HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/03/2024 - HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION - AGENDA - Planning Meeting for the 2024 Human Relations Awards Program HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION Subcommittee Meeting: Planning for the 2024 Human Relations Awards Program City Contact Person: Melanie Clark, Executive Administrative Assistant, Office of Equity & Inclusion – MCLARK@fcgov.com or hrc@fcgov.com April 3, 2024, noon-1:00pm Remote Meeting Participation ONLY: To join the Zoom meeting online (through web browser or Zoom app): Join Zoom Meeting https://fcgov.zoom.us/j/91337172367 Meeting ID: 913 3717 2367 --- One tap mobile +17209289299,,91337172367# US (Denver) +13462487799,,91337172367# US (Houston) --- Dial by your location • +1 720 928 9299 US (Denver) • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) • +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 913 3717 2367 Find your local number: https://fcgov.zoom.us/u/abTUbaEHJF This information is available in Spanish or other language at no cost to a person who would like this information translated to or communicated in Spanish or other language. Please call 416-4254 or titlesix@fcgov.com to make a request for information in other languages. Esta información está disponible en español u otro idioma, sin costo para la persona que le gustaría esta información traducida o comunicada en español u otro idioma. Favor llame al 416 -4254 o a titlesix@fcgov.com para solicitar información en otros idiomas. Auxiliary aids and services are available for persons with disabilities. TTY: please use 711 to call 970.416.4254.; other _________________________________________________________________________________ 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. AGENDA REVIEW 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 5. NEW BUSINESS O DISCUSS IDEAS FOR THE 2024 HUMAN RELATIONS AWARDS PROGRAM – REVIEW EXCERPT FROM JANUARY MEETING MINUTES ▪ PROMOTION PROCESS ▪ NOMINATION AND SELECTION PROCESS ▪ STRUCTURE OF AWARDS PROGRAM – DECEMBER 12TH ▪ OTHER IDEAS? 6. NEXT STEPS O MEETING ACTION ITEMS O ADJOURNMENT FROM THE HRC’S JANUARY 11TH MEETING MINUTES • Media/Community Recognition Committee – December 5th Human Relations Awards: Plus/Delta Beth asked Commission members to share what went well and what they would like to do different in relation to the call for nominations and selection process, award program, date, location, refreshments and the overall event. Call for nominations and the selection process: What went well: Melanie’s work with the City to make sure everything was updated and out on time. We were able to have a full 5 weeks to receive nominations. Went a lot better than in the past. Much better to have categories and combining organization/team. What should we change: Include on nomination form, language that communicates to be full in the nomination. Be more explicit about asking for stories and encouraging nominators to be more detailed and specific. How does the Commission get a fuller sense of the nominees. Ask more detailed/specific questions in the nomination form. Nominations seem to be based on who you know, but what about the others that are doing work, but are not as well known? Is there a way to bring them forward? Have an avenue to create a way for organizations to showcase what they are doing all year. Create a vehicle where businesses and organizations can be involved. We can think about how we communicate and promote the award. Give more time to market and promote. Start the nomination period earlier. Be clearer in the criteria and questions asked. Also create a rubric for how the Commission determines the award recipients. Possibility to do a follow up email to those who nominated and those who were nominated. This already happens. Everyone who is nominated and nominates, receives an email and invitation to the ceremony. Use the follow up email to remind folks that the awards ceremony takes place every year. Create a list serve to be able to send reminders to folks. Award Program Date, Venue, and Refreshments: What went well: Beth’s organization was really appreciated. Like the idea of it happening in City Hall, Council Chambers. Gotten better every year. Good process. Really liked the food tables being along the back of the room and the flow. It was a stellar event and everyone did a great job. What should we change: Would like for the event to happen on a night other than a Council meeting night. It felt really tight at the beginning and end of the event with the Council activities. Length of the reception felt a little too long. Felt like folks really just wanted to get into the ceremony. Commission members liked the idea of shortening the length of the reception, possibly to 45 minutes. Should we create the space during the event for networking between organizations and specifically say that this is an opportunity. Name tag and ribbon to recognize nominees. Consider reaching out to Art in Public Places to have local artists submit artwork for a new award every year.