HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 - Affordable Housing Board - Work Plan City of Fort Collins AFFORDABLE HOUSING BOARD 2024 Work Plan The Affordable Housing Board (AHB) will make recommendations to the Council on policy and programing to guide the City’s efforts to reach the goals of the Housing Strategic Plan in addition to assisting with the implementation of the Housing Strategic Plan. Demand for affordable housing continues to outpace supply in the City. The AHB will focus its efforts on increasing and preserving the City’s affordable housing inventory and providing support to consumers of affordable housing by taking the following actions: • Promote implementation of the 26 strategies contained in the Housing Strategic Plan including those incorporated from the 2015-2019 Affordable Housing Strategic Plan: o Strategy 4.1 – Increase the Inventory of Affordable Rental Units o Strategy 4.2 – Preserve the Long-term Affordability and Physical Condition of Exiting Stock of Housing o Strategy 4.3 – Increase Housing and Supportive Services for People with Special Needs o Strategy 4.4 – Support opportunities to obtain and sustain affordable homeownership o Strategy 4.5 – Refine development incentives and expand funding sources and partnerships • Participate in/collaborate with other committees and workgroups convened by the City Council, staff, board members or citizens, in order to advocate and educate on issues related to affordable housing. • Work with City staff and stakeholders in providing input on implementing the updated Housing Strategic Plan to preserve and increase housing options across the spectrum, meeting the needs of all Fort Collins residents. The Board will continue to prioritize funding for residents making no more than 80% AMI while encouraging more housing options for all City residents. For rental housing, the Board will prioritize funding for residents making no more than 60% AMI. • Work with staff on implementation of City Plan, as it relates to housing, to ensure and increase affordable housing options will meet the needs of all Fort Collins residents through the City’s long-term planning horizon. • Continue to play a critical role in the Competitive Process by reviewing all affordable housing proposals and meeting with the Human Services and Housing Funding Board (HSHFB) to discuss specific proposals and share priority rankings with them and the City Council. • Continue to work with staff to review and evaluate the effectiveness of the City’s current incentives to developers to produce affordable housing units, and recommend modifications, new incentives, and building code revisions (including increasing capacity and considering zoning) to City Council. Also continuing to work with staff to provide input on the Land Use regulations update – phase 1 focusing on housing and organization and the implementation of the resulting updated code. • Continue to investigate incentives to preserve the current available stock of affordable housing including consultations with staff and the Neighborhood Services Department on mobile home parks and keep apprised of Council’s priority on the preservation of manufactured housing communities. • Assist staff in reviewing the Land Bank program’s implementation and potentially recommend changes to improve the program. • Review proposed policy, regulations, and code provisions regarding development (e.g., Metro Districts, development fees, density) to provide input to the City Council on the impact of these issues on housing affordability. • Research and educate City Council and others on issues affecting affordable housing and on the potential for additional and current funding sources for the City’s various affordable housing funds to provide financial resources to affordable housing programs and projects. • Keep apprised and advise staff and Council when considering whether the City should impose an affordable housing impact fee and/or inclusionary zoning or other dedicated on-going source of revenue.. • Advocate for the need for housing affordability for the entire spectrum of wage earners in our community, specifically: o Engage with City Council through written and oral communication o Attend other public meetings including visiting with other City Boards and Commissions to stress the important relationship between economic, environmental, and social vitality o Use triple bottom line values as applied to affordable housing policy, regulation, facilitation, and funding o Seek additional understanding as to how people of color, disabled and other under-represented populations are negatively affected by local systems, policies and assumptions, in their efforts to attain appropriate housing and in response and recovery efforts related to the COVID-19 pandemic. • AHB members may attend City Council meetings and address Council on matters pertaining to housing. A detailed discussion with the Board’s Council liaison is planned quarterly. • Monitor the community’s efforts to end homelessness. • Monitor the community’s efforts to make home ownership achievable, especially for people already living here. • Be informed by staff of all requests for certification of affordable housing projects. • At least quarterly, review the Board’s Work Plan to assure the AHB work is accomplished. • Board members will consider liaison positions to other boards and commissions, as possible, including but not limited to: o Planning and Zoning Commission o Board of Realtors o Economic Advisory Board o Transportation Board o Human Relations Commission o Disability Advisory Board o Senior Advisory Board o HSHF Board The Affordable Housing Board (AHB) has an interest in 3 Key Strategic Outcome areas in the City - Neighborhood Livability and Social Health, Economic Health and Transportation. During 2024, the AHB will be guided by the following City Strategic Objectives in its work: - Neighborhood Livability and Social Health Fort Collins provides a high-quality built environment, supports connected neighborhoods, seeks to advance equity and affordability and fosters the social health of the community - Economic Health Fort Collins promotes a healthy, sustainable economy reflecting community values - Transportation and Mobility Fort Collins provides a transportation system that moves people and goods safely and efficiently while being accessible, reliable and convenient.