HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/16/2023 - Water Commission - SUMMARY AGENDA - Regular Meeting WATER COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA March 16, 2023 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Online via Zoom or in person at 222 LaPorte Ave, Colorado River Community Room 03/16/2023 Agenda Page 1 This hybrid Water Commission meeting is available online via Zoom, phone, or in person in the Colorado River Community Room of 222 LaPorte Ave. You may join the meeting beginning at 5:00 p.m. Participants should join at least 15 minutes prior to 5:30 p.m. start time. ONLINE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: You will need an internet connection on a laptop, computer, or smartphone, and may join the meeting through Zoom at https://fcgov.zoom.us/j/98568801045 Webinar ID: 985 6880 1045 (Using earphones with microphone will improve the audio). Keep yourself on muted status. For public comments, the Chairperson will ask participants to click the “Raise Hand” button to indicate you would like to speak at that time. Staff will moderate the Zoom session to ensure all participants have an opportunity to comment. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION BY PHONE: Please dial +1 346 248 7799 and enter Webinar ID 985 6880 1045. Keep yourself on muted status. For public comments, when the Chair asks participants to click the “Raise Hand” button if they wish to speak, phone participants will need to press *9 to do this. Staff will be moderating the Zoom session to ensure all participants have an opportunity to address the Water Commission. When you are called, press *6 to unmute yourself. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN PERSON: To participate in person, individuals should come to the Colorado River Community Room of 222 LaPorte Ave and be prepared to follow strict social distancing guidelines. There may be needs to limit the number of individuals in the meeting room, and thus staging for individuals to speak may need to occur in the lobby or outside (weather permitting). Individuals who wish to speak will line up along the northern wall, maintaining physical distancing. The chairperson will call upon each participant to speak. (Continued on next page) WATER COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA March 16, 2022, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Online via Zoom or in person at 222 LaPorte Ave, Colorado River Community Room 03/16/2023 Agenda Page 2 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. AGENDA REVIEW 4. COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION (3 minutes per individual) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 16 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None (Continued on next page) Documents to Share: Any document or presentation a member of the public wishes to provide to the Water Commission for its consideration must be emailed to KaMartinez@fcgov.com at least 24 hours before the meeting. Provide Comments via Email: Individuals who are uncomfortable or unable to access the Zoom platform or participate by phone are encouraged to participate by emailing comments to KaMartinez@fcgov.com at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. If your comments are specific to any of the discussion items on the agenda, please indicate that in the subject line of your email. Staff will ensure your comments are provided to the Water Commission. Documents to Share: If residents wish to share a document or presentation, Staff Liaison Jason Graham’s administrative professional needs to receive those materials via the above email address at least 24 hours before the meeting. Individuals uncomfortable or unable to access Zoom or unable to participate by phone are encouraged to participate by emailing general public comments to KaMartinez@fcgov.com The Staff Liaison’s administrative professional will ensure the Water Commission receives your comments. If you have comments on any discussion items scheduled, please make it clear in the email subject line and send 24 hours prior to the meeting. WATER COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA March 16, 2022, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Online via Zoom or in person at 222 LaPorte Ave, Colorado River Community Room 03/16/2023 Agenda Page 3 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Staff Reports i. Water Resources Monthly Report (meeting packet only) ii. Memo: 2022 Cameron Peak Fire Recovery Update (meeting packet only) iii. Water Utility Update (5 minutes) Jason Graham, Director of Water iv. 2022 Utilities Financial Year-End Report (5-minute presentation, 10-minute discussion) Lance Smith, Utilities Finance Director b. Regular Items i. Appropriation Need for a New Customer Information System (10-minute presentation, 10-minute discussion & action) Lance Smith, Utilities Finance Director Staff is requesting a recommendation to Council to approve an appropriation ordinance from the Light & Power, Water, Wastewater and Stormwater enterprise funds’ available reserves to implement a modern Utility Customer Information System – Customer Self Service Portal (CIS-CX) Solution. These funds are being requested just as the City completes the selection of a solution partner to maintain project momentum before professional services are contracted. If approved by City Council, the appropriation ordinance will allow the City to secure CIS-CX project management and solution quality assurance services through go-live, provide legal review of professional services contracts, and provide funding for hiring contractual staff throughout the implementation. ii. Poudre Canyon Raw Waterline Improvements Project Funding (10-minute presentation, 10-minute discussion & action) Taylor Scott, Special Projects Manager/Civil Engineer III, Capital Projects This project was funded in budget year 2021 as part of the Environmental Health Outcome. Utilities staff has completed an alternatives analysis, conceptual and final design for the improvement, and is moving toward WATER COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA March 16, 2022, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Online via Zoom or in person at 222 LaPorte Ave, Colorado River Community Room 03/16/2023 Agenda Page 4 construction in fall 2023. Utilities staff will request additional funds from City Council to complete construction. The additional funding request is due to market volatility since the 2021 budget was approved and the increased cost of constructing the improvements in 2023. Staff plans to request the additional funding be approved by City Council on April 18 and procure a contractor by summer. 8. COMMISSIONER REPORTS (Committees, Event attendance, etc.) 9. OTHER BUSINESS (Commissioner concerns, Announcements) 10. ADJOURNMENT