HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/21/2023 - Disability Advisory Board - Agenda - Regular MeetingDISABILITY ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING Zoom – See Link Below 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. AGENDA REVIEW 4. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a. July 20, 2023 b. August 10, 2023 6. GUEST PRESENTER: GINNY SAWYER, LEAD PROJECT MANAGER – ACCESSIBILITY ON LINDEN STREET 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. UCHealth Presentation Request Participation for this Disability Advisory Board Meeting will be held via Zoom only using this link: https://fcgov.zoom.us/j/98185571735 Meeting ID: 981 8557 1735 Online Public Participation: The meeting will be available to join beginning at 5:30 pm, August 17, 2023. Participants should try to sign in prior to the 5:30 pm meeting start time, if possible. For public comments, the Chair will ask participants to click the “Raise Hand” button to indicate you would like to speak at that time. Staff will moderate the Zoom session to ensure all participants have an opportunity to address the Board or Commission. To participate:  Use a laptop, computer, or internet-enabled smartphone. (Using earphones with a microphone will greatly improve your audio).  You need to have access to the internet.  Keep yourself on muted status. This information is available in Spanish or other language at no cost to a person who would like this information translated to or communicated in Spanish or other language. Please call 970- 232-0512 or cmenendez@fcgov.com to make a request for information in other languages. Esta información está disponible en español u otro idioma, sin costo para la persona que le gustaría esta información traducida o comunicada en español u otro idioma. Favor llame al 970.232.0512 or cmenendez@fcgov.com para solicitar información en otros idiomas. Auxiliary aids and services are available for persons with disabilities. TTY: please use 711 to call 970.416.4254 DISABILITY ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING b. B&C Inputs for City’s 2024 Strategic Plan c. Restrictions for B&C under Fair Campaign Practices d. Changes to B&C Terms & Recruitments 8. OLD BUSINESS: Dial-a-Ride 9. OTHER BUSINESS/UPDATES: a. Work Plan Due November 30 b. Awards Ceremony 10. FUTURE AGENDA REVIEW 11. ADJOURNMENT DISABILITY ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING  Thursday, July 20, 2023 – 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Meeting held only through Zoom: https://fcgov.zoom.us/j/98185571735       Contact: mclark@fcgov.com or 970‐416‐4312         1. CALL TO ORDER: Terry Schlicting called the meeting to order at 5:33 PM 2. ROLL CALL a. Board Members Present – Terry Schlicting, Scott Winnegrad, Jaclyn Menendez, Linda Drees, Mandy Morgan, Shiela Hammons b. Board Members Absent – Rachel Stutsman-Knox, Joseph Tiner, Evan Shockley c. Staff Members Present – Claudia Menendez, Equity Officer; Office of Equity and Inclusion, Melanie Clark, Executive Admin Assistant; City Manger’s Office d. Guest(s) – Katlyn Kelly, Transfort Quarterly Review. Dial-A-Ride Application. Cory Schmitt, Mobility Director, Ride NoCo (NFRMPO). Presentation and discussion. 3. AGENDA REVIEW 4. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Board members did not receive the agenda or minutes prior to the meeting. Will review and approve at the next meeting in August. 6. Guest Presenter a. Cory Schmitt, Mobility Director, gave a presentation of the Ride NoCo (NFRMPO) program. North Front Range MPO is the regional transportation & air quality planning agency for Fort Collins, Timnath, Windsor, Severance, Eaton, Loveland, Greeley, Johnstown, Milliken, Berthoud, Garden City, Evans, and LaSalle. Ride NoCo Mobility program serves all of Larimer and Weld Counties and operates a one call/one click center, an information hub with a website and call center that provides transportation options in northern Colorado. Along with coordinating the Northern Colorado Mobility Committee which is a committee that combines two others (Larimer County Mobility Committee and the Weld County Mobility Committee) and meets quarterly, NFRMPO also leads planning efforts for the Coordinated Public Transit/Human Services Transportation Plan as well as the Mobility Action Plan which guides the implementation of the Coordinated Plan and focuses on providing transportation for older adults, people with disabilities, and lower income individuals. NFRMPO oversees a subrecipient program providing funding for accessible vehicles and transportation services for eligible non-profits, connects partners to State and Federal Funding, and coordinates service expansions in areas where gaps have been identified. Two goals of the Ride NoCo program are to:  improve mobility particularly for older adults, individuals with disabilities, lower income, and people who do not speak English as a first language; and  improve regional mobility by coordinating and collaborating with public and private transportation providers, especially in rural Larimer & Weld counties. RideNoco is being introduced in three different phases with it being in the third phase. Trip scheduling is currently being rolled out with a long-term vision to find, plan, and book rides in one place across multiple providers. Cory provided an overview of the website explaining that it provides available transportation options in northern Colorado in English and Spanish and includes accessibility tools to change text size, color, contrast, etc. The website also includes a Google translate tool for other languages. The website provides a trip discovery tool where the rider can enter the starting and ending point. The tool not only provides public transit agencies, but also includes private and non-profit providers. Board members recommended adding a wheelchair icon to the search features when a person is attempting to map transportation options with their starting and ending point. b. Katlyn Kelly, Sr. Specialist, DAR Program Manager, provided Transfort and Dial-A-Ride updates. She provided an overview of her last presentation explaining Transfort has a goal to have 100% of their bus stops ADA accessible. There are 17 stops scheduled for upgrades this summer and 38 stops still needing upgrades in which they are seeking funding for. Board members had questions about how it is determined which stops receive a shelter and whether stops that are accessible are marked. Katlyn will follow up regarding the shelters. She stated that the accessible stops are not made public. Board members suggested making which stops are accessible available to the public. An update to the web portal and mobile app for Dial-a-Ride users was provided. Katlyn explained that they were awarded a grant and are currently working to get contracts executed for this service and are looking at a 9-month timeline for implementation. Transfort is updating their marketing material for Dial-a-Ride. Katlyn stated that there are new photos available on the City’s Flickr account and they are also updating their website where some of these photos will be used. There is an informal Dial-a-Ride and Transit Accessibility Committee that has been meeting with Transfort staff every other month to provide feedback and guide operation decisions. DAB members would be allowed to participate since it is informal if anyone is interested. Katlyn will email information to Melanie Clark who can distribute information to DAB members. Katlyn went over the purpose of the eligibility process for Dial-a-Ride users. She explained that it is a door-to-door paratransit service for individuals who, are prevented from using Transfort’s fixed route system due to disability. She stated that FTA deems that agencies shall establish a process for determining ADA paratransit eligibility. Transfort’s current process includes a paper application, a form is also sent to the applicant’s health care provider. She would like to see in person interviews take place in the future. An edited Dial-a-Ride application was shared with Board members. Katlyn shared that at the direction of the DAB, they included a question about whether the applicant was a CSU faculty, staff member or student. She explained that Dial-a-Ride is currently fare free, but if they do go back to requiring a fee to use the service, then their trips would be subsidized by CSU. Katlyn explained that she met with Terry Schlicting and Jeni Kohles to discuss concerns about a question relating to the length of a person’s disability. She stated that the reason they ask the question is because there are three types of eligibility: Temporary, conditional, and unconditional. She described a conditional disability as someone with vision impairment that only affects them at night. Katlyn explained this person would probably be able to use the fixed route system during the daylight hours but would utilize Dial-a-Ride after dusk and before dawn. Board members suggested adding examples of potential environmental factors to this question. Katlyn stated that they can add another option if the Board has any suggestions on what that should be. Applicants also have an opportunity to provide more detail in the next question where they are asked for an explanation if an option other than permanent is selected. Board members questioned how it would work for folks who are wheelchair bound that can ride the bus, but it is safer for them to use Dial-a-Ride with the door-to-door service regardless of weather. Katlyn stated that most applicants are unconditional even when it’s determined that they might be able to use the buses. She explained that the spirit of a paratransit program mandated by the FTA, it’s supposed to be for individuals that really can’t use the bus system. Board member, Rachel Knox Stutsman shared their concern over the safety of wheelchair dependent people riding the bus when their equipment and person get tossed around the bus. She stated that because of this, it is safer, and people feel more comfortable when riding a smaller bus. Section 4 of the application asks questions about a person’s barriers or impairments relating to a person’s cognitive or visual impairments, such as: being able to clearly communicate, cross a street independently, etc. It was stated that this section is not required, and the applicant can skip the questions if they are not applicable to their situation. Claudia Menendez had questions about how this information will be used once collected. Katlyn explained that this would go to the eligibility team who would send the information to the healthcare provider specified by the applicant for more information. Once all information is collected, the eligibility team would review all documentation for final determination. They are kept on file for records retention. Claudia Menendez asked if any of the information is shared with the drivers to help inform them about the client being picked up. Katlyn stated that the only time information would be shared is if they needed a personal care attendant or had a mobility device that would require a special vehicle. Board member Linda Drees stated that she has a daughter with a handicap placard which is a very easy thing to get from the State. They are not required to go through all of this, and it is the same need. Board Chair, Terry Schlicting agreed, stating that the process is very streamlined. Board member, Megan asked about how often one would need to apply for the program. She explained that she has been a client since she was 4 years old. She wondered how often; one would need to prove themselves disabled. Katlyn explained that Transfort does not currently have a set timeline for recertifications, but there is a goal to do so in the future. Board members stated that a recertification process could be a deterrent for folks to use the service. Katlyn explained that there would be a lot of communication before a process like this would be implemented. Board member, Linda Drees questioned how long the form is that gets sent to doctors. She explained that doctors are busy. She again referenced the handicap placard and how streamlined the process is for getting approved for one. She shared her concern for how long the authorization. Katlyn stated that doctors seem to be familiar with the paratransit system and tend to skip over information that is not relevant and provide what is relevant. Board Chair, Terry Schlicting stated that disabled people want to do the same thing. Katlyn explained that the spirit of Dial-a-Ride is to determine whether the rider can use the bus system or if they need paratransit and this is why questions are asked around the fixed route system. Board member, Linda Drees stated that the placard system is the same, where they don’t want people using the few disabled parking spots and they want to make sure the person needs to use it. Board member, Jaclyn Menendez asked how the information gets used. She suggested that staff look at the same ten points that really sum up somebody 75% of the time to see if the questions can be further reduced from 9-pages. She believes they probably do get the big picture from a couple key questions, and wondered if staff was hesitant to remove the other questions because they don’t know if they should or not. Board Chair, Terry Schlicting added that there is also an onus on the reviewer to understand disabilities and health conditions. If they had that understanding, then half of the questions wouldn’t be needed. He questioned if the reviewer has experience or a background in dealing with persons with disabilities. He stated that he can see a lot of these questions being valid, if they did not have a doctor’s form. He further stated that there comes a point when the process itself is a barrier. He asked staff to be cognizant of this because it is something that people with disabilities encounter throughout their lives. Board members shared their feeling that the form feels like there is an assumption that someone would want to be taking advantage of the system, which is not the reality for the majority of folks utilizing the system. They reminded staff that if they were able bodied enough, they wouldn’t use the system if they didn’t have to. They feel like they are having to define their disability for someone who is able bodied and doesn’t understand what it feels like. Board members felt singled out as other members of the public are not asked to define themselves in the same way. Board member, Scott Winnegrad shared that he believes the message is very clear that it would be nice for the process to not be intimidating. He stated that he understands that transportation is a far more complicated system, but asked staff to consider what information is critical for deciding and which is optional and making it very clear. He also suggested that if a person were to be denied, there be an opportunity to discuss it with the applicant. Board member, Linda Drees reiterated that the handicap placard can be used in any state in US and is a system that works across the country. She explained that the Dial-a-Ride application only works for the City of Fort Collins and is a little arduous for what it is. Board Chair, Terry Schlicting stated that if you had certain disabilities such as quadra palegi, then most of the questions are not necessary. Board members would like to see a shorter more succinct application, although they didn’t get the feeling that much would be changed with the form. They hope to be able to get some traction. Claudia Menendez will follow up with Katlyn to make sure that the Board’s living experience is heard. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Board member, Jaclyn Menendez sent out a link to Board members to the nomination forms. They liked the changes to the nomination categories and would like to move forward. The next steps will be for Melanie Clark, Executive Admin Assistant, to work with CPIO to get the nomination form drafted in Alchemer. Claudia Menendez shared that Mayor Arndt will not be able to attend the award ceremony, but Mayor Pro Tem Francis has been invited. Board member, Scott Winnegrad shared that Savannah Overturf is looking forward to participating and reading poetry. She has also expressed interest in serving on the board. Savannah won the Miss Amazing contest for her poetry and advocacy. She will bring good energy and insights. Scott also spoke with Jodi, Devorah’s handler who is looking forward to joining as well. She will bring two comfort animals to the ceremony. Scott provided background on the difference between a service animal and a comfort animal. He explained that the handler is not the patient, or the person being served with comfort animals. Nomination forms will be emailed out to an email list as well as DAB members for distribution and nominations. Board members are also able to nominate folks. 10. STAFF REPORTS 11. OTHER BUSINESS 12. ADJOURNMENT a. 7:30 PM Minutes approved by the Chair and a vote of the Board/Commission on XX/XX/XX X/XX/XX– MINUTES Page 1 DISABILITY ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING  Thursday, August 17, 2023 – 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Meeting held only through Zoom: https://fcgov.zoom.us/j/98185571735       Contact: mclark@fcgov.com or 970‐416‐4312         1. CALL TO ORDER: Terry Schlicting called the meeting to order at 5:33 PM 2. ROLL CALL a. Board Members Present – Terry Schlicting, Scott Winnegrad, Jaclyn Menendez, Linda Drees, Mandy Morgan, Sheila Hammons, Rachel Knox- Stutsman b. Board Members Absent – Joseph Tiner, Evan Shockley c. Staff Members Present – Claudia Menendez, Equity Officer; Office of Equity and Inclusion, Melanie Clark, Executive Admin Assistant; Office of Equity and Inclusion d. Guest(s) – MacKenzie Lowe, Savy Overturf, Kenneth Blakely, Solara Clark, Cultural Services, City of Fort Collins, Fort Fund Cultural Arts Funding Program, how they promote accessibility. 3. AGENDA REVIEW 4. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Savy Overturf performs spoken word poetry and will be performing at the DAB Awards Ceremony in October. She shared that she also has a young adult novel that has been published. Depending on how much time she has, she writes inspirational speeches that have poetry in them. These are usually centered around disability and talks about acceptance. Board member, Scott Winnegrad explained that she will have a 5-minute time slot and if anyone falls through, she could be requested to fill in. Savy stated that she will read spoken word, have a small speech, and will finish with a poem. She will be reading a couple of her writings, “The R Word” and “Miss Amazing”. Savy shared that she has done Ted Talks with the Inclusion Project and is really passionate about it. Assistant City Manager, Rupa Venkatesh explained there will be several other Councilmembers attending the award ceremony and asked if they would like to have another Councilmember do the welcome. Board Chair, Terry Schlicting was very receptive and asked if Mayor Pro Tem would be willing to participate. Rupa shared that besides Mayor Pro Tem Francis, four other Councilmembers will also be attending the award ceremony. Savy inquired about how to become a board member. She stated that she has applied several times but hasn’t hear back. Rupa explained that Council is in the middle of reimagining Boards and Commissions and the application process will open in January. Board members welcomed Savy to attend and participate in the DAB monthly meetings as a guest. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. None. July and August minutes will be ready for approval at the September 21, 2023 meeting. 6. Guest Presenter a. Solara Clark, Cultural Services, City of Fort Collins, Fort Fund Cultural Arts Funding Program. Fort Fund was started in 1989. They are investing in arts and culture by allocating a portion of the lodging tax revenues. Applications are reviewed by the City of Fort Collins’ Cultural Resources Board and are approved by City Council. Fort Fund is for Non-profit organizations, tourist events and individuals or groups applying under a fiscal sponsor. New guidelines have been proposed to focus on Equity & Inclusion and will include new grant categories: Special event grant, program support grant, Cross sector impact grant. They are also translating applications for the first time. Proposed scoring criteria include questions such as: Does the applicant collect data regarding audience demographics, audience involvement and tourists in attendance? Does the proposed event provide a direct public benefit? Does the proposed programming expand the opportunities for resident, visitors to actively participate and engage in Fort Collins art and cultural life? Is the proposed programming accessible to everyone? The cross-sector impact grant should support collaborative work between different sectors to improve the community’s health and wellbeing through arts & culture, should have themes such as arts and health, arts and lifelong learning. 7. NEW Business 8. OLD BUSINESS: Dial-a-Ride Board Chair, Terry Schlicting stated that they didn’t really have a chance to share their thoughts and debrief after the presentation and discussion last month on the Dial-a-Ride application and wanted to provide the space to be able to do so. He also inquired if Claudia had a chance to follow up with Katlyn. Claudia Menendez, Equity Officer, did follow-up. She believes they are still in the beginning phases and did hear some threads from the DAB feedback such as having a shorter application with a more personalized interview to assess needs and making sure that the questions are grouped together to make sense. Claudia also challenged staff to go back and determine which questions they need to determine the eligibility and which questions the community member needs. Which would be in the compliance area or to show certain types of data and which can be asked at a different point in time after a relationship is built with the client. Claudia was able to help the Dial-a-Ride team get on a more critical path. She stated that they will be coming back on a quarterly basis to share progress with DAB. Claudia will also have a draft of the application to share. Board members felt it was redundant that there be an application for the client to fill out and one for their physician to fill out. The application process could be simplified and/or reduced by identifying which questions needed be asked by the client or the physician. Claudia asked if a client had to provide a medical note or approval to anyone, if that would be something the client would have readily available, such as a letter. If so, that could be something that could be presented first. Board Chair, Terry Schlicting stated that it is commonplace for people with disabilities to be asked to provide documentation. He doesn’t like it because it asks a person to prove their identity which doesn’t feel equitable as other classes are not asked to do so. Terry explained that that asking for documentation also assumes privilege in assuming that the person has access to medical care, when not everyone has access to free medical care or has funding for it. Board Chair, Terry Schlicting pointed out that if information from a doctor continues to be a requirement, they would be asking the client to make a doctor appointment who would be asking the client the same questions. As well, if someone is new to the community, the doctor wouldn’t even know about their condition or their medical needs. Terry felt that the application process is antiquated and ableist. Board member Linda Drees was curious whether federal funding was being provided that would require this extensive amount of information. Claudia Menendez stated that there is funding tied to help provide the service. She will get more information regarding the innerworkings. This is also why she was encouraging staff to look at which questions are absolutely required for funding. Board Chair, Terry Schlicting stated that many of the questions didn’t really provide any information to the reviewer, such as the question about whether the client could find a way home if they missed the bus. He explained that he could find a way if he was down the block and this is what doesn’t sit well with him as it doesn’t provide context or helpful information. Board members would like to start with understanding what is required from a federal level to provide the funding and then analyzing the application from there. Claudia believes the Board will see a different version when staff comes back to the Board. She explained that it would be helpful to get a draft to board members a week before the presentation occurs. Board member, Jaclyn Menendez stated that she would love to see what it actually looks like to use the information to make a decision and to report on it. It would also be nice if it were online or app based as right now the application is currently a paper application required to be mailed in. Board member, Mandy Morgan stated that she was confused when they said that people will have to renew their application. She doesn’t believe disabled people should have to continue to have a doctor visit to prove they need the service. She explained that if the client has cerebral palsy, their condition will not change. She stated that disabled people should not have to define themselves based on someone who is able bodied. Board members discussed the need to identify the conditional questions as they don’t believe these serve a purpose and would constantly change. They believe that if a client has a letter from a doctor on a permanent condition, the client should not have to go through a renewal process. As well, if the disability is self-evident, the application could be pared down significantly. Board Chair, Terry Schlicting stated that the application puts a lot of onus on the applicant where some of it should be on the reviewer who should have some knowledge of people with disabilities. One of the things discussed was the possibility of the application being digital. If the first question was around whether the disability is temporary or permanent, there would be a different set of questions asked depending on how the person answered. It would also clarify if the disability was cognitive, physical, or visual. Providing the application in a digital format would help tremendously in what the interaction is like. Rupa Venkatesh, Assistant City Manager shared that Dial-a-Ride is a Federal program, so there would be some requirements. She stated that this is a really good flag. Rupa explained that this is exactly why City Council wants Boards & Commissions to be able to provide feedback to the City. She stated that there are some things that can’t be changed due to federal rule, but it is the City’s responsibility to explain that. Board member, Linda Drees stated that we should never stop with saying that it is a federal requirement, because those too can change. Rupa agreed, stating that other Cities have been able to figure out how to make this process easier, so we should be able to also. Board member, Mandy Morgan pointed out that it is ironic the client would have to use the same service to get to the appointments that are being required in order to get approved. She would like to add this as a talking point for their next meeting that they look to identify other cities that have made this process more simple. Rupa explained that it would be good for the Board to also look at other places such as Boston to be able to provide their feedback. Board members expressed that they did not feel heard or that their feedback was taken seriously as there wasn’t a lot of change between the first and second draft of the application and many of the questions were still included. Claudia stated that she saw the Board’s frustration and believes they are headed in the right direction after her conversation with staff. She suggested a follow up with a before and after of the application be brought forward and to have a beta test with DAB. 9. OTHER BUSINESS/UPDATES: DAB Award Ceremony Board member, Jaclyn Menendez asked if any applications had been received. Melanie Clark, Executive Admin Assistant, stated that none had yet been received. She explained that social media posts can be scheduled to go out and will coordinate with CPIO to get them scheduled. Jaclyn inquired about the email list to the businesses that were identified during the planning committee and whether they had been contacted yet. Melanie will check in with Jeni Kohles to see where she left off and will follow up with the Board as soon as she has more information. Board members were reminded that they are also allowed to nominate people. 10. FUTURE AGENDA REVIEW 11. ADJOURNMENT a. 6:55 p.m. Minutes approved by the Chair and a vote of the Board/Commission on XX/XX/XX X/XX/XX– MINUTES Page 1