HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 06/20/2001REGULAR MEETING MINUTES of the
June 20, 2001 5:45 p.m.
City of Fort Collins — City Hall West — CIC Room
300 LaPorte Avenue
.Z CHAIR: Christophe Ricord 472.8769
VICE CHAIR: Dan Gould 482.1074
STAFF LIAISON: Don Bachman 224.6049
ADMIN SUPPORT: Cynthia Scott 224.6058
Dan Gould
Bruce Henderson
Tim Johnson
Tom Kramer
Brad Miller
Ray Moe
Christophe Ricord
Brent Thordarson
Mary Waning
Steve Yeldell
Don Bachman
Randy Hensley
Cam McNair
Ron Phillips
Cynthia Scott
R.A. Plummer
Chair Ricord called the meedng to order at 5:50 p.m.
Heather Trantham
Transportation Board
DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes
June 20, 2001
Page 2
Warring noted that there are five minutes allocated to 4.b. N. Colorado Regional
Communities I-25 Corridor Plan, which doesn't seem sufficient. Warring proposed
to add more time to the item. Jackson responded that the reason the time for that
item is short is that the Board has already acted on the regional plan and a courtesy
update was all that was planned. He said he would cover the adoption process and
dates. Warring commented that the document in the packets contains a lot of info
that the board has never seen before. Chair Ricord stated that Ken Waido, who was
to be the other presenter for 4.c., couldn't make it to tonight's meeting so this item
can be tabled until the July meeting. Shelving this item will then free up 40 minutes
that can be spent on item 4.b. per Warring's request.
Chair Ricord then noted that item 4.d. will be moved up on the agenda, to
immediately follow item 4.a.
There was a motion by Johnson and a second by Thordarson to approve the ,
2001 Transportation Board minutes as presented The question was called and the
motion passed unanimously 9 — 0.
Jackson introduced R.A. Plummer who is the project manager for the consultant team
(PBSJ). Jackson and Plummer presented the update using PowerPoint. Highlights from
the presentation included:
• Study Schedule
• Upcoming outreach that includes the North Front Range Transportation & Air
Quality Planning Council and the Wellington Town Board
• Current place in the study process
• Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) Regulatory Agencies/Roles including
CDOT, Department of Revenue, Public Utilities Commission, Department of
Public Safety — Colorado State Patrol
• Evaluation Criteria for non -route based strategies, which includes: Safety;
Cost; Strategy Utilization; and Legality (Interstate commerce)
Transportation Board
DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes
June 20, 2001
Page 3
• Evaluation Criteria for alternate routes: Safety; cost; traffic operation; route
utilization; environmental resources; right of way/relocations; directly
affected properties
• Community Planning/land use
• Length of route
• Financial strategies
• Marketing strategies
• Regulatory enforcement strategies
• Physical strategies
• Unrealistic screening of strategies
Upon conclusion of the presentation, the floor was opened to the board members for
questions and comments. Overall, the comments were positive and several ideas were
Jackson thanked the board for their time and stated that he would be back to give another
update at the next step of major milestones - - perhaps two months from now.
Suzette Thieman stated that she is with the North Front Range Transportation & Air
Quality Planning Council which is a Metropolitan Planning Organization, but is also a
group that is called the lead air quality planning agency in this region. The group not
only deals with transportation issues, but air quality issues.
For the past year, staff has been working on a project called the Redesignation for the
City of Fort Collins. Thieman presented data via overhead slides that shows in the past,
the city has exceeded the National air quality standards for carbon monoxide. The city
has not exceeded that standard since 1991. The effort is to redesignate from being
nonattainment for carbon monoxide to attainment. The State legislature made a request
back in 1991 that said they would like any area that is eligible to redesignate to
attainment to do so expeditiously - - in our case, it is 10 years later. It is also the goal of
the Air Quality Control Commission to redesignate.
The things that the redesignation could effect are some of the air quality programs such
as the inspection and maintenance program; oxygenated fuel requirement in the
wintertime; relaxation of standards for industries; and funding. Because Fort Collins is
currently a nonattainment area, we receive a little over $1M a year in federal funding
called Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality funds.
A maintenance plan was developed so that in the event the emissions start to go back up,
there are things in place to help bring them back down.
The floor was opened to the board for comments and questions, which was brief.
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DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes
June 20, 2001 Page 4
Jackson apologized for Waido's absence. He stated that the crux of the sub -area plan is
land use based so it is really the right thing to do to hold off on it until next month. He
stated that he would like to give the board some dates and bring them up to speed on
where the I-25 Regional Corridor Plan is at in the adoption process.
In terms of the regional plan, staff took feedback by making the rounds of boards and
commissions of all the participating municipalities and agencies. Public outreach, forums
and a number of different methods were used and the feedback was used in drafting the
final draft document. It is now moving towards adoption. Fort Collins is fast in line in
moving forward with adoption. On June 21, the Planning & Zoning Board will make a
recommendation of approval. Staff went to City Council two weeks ago and did a
presentation/update for both the regional and the sub -area plans. City Council will hear
the regional plan and decide whether to adopt or not at their July 17 meeting.
Loveland is moving in quick step behind Fort Collins and will most likely be the second.
Larimer County is moving forward as well as Berthoud. Staff is optimistic that there will
be a corridor wide adoption process.
The sub -area plan will be presented next Monday evening, June 25 in the Council
Chambers. The Fort Collins Planning & Zoning Board will be holding an open public
forum on the land use elements of the sub -area plan. This would be an excellent
opportunity for anyone who has issues, concerns or questions. The forum will be from
6:30 — 9 p.m.
Board comments/questions:
Johnson: When this board talked about this last, we wanted to express that if it is
development driven, then development should pay for it since we are so short on
transportation capital funds for our city. For this part of it, I'm not sure that our
board approved this kind of stuff and I am strongly opposed to it being in there.
"Sloppy" language use throughout the document was discussed, such as the word
provide meaning that it will be done, when in fact it may not.
Thordarson: I agree with Johnson's comments.
Miller: I agree also. We do need to move ahead and the ROW items need to be
taken care of soon. I don't want us to get caught in a trap on the funding side of
things and decisions will need to be made every step of the way.
Phillips: I agree that better wording could have been used, but the intent was not
to put the responsibility one place or another, but was meant in general terms that
this would happen. However, in light of the sensitivity of this subject, we should
Transportation Board
DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes
June 20, 2001
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have been more careful with the language and we'll try to work out a way to
change that before the document is presented for adoption.
Jackson: I think a lot of the issues that you are expressing are valid in terms of
the wording. I do want to say that some of the other concerns or feelings you may
be having I think you will find are addressed in the sub -area plan to a greater
degree. The issue about funding, development funding mechanisms, more
detailed more micro -leveled costs and such, you will see in the sub -area analysis.
Gould. I agree with Johnson's comments.
Yeldell: It seems that this went from transportation specific guidelines for the
ROW to a transportation plan for the corridor in general.
Warring: Based on all the comments I have made in the past, I agree with
Johnson, but I believe it goes beyond the wording. There are several examples
throughout the plan that reinforce this attitude that development is not really
going to pay for it, i.e. page 42 talks about rebates to developers for sales tax. I
don't believe that should even be a consideration. It also talks about an RTA is a
tax and while businesses pay that tax as well in general, it is meant for the average
citizen. I really don't think either of those should be included in this plan as
funding mechanisms because that is transferring the cost away from the
development community.
Warring disputed the cost of interchanges in the document (eight interchanges at
the cost of $175M). She stated that this seems to provide a framework and an
expectation. I keep having the sense that this study is not complete. We have not
touched on how much it is going to cost to fund it and I worry about how
antagonistic the communities are going to get if we've all signed on to this plan
and then they realize what they are in for fiscally and that they will start dropping
out of this plan.
In addition, I feel that the open lands piece has really gotten the short shift. There
is no real vision of what you are going to preserve. It is talked about, but there is
no definition on it.
Chair Ricord asked if the board wanted to send a memo to Council regarding the
concerns spoken of tonight. General themes were developed from the comments made
earlier and the board discussed and agreed upon specific wording for the memo. It was
agreed that Bachman would e-mail the comments from this discussion to all board
members and Chair Ricord would have the final review and then sign it. There was a
motion to send a memo to Council. There was a second and the motion carried
unanimously. 10 — 0.
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DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes
June 20, 2001
Page 6
5. a. 2002-2003 BUDGET - BACHMAN
Bachman stated that there are two recommendations from the Transportation Board
Finance Committee: 1) Consider the draft memorandum regarding 2002-2003
budget comments, as requested by the Transportation Board Finance Committee
members; 2) Approve final memorandum to the City Manager and Council regarding
ongoing street maintenance funding.
Bachman presented a brief slide show of financial data. There was a motion to take the
May 12 letter re: Improving Traffic Law Enforcement in Fort Collins" from the packet
that deals with pavement management and submit the remainder to Council. Secondly, in
the second letter, the draft letter dealing with the 2002-2003 biennial budget, after letter
"c." it should read as follows: "Last year we emphasized that there is a need for improved
funding for traffic law enforcement in Fort Collins." There was a second. The motion
passed unanimously 10-0.
Thordarson: Bike Deoot Article. I saw a nice article in the Denver Post about their
depot project.
Yeldell: Allard Conference Attendance. There was an interesting array of
speakers. One topic of discussion was about regionally stationing cost
where excessive funds are being used for an extended period of time
causing deficiencies elsewhere. Federal DOT does deal with that, but that
has to actually come from the State.
Hydrogen Task Force. The committee will be meeting next Wednesday
morning. The plan now is working on a report for the City manager that
would recommend starting with a single fuel cell powered bus for the
Mason Street Corridor. It is looking very possible at this point. There is
funding available that may even supercede the cost of the bus.
Moe: Institute of Transportation Engineers/Transportation Planning Council. A
group within ITE is called Transportation Planning Council and is
generally the area that I hang out in so to speak. Once a year they solicit
from project managers that have worked on projects for submittal to the
"Best Practices Award." This year I submitted Mason Street
Transportation Corridor. They made a decision at the end of May. You
could say it is similar to an Oscar award to those of us in the transportation
field. I called at the end of May to check on the status and was told that it
was one of the five finalists. I waited a week and called again, but the
person I needed to ask wasn't in. I contacted him where he was and
finally found out that the Mason Street Transportation Corridor won!
Chair Ricord: Bus Bench Ads. I have noticed benches around town with a CDOT
message on them that say, "Share the Road."
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DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes
June 20. 2001 Page 7
Bachman went over the tentative agenda for the July board meeting:
• I-25 Sub -area Plan
• N. College Project
• US 287 Widening Project
Phillips: MPO Executive Director. The MPO is making a decision tomorrow night on
the selection of a new director.
There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Scott
Executive Administrative Assistant
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