HomeMy WebLinkAboutRetirement Committee - Minutes - 06/05/2003City of Fort Collins Genera, .:mployees Retirement Plan GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT COMMITTEE June 5, 2003, MEETING MINUTES COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Ray Martinez COMMITTEE Susan Lehman, Chair, 221-6813 MEMBERS Jim O'Neill, 221-6779 PRESENT: Bill Switzer, Vice Chair, 221-6713 MEMBERS Michele Hays -Johnson, 416-2158 ABSENT: Approved July 10, 2003 Dottie Nazarenus, 204-4429 Alan Krcmarik, 221-6788 OTHERS Julie Depperman & Ann Wardle (Finance) PRESENT: Pat Kahle (Actuary, Milliman USA) Debbie Weedman & Vincent Pascale (Human Resources) CALL TO ORDER: Susan Lehman called the meeting to order at 1:23 p.m. Five members of the Committee were present, constituting a quorum. PLAN MEMBER COMMENTS: The Committee reserves this place on the agenda to receive comments from Members of the Plan or the public. There were no Plan Member comments. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the May 1, 2003, meeting were distributed. Jim O'Neill moved the minutes be adopted, and Dottie Nazarenus seconded the motion. The Committee approved the minutes unanimously (5-0). DISCUSSION TOPICS 1. Plan Philosophy: There were no comments on the Plan Philosophy. 2. Status on Proposed Part -Time Plan Change: Alan Krcmarik reported that the proposed Plan change is scheduled to be on the City Council's consent agenda for June 17, 2003. A special meeting of this Committee will be posted. Susan is not certain she will be able to attend; Bill Switzer agreed to attend as Vice Chair. Alan also will attend. The Committee agreed that extensive outreach was done, no major objections were received, and that the Committee has attempted to keep people informed throughout the consideration process. If the Council approves the Plan change, Julie Depperman will work with the Information Technology department to 9AWIT4IFF#*L I'.0. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6788 • FAX (970) 221-6782 ^ General E�''oyees' Retirement Committee June 5, 2003, Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 change the access database used for calculating retirement benefits for Plan Members. Julie will also provide Milliman USA with the new benefit figures. The driving force behind this change has always been a matter of equity, as those who worked part- time were receiving credit for full-time service. 3. Monthly Investment Update: Julie distributed a handout depicting the Plan's investment portfolio as of May 31, 2003. For the year-to-date, the total portfolio is up 5.03%, with a market value of $30.3 million. Julie mentioned that the stock market has improved which has helped the mutual fund portion of the portfolio, but that the low market interest rates are making it difficult to find fixed income securities with decent yields. 4. Other Business: At the last Committee meeting, a Committee member suggested a piece of City real estate that was for sale might be a valuable addition to the Plan's investment portfolio. Alan reported that Julie and he did some research on the property for sale at Prospect and I-25 and based on the Plan's investment policy, it would not meet the standards of diversification. Susan said that one mitigating factor of developing that corner is that the I-25 interchange could be very expensive. Alan said the parcel was about 25 acres. The site will require a new overpass, exit ramp, and entrance ramp, which might reduce the land area in addition to driving up the development costs. The Committee agreed that the land purchase would not be pursued any further. Pat Kahle provided handouts and gave a presentation of a sample projection model. She explained that Milliman USA's projection models look at assets and liabilities and see how the two interplay. She demonstrated the flexibility of the model by changing various key assumptions and depicting the results in graph form. Variables which can be changed include rate of return, rate of inflation, contribution rates, payroll assumptions, etc. If the Committee chose to purchase such a model, they would agree on baseline assumptions then shock the assumptions and compare the results to the baseline. Pat said she would want to make the model very flexible if the Committee decided to have one made so that it can be adjusted for future Plan and assumption changes. She would use the clean data from the recent valuation report and update it when the data for the next report becomes available. She said it would cost between $3,000 and $5,000 to build a model for the Committee. Pat will check into whether this model is something that the Plan would own and be able to operate in-house or if it is something Milliman USA would keep and run based on Committee requests. She demonstrated both deterministic and stochastic models. The stochastic model runs information many times with random variables and gives a median as well as a range of possible outcomes. Pat will email a list of variables she suggests be modeled, approximate costs, and whether or not the model could be retained in-house. Pat said the model would be tailor made for this Plan and that there are possibly some financial reporting (Government Accounting Standards Board statements) issues to look at. The Committee agreed to defer the determination of what would be wanted in the model Filename: GMIN 2003 6June05 Final General Er ogees' Retirement Committee June 5, 2003, Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 to Alan and Julie. Pat will send information prior to the next meeting and will also provide a time estimate of how quickly this would be available. Adjournment: With no further business, the Committee adjourned at 2:53 p.m. TOPICS FOR NEXT REGULAR MEETING The next regular meeting of the Committee will be on July 10, 2003, at 1:30 p.m. in the Council Information Center of City Hall. There will be a 15-minute variance from the normal meeting time of 1:15. The tentative agenda includes: Plan Member Comments Approval of Minutes Plan Philosophy Status on Proposed Part -Time Plan Change Asset/Liability Modeling Quarterly Investment Update Other Business GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT PLAN WEB PAGE: The General Employees' Retirement Plan web page can be found at www.fcgov.com/cityclerk/retirement.php. The Committee's 2002 Annual Report, 2003 Work Plan, and monthly minutes are available at this site. 2003 Meeting Schedule: The regular meeting time for the Committee is at 1:15 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month. The regular location is the Council Information Center at City Hall. For 2003, the Committee has scheduled the meetings as shown below: July 10 October 2 August 7 November 6 September 4 December 4 Filename: GMIN 2003 6June05 Final