HomeMy WebLinkAboutRetirement Committee - Minutes - 07/10/2003City of Fort Collins COUNCIL LIAISON: COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: General. _A Retirement Plan GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT COMMITTEE July 10, 2003, MEETING MINUTES Mayor Ray Martinez Susan Lehman, Chair, 221-6813 Michele Hays -Johnson, 416-2158 Bill Switzer, Vice Chair, 221-6713 None Approved September 11, 2003 Jim O'Neill, 221-6779 Dottie Nazarenus, 204-4429 Alan Krcmarik, 221-6788 OTHERS Pat Kahle (Actuary, Milliman USA) PRESENT: Greg Tempel (City Attorney) Debbie Weedman (Human Resources) Julie Depperman & Ann Wardle (Finance) CALL TO ORDER: Susan Lehman called the meeting to order at 1:40 p.m. All members of the Committee were present. PLAN MEMBER COMMENTS: The Committee reserves this place on the agenda to receive comments from Plan Members or the public. A Plan Member attended the meeting to discuss her concerns about the Full- Time/Part-Time Plan change. Although all Board members had received copies of her email stating her concerns, Susan distributed copies of the memo dated June 12, 2003. The Member also distributed a copy of a handout prepared by her husband that illustrated three hypothetical examples of benefit calculations. Alan Krcmarik provided background. The Committee had proceeded with the Plan change in order to make Plan benefits more equitable with Plan contributions. This change was approved by City Council on June 17, 2003 following many years of review and work by the Committee, staff, Plan actuaries and outside pension attorneys. The Member stated that she worked a lot of hours that are not covered under the Plan's definition of "Compensation". Therefore, under the Plan change, she would not earn credited service for that time worked and her benefit would be reduced. The Member said that she had given extra time over the years, had done a good job, and 21Fi%kutkN2W-4kiCfMtbkO7200STIDT'tNLPO. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6788 • FAX (970) 221-6782 General Empl—e's Retirement Committee Jury 11, 2003, Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 was working with the understanding that she had accumulated a pension and that it would now be reduced by 25%. The Member said that she realized that the extra time she did give could be considered volunteer time but that she did so believing she had a given pension amount. The Member said that the benefit information she was given was correct and that she knew the discussion over the Plan change had been ongoing but did not recall receiving a notice informing her of the times and dates of the open houses. She contacted both Dottie Nazarenus and Susan to discuss her concerns. Julie Depperman explained to the Member that she can never receive less than the benefit she had accrued as of June 30, 2003 under the Plan then in effect and that those accrued benefits could not be taken away from her. Julie showed the Member her personal calculation and memo that was provided to her in February 2003 depicting the projected June 30, 2003 benefit under the current Plan and the benefit calculated using the proposed Plan change. Julie told her that the memo discussed the timing of the open houses, explained that Members were vested in their accrued benefit as of June 30, 2003 and that they could not receive less than that amount. Greg Tempel said that he also had a conversation with the Member's husband and that this was what he attempted to explain to him. The Member said that prior to this meeting they did not fully understand the accrued benefit concept. The Member will make an appointment for her and her husband to meet with Alan and Julie to go over the changes in more detail. Bill Switzer said that he has had Members ask that the Committee protect Plan benefits from the City-wide budget cuts and that if Plan benefit cuts are suggested, that it should be considered as a retirement benefit reduction and , as such, should be done across the board and impact all employees' retirement benefits equally. Alan said that within the budget process the City is looking at another $3.3 million in cuts for 2004 and that employees' salaries are frozen for another two years. Pat Kahle said that the salary freeze will result in gains for the Plan. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the June 5, 2003, meeting were distributed. Jim O'Neill moved approval of the minutes, and Bill Switzer seconded the motion. The Committee approved the minutes unanimously (6-0). DISCUSSION TOPICS 1. Plan Philosophy: Alan asked if the Actuary thought there was anything the Committee should look at regarding Plan philosophy. Pat thought the Committees' focus should remain on the Plan's funding needs and see how the stock and bond markets perform this year. Pat was asked to let the Committee know if anything comes across her desk that would affect the Plan. Pat distributed copies of a newsletter Milliman USA puts together that focuses on the public arena; she suggested that the Board review it. Pat will make sure that all Board members and staff receive an electronic copy of the newsletter in the future. Bill asked if the Actuary could let the Committee know when there is a significant negative impact to the Plan based on Plan Member changes (salary, mortality, Filename: 2003 GMIN 071003 FINAL General Empl-e's Retirement Committee Ju.y 11, 2003, Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 retirement dates), market conditions, etc. Pat explained that Milliman USA only runs the Plan data through their models once a year which is the basis for the Actuarial Report. Pat said the three years of declines in the stock market was not something they could have predicted but that the market presently going up is a positive. Bill said it is unrealistic to believe that the market would go up enough to not need additional cash infusions from the City. The Committee agreed that the Plan should be posted on the web site. Susan said that Members will be given sufficient notice of the Plan posting by reading the meeting Minutes. 2. Status on Proposed Part -Time Plan Change: Julie said that they are updating the Access database to incorporate the part-time/full-time Plan changes. 3. Asset/Liability Modeling: Pat provided a two -page handout on Milliman USA's projection model. Julie and Alan are also checking with other companies on the modeling. 4. Quarterly Investment Update: Julie distributed the Plan's Investment Report for the quarter ended June 30, 2003. She said these were the best mutual fund returns since March 2000. The market value of the Plan was about $30.8 million, which is an increase of almost $2 million since December 31, 2002. The year-to-date return was 6.69%. The portfolio allocations remain at 60% mutual funds and 40% fixed income securities. Julie indicated that with interest rates at a 45-year low, it is difficult to find high yielding fixed income securities and that cash is being reinvested at the current low market rates. Economists are projecting the U.S. economy to grow at a 3.5% rate in the September 2003 quarter. Some of the factors expected to fuel the growth include: tax incentives, the end of the war with Iraq, consumers having more funds due to refinancing, and the increase in manufacturing due to low inventories. Interest rates are projected to remain at their low levels while the outlook for equities is uncertain. Julie and Alan met with investment brokers last week to discuss alternative investments, market conditions and asset allocation strategies. They suggested to the Committee that it may be an opportune time to reposition some of the Plan's assets. S. Other Business: Alan asked Dottie and Michele Hays -Johnson if they received letters about the expiration of their terms as Board members. They will both need to contact Karla Smith if they want to reapply for the Board. Board members are limited to eight years, which neither of them are affected by. The Committee discussed canceling the August meeting and postponing the meeting scheduled for September. Susan Lehman moved that the August meeting be canceled and that the September 4 meeting be moved to September 11; Dottie Nazarenus seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (6-0). The postponement and cancellation will be posted. Filename: 2003 GMIN 071003 FINAL General Emp'--e's Retirement Committee )u.y 11, 2003, Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Adjournment: There being no further business, the Committee adjourned at about 3:00 p.m. TOPICS FOR NEXT REGULAR MEETING The next regular meeting of the Committee will be on September 11, 2003, at 1:30 p.m. in the Council Information Center of City Hall. There will be a 15-minute variance from the usual meeting time of 1:15. The tentative agenda includes: Plan Member Comments Approval of Minutes Plan Philosophy Part -Time Plan Change Comments Monthly Investment Update Other Business GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT PLAN WEB PAGE: The General Employees' web page can be found at www.fcgov.com/city clerk. The Committee's 2002 Annual Report, 2003 Work Plan, and monthly minutes are available at this site. 2003 Meeting Schedule: The regular meeting time for the Committee is at 1:15 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month. The regular location is the Council Information Center at City Hall. For 2003, the Committee has scheduled the meetings as shown below: 3ai uary9 ApFil 3 guly 19 October 2 February C May 1 August 7 (canceled) November 6 Mareh 6 gune 5 September 11 (postponed December 4 from September 4) Filename: 2003 GMIN 071003 FINAL