HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy Board - Minutes - 08/10/2023
August 10, 2023 – 5:30 pm
222 Laporte Ave – Colorado Room
Board Members Present: Bill Althouse, Thomas Loran, Marge Moore, Bill Becker, Alan Braslau, Jeremy
Giovando, Vanessa Paul, Brian Smith (remote)
Board Members Absent: Steve Tenbrink
Staff Members Present: Christie Fredrickson, John Phelan, Lance Smith, Phil Ladd, Kendall Minor, Cyril
Vidergar, Javier Camacho (PRPA), Masood Ahmad (PRPA), Paul Davis (PRPA), Leigh Gibson (PRPA),
Nick Combs, Chad Crager, Rhonda Gatzke, Davina Lau
Members of the Public: Sue McFaddin, Chelsea Friel, Ivan Chavarria, Jenny Garside
Vice Chairperson Paul called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
In preparation for the meeting, board members submitted amendments via email for the July 13, 2023,
minutes. The minutes were approved as amended.
Javier Camacho, Platte River Power Authority
Masood Ahmad, Platte River Power Authority
Paul Davis, Platte River Power Authority
Mr. Phelan advised the Board to keep in mind that the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is a significant
milestone in the planning process, but the process as a whole has become much more continuous (as
opposed to periodic). Platte River’s IRP relates to a number of Fort Collins’ goals; the community carbon
goal of 50% reduction by 2026, 80% by 2030, and carbon neutral by 2050. Historically the electricity
portion of the community carbon inventory has been about 50%, but at the same time it is the area where
we have made the most progress and the largest factor is the change in our electricity mix that has
already happened to date.
Platte River Power Authority is a not-for-profit, community-owned public power utility that generates and
delivers safe, reliable, environmentally responsible, and financially sustainable energy and services to
Estes Park, Fort Collins, Longmont and Loveland, Colorado, for delivery to their utility customers. Mr.
Camacho said the relationship between the wholesale provider and the end-consumer is changing with
the addition of renewable energy. This determines how much power to generate, control, and manage
and also where Platte River’s vulnerabilities are.
Platte River is committed to decarbonizing their resource portfolio without compromising their three
foundation pillars: reliability, environmental responsibility, and financial sustainability.
Platte River’s Resource Diversification Policy was adopted in 2018 by Platte River’s Board of Directors.
The RDP provides guidance for resource planning, portfolio diversification and carbon reduction. The goal
is to support owner community clean energy goals, proactively working toward a 100% noncarbon
resource mix by 2030 while maintaining the foundational pillars of providing reliable, environmentally
responsible, and financially sustainable energy and services.
Some pieces of the RDP that Platte River is working on or aware of are: transmission and distribution
infrastructure investment must be increased, transmission and distribution delivery systems must be more
fully integrated, improved distributed generation resource performance, technology and capabilities of grid
management systems must advance and improve, advanced capabilities and use of active end user
management systems, generation, and transmission and distribution rate structures must facilitate
systems integration. Mr. Camacho pointed out that the technology for long-duration battery storage has
not evolved to the level necessary in order to fully rely on that resource.
The 2024 IRP builds on the 2020 IRP and resource planning and modeling that occurred in 2021 and
2022. Since 2018 Platte River: added 225 MW of wind from Roundhouse, announced the decommission
of its coal resources, developed a distributed energy resources strategy, filed the 2020 IRP, added 22
MW solar with 2 MWh battery at Rawhide Prairie, and will add 150 MW solar power through the Black
Hollow purchase agreement, additional solar and energy storage RFPs, filed Clean Energy Plan with the
state of Colorado, which requires all electric utilities to achieve 80% carbon reduction by 2030, and
entered into the Southwest Power Pool Western Energy Imbalance Service market.
Mr. Camacho displayed a graphic showing the growth in non-carbon resources today (33.3%) compared
to 2018’s portfolio (24.8%). By 2030, Platte River expects their portfolio to be optimally composed of
88.4% non-carbon resources.
Platte River is looking to conclude the IRP by Spring of 2024 and publish it that same summer.
Community Engagement will take place throughout the entire process.
Mr. Ahmad refreshed the Board on what an IRP is. He explained an IRP is a planning process which
integrates customer demand and distributed energy resources (DERs) with utility resources to provide
reliable, economical, and environmentally desirable electricity to customers. An IRP is typically developed
for the next 10-20 years and updated every few years in between. It assists with preparing for industry
changes including technological progress, consumer preferences, and regulatory mandates. It is also
required by Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) every five years. WAPA requires a short-term
action plan and an annual follow up on plan execution; the last IRP was submitted in 2020.
After Platte River factors in the input assumptions (load forecast, DER potential, power price forecast,
resource cost forecast, extreme weather models, renewable profiles) they use the Plexos Model, an
energy market simulation platform, to help develop the portfolio and do reliability testing. Platte River is a
small utility so there is a need to rely on consultants and experts due to the complex nature of modeling
an uncertain future. Technology will play a significant role in helping Platte River achieve its goals.
Consultants will evaluate the cost curves and maturity of the technology to identify when it will be reliable
without taking too much risk.
Mr. Ahmad said the challenge with renewable resources is that we need electricity every second of every
day, but a renewable resource may not always be available. There are extreme times where there is no
sun and no wind, also known as “Dark Calm.” In order to provide renewable energy for all hours of the
day, we need long duration energy storage. The technology is in development right now, but it is not
readily available right now. Board member Braslau noted that the lack of long-term storage is a cost
issue, not a technology issue. Mr. Ahmad agreed, the technology exists but it is not reliable enough or
financially viable before 2030.
Board member Althouse asked about methane storage at the landfill, adding a digester and converting
organics. Mr. Davis said Platte River looked at that option at one point, and at the time it was enough gas
to support about 3 MW of generation. Mr. Phelan said Larimer County was looking at options for
digesters, but he is unsure where that stands currently. Mr. Masood added that Platte River does not
store gas at the plant site. Board Braslau notes that none of this will happen unless Platte River has the
political will see it through; they should be spearheading that. Mr. Masood said Platte River is looking at
the least cost options, the economics have to make sense. Board member Althouse said United Power is
the most progressive utility in North America and we should be looking to them as an example on how to
adopt innovative technology to deliver reliable and beneficial power.
Board member Loran asked how confident Platte River is that they will meet the carbon goal. Mr.
Camacho said while they can’t quantify their confidence as a specific number, Platte River is very
confident they will exceed the 80% state mandate. Mr. Loran feels like this is a marketing message, he is
concerned because there is a 12% gap that needs to be addressed. Mr. Masood said planning and
projections are one thing, but he anticipates confidence will increase as the resources are procured.
Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) save energy and save money by using energy more efficiently.
Electrification reduces greenhouse gases by replacing fossil fuel use with increasingly decarbonized
electricity. Having flexible DERs can help form a Virtual Power Plant, or VPP. A VPP is a portfolio of
flexible DERs that can provide customer and electric system benefits by responding on a scheduled basis
or in near real time to manage the electric supply-demand balance. VPPs shift energy to align electric use
to renewable availability and to decarbonize the electric system in a cost-effective manner. It relies on
advanced information systems to enable communication, coordination and appropriate, secure data
sharing among customers who have participating DERs, DER original equipment manufacturers,
vendors, or aggregators, and the electric systems operated by the owner communities’ distribution
utilities, Platte River, and the regional electricity market.
VPPs need communication, coordination, and appropriate, secure data sharing. This includes visibility,
predictability, control or dispatch (ability to achieve flexible operation through direct utility control and
provide price signals to allow customer control), optimization, and program management.
The DER integration timeline has some contingencies on Platte River’s DER Roadmap and the pace of
system integration. Platte River is currently working on a DER forecast and potential study, conducting
VPP/DERMS planning: gap assessment and roadmap, a DERMS request for proposal (Q3/4 2023).
Beginning in 2024 (as well as up and through 2028) there will be a VPP/DER system
implementation/integration with Fort Collins DERMS, a flexible DER pilot program planning (2023 - 2024),
flexible DER pilot programs, and finally a flexible DER programs scale.
Board member Loran asked where Platte River fits into the distribution networks. Mr. Davis said this is
quite a challenge and they are working with the communities to put it all together. Mr. Phelan added all
four communities are very different sizes and at very different states in the process. Platte River partners
with many of the communities to provide services, such as Efficiency Works. At times the lines will be
blurred between communities and acting as if we are more integrated than we have been in the past.
Board member Moore wondered if the communities all being in different places will ultimately hold back
the most progressive changes. Mr. Davis said he doesn’t see that as an issue currently, but it could be
too early to say because we are at the point of defining our target technologies. Platte River is trying to
put together a more comprehensive system that gets us all to 2030, there is time.
Lance Smith, Director, Financial Planning & Assets, Utilities
Mr. Smith explained the $66.1 million debt issuance is combined of) a $40 million appropriation request
for Light & Power capital improvements and $25.5 million for the Connexion buildout. This was presented
to the Council Finance Committee on July 6th and will be brought before City Council (and the Electric
Telecommunications Enterprise Board) on August 15th. The issuance has a fixed interest rate with 21-
year repayment, Light & Power will make even debt payments until 2044 and Connexion will pay interest
only for 19 years (to maintain a levelized debt service payments) issuance and pay off the balance in
At the January 10, 2023, City Council Work Session meeting the need was identified for additional
funding to complete the network buildout and customer ramp-up. The outlook still remains the same:
Approximately $20 million of additional funded is needed, $16 million for capital buildout and $4 million for
near-term operations through 2024. December 2024 is expected to be the point of maximum need with
2025 projected as breakeven (revenues covering capital, operating expenses, and debts service costs).
Connexion has invested the $20 million appropriation from Light and Power reserves. In March 2023, City
Council authorized Connexion to use bond proceeds to reimburse expenditures related to construction.
In October 2022, as the budget was being finalized, inflation made it necessary to update the 10-year
forecasts before presenting them again to this Board (5%). There has been a near-term need for some
debt financing of L&P capital investments planned for previously. Proceeds from this issuance will be
appropriated through off-cycle appropriations and the 2025-26 Budgeting For Outcomes for Light &
Ahead of the 2025-26 Budgeting For Outcomes process, the long-term financial plan will be updated for
Light & Power. Part of this update involves revisiting the 10-year Capital Improvement Plan. Preliminary
updates indicate there will be near-term capital needs: $57 million for new development including $23
million for a new substation, $28 million for renewal or replacement of existing assets, $7 million for
Annexations that have already occurred, $7 million for Our Climate Future investments through Energy
Services, $20 million for transformers to serve new customers as well as new load growth from beneficial
electrification by existing customers.
Board member Loran asked how exposed Light & Power is if Connexion doesn’t make their revenue
targets. Mr. Smith said Connexion’s debt service is $10 million, if they were unable to pay any of that
there would need to be a rate adjustment (up to 7%) to compensate for that.
Board member Becker said he is struggling with how intertwined these two pieces are. Capital
improvement is business as usual and not changing how the utility is run, but he feels he and the Board
are being asked to approve things that go beyond what he has knowledge of. Board member Braslau said
it seems as though the ratepayer is subsidizing things that they shouldn’t be, these costs should be paid
for through development fees. Mr. Smith advised this is the way the City chose to finance it. Mr. Braslau
said the electric fund has no control over the governance mistakes that have been made and Light &
Power is paying the price.
Board member Althouse agreed with the discussion, the pace of technology improvements in the energy
sector is rapid. Rates should be going down with the deployment of innovation. He does not feel
comfortable supporting these numbers without signaling the deployment of additional innovation. Mr.
Smith clarified that he is not asking for the Board to support a rate increase at this time.
Board member Giovando asked if the Connexion debt issuance was anticipated or if this newly needed
funding. Mr. Crager said voters originally approved $150 million, and initially Connexion utilized $130
million of that $150 million threshold. After some unexpected issues arose, they borrowed $20 million in
early 2022 from Light & Power reserves. Then, in summer 2022 the demand for Connexion surged
concurrently with a huge labor shortage; installation lead times were 8-10 weeks. Connexion has since
caught up and installations are now on a two-week waiting list. They also have many bulk installations,
such as apartment complexes with Connexion exclusively, coming down the pipeline. Mr. Crager said he
mentioned all this to instill confidence, it has been frustrating to get to this point, but their financial
modeling shows this should be the last time they will be asking for additional funding.
Vice Chairperson Paul asked when the taxpayers can expect a return on the investment. Mr. Crager said
he expects Connexion to be in the black by 2026. Ms. Paul asked if there will be a rate decrease in 2026.
Mr. Crager said no, bonds will not be paid back until 2042. Ms. Paul commented that the marketing
around the pricing structure feels like a betrayal to the consumer (after the rate increase earlier this
Spring). Mr. Crager clarified that it was never promised that there would never be a rate increase, there
are many factors that influence monthly cost for the end consumer. He said it is their goal to always be
transparent and thoughtful before increasing the price. Board member Braslau agreed with Ms. Paul and
said the community was promised that there wouldn’t be marketing games, it was touted as a benefit of
choosing Connexion over a competitor. Mr. Braslau also believes that the ratepayers are subsidizing this,
and by borrowing from the reserves it is in essence cheating the voters. The debt issuance was to build
out, there are legitimate reasons to be concerned and criticize this.
Board members asked for additional clarification on how much money Connexion has requested to date.
Mr. Smith said there was a debt issuance of $130 million, then Light & Power lent $20 million from
reserves, and now a $20 million issuance (which will meet the $150 million bonding capacity approved by
the voters). Board member Braslau said that is $20 million over what the voters approved. Mr. Smith said
yes, though the language was around debt issuance. Mr. Phelan said the loan from Light & Power
reserves is more or less considered independent of the bonding capacity.
Mr. Minor said the Board is making valid points, the current staff inherited Connexion as it is. At the end of
the day staff understands and is not trying to dispute anything that’s been discussed; however, this is the
current situation that we are in, and it is essential to make sure Connexion succeeds. Going forward he
hopes to see honesty and transparency.
Vice Chairperson Paul said tonight’s presentation does not address how things will change; the multiple
requests for funding do not instill confidence that there won’t be another request in another year or two.
Connexion had previously come before the board to give a operational update without mentioning any
price increase, only to announce an increase to its customers the two business days later. Mr. Crager
said the new financial model is much more conservative, but also some of this information is competitive
so the details can’t be shared publicly. Again, he said staff anticipates Connexion to be cash flow positive
by 2026.
While they do support the appropriation request for Light and Power, Board members spent time
discussing their hesitance to support an additional funding request for Connexion. The mistakes of the
governance should not be the ratepayer’s responsibility. They elected to draft a memo to send to Mayor
Arndt to express their concerns.
Board member Becker moved the Energy Board support the issuance of $40 million in revenue
bonds from the Electric and Telecommunications Enterprise Fund to support Light & Power
capital improvement needs, which supports existing and new customers, but the Board does not
feel they have enough information or have the purview to support the funding for the completion
of the Connexion build out.
Vice Chairperson Paul seconded the motion.
Vote on the motion: It passed 7-1, with 1 absent.
John Phelan, Energy Services Manager & Energy Policy Advisor
Mr. Phelan hopes to revisit the framework that Board member Loran created and get the Board’s
thoughts on what metrics they would like to see consistently reported on and what cadence those are
available. Most metrics are reported out annually and the updates come through mid-year. Mr. Phelan
advised that we only have influence in a few places. Ms. Fredrickson reminded the Board that though
staff, Council, and the Board may have limited capacity to influence these things, it is still impactful to
study and identify any gaps gaps and then bring attention to those issues because it will ensure that
everyone is doing everything within their ability to enact change. Board members are not only community
members but also experts in their fields.
Board member Althouse wondered how electrification became the only word and perceived only method
to reduce oil and gas usage. There are many other ways to cut out oil and gas.
Board members agreed to spend more time discussing these metrics at their work session in two weeks.
Board member Moore went to the Confluence: Colorado water summit and & Net Zero cities. She said it
was really interesting discussion around the upper basin of the Colorado River.
The Board’s September meeting will have a presentation to introduce a community wide solar
visualization tool, as well as a stakeholder update on Building Performance Standards.
The Energy Board adjourned at 8:53 pm.
Utilities – Energy Board
700 Wood St.
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.416.2208 - fax
DATE: August 14, 2023
TO: Mayor Arndt and City Councilmembers
FROM: Vanessa Paul, Energy Board Vice Chairperson
RE: Electric and Telecommunications Enterprise Fund 2023 Revenue Bond Issuance
The Energy Board would like to have a chance to communicate their thoughts on the request for a $66.1
million combined debt issuance for Light & Power and Connexion.
Connexion and Utilities Finance staff presented the request at the August 10, 2023, Energy Board
meeting. The Board voted 7-1 (with one absence) to support the issuance of $40 million supporting Light
& Power’s capital improvement needs, but the Board does not feel they have enough information or have
the purview to support the funding for the completion of the Connexion build out.
While the Energy Board is grateful to remain involved and informed on this issue, the Board feels there
has been a historical lack of transparency about the usage of Connexion bond funding now and in the
future. The Board also questions if the request to weigh in on Connexion financing is within their purview,
because in the past they were explicitly told Connexion related items are not within their codified duties as
an Energy Board.
The Board would also like to reiterate that they are supportive of Connexion as a whole and want the
service to succeed, but they hope there will be more transparency and guidance going forward.
Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Energy Board,
Vanessa Paul, Vice Chairperson
Energy Board
cc: Steve Tenbrink, Energy Board Chairperson
Phillip Amaya, Director of Operations & Technology
Lance Smith, Director, Financial Planning & Assets, Utilities
DocuSign Envelope ID: 44D6EAD4-A9FE-4A35-9AD9-55EF08729D5F