HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 07/17/2002REGULAR MEETING MINUTES of the TRANSPORTATION BOARD July 17, 2002 5:45 p.m. City of Fort Collins - Community Room 215 N. Mason Street CHAIR: VICE CHAIR: STAFF LIAISON: ADMIN SUPPORT BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Dan Gould Neil Grigg Edward Jakubauskas Tim Johnson Brad Miller Christophe Ricord Brent Thordarson Heather Trantham CITY STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: Don Bachman Cynthia Cass Gary Diede Randy Hensley Mark Jackson Ron Phillips Kathleen Reavis Thomas Reiff GUESTS IN ATTENDANCE: Mike Vermilla George Walton FOR REFERENCE: Christophe Ricord 472.8769 Bruce Henderson 898-4625 Don Bachman 224.6049 Cynthia Cass 224.6058 ABSENT: Bruce Henderson Tom Kramer Ray Moe Transportation Board APPROVED Regular Meeting Minutes July 17, 2002 CALL TO ORDER Chair Ricord called the meeting to order at 5:55 p.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Page 2 There was a motion and a second to approve the June 2002 Transportation Board minutes as presented The motion carried by a unanimous vote. 4. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT None. 5. MASON STREET TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR UPDATE — K. Reavis Reavis stated that the consulting firm of Felsburg Holt and Ullevig (FHU) and Carter Burgess was ultimately selected for the preliminary engineering and environmental analysis phase of this project. Contract negotiations are underway with FHU and Carter Burgess. Reavis thanked Gould for his participation on the interview team. Reavis distributed a newsletter for the project and pointed out that there is a web site with the latest information. The timeline is to start the work as soon as the contract is finalized and will run from this August to August 2003. This is due to the next deadline to submit a large update to FTA for the New Starts application. Currently, staff is in the process of doing a relatively minor update for FTA. They asked for an update on an annual basis and this is due August 15, 2002. The land use effort is making progress as well. Transportation Board APPROVED Regular Meeting Minutes July 17, 2002 Page 3 6. ACTION ITEMS a) STREET OVERSIZING FEE (SOF) PROGRAM - REVISIONS — M. Baker Baker presented information regarding the SOF Program via PowerPoint. He stated that staff is seeking action on the following two items: • A recommendation on the routine adjustments that are proposed to the Street Oversizing Fees • A recommendation on the Street Oversizing Fees increase to redistribute the costs for bridges, box culverts, and similar, extraordinarily costly structures He said that in addition, staff is seeking the Board's comments regarding the idea of expanding the SOF to recover new developments' proportional share of intersection improvement costs in established areas of the City. Upon conclusion of the presentation, board comments were positive. Grigg stated that it would be helpful to have something in writing to show just how the program has helped over the history of the fee. Grigg made a motion to endorse the recommendation for the proposed changes in the Street Oversizing Fees as presented by staff. There was a second and the motion carried by a unanimous vote. Secondly, Johnson made a motion that staff pursue the expansion to the SOF to look at what it would take to deal with (cover) the proportional share of intersection costs and come back to the board with that information. There was a second and the motion carried unanimously. 7. DISCUSSION ITEMS a) E. MULBERRY CORRIDOR PLAN — T. Reiff (For the record, this item was heard after the Mason Street Update and before the Street Oversizing Program.) Reiff explained that tonight's presentation on this item would be an update rather than Action as originally planned. Reiff distributed some handouts to the board and gave the update via Power Point. Upon conclusion of the presentation, there were many questions from the board regarding future land use and whether or not staff had worked with Jackson with regard to the Truck Study and why that was so important. The board's main concerns centered on how this project looks good on paper, but it is unclear as to where the "land mines" are. Transportation Board APPROVED Regular Meeting Minutes July 17, 2002 Page 4 After a brief discussion, it was suggested that members attend the next open house on the project and Reiff agreed to provide notes from that open house to the board before their August meeting. Johnson stated that in addition, a funding assessment table is needed. b) TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN (TMP) — M. Jackson Jackson said that teams for both the TMP and City Plan (CP) have been signed now. The two teams have been working very well together. With regard to CP, at the suggestion of City Council a few weeks ago, the original City Plan Advisory Committee reconvened. Gould was part of the original committee. That original group was asked what they thought. Jackson reported that part of their feedback was that they felt the vision of CP was still valid, but whether or not the implementation tools are there to achieve it was questionable. Jackson then distributed an informational handout to the board and encouraged them to review it at their leisure and feel free to contact him if there are any questions before the August Transportation Board meeting. c) TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL FUNDING - D. Bachman Bachman stated that discussions are still going on about how to place the two tax proposals in front of the voters. Staff recommended that it be presented as two separate items because voters have an aversion to packaged items. In the survey, the sales tax did very good, the excise not as well. Again, the fear there is that both measures could be lost if packaged as one item. Moe stated that education on the excise tax is of the utmost importance. Thordarson commented that it shouldn't be made out like it's an "either/or" choice, rather that both are needed in order to be successful. Phillips spoke of the bundling issue concerns as well. There was a lengthy discussion on the pros and cons of bundling them or not and in the end, the board agreed that they do support the ballot items whether they are together or not. Bachman stated that a luncheon was being planned to discuss who would take over once the measure is on the ballot since staff will have to bow out at that point. Transportation Board members will be invited to participate. Transportation Board APPROVED Regular Meeting Minutes July 17, 2002 Page 5 8. REPORTS a) BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Johnson: Downtown Strategic Plan. The introductory meeting was held last month and there was another one yesterday. Next month's meeting will focus on transportation, so Johnson encouraged members to contact either Johnson or Gould. Youth Fares. This item was tabled at the City Council last night. Survey Complaint. Was this survey put out on bid and is this a professional survey company? Phillips stated that it is the same one used in the past. Johnson stated he was very unhappy about the wording of some of the questions and felt it was unfairly detrimental to the end results. Thordarson: New Bike Lanes. I've talked to 8-9 people who are regularly bicycling to/from Loveland/Fort Collins using Shields and they are very pleased with the new bike lanes that have been added. Shields/Drake Crosswalks. The crosswalks are being repainted red for some reason. Diede said that this is a new longer -wearing paint. Thanks to Streets. I appreciate the thorough response to my inquiry about street sweeping in my neighborhood. Grigg: Grand Opening Kudos. I attended the Grand Opening at Drake and Taft Hill and the group made a good impression. This kind of public relations and outreach is great — keep it up! Ricord: New Devices. I would like Moe to get on one of the board's agendas to talk about the newest devices in traffic operations. Gould: Recreational Bike Trail Development. I would like to get an update on what is being developed right now for the Fossil Creek area and especially in relationship to the segment coming down Mason Street through the corridor from Harmony. Transportation Board APPROVED Regular Meeting Minutes July 17, 2002 b) STAFF REPORTS Bachman: ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: • Mason Street Transportation Corridor Update • E. Mulberry Corridor Plan - Action • Transportation Master Plan Update ITEMS FOR SEPTEMBER: • Downtown Strategic Plan Update • Moe — Presentation on Traffic Devices (?) 9. OTHER BUSINESS None 10.ADJOURN Chair Ricord adjourned the meeting at 8:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cynthia Cass Executive Administrative Assistant City of Fort Collins — Transportation Services Page 6