HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19/2023 - Natural Resources Advisory Board - Agenda - Regular Meeting
Natural Resources Advisory Board
REGULAR MEETING April 19, 2023
Location: 222 Laporte, Colorado Room & Zoom: https://fcgov.zoom.us/j/94115567733
6:10 6:50 Land Use Code
Noah Beals (Development Review Manager) will share an update on the Land Use Code Phase 1
Update. The update will focus on the input from 04.11.23 council work session and give an
overview of what we are hearing from the community. Staff is here to listen to new topics and
receive comments on the Land Use Code update. Multiple upcoming Council Work Sessions on this
topic are scheduled. (Discussion)
6:50 7:30 Sustainable Revenue
Ginny Sawyer (Sr. Policy and Project Manager) will share information and discussions about options
for funding mechanisms for revenue gaps, including for Parks, Transit, Housing, and Climate.
Seeking feedback and board member input prior to an April 25 City Council Work Session.
7:30 7:50 1041 Regulations Update
Barry Noon (NRAB Representative to 1041 Regulations Committee) has provided an update memo
for NRAB in the April meeting packet. The memo includes information on the state of the Draft 1041
Regulations, upcoming timeline for City Council, and perspectives from the 1041 Regulations
Committee. Barry is requesting NRAB input and comment and a decision about whether a memo to
the Mayor and City Council is appropriate. (Discussion with possible Action)
Board Member Reports
Six Month Calendar Review https://www.fcgov.com/cityclerk/planning-calendar.php
Revisit action items from previous meetings & preview of next meeting
City Websites with Updates:
Natural Resources Advisory Board webpage: https://www.fcgov.com/cityclerk/natural-resources.php
Our Climate Future: https://ourcity.fcgov.com/ourclimatefuture
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Natural Resources Advisory Board
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 6:00 PM
300 Laporte Ave., City Hall
a. Board Members Present
Lisa Andrews
Drew Derderian
Kevin Krause (Vice Chair)
Dawson Metcalf (Chair)
Barry Noon
Kelly Stewart
Matt Zoccali
b. Board Members Absent
David Bryan
Danielle Buttke
c. Staff Members Present
Honoré Depew, Staff Liaison
Kira Beckham, Lead Specialist, Waste Reduction & Recycling
Caroline Mitchell, Manager, Waste Reduction & Recycling
Carrie Tomlinson, Senior Specialist, Forestry
Freddie Haberecht, Senior Specialist, Forestry
Ralph Zentz, Manger, Forestry
Kendra Boot, Senior Manager, Forestry
Christine Holtz, Senior Specialist, Forestry
d. Guest(s)
a. Dawson moved and Barry seconded a motion to approve the January
minutes. Motion passed unanimously 7-0
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a. Waste Hauler Contracting - Kira Beckham (Lead Specialist for Waste
Reduction & Recycling) provided an update on the Single-Family Trash,
Recycling, and Compost Contracting project. Staff was seeking board support
for the staff recommendation and included an updated timeline and
milestones, and overview of the draft contract and key program elements
including frequency of recycling pickup (Action)
Discussion | Q + A
Dawson Q I am curious when thinking about the weekly to every
other week on the recycling; did that come up as something that was
significant by families as something they would want to add? Did that
ever come across? Kira A We have a survey out now asking that
question and so far, it seems as if, depending on the family, but it
seems as if price is still a top consideration. People are considering
everything from do I need it and how often do it I need it, how does
that play in with an additional truck on my street from a safety, noise,
and emissions standpoint. So, all of those things have come up. I
would say generally it feels like so far, people are leaning towards
every other week, but we are still collecting it.
Kevin Q Related to that, the numbers on the 78% increase for
example, based on increased frequency, where does that come
from? Why is the recycling rate so much higher with trucks coming
more often? Kira Comment I am going to give a shoutout to
Caroline on this one because she has done a lot of work on the
diversion analysis. She has been closer to it over the last couple
weeks. Caroline Q I guess I should clarify, when you are asking
the equation was about recycling? Kevin A I messed up on the
thought process around the jump. Caroline A Absolutely. As Kira
had mentioned, we included a lot of different options in our request
for proposals to the haulers and we included this weekly recycling
option for a couple of reasons. One is Denver recently changed from
every other week to weekly recycling. There had also been a local
hauler Timberline Recycling that started up a couple years ago and
one of their service elements was offering weekly recycling. When
they closed there were a number of folks who had reached out to us
get it from any of the other service providers in the community. For
those reasons we included it to see what would happen. We all
giving more thought to, but when this price difference came in
surprisingly close, our team stopped to look deeper into weekly vs
every other week recycling. This is hot off the press, as it is work we
just did in the last couple of weeks. In this sort of scale of weekly vs
every other week recycling you have the greater impact from more
trucks on the road to collect material and then you have that
counterbalanced by more materials recycled and the greenhouse gas
benefits of that. I was really interested to see that in the net there is a
net greenhouse gas benefit to the additional recycling when
compared. That takes into account the additional greenhouse gas
impact so the additional transportation. I know none of which was
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your actual question but some additional context into why here. When
we actually get into the more recycling there are a couple different
drivers for it. One
put their recycling out every single week and so there is some
element of that. There are some people who run out of space in their
recycling bin and so they will just put materials into their trash bin
instead. That is where you see doubling the recycling frequency, it
national data over many years. When translated into Fort Collins
specifically it would come out to a 9-27% increase in materials
collected. I think also, as we have noted on the slide here, the other
sort of trends happening across the world right now that are leading
more communities to start to look at weekly recycling is the shift to
working from home and the shift of materials generated to be more
home based than in the past. Also, our increase in online shopping
creates more cardboard. I think cardboard specifically is the material
that tends to either get into the recycling bin if there is space or not if
there is not space. So those are just some of the elements but again
this is hot off the press. As Kira was saying we are getting feedback
from folks. We have had an online survey on, but I think we have only
had 35 responses so far because we have only been asking for less
than a week. It is definitely a new topic for consideration in the
community. Kevin Q Thank you that is helpful. I am making an
assumption but is it still the case that if someone does have excess
recycling they can put that in a secondary box or something like that
with the contracted scenario? Caroline A Yes, so for the recycling
service the base cart size would be the large cart size, 95-gallon cart
and if we had weekly recycling collection each household would get
one of those. If we had the every other week collection each
household would still get a large recycling cart but if they requested
they would have an option up to two large recycling carts for no
as you throw system so that is one of the things that would change, is
everyone would automatically receive a large cart. They will still have
the option to request a medium size cart if that works better for them.
The other piece that I just learned yesterday in talking to a different
information source is in the difference between weekly and every
other week recycling, for communities that have mostly medium size
carts that recycle difference is actually greater than what is
represented on the slide here and for communities with the large
carts it is typically about the diversion anticipated here. It will be
interesting to see which carts people choose, right now the majority of
community members have the medium size cart. We can geek out to
so many depths. I will leave it there but I am happy to go to any depth
if anyone wants to.
Barry Q I have a question about recycling too. So we have the
large bin and every two weeks we seem to fill it but our concern is as
we fill it up is how much of the stuff that we are putting in there is
actually being recycled and not going to the landfill. The recycling
market is very volatile and is it possible to have a sort of real time
particularly true during take out during Covid where people would
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give you these plastic clamshells and you would feel unbelievably
guilty. I put them in recycling, but I am sure they went to the landfill
along with all the other bottles. Is that even feasible to dynamically
communicate to those of us who are recycling what in face is actually
being recycled? Caroline A Recycling is one of those things that
folks love to have the exposé about, like oh you thought all the
material you put in the bin is going to get recycled but actually it tuns
out its not. I would say that I would not recommend believing the hype
on a lot of those and every recycling program is very local. While
there maybe something happening in someplace impacting the
recycling program there, on the whole it is actually far more
consistent than those stories would have you believe. Specifically, I
know about our program, our materials, where they go, and what the
markets are. I can tell you that we take very seriously the recycling
guidelines that we share with the community and all of the materials
that are represented on the guideline do have valid
domestic markets. All of the materials that are on the recycling
guideline sheet get recycled into new material here in the United
States. Barry Q Is that updated information as it comes about as
the market changes? Caroline A Our guidelines used to include
all the clamshells you are taking about as well as plastic solo cups
and a lot of the lower value plastics. Those did get recycled back
when China was accepting them because of the lower cost of labor to
sort all the variety of plastics. When China stopped accepting those
materials, we did a deep dive into figuring out how long term that
situation was going to be and when we determined that it looked like
it was going to be for the long haul, we changed our recycling
guideline and took those materials off. You will notice that specifically
for the plastics we list, we recommend focusing on the shape of the
plastic rather than the number on the bottom which I know is a big
shift for a lot of folks. We focus on bottles, tubs and depending on
how specific you want to get jugs and jars . Those materials have
strong domestic markets and the value of them goes up and down
but they have baseline strong markets so if you put those materials in
your bin, they will get recycled. I would ignore the exposés that take
place. They almost never have any baring of what is going on in the
industry and what is going on with our specific materials. That is a
responsibility we take very seriously. Plastics as a whole is also one
of those things where when people talk about all the materials that
at a community where they are put a lot of materials into the bin that
generated in total, how many of those get recycled. Depending on the
story, I would be happy to talk about the details of anyone of them in
particular but they are generally taking a very specific lens to try and
rile people up. The baseline truth about recycling is far less dynamic.
Honoré Comment I also put up the A-Z list and put it in the chat
too. It has all the answers to specific materials.
Lisa Q I just wanted to understand the change. At the present
they are hands off. Is that correct and this change they are deeply
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involved? Kira A So to describe the current system a little, we
have a licensed system today. We license haulers and they do have
to meet certain requirements with the pay as you throw pricing for
instance as well as recycling is bundled. As long as the code
requirements we have on the books are met, then they can be
licensed. We have pretty minimal involvement there. Lisa Q In
this new thing, you are up to your elbows in involvement? Kira A
To step back again, the contract is going to do a lot. They are going
to deliver the service including billing and customer service. We will
not be doing the billing or customer service. Billing is something that
may come in later that the City may choose to take over. For this first
contract that was not possible. They will certainly have a role in doing
all of that. Our job will be to administer the contract, to help roll out
the program, make sure those customer service levels are met, and
also that they are meeting the other requirements in the contract.
There are all sorts of things around contamination of materials and
specific requirements that the compliance team has worked through. I
would say big levels of involvement from the City will be the program
administration, contract administration, compliance, and we will also
handle escalations from customer service and billing issues if
community members are not satisfied with the service they are
Matt Q Does this apply to Growth Management Area (GMA) or
City limits? Kira A City limits.
Matt Q The slide about the money you are asking for and the
budget, does that include additional FTE staff on your staff to help
manage this or is that something separate? Kira A It does include
it. I talked about 2-4 FTEs is where we expect that to be sized and we
would expect that to be on the Waste Reduction and Recycling
Team. Matt Q So if Council approves the contract and to use
which ahs been known to happen, then that burden falls on existing
staff to manage this? Kira A It would and that could impact other
work we are doing. Matt Comment So I am going to put out there
to the Board if we move forward on this, we encourage Council to add
staff along with it if they choose to go with this option. Kira
Comment Or maybe to say that the administration fee supports the
staff. That ordinance will be going forward for that $1.35
administration fee. That is part of the code language that is under
approval. That is an important element. I will just add to that and say
the goal is to make sure this program is self-sustainable over time.
nt it to draw down on existing resources and work that is
being done.
Matt Q
you used, something about them performing the contract up to snuff.
Are there mechanisms in there to deal with leaks and spills in the
community. I see Caroline smiling because that has been an
important ongoing thing. Kira A Yes, it has got so many pages of
detail, but it is in there. Caroline A Matt I have it off the top of my
head because I know this will matter
term garbage Duke but we do have a requirement that any leaks and
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spills email immediately. We worked with Susan Strong to make sure
the requirements and penalties align with what made sense to her.
Matt Comment Thank you for the presentation. I think it is a step
in the right direction to have less trucks in the neighborhood.
Kira Comment
short on time but there will be no more diesel trucks as they start
replacing so they will be moving over time to Compressed Natural
Gas (CNG).
contract but that was another element that is probably important to
the team. We will also have a pilot with one electric vehicle. So that
was another sustainability win. Kevin Q That was going to be my
last question because I remember talking about electrification
potential there. Are their outcomes that they are looking for or we are
looking for with that pilot program? Would there be a potential for the
electrification to scale in the terms of the contract? Kira A I am not
sure about in the term of the contract, but I think the intent is to see
how it goes and see what the performance of that truck is in cold
weather and what have you. Boise was a community that was doing a
similar pilot so definitely to see ultimately if we can scale that with the
electric vehicles as the technology is evaluated for a trash truck.
Caroline Comment One extra layer I might add, so this is actually
kind of a big deal. As far as I understand we would be the second
community that Republic is bringing in an electric truck to. They do,
as Kira has mentioned, have that pilot going in Boise but that is not a
common thing in communities yet. It is still in the pilot stage as well.
Trash trucks have great opportunity for electric with their stop/start
nature. There are also a lot of needs they have that are very
particular that still need to be worked out. The leverage of this
contracted service enabled us to move to the front of the line for
communities to pilot and I think there is a lot of openness that if it
works well to seek grant opportunities to expand electrification as
soon as the technology is ready. They are adding the electrical
charging and the renewable natural gas/compressed natural gas
capability. They are installing both at their current site. They are
planning for the eventual build out of the electrification. It is all
definitely very much on the radar that this is a strong interest from this
community and the contract gave us leverage to make far more
progress than we would have otherwise.
Matt Q In the analysis did you look at a municipal run operation
and that landed you back to this option where you said we are not
going to buy our own trucks and run it like Loveland? Kira A We
did not do a deep exploration.
Dawson Q Question for action I think was a memo,
have time to turn around a memo in that space. I think the best option
would be to vote in support of or not by the Board. A couple of
questions when thinking about the vote of support, do we feel
strongly about issuing a thought towards the weekly vs biweekly
recycling? Kevin A It is hard to say. Matt A If the balance is
between using emissions and making neighborhood safer by having
less trucks vs potentially increasing recycling, I think that is the core
question, right? I don have a good answer either. Kevin A I tend
to think maybe retaining the every other week and really targeting a
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new way is the ability to get a family that extra cart or make sure it is
well known of what you can do with the excess because to your point,
the trucks are gone those other weeks and that is a huge win from
full benefit but maybe you can squeak out part of that just by targeting
actions towards what would
know if that is a naïve statement, but it seems like you can do
something. Lisa A I would personally like to stick with every other
week and maybe increase the education to build this confidence in
recycling. Despite what Caroline said, I think a lot of the public feels
confidence or trust in recycling. Encourage people to use less at the
front end. If the City could have an education program to encourage
week is good. Drew A Maybe also incorporating some of the
education to the contractors like a website where you can see all
those different recycled materials and that kind of thing. Kira
Comment That is built into the contract, so that is covered. Kevin
Comment That just sparked a thought for me. When your cart is
delivered there is a thing right on it saying did you know you can get
another recycling cart or whatever that is built in that may not have
the awareness to it. There is a big change coming up and make sure
everyone knows that stuff up front. Maybe eat into that because I
tend to feel like we are landing on favoring every other week and it
would be nice to say why and maybe get some tools out there.
Dawson motions and Kevin seconds to vote in support of the single
hauler contract with the code change that includes the administrative
fee because they want to specifically support that and to support
continuing biweekly recycling. Motion passed unanimously. 7-0
b. Urban Forest Strategy and Policy - Carrie Tomlinson and Freddie
Haberecht (Sr. Forestry Specialists) shared and update on urban forestry
strategy and policy as it relates to Council priorities. This information was
presented at the January 24 City Council Work Session. Staff was seeking
additional feedback from the NRAB in Q3 2023 (prior to going to council for
adoption), with more specific Land Use Code updates related to tree
preservation and protection. (Discussion)
Discussion | Q + A
Dawson Q Thank you for the presentation. Great information. I
remember when we first kind of had this conversation around
forestry, is the tree canopy diversity, how much ash and everything.
Could you speak a little more to the goals to what the diversity scale
might look like as we go forward? Carrie A There are different
guidelines as far as percentages go. It used to be that Maple Street
had maples and Oak Street had oaks on it. Now we kind of want the
more the better but a general guideline is no more than 10% of one
geneious, like oak or elm but for some that is even too high because
that means you lose 10% of your canopy if a disease comes through.
For us right now in terms of site plan or new development certain
species we are limiting to less than 5%. We have a really good new
resource you might not know about called Tree Keeper. It is online
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and is open to anyone who wants to look at it. It has a complete
inventory of all of our public trees and has the species, size, location,
whether or not it is an ash and if it is being treated by us for emerald
ash borer. There is a certain percentage of trees in the public space
of the inventory by this amazing person behind me that might be able
to speak to that too of how many we are treating that are ash.
Christine Comment About 2,100 are ash trees and initially we
were going to be doing more frequent removals each year, but the
EAB is moving a little slower than we thought so we are not doing too
many preemptive removals. We do have a set number we are
treating and that is going to be reduced overtime. We will be slowing
down planting certain ash trees. We have a whole plan in place that
we are shifting a little as it goes on to see what is actually happening.
Lisa Q You mentioned 14% as the canopy at this time. Do you
have the percentage target that would be ideal? Carrie A That is
a great question and one we were going to address as part of the
strategic plan. There are different thoughts on that also in terms of
canopy metrics being used as just coverage vs other metrics. Does
the canopy coverage equate to more cooling, generally yes. There
may be other metrics though like age of tree and things that could be
put in there as a way to measure the health of your forest too. Right
now, the metric is canopy coverage but 14% is not too bad. Everyone
says Colorado Springs has 17
we are talking about a different ecology between us and them. We
live in a semi-arid desert. The fact that we have an amazing forestry
canopy is really an incredible thing. In terms of that being a metric, I
think that is going to be in the strategic plan.
Barry Comment First of all, great presentation. I had no idea
about all of this going on. One suggestion I think you could add to
your list of benefits of trees is carbon sequestration and how that
intersects e Smart program.
That really puts an emphasis on older trees and there are metrics, as
you are probably aware, in the Silvics Literature about how to define
accumulation of mean annual increment, birthrates. To me that is an
additional benefit. There is also knowledge of species-specific trees
morphology of how different species of trees complement each other
in terms of a multilayer canopy structure to fill a volume and their
actual response variable is the volume of space that is filled by leaf
30x30 initiative to map, on all federal lands mature an old growth
forest. I am a reviewer, not a doer of the methods that are being used
to do that and they are actually scaling down eventually in this effort
to look at the scale of counties and cities in terms of contributions to
harvest seed sequestration and climate change mitigation. So, what
you are doing is very cool. I mean I love trees. I
here loves trees, but now when you find out about the unbelievable
statistic that is a little big shocking. Just in the last few months there
have been two peer reviewed scientific publications independently
mapping the distribution mature and old growth forest wall to wall in
the continental US and Alaska. The rest it is pretty close, but it is kind
of shocking, on federal lands the estimate is less than 4% of forest
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ecosystems are currently in old growth conditions. Then the effort yet
to be published by the forest service and the BLM using slightly
different metrics but these three groups are all fortunately talking to
each other on how they are doing it but there will be maps and
eventually they will allow you to scale down to the stand level, the
scale of 100-1000 hectors.
cut these trees down, if Biden or democrats stay in the office but it is
an amazing effort, and your work compliments it beautifully. Carrie
Comment We are blessed to have an amazing community support
this program and a Council workshop that was blown away by the
support. People like you and this committee are essential to make
sure we can do our jobs too, so thank you.
Dawson Q When thinking about the strategic plan areas of focus
and conversations around co-creating a more equitable tree canopy,
how are you approaching that? How are you finding the communities
or actual locations? Carrie A McKale Study is a great resource for
us right now. We are actually using original data layers from her study
to find neighborhoods that we need to target for our canopy program.
We are going to prioritize those communities in terms of giving them
first dibs for that program. That is going to happen this year. Other
things we are looking at is we are actually applying for grants right
now that help with low income neighborhoods and low income
household hazard tree removals. A lot of times a large dead tree will
prevent the planting of a new tree. It is a danger for the homeowner
and it is very expensive. A lot of times they stay standing dead for a
very long time so removing those trees, opening up the ability to put
new, healthy and good quality canopy is another strategy we are
doing. Certainly, this is at the top of our priority levels and minds in
terms of programming and what we are doing right now. Barry
Comment That brings up another thing and I understand that in
residential areas. For standing old dead trees in natural areas, a
strong argument could be made that they should be retained. If you
were to look at birds in North America, a group that has shown
significant population declines are cabin nesting birds. Carrie
Comment I am sorry to interrupt you because you are amazing and
I love to hear you talk but we are looking at that exact idea with the
interrupt but we are going there. Barry Comment That is great,
ide your house but
in all the natural areas we have, I think retaining those is super
important. Freddie Comment
Letterman, but I have been talking with Dave and talking about that
exact concept. I am trying to utilize some of these urban and peri-
urban spaces. I am curious at what some of the impacts are because
it hasn been done a lot and to keep it safe for the community. Lets
say you tack a sign to a tree in a park that you have removed or
removed the hazard from. Maybe you can leave it as habitat value.
How do we meld the urban and wild for that increased habitat
because forest with urban forestry, what we have is a really clean
brush on the ground. What impacts does it have
on the habitat value? How do we incorporate that back as an urban
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ecology approach to forest and to urban land management? Carrie
Comment We love to hear ideas from amazing resources like you
and anything you receive that you want to say, like hey why did we
leave the trunk of that tree, call because we would love to have that
Matt Q On slide 34, prioritization of opportunities the high priority
items you have escrow from tree establishment, improve mitigation
standards to incentivize preservation, and consider increasing
penalties for tree removal. I think you are probably finding an
audience that is friendly to those suggestions in this group, but I am
curious if you have presented that to the Chamber or any of those
groups. How is the development community responding because that
might be a difference audience. Carrie A In terms of development
this particularly is mainly referring to after development, parking lot
spaces, that sort of thing. What we are having is 20-30 years down
the road after development we are seeing trees disappear that should
have been there that were marked as preservation and are still
healthy. The actual picture from that slide if you have it pulled up, is
that kind of incident where these large cottonwoods were removed,
were perfectly healthy and fine. We have had a few of these in the
past year so we have looked at needing to have some code changes
and enforcement in place to stop that from happening and education
education is important to make sure it happens. We started that
process with our licensed arborist meeting that we had a couple
weeks ago, telling them do not take down healthy tree off commercial
sites anymore. If you have questions, call us. We would be happy to
do a hazardous tree assessment with you. If it is hazardous we totally
agree it needs to be removed but if it is not or only a limb needs to be
removed so we can keep most of the tree or even the trunk of the
tree, something to that effect. We want to have them call us and
interact with us. Matt Q The escrow idea is similar to your erosion
control escrow you have, so you put down a security and if the tree
-10 years for a certain height, Freddie A
Colorado is a really harsh place. It is a great place to sell trees
because you can sell it three times. We are looking at how do we
better incorporate our long establishment time and match that with
the time we see in new development with the money we are
spending. Our efforts sort of go further and if we are going to have a
lot of new development, lets make sure it counts so it is better in the
long term. Honore Comment The board heard from Katie Collins
in Utilities about xeriscape last year and one of the elements of that
project and reassessment is around updating the soil amendment
regulations and expectations for new development with compost and
other sorts of things. Just speaking to the full ecology system. Matt
Comment Thank you. I agree with Barry the work you guys are
doing is amazing and awesome and create the quality o life we have
here, so thank you for that.
c. Board Elections - Designate NRAB Chair, Co-Chair, and Liaison to the
Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC). (Action)
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Discussion | Q + A
Kevin will be stepping down for the Board soon. Kevin Q It has
been four years for me on the Board. It has been great, and I
appreciate it. I need to focus elsewhere right now. Regard to timing, it
has been wishy washy. Would there be a replacement that could
come before the end of the year? Honore A Recruitment will
happen on the same cycle. I am not sure if it will happen before the
fall. Kevin Comment I will see if I can go a little longer. If there is
not a replacement I would rather stay involved as long as possible.
We will need a new liaison for the Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC)
on Mondays as there is no way I can do that. Kevin provided
information about BAC and how it is expanding to micro-mobility as
well. It will likely soon become the active modes committee, but that
is not official. The group meets the fourth Monday of the month and is
usually a couple hours long. There is an expectation or requirement
for someone from NRAB to be on BAC. Nobody nominated
themselves. Dawson stated they have two individuals who are not
there tonight and will reach out to them. Kevin stated starting in April
he will no longer be able to attend BAC meetings.
Dawson reviewed logistics of being chair and vice chair. Barry thinks
Dawson should continue. Dawson is interested but happy to take a
step back as well. Barry nominated and Kevin second Dawson as
chair. Nomination passed unanimously 7-0
Matt asked Barry if he was interested in Vice Chair but stated it was
not his strength as he was also on the Environmental Advisory Board
for the County Commissioners and was also deeply involved in the
lawsuits against Northern Water to stop the dam from being built and
contract work with endangered species. Lisa was willing to volunteer
but thought someone else might be better. Lisa stated if Kelly wanted
to do it this year she would take it over next year and would be happy
for Kelly to take it. Kelly was willing to accept the nomination. Dawson
nominated Kelly and Lisa seconded. The nomination carried
unanimously. 7-0
a. Barry Comment I shared with you and Honore what is happening with the
1041 committee and the 1041 is having regulatory constraints on
infrastructure projects and the big focus is on Northern Water and this project.
I think it might be a good topic. I could talk about it in the March meeting to
give more about how it is evolving. I am actually pleased the way it is evolving.
The key issue that has been debated on back and forth just in the last week is
whether regulatory constraints by the City of Fort Collins can extend beyond
the boundaries of the City. The 1041 law has been expanded beyond the
boundaries. A good example is Castle Rock that restricted activities that were
affecting water supply in the City of Castle Rock. It was challenged in the
Colorado Supreme Court and that challenged failed. The law was sustained
that it can be extended beyond the boundaries and of course building the dam
in Glade Reservoir is beyond City limits but what they do to the river will affect
economic, social, and environmental factors in the City. That has been an
important thing to come up for discussion recently. Dawson Q Coming
from a Board member does it still make sense to be in the Board Member
Reports and allocate more time or to be an actual agenda item? Honoré A
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I think since it is not related to an immediate Council action or that staff brings
in. Barry, do you know the timing? Barry A Timing keeps getting extended.
The 1041 group or whatever we have representatives from a number of the
City Boards, so I represent our Board on that committee. Honoré Comment
I think if you want to add more time under Board Member reports or make it
a new item. I think maybe it depends on how the agenda fills out too. Dawson
Comment We can talk about March or April. Barry Comment I think
things have been pushed back to May on the 1041 conversation.
b. Kevin Comment
installation on Pitkin of the advisory bike lane. The road is narrow so there was
not enough room for parking, a bike land and two-way traffic so they piloted
this installation where it is like maybe a lane that is sort of a lane and a half in
the middle with two dashed bike lanes going along the side and some
insurrectionary signs on what to do as you approach. You have to corporate,
cars have to get behind bikes a
data coming from that is that it has been successful and does not increase
conflicts or issues. I thought that was neat because it is a controversial type of
installation. Sometimes people just go a little crazy about change and it is a
unique experience but we can figure it out. Hopefully we see some more of
those changes to slow down traffic. I mentioned it briefly, but we did get an
update on the spin program and its really successful. I will see if I can get that
and share it out. It is really neat how it is being used and growing certain
aspects. The staff team is working on making it better from how things are
being parked or perceived parked and allowing some areas or prop signs to
allow areas of code to change to better support what is happening now.
Technically in City code there is no where you can park them and they tell
them to park them in certain spots but that is not in code. There are all these
nuances that are not caught up in terms of City code. From our perspective it
is really delivering. I will try to find the presentation. Matt Q From a natural
resource perspective and personally, I love the program and think it is great. I
would love to see more data. As a homeowner, I have spin stuff left, like I
have had a scooter sitting in our yard for like two months now. If there is
something I can do, please tell me. There are bikes around the corner that
have been in the bushes for like three months. Kevin A If you text them
know this but when they are done with the ride they are required to take a
picture of how they parked that. There is a compliance thing where if someone
goes and reviews all those pictures, you get dinged if you miss park it or say it
ends up launched over there. That might not be how someone parked it. It
could be someone else but part of what they are trying to do is evaluate
opportunities to continue to educate and look for opportunities that is needed
to penalize or incentivize. One thing I did get from it is they will respond fast.
They want the input
Report it, they are there, they know the data and they know who rode it before.
Matt Comment
Comment are more engaged and the
company is supposedly awesome.
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a. 2023 In-Person Meetings
The meeting in March has been pushed back a week to be the 4 th
Wednesday due to spring break. Dawson asked about holding in
person meetings vs virtual. Honore will check on the room availability
for next month since they moved the meeting. They will discuss more
about in person moving forward at their next meeting.
b. Six Month Calendar Review
For March they currently have, sustainable funding update, downtown
parking plan, economic health strategic plan with circular economy,
and an update on NISP from Barry. Dawson recommended moving
downtown parking to April for more time on the other topics.
Honoré offered a topic on the land use/development code. Honoré
Comment There are linkages to Our Climate Future (OCF) and
other environmental policies that are supported by the new land
development code. What we have heard is that Council and the
public have not gotten a clear message about the linkage between
those environmental aspects and land use planning. Really the main
has been around housing affordability and that is a
huge thing and even captured in OCF but in terms of the reduced
vehicle miles traveled and other sorts of livability aspects of 15-
minute neighborhoods, increased housing capacity, and density. I
think there could be a really important role for NRAB to play in
helping to advise Council who already voted to adopt rules but also
the great community in trying to share a little bit about those linkages
and what you all see as important. I would recommend something in
this quarter if you invite Noah Beck, Meaghan or Paul to talk about
that. Kevin Q Is that more feasible for April? Honoré A More
for April than March. Although they are just going gangbusters. They
agreed last night to do monthly work sessions on this topic because
this is a tough community conversation. Council hit the reset button
and now they really want to lean in. I am seeing general agreement. I
will talk to staff to see what the right month is but will pencil it in for
Dawson Comment Regional waste shed was more of a point of
interest from us not necessarily tied to a timeline.
Honoré Comment So that is two items for March and potentially
forward with he election changes. We have November elections so
that fall will turn into a light tim
action. They are supporting some life work balance stuff around
taking an intentional recess in some of the summer months. My point
being when looking at this calendar, it does get a little lighter. If you
look at the gray rows, those are the ones marked for work sessions.
You can see as we scan through some of the things you all have
talked about previously like here is the urban lakes water quality
management program under regular meetings. You will see some of
those things pop up but generally your work plan and items align with
the work sessions items. Hughes is on the March 14 th work session.
Council is now receiving staff reports during work sessions rather
than regular meetings. It is a new change and just about a 10-minute
overview with minimal questions. It is not a full work session item.
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Honoré went over some upcoming topics some of which the Board
had already touched on. Honoré will check with PDT on intention on
taking items to the Boards. Perhaps they can do a combined
conversation with transit and downtown parking. Honoré also
mentioned canceling a summer meeting to give the Board a break.
Matt Q Does the Board have interest in an update on Halligan? I
saw it on the 6-
provide an update because it looked like it was down the list. Honoré
A It is on March 14th so that is sooner.
time they were here. Dawson Comment
Maybe last semester right before you all joined. Honoré Comment
I am not seeing it listed so it could have been late 2021. Kevin
Comment It is good to have a regular touch point on it.
Barry Comment I just looked up the latest thing I got from Kirk
Lonstein and apparently, he mentioned that Council is going to
consider this on May 2nd so depending on when we meet in April, we
might want to have a memo to City Council from our group and we
would need less time. I could work ahead of time and have a draft
a pretty big deal actually. Dawson Comment I think it would be
fine if we could make it an actual agenda item with the memo and
those pieces. We do have March if we want to use a little time in the
Board member reports to formally say we are going to do a memo in
preparation and then vote in April. Barry Q I am a little paranoid
about the open records. If I were to do an initial draft and share it with
everyone to get edits and comments and track the changes can that
be done internally in our group? Is that okay? Honoré A The
current way the law is wr
explicitly exclude
shared documents on google. I think the main point of it is that the
work needs to be available to the public. The guidance we got from
Davina is to say that we should include drafts in the packets that go
out before the meeting so people can see them. I would recommend
not doing comments or conversating through that means in
substantive ways. Make sure that is captured in public record, but it is
a useful tool. Barry Comment So if I send out the draft and ask
people to use track changes and went back and forth with a few
iterations. Kevin Comment Then that is brought back to the board
to review and adopt the memo vs making substantive changes after
saying yes, we are going to move forward with the memo. Dawson
Comment At some point we will have to make those tracks
available for the public. When the meeting came about, we would
have to make the draft available.
Matt Q Am I mis
boundaries attached to
1041? Are you suggesting something supplementary to that? Barry
A Pretty much on that same theme because it has come up again
and put out for consideration. Our 1041 committee and other groups
including Save the Poudre have responded to it as well. I have been
privity to looking at those different responses and all I have seen in
cord with us that there should be geographic boundaries. What we
have learned in the interim is about other cities doing it and about the
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challenges that have been sustained in the Supreme Court in
Colorado and cities can extend proposed 1041 restrictions beyond
the bounds of the city. That has been the biggest thing that has
boundaries. So, I did some research and came across this Castle
Rock thing that had a challenge in court and prevailed and it was over
water issues. I am not a lawyer but there might be better examples. It
only took me a couple of hours on the internet to track it down.
Dawson Comment Lets table this for March due to time and the
need for writing a memo. Then we can make a motion if the Board
sees appropriate and then vote in April. Barry Comment It is an
issue we already address but resurfaced. Kevin Comment I think
if you already have a draft in mind Barry, draft and sharing for
discussion is not a bad thing. What are we going to do. Honoré
Comment If you are going to draft something, we could include it in
the packet and that would be most idea regarding the open meetings
law. Barry Comment I could do that. Barry will join virtually next
a. 8:43pm
Minutes approved by a vote of the Board/Commission on XX/XX/XX
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Natural Resources Advisory Board
Wednesday, March 22, 2023 6:00 PM
a. Board Members Present
Lisa Andrews
Danielle Buttke
Bryan David
Drew Derderian
Kevin Krause (Vice Chair)
Dawson Metcalf (Chair)
Barry Noon
Kelly Stewart
Matt Zoccali
b. Board Members Absent
Barry Noon
c. Staff Members Present
Honoré Depew, Staff Liaison
Jillian Fresa, Economic Health Manager
Molly Saylor, Lead Sustainability Specialist
Ginny Sawyer, Sr. Policy and Project Manager
d. Guest(s)
Galemarie Kimmel
Mary Witlacil
a. Galemarie Kimmel and Mary Witlacil joined to continue the discussion on the
Poudre River and the Rights of Nature. They wanted to thank the Board for
the memo they wrote in December. They also wanted to get the Board s
opinion on what the guardianship body might look like.
Dawson A Personally I think it has to be different from NRAB due
to all the expectations, priorities, and other commitments we have to
meet. I do see this as a body that is geared specifically towards the
Poudre River Watershed. That would be my first foundational
thoughts there.
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Danielle A - I do think similar to NRAB that whatever guardianship
body has decided upon it would be important to be influenced if not
appointed by elected officials so it can be somewhat reflective of
public opinion and yet still have a recognized process that is very
transparent. I think there are critical differences between an advisory
board and essentially a decision making body that actually has the
ability to influence policy. I think it would be ideal if this particular
body was more than simply an advisory board but had decision-
making authority.
Dawson Q Honoré, can you maybe help inform this conversation
a little bit based on what Danielle was just saying. Can you explain
the differences to me on how the City looks at our advisory boards
and commissions? I know there are some quasi-judicial decisions.
Could you give us some foundation on that? Honoré A I will do
my best and then may take a little follow up with someone with more
in depth knowledge if you wanted to explore this further. Essentially,
the traditional advisory boards and that is most of the 27 or so boards
and commissions are specifically tasked with advising Council as a
body without any decision making authority. Then there are a handful
of boards that do have quasi-judicial authority over certain aspects
like reviewing complaints or the Planning and Zoning Board for
example. That would require a different type of charter or change
inside our City Code. That is not super helpful but yes as you point
out there is a distinction between advisory boards and quasi-judicial
boards. I can get more info on that if that is helpful. Dawson
Comment I appreciate that, Honoré. It was simply for me to better
understand some of the commitments or roles that we play between
Matt Comment I have a quick comment related to Danielle
having the river guardianship group be more than advisor. I am not
throwing that out, but it gives me sort of an initial set of heartburn only
because of what I understand the Water Commission does in terms
of being a quasi-judicial decision-making body. As long as there were
some guardrails and guidelines for if the Water Commission is tasked
with say making a decision related to a flood plain issue. How could
that sort of crossover with a new potential guardianship of the river
kind of voice. How would they work together? Again I am not throwing
the idea out, just presenting another challenge of opportunity,
however you want to frame it to how those groups would work
together. Presenting a problem instead of a solution. I apologize for
that but that is where I am at.
Bryan Comment Somewhat similarly on that note, if the end goal
is for this body to be advocating for the natural rights of the river, it
almost seems to me that being separate from a governing body
allows it to have more freedoms to take stands and advocate from a
different point of view from a body like NRAB would be sort of limited
to in some ways. If the end goal is to push for things that are counter
to some government initiatives being on the outside of that maybe
helpful and provider a broader sense of perspective than what would
be coming from politically appointed positions or something like that.
Galemarie Comment We have heard lots of those voices in our
head at one time or another, so they are confirming. It is a little
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puzzling at how best to imagine this going forward. We see you as
colleagues in all of this so as we keep noodling our way, we will let
you know. How do we best stay in touch with you all? Is it just
showing up at these moments? I would have at least loved to have
warned you we were going to ask that so you might have been able
the Boards. Dawson A You can email me as the Board Chair or
Honoré as the Board Liaison. That information can be shared if you
were planning to come. Public participation is open to anyone in
those ten minutes. It is important to note though if we have multiple
guests joining us, we have to be conscientious of that time and how it
is divided between folks. Honoré Comment It is great to
communicate directly with the Board Chair.
a. The Board will approve the minutes at their next meeting as they are waiting
for clarification on a portion of the minutes from Barry who was unable to
attend or review them.
a. Economic Health Strategic Plan Circular Economy Jillian Fresa
(Economic Health Manager) and Molly Saylor (Lead Sustainability Specialist)
shared an update on the Economic Health Strategic Plan. The update is
focused on supporting businesses to enable a healthy, equitable, and resilient
economy and community, including an initiative to support a circular economy.
This information was presented at the March 14, 2023, City Council Work
Session. Staff was seeking additional feedback from the NRAB prior to going
back to Council for a second Work Session on August 8, 2023. (Discussion)
Discussion | Q + A
Matt Q Thank you for the presentation. It was very informative. It
seems like you are pretty evolved in the circular economy portion of
the planning and how you are starting to look at implementation. This
question comes from curiosity and not criticism. Early in this
presentation you mentioned wildfires and urban fires that we saw
down in Superior and things like that and the City would have a role
in supporting businesses and being resilient to those kinds of events.
I am curious what implementation steps you see the City being
involved in. For instance, a small business having a continuity of
business plan to deal with an urban fire, where might they set up
shop if their business was burned down, and those kind of things. Is
that the sort of thing you are thinking with that program? Jillian A
addressing the need for one. Just because a few of us went down to
talk to Empire and their Economic Development Office and the
impacts not only to the actual burn but also the smoke and that
completely destroyed the businesses down there. So still trying to
explore what a preparedness program would look like in terms of fires
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but even in that educational stance of small businesses
understanding their insurance policy. If they are impacted by fires
understanding their own insurance policy to be prepared but still
exploring that. That is a great question.
Dawson Q I was curious if you were looking at other
municipalities or cities when it comes to circular economy and how
they have formed policy ideas regarding the implementation of some
practices. I know we were talking a little bit about our sister city and
everything but I am curious if there are some American cities you are
looking at right now specifically regarding the policy piece. Molly A
We are looking generally at all parts of the circular economy. Policy
and how that is being done in other cities is part of that. You probably
Strategic Plan because that is nearly a plan intended to support
businesses. You will see more of the supportive programming side
and probably through one of our other planning mechanisms is where
some of the policy things would show up. For example, one exciting
win for businesses and cities in the state of Colorado in the policy
space was the new extended producer responsibility law that the
state enacted which will require, if you are producing packaging, you
are now responsible for the recycling of that financially. That was
great and we actually heard from some of our local businesses that
they really supported that because they need the recycled content to
come back in to achieve their own goals. To come back to your
question about other cities, yes we do look at those. We are looking
domestically and internationally and what we are finding is sometimes
it is the creation of new policies, but often looking at what polices
may need to be removed that are barriers. We are seeing some really
interesting things come out of Denmark and Sweden that are about
looking at policy barriers and that it is its own policy action. I think
generally we see things fall into categories like producer responsibility
times those are
things that are more easily implemented at a higher level of
government where cities are more at an advocating space. Things
like the right to repair movement, meaning that if you buy certain
products you are guaranteed that they can be repaired or that you
can repair them. That has its own spectrum and then we also see
some things in other cities that are around land use and zoning.
There are a lot of circular economy things that have to do with co-
location of things that may not typically go together. If you were to
think about a server farm and perhaps a greenhouse, those things
are not always zoned to be compatible but that is an important part of
circular economy. Sometimes we see something in other cities where
they need physical space to store materials for a certain amount of
time and that storage space needs to be convenient to builders and
that sometimes also requires different land use and zoning options.
Just in terms of names of cities, we have looked at Charlotte,
Cleveland, and Portland. We have worked closely with a consultant in
the Netherlands who has done a lot of work with Amsterdam,
Rotterdam, and some Danish and Swedish cities. Our Portuguese
city also happens to be a big manufacturing industry so they have
some really interesting chops where they are helping co-locate
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incubation spaces for circular economy focused businesses within the
actual physical space of more established manufacturers. They have
textile startups co-located within one of their big manufacturing
offices. There is a lot of cool stuff we are seeing and that was
probably a long and enthusiastic answer to your question. Dawson
Comment I was just going to say I love the enthusiasm behind it.
That is great. It just helps me frame the context and think of things I
could look at to better inform myself. I appreciate it. Thank you.
Danielle Q First and foremost, I am absolutely blown away and so
excited about this initiative. It feels amorphous and enormous and
that terrifies me. How do you start eating this elephant? I just want to
commend you on being so visionary and really coming up with a
phenomenal approach to what seems to me such a difficult problem.
It looks like you are making some really exciting inroads. A couple of
things come to mind. As this plan identifies a growth based economy
cannot by nature be a sustainable one. We have externalized impacts
to natural resources and human health for so long that we do have to
think about not just a circular economy but a scaled down or a
different scaled economy in such a way that we are no longer
externalizing environmental impacts. One of the ways, Sweden in
particular, has approached this is by changing some practices around
private ownership. Instead of everyone having their own washing
machine, maybe in an apartment, there is a shared washing machine
or shared appliances. That feels very foreign to most American
cultural values. The City has done some amazing work in the tool
lending library that is available at Eco-Thrift and a couple of other
places like the drop and swap at the Larimer County Landfill. I am
wondering if you have evaluated these programs and if there are
opportunities to scale it up or look for potential business opportunities
of more rental type facilities or opportunities there. My second
question/comment is that part of preparedness or resilience is making
so close to having massive shortages of not just toilet paper but food
and other really critical supplies. I am wondering if you are prioritizing
essential services or businesses as part of this circular economy plan
and the Economic Health Strategic Plan to make us more resilient if
we do have these large chain disruptions whether it is an event from
a wildfire or an event like COVID. Molly A In the world of reuse
and sharing economy I think we as a City have been in a space
where we know that is the ultimate route of our sustainable practices.
We always need that really strong recycling foundation and we have
some big gaps in that. I think we have had to focus on that while
trying to be opportunistic about supporting other things. I think we are
at a point where we can shift into a more strategic way of growing our
reuse and sharing economy and I think part of that will be really
understanding who is already in that space and trying to convene
them to do this together. We are able to start putting some of the
funds from the disposable bag ordinance or paper bag fee towards
that. We think that there will probably be some other funding we can
use, both internally but also start to push out into the community to
those people who are already active to help them start to grow and to
think about what strategies are needed there. I think the City can
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have some role in behavior change but in building a culture, that
would certainly go beyond what we can do in-house. I think that is
work you will most likely see reflected through Our Climate Future
and the other big moves but that is closely tied, and we see some
intersections too. For example, we see business models that are
bringing reusable cups or takeout containers to cities and that is the
intersection of a business model that is circular but with that
community scale sharing in mind. I think we are at the beginning of
an exciting time for that kind of stuff. Jillian A That is a great
question about prioritizing essential businesses and in the point of
keeping things local. That is one of the strategies that I was referring
to was how we can develop local procurement practices and really
connect small, medium, and large businesses together to address
supply chain resiliency as well as increase employment opportunities.
We did run a cluster study through Hickey Global in our economic
analysis update and some of the industries that were identified that
were really excelling it and this is really thanks to our strong partners
locally including CSU and Ionosphere which is an incubator here, was
clean tech energy, bioscience, and ag sciences. Those were some
industries that we are trying to elevate thought this strategic plan.
Thank you for highlighting that. I think that is a great point.
Kevin Q I guess one area that comes to mind for me that I am
point about this being
and feeling big and overwhelming, any areas where the City has
more control to encompass the end to end opportunities to me sound
very interesting. That might sound strange because I know the
initiative is to connect private and other business to one another and
so forth. I guess on the front, I am curious about your thoughts on
around things like even facilities. Thinking about what people in our
community have to leave our community for to me feels like it ties in
to this conversation to say the more we can keep people in our
community. Obviously there are several other goals and initiatives
around reducing travel and so forth but I think it also keeps money in
our community and in that economy of these same businesses that
would be working in the program in a different context. I would be
curious if there have been thoughts to look inward whether that is
areas like Parks and Rec
might present an opportunity or other areas certainly in or around the
City. It could even be so far to say say
there is no gelato place and from some data set everyone is going to
Johnstown to get gelato. Like hey there is a business opportunity
Jillian A Right now our Planning Development and Transportation
(PDT) department is exploring the 15-minute city model and really
trying to identify these little pockets of community. I think they are
going to do a full analysis of what that looks like and reserve land for
those opportunities in that space. I think you do make a great point,
especially around where people work. We know we track commuting
but I want to say 1% of Fort Collins travels to Colorado Springs for
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work and that has a major impact on the environment of course. That
is really where our business retention expansion and supporting our
large employees is important. Ultimately if we have good jobs, people
can work here and live here. I think that is a great point. Kevin
Comment I guess I would say on the 15-minute city is I think you
can miss something that is just not in our community as a whole.
What is kind of reiterating this for me is there has been a lot of
conversation, as you might have seen at Council a couple weeks
back about the lack of a large scale bike park in our community. We
have a lot of people who travel all the way to Boulder regularly for a
recreational facility that we could create here. That is not a 15-minute
is people having to take these increasing trips for something like that.
I feel like there is a lot of stuff that could fall into that similar space.
b. Sustainable Revenue Ginny Sawyer (Sr. Policy and Project Manager)
shared early discussions and information gathering related to options
regarding mechanisms to fund revenue gaps. She was seeking feedback and
board member input on framing of options (Discussion).
Discussion | Q + A
Kevin Q Thank you Ginny, this is great. I really appreciate that
thought and lead up to the meat of it all at the end. I guess where my
brain goes is especially coming from the circular economy focus and
curious when I think of parks, one thing I think of is are there things
we need to stop doing. Clearly there is a finding gaps there is
identified top tier focus area has been out there. I am curious if things
have not been utilized enough but then require maintenance for
example or has something really declined in popularity since it was
installed in the 80s but now it needs maintenance. Are there things
into it. Hand in hand with that something we have talked about as a
Board with like parks, one of the items in there was turf maintenance
and other associated turf costs and what is the turf removal plan
because we have been thinking about this for single family and other
development opportunities. How do we just stop some of that stuff? I
think one thing for me is just pairing up the need for funding with
areas we can take a hard look at vs just upping the request for
funding from voters. Sometimes yo
have to stop or say no. Just curious about that department. Ginny A
So park maintenance is entirely funded out of the general fund, so
not even just what do we stop doing in the parks, it is what do we
stop doing out of the entire general fund. I am biased but I feel like
our park folks are really good in this area and they track and notice
how we are doing less turf in existing parks and in new parks. We will
never get away from turf because there is a strong desire for that
obviously. I think they are doing good water maintenance plans. The
stop doing would ultimately look at closing parks either because of
unsafe playgrounds and infrastructure, courts that are deteriorated
enough that they are not being used, or irrigation systems that are not
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worth replacing. It is always a good question, and we are going to be
asked that as we go forward so I think we are in a process now of
really going out to all general fund and all services to say what are
the efficiencies we have done, what are the trends we have seen,
and where have we stopped doing things. Kevin Comment Right
because it is utilization. It is great to have that one tennis court that I
can walk to but only five people use it per week, and we are spending
want to take anything away from anyone, nobody does, but we do
this with so many other things where we optimize. I know you said
they are on top of it as a department. I am not trying to s
people who use that court because it is going to cost us a million
dollars over ten years to maintain or whatever it might be. Ginny
Comment I appreciate the comment.
Danielle Q This is a little bit out in left field, but I think we do so
much as a City, that it is easy to ask for more because it is such an
incredibly accommodating and progressive place to try new things.
Thinking about increasing taxes on utilities, thinking about these
conflicting affordable housing and circular economy goals and
metrics, one of the things I keep thinking about are some of the
zoning restrictions that we have. It was mentioned in the previous
presentation of the idea of having a server farm and a greenhouse
Similarly, we
have pretty restrictive housing and residential laws when it comes to
very friendly climate practices such as tiny homes, gray water,
composting toilets, etc. When we increase tax on utilities and basic
services we are further undercutting the people at the bottom tier of
income brackets that are struggling to make ends meet without
providing them with any other option. I am wondering if there are
conversations happening in ways in which we can support those
individuals to have individual homeownership by allowing and
changing some laws to allow tiny homes. I believe very strongly that
the City has a standing to sue the state for water rights to allow for
gray water rights to allow gray water because of the very clear
conflicting allowances for septic systems which are essentially gray
water rights but individuals that d multimillion dollar
homes. I am wondering what conversations might be happening at
this nexus. I realize it is a little far outside your primary court area but
with a mention of some of these taxes and the prior conversation
happening of the influence of zoning, I think this is a conversation we
should all be having when we are talking about affordable housing,
sustainability, and the triple bottom line. I am interested in your
comments and if you say this is not my area, I totally understand as
well. Ginny A I will say our Council and staff are committed to all
our residents with a focus on equity. As we have had this
and any tax that could be rebated back to income qualified is part of
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that conversation. We want to do that. We are having what I will call a
more blunt, not a sharp tool kind of conversation around this new
revenue just because we know we have these gaps in the areas that
you are talking about and really brining all of these things together to
create an environment where more can happen. Those conversations
are happening. We did pass a gray water measure this year where
ink I am making
that up. Danielle Comment The caveat there and I am super
biased is that it is gray water in name only. It allows you to reuse your
sink water to flush your toilet. It does not allow any subsurface
irrigation which is what is really needed from a climate and
sustainability perspective in this climate and environment. Ginny
Comment We are having the conversation and trying to get there
as we can. Then certainly our Land Development Code was looking
at all the things you are talking about and today the state was
finalized, that was actually calling for a lot of the things that was in our
Land Development Code. We are at a really interesting nexus both
statewide and loc
know what will happen or come out of it but to answer your question,
are the conversations happening, absolutely. The process is always
slower than we want it to be. Honoré,
anything you want to add to that. Honoré Comment It is a pretty
exhaustive comment and I appreciate it, Danielle. I think it shows sort
of the complexity of this work when we are being asked to follow the
traditional model which is to approach voters with a packet of
services and say here is what you will get if you vote for this tax. Now
as we try to adapt and stay more nimble, we are looking to Denver
who passed a very flexible voter approved sales tax for the climate
protection fund that allows, within certain allowable uses with a strong
focus on equity to distribute those tax resources in a way that help
accelerate and scale up climate initiatives. That is not the model we
have used here before and that sort of takes time to adjust people to
there is much comfort. We
seen a lot of support for a sales tax from Councilmembers
who weighed in so far but I do think that kind of model could provide
more of the flexibility you are referring to. Danielle Comment I
think it is a cart before the horse issue. You need zoning in place in
order to have those flexibilities. Ginny, thank you so much for your
grace in answering a question that was really very far outside your
area but in my mind, it is kind of the donut hole and so I appreciate
your input there.
Ginny Comment I guess I would ask going forward just to not
even ask for a position but to help us raise awareness in the
community when and if anything comes forward. I think this is a bit
complex as much as we try to simplify it. I do think something will
make it to the ballot and it is going to be a much shorter timeframe
than we certainly as staff are used to in being able to build a story
and take time to get out and talk to a large portion of the community.
We are going to be pretty crunched in that area. Please reach out if
anyone does have questions. Honoré Comment I would add in,
we will do what we always do at the end of the meeting which is look
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at the six-month planning calendar and map out your agenda. I am
conversation around this even next month or in May because as
Ginny said despite all the content and detail she shared, we have
been shuffling down a funnel to more specificity slowly but surely. I do
think after that April 6th Council Finance Committee there will be a lot
more specificity including the natural gas options both the possibility
towards a climate tax on natural gas or simple increase to the
franchise fee
could generate $800k - $1 million/year. It could be helpful for you all
to be able to advise Councilmembers on what your perspective is on
what the best way forward might be because they will have a hard
time parsing through these options and making a final decision about
you thinking about doing another round with boards? Ginny A I
mean for sure because by then we should also have a more refined
and smaller list of what is being considered which will make it easier
to say yes, yes and, or maybe not. Honoré Comment And having
this foundation will help you all jump back into that conversation in a
meaningful way. This is one where I think Council needs some help
figuring out what the interest, priorities, and appetite of the community
is for some of these options. Bryan Comment I would be happy
to have another opportunity to weigh in once Council has looked at it
and refined it. I think that is a great idea. Thank you.
c. 1041 Regulations Update Barry Noon (NRAB Representative to 1041
Regulations Committee) was supposed to update the Natural Resources
Advisory Board on the state of the Draft 1041 regulations, upcoming timeline
for City Council, and share perspectives from the 1041 Regulations
Committee. Barry was proposing a formal motion from the Natural Resources
Advisory Board to recommend that City Council adopt 1041 Regulations with
considerations shared by the 1041 Regulations Committee. (Action)
Barry was unable to attend the meeting so the Board agreed to table
the conversation for a later meeting. It was also mentioned that they
are looking at pushing that back from a City standpoint so they
thought there was time for that conversation down the road.
a. Kevin Comment I was unable to attend the last Bicycle Advisory
Committee (BAC) meeting. It was a joint meeting with the Transportation
Board of which
on that. I will say and I have shared this to some degree, but I am seeing if I
can pull back. I am toeing the line to see what I can make happen and nobody
jumped out about getting on BAC either. Danielle Q When does BAC
meet? Kevin A The fourth Monday at 6pm. I will definitely need a sub for
some of them, if I can put that out there first. Danielle Comment I will sign
up for a sub. I wish I could do it full time but we are still settling in and getting
the CSA up and ready. I will happily sign up to be your sub. Kevin Comment
We will touch based. I will need a sub in April.
b. Matt Comment Something I did recently, and it was out of curiosity, but I
rode the bus from my house to my office because I wanted to see how long it
would take. I live out by Overland and Mulberry basically, so I had to pick up
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the bus at LaPorte and Hollywood. Sorry I am going to give you the play by
play quick. I had to be there by 6:19am so I could make it to my office by
8:00am. I had to transfer at the Downtown Transfer Center and wait a little
outside in the cold with some other folks who were cold because the station
was closed. It sounds like I am whining but I am just telling you the facts. I got
on the bus and it finally made it to my office after getting dropped off near
Riverside and Prospect. Our office is kind of to the northwest of Bath Nursey.
All in all it was an hour and 14 minutes to go about eight miles and I thought
man if I had to do this everyday back and forth and I had kids and I had to get
to the grocery store. It sounds like I am being critical but I guess what I am
getting at is I wanted to understand our local/public transportation system
better. There was pretty good ridership there; there were about ten people on
presentations from Transfort folks about ways to improve but is an hour and
thoughts? Honoré Comment I am happy to share. I have had similar
experiences. It is tough for people who ride the bus all the time. Certain routes
are much more frequent, like the Max Line is amazing and all of that. We
have, as you know, in the PDT service area specific departments including
one that focuses on transit and one called FC Moves which includes bicycles,
pedestrians, and active modes. We have had an item that has bounced
around that is no longer on the Council calendar around advancing transit
initiatives. I can follow up on that and see about getting a specific conversation
around transit or could invite FC Moves to talk more broadly about all active
modes of transportation as well. I guess you did have a bunch of time with
Cortney Greary when the Active Modes Plan was being developed. Matt
Comment That is true.
going over the next few months but it was sort of a moment I realized this and
perhaps I should have realized it sooner. I am fortunate to have a car and get
trip for people every day
That is my bad. Honoré Comment I will take whatever direction you give
but it is a little bit of a lighter Council calendar so as we segway here into
talking about the next several months of planning, those sort of general
updates from staff, so you all get more familiar with the landscape in these
different areas could be a good use of your time. Kevin Comment I will
just point out what I immediately think of is the mobility that e-bikes give and
like it is such a strong possible thread in the community to really make those
happen and it has been shown through some of the grant programs. I just saw
a notification that they are trying to regain traction at the federal level for 30%
tax incentives for e-bikes to be able to solve that. It is hard to solve that big
transit part and to the previous presentation we put a dedicated tax and
the more we can promote those other forms
that we are trying to promote anyway could solve that for some, not all. That
came to mind. If you combine that federal with the state with the local you can
get people e-bikes and that gives them more freedom, mobility and
circumstances that could be great. Matt Comment Thanks Kevin, I
appreciate that. I had a couple bucks out because I was going to pay the guy
we fund it all out of the general fund and nobody is paying. I get that some
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give you
$10 for this trip. That is what Lyft would have cost me. Kevin Comment
Right, there is a bit of a mismatch it feels like.
a. Six Month Calendar Review
Honoré went through the Council calendar and mentioned minimum
wage and Land Use Code. He stated the Land Use Code is getting
complicated and will be a meaty conversation. He thought the Board
bringing their perspectives to Council could be meaningful. There
should be multiple ways for them to bring in input as individuals or as
NRAB. Honoré also mentioned topics like sustainable revenue,
Council priority update, regional water update, occupancy
regulations, and Transit. He mentioned Council will be taking a break
during the summer.
For April the Board has Land Use Code, 1041 Regulations,
sustainable revenue, Downtown Parking Plan, update on NISP,
advancing transit initiatives, and regional water as potential agenda
items. The Board discussed if it would be better to have sustainable
revenue as a topic in April or May and the details on the regional
water topic. Honoré will find out more information on regional water.
The Board decided to focus on Land Use Code and sustainable
revenue for their in-person April meeting. Dawson will also extend an
invitation to their Council Liaison.
a. 8:02pm
Minutes approved by a vote of the Board/Commission on XX/XX/XX
Land Use Code Phase 1 Updates: Process Next StepsApril 14, 2023Noah Beals | Development Review Manager
Purpose of the Land Use Code Updates:To Align the LUC with Adopted City Plans and Policies with a focus on: Housing-related changes Code OrganizationEquity2
FIVE GUIDING PRINCIPLESRevisions to the code will continue to support the five guiding principles confirmed by City Council in November 2021 with an emphasis on Equity.1.Increase overall housing capacity(market rate and affordable) and calibrate market-feasible incentives for deed restricted affordable housing2.Enable more affordability especially near high frequencytransit and growth areas 3.Allow for more diverse housing choices that fit in with the existing context 4.Make the code easier to use and understand5.Improve predictability of the development permit review process, especially for housing
4TimelineStage 1 (Mar-Apr)Begin outreach to allIdentify areas for engagement and potential adjustmentStage 2 (Apr-Jun)Gather feedbackEducate, Inform & ConsultStage 3 (Jun-Jul)Draft Code RevisionsTesting & Legal ReviewStage 4 (Aug-Sept)Recommendations & Adoption
5Upcoming Engagement OpportunitiesEarly April Postcards arrived in mailboxesApril 12th, 6:00-9:00 p.m. CityWorks 101 presentation on LUC updatesEarth Day 4/22, Open Streets 6/4, Bike to Work Day 6/28, etc. TablingApril 24th, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Virtual Information SessionApril 26th, 5:30-8:00 p.m. Forum with Center for Public DeliberationLate April Next Level Neighborhood Walking Tours Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays in May Neighborhood Walking ToursMay 8th, 2:00-7:00 p.m. In Person Community Open HouseJune (dates TBD) Overflow Neighborhood Walking Tours as needed
Questions1. Are Councilmembers comfortable with the overall engagement approach and timeline?6
8Engagement Summary - TopicsAnalysis of Recent InquiriesAugust 2, 2022, through February 27, 2023, roughly corresponding to the release of the public draft of the Land Development Code (LDC) through the repeal of the LDC. 369 inquiries - 140 emails from 111 people; additional 166 inquiries from around 60 participants in the November 29, 2022, community information session. 7 main themes identified
9Specific topics for additional engagementIncreased menu of housing choices and associated regulationsAffordable housing comments, questions, and suggestionsSize, height, form, and allowed density of specific housing typesNotification, community input, and review procedures for residential developmentInteraction between the code and private covenantsInfrastructure and utilities
10Increased menu of housing choices (ADUs)CURRENT CODEREPEALED CODECONCERNSPRINCIPLESWhere: Review: Public Hearing (Type 1)Setbacks: Same as house; no separation required from houseHeight: 24 ft maxSize: 1,000 sf max floor areaParking: 1 per bedroomUtilities: Can extend water from primary house, separate electric meterOther: no internal ADU permitted; 10,000 sf minimum lot size in NCM, 12,000 sf in NCLWhere: All residential and mixed-use zones Review: Administrative (BDR)Setbacks: Same as house; 5 ft separation required from houseHeight: 28 ft max, 24 ft in OTSize: 1,000 sf max floor area Parking: none required Utilities: Can extend water from primary house, separate electric meterOther: internal ADU permitted; no minimum lot sizeAmount of parking requiredPotential impact on neighborhood, especially if many ADUs are builtPotential to impact shading and privacy of adjacent propertiesADUs as short-term rentalsCost and feasibility to buildIncrease overall housing capacityEnable more affordability Allow for more diverse housing choices that fit in with the existing contextImprove predictability of the development review process
11Increased menu of housing choices (2-5 plexes)CURRENT CODEREPEALED CODECONCERNSPRINCIPLESWhere: UE (up to 2 units), NCM (2-4 units)Review: Public Hearing (Type 1) in UE; Administrative (BDR) in NCM* Height: 2-3 storiesParking: 1-3 spaces per unit depending on number of bedroomsDesign Requirements: YesOther: Administrative approval in NCM only if no structural change to an existing houseWhere: Add NCL and RL (up to 2 units); Increase NCM (+1 unit)Review: Administrative (BDR)Height: 3 stories or 35 ft maxParking: 1-3 spaces per unit depending on number of bedroomsDesign Requirements: YesOther: Affordable housing incentives allow additional 1-2 units and reduced parking requirementsConcern about demolition of existing structuresAvailability of street parkingPotential impact on neighborhoodPotential to impact shading and privacy of adjacent propertiesMulti-unit buildings as short-term rentalsIncrease overall housing capacityEnable more affordability Allow for more diverse housing choices that fit in with the existing contextImprove predictability of the development review process
Where: All zonesType: Voluntary incentivesReview:Administrative (BDR)Requirements: 99 year deed restriction; 10-20% of units must be affordable to access incentivesIncentives: Citywide density bonus of additional units, density, or height depending on zone; ~50% reduction in parking requirements for all affordable projects; reduced tree sizes12Affordable HousingCURRENT CODEREPEALED CODECONCERNSPRINCIPLESWhere: All zonesType: Voluntary incentivesReview: Varies by district Requirements: 20 year deed restriction; 10% of units must be affordable to access incentivesIncentives:Limited density bonus of 3 dwelling units per acre in LMN (from 9 to 12); 50% parking reduction in Transit-Oriented Development Overlay; reduced tree sizesUpdates do not do enough to ensure affordable housing for residentsUpdates will not make housing more affordableClarification about how the updates will increase housing affordabilityTechnical questions related to enforcement, deed restrictions, definitions and income level requirementsIncrease overall housing capacityEnable more affordability Allow for more diverse housing choices that fit in with the existing contextImprove predictability of the development review processRental For Sale10% at 60% AMI or10% at 80% AMI or20% at 80% AMI 20% at 100% AMIRental and For Sale10% at 80% AMI
13Size, height, form, and allowed densityCURRENT CODEREPEALED CODECONCERNSPRINCIPLESGeneral concern about additional housing, especially in existing neighborhoodsImpacts of additional housing on built environment and neighborhood Impacts to traffic, parking, utility capacity, gentrification, sprawl, and other topicsQuestions about new housing types, particularly the cottage courtIncrease overall housing capacityAllow for more diverse housing choices that fit in with the existing contextWhere: Residential and mixed-use zonesReview: Administrative (BDR)Design Requirements: Defines specific design requirements including (but not limited to):Urban detached houseSuburban detached houseCottage courtRowhouseApartment buildingOther: Detached house limited to 2,400 sf floor area in OT approach including façade, articulation, height, massing, entry, and other requirementsWhere: Residential and mixed-use zonesReview: Public Hearing (Type 1)Design Requirements: Specific to each zone district. Code Single-family detachedSingle-family attachedTwo-familyTwo-family attachedMulti-familyOther: Detached house floor area limited by lot size and rear coverage in Old Town zones; with design requirements for carriage houses, single unit houses, and multi-unit buildings
14Notification, Community Input, and Review ProceduresREVIEW TYPES: OVERVIEWReview Levels: Overview
15Notification, Community Input, and Review ProceduresRESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS MIXED-USE DISTRICTSRUL UE RF RL OT-A OT-B MH LMN MMN HMN OT-C NCUSES LUC LDC LUC LDC LUC LDC LUC LDC LUC LDC LUC LDC LUC LDC LUC LDC LUC LDC LUC LDC LUC LDC LUC LDCSingle Unit DwellingTwo Unit Dwelling (duplex)Single Unit Attached (2-4 units)Multi-Unit (4+ units)Mixed-Use DwellingAccessory Dwelling UnitX - Not Permitted in LUC- Administrative (BDR)- Only if Affordable in LDC- Public Hearing (Type 1) - Public Hearing and Neighborhood Meeting (Type 2)
16CONCERNSPRINCIPLESNotification requirements were not changed in the repealed code, but many had concerns about notification processesConcern about removing requirements for neighborhood meetings in housing developmentsConcern that fewer neighborhood meetings and public hearings could result in decreased opportunities for community inputQuestions about Development Review processIncrease overall housing capacityEnable more affordability Improve predictability of the development review processMake the code easier to use and understandNotification, Community Input, and Review Procedures
17Interaction between the code and private covenants (HOAs)CURRENT CODEREPEALED CODECONCERNSPRINCIPLESHOAs are currently prohibited from creating or enforcing provisions thatProhibit or limit:- The installation or use of xeriscape landscaping- The installation or use of solar/photovoltaic collectors on roofs- The installation or use of clothes lines in back yards- The installation or use of odor controlled compost binsOr requiring:- Turf grass yards/lotsAdds language that prohibits HOAs from creating or enforcing provisions thatProhibit or limit:-implement its housing policies, as supported by the Housing Strategic Plan-Including but not limited to provisions for increased density, height and occupancyQuestions asking whether someone could now build an ADU even if it is against their HOA rulesConcern about legality of preempting HOA restrictionsConcern that the code updates improperly disregard HOA rulesIncrease overall housing capacityEnable more affordability Allow for more diverse housing choices that fit in with the existing contextImprove predictability of the development review process
18Infrastructure and utilities (including parking)CURRENT CODEREPEALED CODECONCERNSPRINCIPLESIncrease overall housing capacityEnable more affordability Allow for more diverse housing choices that fit in with the existing contextCondition of and costs associated with water, sewer, roads, electricity, and schools Availability of street parking if more people live in Fort CollinsQuestions about how the code intersects with transportation planning/trafficAbility to accommodate more people, particularly with regard to water availabilityAdequate public facilities (APF) management system ensures that public facilities and services are available concurrently with the impacts of developmentIncludes:TransportationWater UtilitiesElectric FacilitiesFire and Emergency responsePublic streets are constructed to allow on-street parking, and development is required to meet minimum parking standardsNo changes to APF criteria and regulationsPublic streets designed to allow on-street parkingDevelopment required to meet minimum parking standardsoReduction for studio, one, and two bedroom unitsoAdditional reduction for affordable housing
19Specific topics for additional engagementIncreased menu of housing choices and associated regulationsAffordable housing comments, questions, and suggestionsSize, height, form, and allowed density of specific housing typesNotification, community input, and review procedures for residential developmentInteraction between the code and private covenantsInfrastructure and utilities
Questions2. Are there specific engagement topics missing that Councilmembers would like to see included?20
22Approach to Revisions/AlternativesDraft Code OptionsCouncil DirectionConcerns and Suggestions from EngagementAlignment with Guiding PrinciplesAnalysis of Tradeoffs
23Approach to Revisions/AlternativesExample: Increased menu of housing choices and associated regulations (ADUs)Concerns from Engagement Potential Alternative Examples Analysis RequiredNot enough parking to accommodate more residentsPotential impact on neighborhood, especially if many ADUs are builtPotential to impact shading and privacy of adjacent propertiesADUs as short-term rentals (STR)Cost and feasibility to buildConsider requiring an off-street parking space for ADUsReview design requirements to evaluate for compatibility with neighborhood settingReview design requirements to evaluate for potential privacy and shading issuesExplore limiting use of ADUs as STRInvestigate possibility of pre-approved ADU plans Economic feasibility/tradeoffs of additional parking requirementsAdditional research into design requirements and graphics/visualizationAdditional research into design requirements and graphics/visualizationPeer communities research; legal reviewPeer communities research
Questions3. Do Councilmembers support the proposed approach to exploration of potential alternatives and revisions?24
Next Steps26April and May: Community engagement eventsMay 23rdWork Session: Present feedback received so far and explore potential code revisions and analysis of alternativesJuly 25thWork Session: Present engagement summary, discuss code revisionsAugust 22ndWork Session: Present draft code amendments
April 18, 2023
TO: Natural Resources Advisory Board
RE: 1041 powers (with specific reference to NISP)
FROM: Barry R Noon
Most of what is outlined Fort Collins 1041
citizens group"
to exercise extra-jurisdictional, regulation authority beyond City limits.
The primary contention of our group is that the City (Mayor, City Council, and City staff) has as
their primary responsibility creation and implementation of policies to protect public health,
human wellbeing and equity, and to sustain a healthy environment for the benefit of the citizen
of Fort Collins. Any threats to these responsibilities should be addressed and mitigated to the
extent possible.
We emphasize that 1041 law authorizes Fort Collins to regulate a development project whose
primary constructed elements lie beyond Fort Collins city limits, if:
state interest under 1041 law
Fort Collins citizens, or damage natural resources or environmental quality within the
This authority is in addition to the clearly stated authorities that apply to projects whose
primary constructed elements lie within city limits.
Relevant language from the legislative declaration, expressing the purposes of 1041 law (CRS §
24-65.1-101), includes:
Local governments shall be encouraged to designate areas and activities of state interest
and, after such designation, shall administer such areas and activities of state interest
and promulgate guidelines for the administration thereof.
Regulatory authority is established by designation of an area or activity of state interest by a
local (county or municipal) government, and the authority applies locally.
ability (responsibility) to designate the Cache la Poudre River as an area
of state interest, there is an existing acknowledgement of the significance of the River that
justifies such a designation. The Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area was designated
by the U.S. Congress in 2009. Following the language of 1041, it is clear the Heritage Area
qualifies as an area of state interest. Approximately 9 miles of the Heritage Area lies inside our
City limits, including 18 Natural Areas, a large part of Lee Martinez Park, the Whitewater Park,
and the Poudre Trail.
The -jurisdictional consideration and
regulation of reasonably anticipated adverse impacts.
(regulatory objectives) for major extensions of (or new) water and sewer systems are stated in
CRS § 24-65.1-204:
which will result in the proper utilization of existing treatment plants and the orderly
development of domestic water and sewage treatment systems of adjacent
in those areas in which the anticipated growth and development that may occur as a
result of such extension can be accommodated within the financial and environmental
capacity of the area to sustain such growth and development
Both paragraphs mandate a concern for protecting nearby communities or jurisdictions with
the words,
environmental capacity of the area
The second paragraph is particularly relevant, as it establishes responsibility not to exceed the
environmental capacity of the area, which means not only the host jurisdiction of a project, but
also surrounding jurisdictions. Orderly development in the first paragraph mandates avoidance
of environmental damage, because development that disregards environmental consequences
can no longer be regarded as orderly.
There have been several court rulings that have supported the cross-jurisdictional authority
delegated by the 1041 law to local municipalities. The details of the court cases have been
summarized by Dr. Watts and that summary is available from our ad hoc citizens group.
Now to address the nexus between 1041 powers and the Northern integrated Supply Project. In
2014, the City of Fort Collins developed available at
River%20ecosystem.%20The%20overall), which predicted
riparian ecosystems are likely to respond to a variety of possible hydrologic futures, ranging
from status quo, to new water development, to climate change.
The major conclusions from the ERM were consistent with subsequent 2015 Poudre
River Report Card (available at https://www.fcgov.com/poudrereportcard/) which concluded
that the River is already impaired and sensitive to any further stress from flow alteration.
Based on an A-F scale, the City gave the River a C grade.
The results from these analyses clearly showed that the health of the Poudre and the public
amenities it provides (e.g., kayaking, fishing, riparian vegetation, wildlife) are strongly
dependent on (1) limiting the amount of water taken from the river during spring peak flows
and (2) stabilizing fluctuating low flows in late summer-fall. The NISP project will almost
certainly degrade the river, even with the pro plan. These findings are
supported in a published, peer-reviewed scientific journal article (Bestgen et al., 2020, available
at https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/eap.2005 ). Seven of the nine
authors of this publication are CSU faculty members.
Overall, the scientific analyse , by the City staff and independent
scientists, all supported the conclusion development and
will be inadequate to prevent serious harm to the Poudre River and its natural resources.
It is important to note that adverse impacts from NISP will occur directly on City properties
even though the major activities will occur external to City limits. A dam upstream of Fort
Collins will result in decreased flows downstream through the City and directly affect City
property, resources, environmental quality, and its citizens. Combining the intent of the 1041
legislation to protect areas of state interest with the recognition of the inescapable adverse
impacts of NISP on the Poudre River, we strongly suggest that the City invoke its 1041 powers
and deny approval of NISP.