HomeMy WebLinkAboutRetirement Committee - Minutes - 03/06/2003City of Fort Collins Genera. dmployees Retirement Plan GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT COMMITTEE March 6, 2003, MEETING MINUTES Approved, as amended, April 3, 2003 COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Ray Martinez COMMITTEE Susan Lehman, Chair, 221-6813 Dottie Nazarenus, 204-4429 MEMBERS Michele Hays -Johnson, 416-2158 Jim O'Neill, 221-6779 PRESENT: Bill Switzer, Vice Chair, 221-6713 Alan Krcmarik, 221-6788 OTHERS Julie Depperman & Ann Wardle (Finance) PRESENT: Pat Kahle (Actuary, Milliman USA) Debbie Weedman (Human Resources) CALL TO ORDER: Susan Lehman called the meeting to order at 1:20 p.m. With all members present the Committee established a quorum. PLAN MEMBER COMMENTS: The Committee reserves this place on the agenda to receive comments from Members of the Plan or the public. Six people attended the pre -meeting open house to discuss the proposed Full- Time/Part-Time Plan change. Most of those people understood the proposed change but had questions about why Members' benefits were recalculated from the point the Member's credited service began instead of from the June 30, 2003, forward date. The Committee responded that this process was required in order to correct the historical inequities inherent in the current Plan calculation. One Plan Member called and said the change would be a positive impact to the Plan and the Committee should proceed with the proposed change. There was also a long, written inquiry from one Member which was addressed prior to the open house. The Committee members and staff who have had contact with a Member will forward the information to Ann Wardle, and she will compile a log that will include the date and the comments. The Committee agreed to exclude Members names from the log. Greg Tempel had sent an email to the Board regarding questions that had been asked of him. One of the questions was regarding how time designated as family medical leave would be handled with the proposed change. The Committee agreed that Greg will respond directly to the two Plan Members using the response he drafted to the Committee with a slight modification. The Committee will be sent a copy of each of his two responses, which will be attached to the minutes. Alan Krcmarik motioned 2&9b*1W:NW4 9PWt 06Ffd'or • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6788 • FAX (970) 221-6782 General EmploN' � 's Retirement Committee March 6, 2003, Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 that Greg be provided direction to make modifications as discussed and to respond directly to the two Members and to append the answers to the minutes. Bill Switzer seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously (6-0). There were no other Plan Member comments. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Alan distributed minutes of the February 6, 2003, meeting. The minutes will reflect that Susan Lehman was elected Chair and Bill Switzer was elected Vice -Chair of the Committee. A few minor grammatical corrections were made; Jim O'Neill moved approval of the minutes as corrected, and Michele Hays -Johnson seconded the motion. The Committee approved the minutes as unanimously (6-0). DISCUSSION TOPICS Alan noted that the monthly investment update was removed from the agenda, and a brief update will be given at the next meeting. 1. Plan Philosophy: There were no comments on the Plan philosophy. 2. Status on Proposed Part -Time Plan Change: Julie Depperman distributed the final memo that was sent on February 24 to 52 Plan Members whose benefit may be frozen for a while due to the proposed Plan change. She attached a generic sample printout that showed the information these Members received. On February 25, staff distributed the memo describing the Plan change to the active Plan Members. The memo also provided the details regarding the open houses. Bill said he believes this change is the right thing to do, but he is concerned that this is the first time the Committee has made a Plan change that will negatively impact some of its Members. Alan reminded the Committee that, under the current Plan, these Members would actually receive benefits that exceed the amounts contributed to the Plan on their behalf and that this is why he is comfortable in going forward with the proposed change. Susan said that if the Committee does not proceed with the change, that the rest of the Plan Members are, in fact, hurt from the inequities that presently exist. Alan said the Committee has reviewed this issue for years with two actuarial firms, they have gone through the spreadsheets and models, and that no one has come up with anything different that could be done to correct the inequities in the current Plan. This Plan change is scheduled to go to the City Council in May or June in the form of a Resolution. The Committee will decide on the date of submission to Council after the next open house. The Board reviewed the letter from Milliman USA regarding the financial impact of the proposed Plan changes. Pat Kahle expects gains for the Plan in the short term; she said it may cost a little bit in the long term, but she believes it is not a measurable amount. Filename: GMIN0303 General EmploN' "s Retirement Committee March 6, 2003, Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 3. Other Business: Alan asked Pat to discuss the Plan's asset return assumptions used in the Actuarial Report. She said that based on Milliman's asset-liablility model, as of September 30, the market would have predicted a long-term rate of return of 6.63%. She ran the model again as of December 31, and its projection for the future improved to 6.71%. When the model was run in July 2002, it predicted a return of 7.48%. She said she is comfortable with 7.5% on the rate of return, because we are setting a long-term rate of return. She thinks her assumptions of 7 to 7 1/2% range is reasonable and conservative. Jim pointed out that we have used 7.5% since 1980 and maintained that level when the assumption was considered very conservative; so, he thinks it is reasonable stay with it. Pat will have a draft of the valuation report available at the next meeting. Alan said the Committee got approval yesterday from the City Manager to put $250,000 of additional funding into the Plan for 2002. The City Manager then asked for specific ways to reduce future additional contributions and wants to see meaningful proposals as to how the City can lower the pension obligation. John Fischbach asked for the rationale for the City to contribute extra money to the Plan and not to the defined contribution plans. John supported the addition of the $250,000 but said he wants to see options for ways to reduce future additional contributions to this Plan. Michele said she is not inclined to jump in and suggest cuts when the Plan is a legal responsibility of the City. She reminded the Committee that it was normal and customary for many years for the City to contribute additional funds and does not feel the Committee should start bargaining to keep the Plan in place with its existing benefits and contributions. The possibility of putting options to a vote by Members was mentioned, but Alan said the Plan has always assigned those decisions to the Committee. Committee members will think about the funding alternatives and come prepared to discuss them at the April meeting. Alan asked if Milliman has information on what others are doing in facing similar situations; Pat said she can help put some of this information together as she prepares the Valuation Report and will bring this information to the next meeting. Jim moved the authorization to spend up to two hours of Milliman's time researching this issue, and Alan seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously (6-0). A second General Employees' Retirement Committee meeting may be necessary in April to accomplish all of the Committee's tasks. Adjournment: There being no further business, the Committee adjourned at 3:21 p. M. TOPICS FOR NEXT REGULAR MEETING The next regular meeting of the Committee will be on April 3, 2003, at 1:15 p.m. in the Council Information Center of City Hall. An Open House will precede this meeting and will begin at 11:30 a.m. The tentative agenda includes: Plan Member Comments Filename: GMIN0303 General Emplo,' ''s Retirement Committee Marcn 6, 2003, Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Approval of Minutes Plan Philosophy Status on Proposed Part -Time Plan Change Review of Actuarial Report Discussion of Funding Options Brief Quarterly Investment Update Other Business GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT PLAN WEB PAGE: The General Employees' web page can be found at www.fcgov.com/cityclerk/retirement_phl). The Committee's 2002 Annual Report, 2003 Work Plan, and monthly minutes are available at this site. 2002 Meeting Schedule: The regular meeting time for the Committee is at 1:15 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month. There will be an Open House preceding the April 3, 2003, meeting beginning at 11:30 a.m. The regular location is the Council Information Center at City Hall. For 2002, the Committee has scheduled the meetings as shown below: April 3 July 10 October 2 May 1 August 7 November 6 June 5 September 4 December 4 Filename: GMIN0303