HomeMy WebLinkAboutLibrary Board - Minutes - 05/09/1996E 11 Council Liaison: Chris Kneeland 11 Staff Liaison: Linda Saferite 11 Phone: 225-0877 A regular meeting of the Library Board was held on Thursday, May 9, 1996, in the Ben Delatour Room of the Fort Collins Public Library. The following Library Board members were present: Anne Ostrye-Macdonald, Jack Steele, and Jacqueline Wallace. Board Members absent: AI Stone, Linda Knowlton, M. Madeleine Wawro Staff Members Present: Linda Saferite, Bob Copeland, Dean Willms, Ellen Willis, Leslie Patterson, Marjorie Teklits Friends of the Library Liaison: Absent The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by the Acting Chairperson, Jack Steele. The minutes of the April 11, 1996 meeting stand as written. There was no correspondence to be read at this meeting. A. General Reports - Linda Saferite On the Job With Leslie Patterson, Reference Librarian and Young Adult Activities Coordinator Leslie described the goals of the Young Adult Committee which was formed in January 1996. They include getting more teenagers to read and learn, reaching out to young adults in the community, inspiring more teens to use the library by providing them with role models of their own age, improving the library's services to young adults by allowing teens to have a voice in the library, providing teens with a volunteer activity that helps them develop decision -making and social skills, and allowing staff to enjoy the enthusiasm and energy of teenagers. The 15 members, consisting of 5 high school and 10 junior high school teens, meet once a month to share their comments on library services, collection development, and the design of a Summer Reading Program entitled "Book Quest" for young adults Grades 7 through 12. General Report - Linda Saferite Sample bookplates to be used on new materials purchased with the interest from the Library Fund Endowment were shown to the Library Board. The Library's Committee on Police Enforcement (COPE) prepared draft procedures for staff to follow when approaching customers violating the Standards of Acceptable Behavior, when the customer refuses to stop unacceptable behavior, tips on approaching customers, calling the police, and how to report incidents. A copy of the completed policy will be given to Board members. The staff has developed a good rapport with Police Services, and an Officer is scheduled to be a guest speaker at the June all -staff meeting. Phase 2 of the landscape improvements around the Library begins next week. The twenty year -old overgrown plants on the south side of the building will be removed and replaced with lower scale plants. Windows in the Children's area that have been obscured with plant growth will now add more lightness and visibility to the inside of the Library. The project is a joint effort of the City Parks, Horticulture, Forestry and Library departments. Meetings are being held to discuss the detailed design phase for the Joint Library. Construction drawings will be the next phase. Statistics Update The statistics update will be given at the June 13th meeting. How'd we do's" Jack Steele asked how the Library dealt with a customer who was charged an overdue fine after returning materials on time at one of the dropbox locations. Linda explained that the Library takes the customer's word that the item was returned on time unless there is a pattern of many previous complaints of claims returned on time from that customer. B. Board Member Reports 1. Civic Center Advisory Committee - Anne Ostrye-Macdonald Anne stated that a preference was expressed at the last meeting to have a walkway between a performing arts center and the new main library. Mason and Howes Streets will remain one-way streets as they are not wide enough to accommodate two-way traffic and bike lanes. Anne will speak about the Library's role in the Civic Center at a meeting on the Mayor's "Perspectives" television program on May 30th. 2. LibraLibr= Fund Committee Recommendation - Linda Saferite Linda informed the Board of Library staffs recommended changes to the Committee's annual report. Copies of the suggested changes were distributed and, due to the fact that only three Board members were present at this meeting, the revisions can be discussed at the June meeting if the members absent at this meeting have comments. 2 OLD BUSINESS Due to the fact that three Board Members were absent, the Community Awareness Task Force and the Capital Improvement Program Task Force updates will be discussed at the June 13th meeting. Check -in room viewin¢ The Board was invited to view the progress made thus far in the renovation of the check -in room. NEW BUSINESS A. Recommendation for City Council on Branch Library Service Level A chart highlighting the three levels (Limited, Adequate, and Full) of Joint Library Service to be considered by City Council during the 1997 budget process was distributed to the Board in addition to information on new money needed for O & M costs. The Board members present recommended a Full service level for the Joint Library. B. Library Capital Improvement Prgiect Submittals - Linda Saferite Copies of the Library's Capital Improvement Projects requests for a New Main Library, Books and Materials, Library Technology, and a Southeast Branch were mailed to the Board prior to the meeting. Members will be asked to prioritize the projects and submit a recommendation in addition to hosting one public input session to allow for public discussion of future plans. Further discussion is planned at the June meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marjorie Teklits