HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/2022 - Water Commission - AGENDA - Regular Meeting WATER COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA February 17, 2022 5:30PM – 7:30PM Online via Zoom 02/17/2022 Agenda Page 1 This remote Water Commission meeting will be available online via Zoom or by phone. No one will be allowed to attend in person. The meeting will be available to join beginning at 5:00 p.m. Participants should join at least 15 minutes prior to the 5:30 p.m. start time. ONLINE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: You will need an internet connection on a laptop, computer, or smartphone, and may join the meeting through Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/97277170269 Webinar ID: 972 7717 0269 (Using earphones with a microphone will greatly improve your audio). Keep yourself on muted status. For public comments, the Chairperson will ask participants to click the “Raise Hand” button to indicate you would like to speak at that time. Staff will moderate the Zoom session to ensure all participants have an opportunity to comment. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION BY PHONE: Please dial +1 346 248 7799 and enter Webinar ID 972 7717 0269. Keep yourself on muted status. For public comments, when the Chair asks participants to click the “Raise Hand” button if they wish to speak, phone participants will need to press *9 to do this. Staff will be moderating the Zoom session to ensure all participants have an opportunity to address the Water Commission. When you are called, press *6 to unmute yourself. Documents to Share: Any document or presentation a member of the public wishes to provide to the Water Commission for its consideration must be emailed to JSong@fcgov.com at least 24 hours before the meeting. (Continued on next page) WATER COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA February 17, 2022, 5:30PM – 7:30PM Online via Zoom 02/17/2022 Agenda Page 2 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. AGENDA REVIEW 4. COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION (3 MINUTES PER INDIVIDUAL) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: JANUARY 2022 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NONE (Continued on next page) Provide Comments via Email: Individuals who are uncomfortable or unable to access the Zoom platform or participate by phone are encouraged to participate by emailing comments to JSong@fcgov.com at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. If your comments are specific to any of the discussion items on the agenda, please indicate that in the subject line of your email. Staff will ensure your comments are provided to the Water Commission. Documents to Share: If residents wish to share a document or presentation, Interim Staff Liaison Mark Kempton’s administrative professional needs to receive those materials via the above email address at least 24 hours before the meeting. Individuals uncomfortable or unable to access the Zoom platform or unable to participate by phone are encouraged to participate by emailing general public comments you may have to JSong@fcgov.com. The Interim Staff Liaison’s administrative professional will ensure the Water Commission receives your comments. If you have specific comments on any of the discussion items scheduled, please make that clear in the subject line of the email and send 24 hours prior to the meeting. WATER COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA February 17, 2022, 5:30PM – 7:30PM Online via Zoom 02/17/2022 Agenda Page 3 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Staff Reports  Financial Monthly Report (2021 Year-End Report) (meeting packet only)  Water Resources Monthly Report (meeting packet only; staff available for questions) Donnie Dustin, Water Resources Engineer  Halligan Water Supply Project: Year in Review Update (meeting packet only; staff available for questions) Eileen Dornfest, Project Manager  E. Coli Study and Recommendations (30 minutes) Susan Strong, Senior Environmental Regulatory Specialist b. Regular Items  Floodplain Additions and Substantial Improvement Code Change (Discussion and Action: 40 minutes) Marsha Hilmes-Robinson, Civil Engineer III Ken Sampley, Director, Stormwater Engineering and Development Review 8. COMMISSIONER REPORTS (Committees, Event attendance, etc.) 9. OTHER BUSINESS (Commissioner concerns, Announcements) a. New Officer Elections b. Onboarding Overview 10. ADJOURNMENT