. Vice -Chairman Gavaldon stated that he would allow Mr. White and the applicant to have some dialogue but that the vote would consider only the Second Filing. Mr. White gave his testimony to the Board with respect to his list of complaints and asked how the neighbors could be sure the items would be completed. Attorney Eckman asked if Mr. White had spoken with Peter Barnes, zoning officer, about any of the items. Mr. White replied that he had spoken briefly with him about one of the items. Probably not all of the items are in the development agreement but they are on record in drawings. Tom Kennedy spoke on behalf of the Hearthfire Development. He stated that he has met with Mr. White on a monthly basis, approximately 20 times. He stated that they are in complete agreement. A significant number of the items are Planning and Zoning Board Minutes May 15, 2003 Page 4 already completed and all items have been addressed with the exception of the island. It will be addressed and planned soon. Attorney Eckman stated that the Second Filing paperwork is within days of being complete. Member Colton moved for approval of Item #2, Modification of Conditions of Final Approval. Member Carpenter seconded the motion. Member Craig stated that she appreciated why Mr. White brought the items to the Board's attention and that they are now on record. The motion was approved 6-0. Project: Poudre School District Centennial High School Expansion and Remodel, Site Plan Advisory Review. Project Description: Request to expand and remodel Centennial High School located at 330 East Laurel Street. The project consists of removing the westerly building, addressed at 650 Mathews Street, and removal of the easterly building. Also, the temporary modular classrooms and storage containers would be removed. New construction would be approximately 22,000 square feet, which includes a two-story addition for offices, a new one-story building, and a second structure for a gymnasium and other classrooms. Staff Recommendation: Approval Hearina Testimony, Written Comments and Other Evidence: City Planner Ted Shepard gave the staff presentation, recommending that the Planning and Zoning Board advise the Poudre School District Board of Education that the location, character and extent of the expansion and remodel of Centennial High School, #39-02, is appropriate and conforms to the elements relative to the adopted master plan of the City. Planner Shepard stated that the Planning and Zoning Board Minutes May 15, 2003 Page 5 two buildings scheduled to be removed are not considered historic and are not more than 50 years old. He added that when the staff report was written, there was an option that the easterly area being vacated by the old gym could possibly become a basketball court or parking lot. The decision has been made to keep that as open space. There is also a reference in the staff report stating that the existing main entrance of the Laurel School would be maintained as a functional and operating entrance — that is no longer the case. The main entrance to the school will move to the west as part of the new building that will be attached to the historic structure. The present enrollment of the school is 200, not 245 as per the staff report. The enrollment of the school will be capped at 245. The enrollment will be gradually increased from the existing 200 to the cap at 245. Public Input Mark Anderson, a resident due south of the school, gave his testimony to the Board. He stated concern over the cap on enrollment and acknowledged Planner Shepard's comments on that. He asked if the School District could come back and increase the enrollment to 500 students in a few years. Laurie Thompson, 623 Mathews, stated concern about parking and traffic with respect to the new main entrance. Public Input Closed Planner Shepard stated that the Mathews Street entrance is not designed to be the main entrance. The main entrance is still designed to be south -facing on Laurel Street, but slightly more interior to the site, and part of the addition that will be attached to the historic structure. There should not be any additional pick-up or drop-off on Mathews, that is designed to stay on Laurel Street. Ed Holder, with the Poudre School District, gave the applicant's presentation. He stated that the Mathews Street entrance is for the cafeteria/gymnasium. It is really a main exit from that area for emergency/evacuation purposes. Chairman Torgerson asked about how the cap on the number of students might be altered in the future. Mr. Holder replied that the building is being designed for 245 students. There would be a process to go through should a future Board of Education want to increase the attendance. Doubling the number of students would certainly be overcrowding the facility. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes May 15, 2003 Page 6 Chairman Torgerson asked if it would be an open and public process if the cap were raised and if that would likely include building additions. Mr. Holder replied that he believed that was reasonable to say. Vice -Chairman Gavaldon asked about the after hours gym entry on Mathews Street. He asked what the hours for the gym and expected usage would be. He also asked where the parking would be. Mr. Holder replied that after -house use of the gym would be limited to community use, just as all other facilities within the District. There is currently diagonal parking along Mathews Street as well as on -street parking. Vice -Chairman Gavaldon asked how the parking and traffic problems would be addressed for evening activities. Mr. Holder replied that the gym is a small, half -court facility that will not be able to accommodate a full basketball court. Activities will be limited there. Vice -Chairman Gavaldon asked how the CSU student parking overlapping with activity parking would allow neighbors to park. Planner Shepard replied that there are two apartment buildings to the north of the school, behind which are parking lots. Based on staff observation, the parking for the residents is provided off-street. Staff also feels that the evening activities will be far less, and less frequently, than the day -time activities. Vice -Chairman Gavaldon asked why the main entrance was going to be moved to the new addition. He asked if there were any drawings showing the detail of the old and new entrances. Mr. Holder replied that part of moving the entrance was associated with moving the administrative functions of the building to the new addition. For security reasons, all students, staff, citizens, etc., through the front door past the new administrative wing. Vice -Chairman Gavaldon asked why they could not do that through the old entrance. Mr. Holder replied that the old entrance opened into a vestibule area directly into classrooms which allowed for very little security. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes May 15, 2003 Page 7 Vice -Chairman Gavaldon asked for drawings of the new entrance. Mr. Holder showed some site shots and renderings of the project. The old entrance will be left in tact but will be used as an exit only — it will be locked from the outside. Chairman Torgerson asked if the Landmark Preservation Commission reviewed the project and what their thoughts were. Planner Shepard replied that they had reviewed the project twice, once last year and again last night. Many of the comments made by the LPC last year have been addressed with the new plans. The Advance Planning staff continues to recommend approval of this project. Member Colton moved for approval of the Poudre School District Centennial High School Expansion and Remodel, Site Plan Advisory Review. Vice -Chairman Gavaldon seconded the motion. Vice -Chairman Gavaldon stated that he would support the motion but that he would have liked to have seen the old main entrance remain and more traffic pulled toward the east side where people can park and utilize the space. He stated that the old entrance looks better architecturally than the new entrance. Member Carpenter stated that she appreciated what the Poudre School District had done with respect to design and making the addition building subordinate to and separate from the historic piece as well as making the architecture reflective of the historic building. The motion was approved 6-0. Other Business Chairman Torgerson announced the last item on the docket as a recommendation from City Council on having the Air Quality Advisory Board and Natural Resources Advisory Board make recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Board. Director Gloss stated that the Board had been presented with a memo from Attorney Eckman outlining what functions would change with both of the boards. It would give them the authority to make recommendations, related to their Planning and Zoning Board Minutes May 15, 2003 Page 8 specific areas of expertise, to the Planning and Zoning Board. Director Gloss added that the Board may want to consider the roles of other City Boards with respect to land use decisions, such as the Transportation Advisory Board, the Affordable Housing Board, the Landmark Preservation Commission, and the Parks and Recreation Board. Member Craig stated that she had not seen the item posted on any agenda and asked if the public knew it was being discussed. Chairman Torgerson stated that it was given to the Board just prior to the last P&Z meeting and the Board was expected to give a recommendation at that meeting. The item was publicly continued at that point. It may not have been advertised as part of the meeting tonight. Director Gloss replied that it was not specifically advertised as part of tonight's meeting but that it was entered into the record at the last meeting and was officially continued to this meeting. Attorney Eckman stated that this is not a quasi-judicial matter; this is a legislative matter so there is no due process requirement of notice from a legal standpoint. There is not even a requirement for public discussion. Member Craig stated that the Land Use Code change items were a legislative matter and were still advertised and discussed. She expressed concern over giving the item due process. Attorney Eckman stated that one of the questions that came up at the worksession was when the item would be going to City Council. The City Attorney informed Attorney Eckman that there really is no set time. If the Board would like to postpone the item in order to publicize a better notice, there would not likely be any objection from the City Attorney. Public Input Doug Hutchinson, Whedbee Street, gave his testimony to the Board. He stated that one of the issues in the recent campaign was streamlining the development approval processes. To add, in a formal way, the involvement of two other Boards to assess and make recommendations for items that the P&Z Board has the legal authority to consider, might be contradictory to streamlining the review process. He also asked why this change would be necessary. Public Input Closed Planning and Zoning Board Minutes May 15, 2003 Page 9 Vice -Chairman Gavaldon moved to postpone the recommendation to City Council on the Boards advising the Planning and Zoning Board until the June 5, 2003 Planning and Zoning Board hearing. Member Colton seconded the motion. Doug Moore, Natural Resources Planner, asked that the Board be sensitive to the agenda for the Air Quality Board. If the P&Z Board is trying to get input from these Boards, please be sensitive to their meeting dates. Vice -Chairman Gavaldon added to his motion that he would like to have this item published and posted as a discussion agenda item for the June 5, 2003 P&Z hearing. Member Colton stated that he would like to receive input from those Boards and that it would be good to advertise for public comment. Member Carpenter stated that the P&Z Board is not advised directly by the Landmark Preservation Commission, but is advised by Historic Preservation staff. She added that the LPC is a quasi-judicial Board, which the AQAB and NRAB are not. She stated that if these two boards are going to be notified of this, that the rest of the Boards and Commissions should also be notified. Vice -Chairman Gavaldon stated that he would add that all Boards and Commissions be notified as a friendly amendment to the motion. The motion was approved 6-0. Director Gloss stated that the City Council will be interviewing the Planning and Zoning Board candidates for the vacant position next week. Appointments have tentatively been scheduled for the June 3 or June 17, 2003 City Council meeting. There was no other business. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m Approved by the Board January 15, 2004.