HomeMy WebLinkAboutActive Modes Advisory Board - MINUTES - 04/30/2024 ACTIVE MODES ADVISORY BOARD TYPE OF MEETING –REGULAR April 30, 2024 6:00 p.m. Online via Zoom or In Person at 281 North College 4/30/2024 – MINUTES Page 1 FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Bruce Henderson Vice-Chair: Kevin Krause Staff Liaison: Lauren Nagle 1. CALL TO ORDER Lauren Nagle called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. 2. ROLL CALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Bruce Henderson, Chair Kevin Krause, Vice Chair Destiny Dominguez Tim Han Jared Hanson Wallace Jacobson Cameron Phillips Kat Steele Kristina Vrouwenvelder CITY STAFF PRESENT: Lauren Nagle Araceli Newman Cortney Geary Brian Kurotsuchi Rachel Ruhlen ABSENT: None PUBLIC PRESENT: None 3. AGENDA REVIEW Lauren Nagle, Staff Liaison, outlined the published agenda. 4. COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION None. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES PROCESS BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 4/30/2024 – MINUTES Page 2 Nagle reviewed the minutes approval process. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Introductions Nagle introduced themself as the staff liaison to the Board. Board Member Jared Hanson introduced himself and discussed his interest in cycling and role as the head of the BIPOC initiative for FoCo Fondo. Board Member Bruce Henderson introduced himself and stated he believes active modes can have a much bigger role in transportation and the environment. He discussed his experience commuting by bicycle in San Francisco and Fort Collins. He also discussed his interest in Vision Zero. Board Member Kristina Vrouwenvelder discussed her interest in bicycling and in making cities cleaner and greener. She also expressed interest in exploring ways to integrate active modes into the public transit system. Board Member Kevin Krause stated he was previously on the Bicycle Advisory Committee, and he is passionate about reducing single-occupant vehicle travel and about the goals of the Active Modes Plan. Board Member Wallace (Wally) Jacobson discussed his bicycling history and interest in promoting safety through things such as Vision Zero. He also discussed his interest in climate change. Board Member Kat Steele stated she moved to Fort Collins last year and discussed her experience living and biking in other communities. She stated she is a leader with Fort Follies. Board Member Tim Han discussed his work with Safe Routes to School and interest in long-term quality of life in Fort Collins. Board Member Cameron (Cam) Phillips commended the City’s bike infrastructure. He stated he is an advocate for sustainability and works as an active transportation professional at CSU and serves on the Vision Zero Committee there. Board Member Destiny Dominguez stated she would like to see more options for BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 4/30/2024 – MINUTES Page 3 active modes and discussed her work at the Teen Activity Center and education in physical activity and healthy lifestyles. Araceli Newman introduced herself as FC Moves staff. Cortney Geary introduced herself as the Active Modes Manager at FC Moves. Brian K. introduced himself as an employee of Safe Routes to School. Rachel Ruhlen introduced herself as a Transportation Planner with FC Moves. b. Guiding Principles Development Henderson discussed his experience on the Transportation Board and Parks and Recreation Board. Members discussed how agendas are formed and topics are brought forth. Nagle noted someone from Parks Planning and Development will be coming to the May meeting to discuss the Strategic Trail Plan, Geary will be discussing the Active Modes Plan, and Ruhlen will be requesting a letter of recommendation from the Board. c. Chair and Vice Chair Elections Nagle discussed the roles of the Chair and Vice Chair and discussed how the Transportation Board held its elections anonymously. They asked who might have an interest in either role. Henderson stated he would be willing to serve, but would not be disappointed if he was not selected. Krause expressed interest in the Vice Chair role. Jacobson made a motion, seconded by Krause, to nominate Henderson as Chair. The motion was adopted unanimously. Han made a motion, seconded by Henderson to nominate Krause as Vice Chair. The motion was adopted unanimously. d. Planning, Development, and Transportation Overview Nagle outlined the Planning, Development, and Transportation service area which includes Engineering, Traffic, Transfort, Parking, Streets, Community Development and Neighborhood Services, and FC Moves. She discussed the roles of each department. Members discussed getting an overview of the pedestrian improvement program. Geary noted the Board would have the opportunity to weigh in on how the tax renewal program could be structured. Jacobson asked about the City’s involvement outside of the city limits within the BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 4/30/2024 – MINUTES Page 4 Urban Growth Area in terms of development standards. Nagle replied the Growth Management Area is the official term and it is referenced in several different ways depending on the topic and program. Jacobson commented on the opportunity to incorporate active modes infrastructure into new development areas that may be outside city limits. Nagle noted projects will refer either to city limits or the Growth Management Area. Geary noted the development review team does review developments in the Growth Management Area; however, she was unsure if the City can require those projects to follow City roadway standards. Krause noted the East Mulberry corridor area is part of the Growth Management Area. Han asked if Parking Services manages the on-street bicycle parking in Old Town. Nagle replied Parking Services manages the bike cages in the parking garages; however, the bike racks and other on-street bike parking are managed by FC Moves. Han asked about the new parking program for the SPIN bikes and scooters. Ruhlen replied painted parking boxes are being installed throughout the city and riders are incentivized to end their ride in a box with a $1 account credit. Phillips asked about the context of traffic control regarding Streets versus other departments. Nagle replied Traffic provides work site traffic control and Streets handles everything else. Nagle also noted the Parks Department manages the trail system in addition to parks, though the Mason Trail is managed by Streets. Krause noted a tour of the City Streets facility could be valuable for the Board. He also commented on the importance of the Board getting out in the community to do things like experience new infrastructure. Han asked about Access Fort Collins. Nagle replied it is the best way to get in touch with City departments regarding any issues such as potholes, low-hanging branches, graffiti, or other issues, and a response is required within 48 hours. e. Bicycle Advisory Committee Work Plan Discussion Nagle stated the work plan formed by the former Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) could be utilized by the Board to plan out the next few months until it forms its own work plan, or it could be used as a reference, or in any combination of ways. Chair Henderson stated the BAC work plan could potentially be seen as the first- generation Active Modes Advisory Board work plan. Members discussed reviewing the BAC work plan as a starting point for the work BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 4/30/2024 – MINUTES Page 5 of the Board. Nagle stated the item would be placed on the agenda for May. 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS None. 9. OTHER BUSINESS a. Staff Liaison Report  Memo of Support for Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program Ruhlen discussed the federal funding program called ‘Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program’ and stated one of the roles of a Board such as this is to provide letters of support for proposals being submitted by staff. She stated staff will soon be deciding which project to submit for funding based on the selection criteria for the program to fund safe and connected active transportation facilities. 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent at 7:37 p.m.