HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services And Housing Funding Board - Minutes - 10/12/2022 Human Services & Housing Funding Board REGULAR MEETING October 12, 2022 at 5:30 PM Remote/ZOOM 10/12 /2022 – MINUTES Page 1 1. CALL TO ORDER • At 5:32 PM the meeting was called to order by Josh Johnson. 2. ROLL CALL • Board Members Present o Josh Johnson, Chair o Olga Duvall, Vice Chair o Steve Backsen o Mike Kulisheck o Elizabeth Gillette o Christine Koepnick o Ethnie Treick o Erma Woodfin – Joined in Progress • Board Members Excused o Pat Hastings • Staff Members Present o Adam Molzer, Staff Liaison, Social Sustainability - City of Fort Collins o Beth Rosen, Social Sustainability – City of Fort Collins For further information, details and insight, and audio recording, resources are available by contacting the HSHF-Board staff liaison. 3. AGENDA REVIEW Josh Johnson read remote session instructions for the Human Services & Housing Funding Board and public attendees. Adam Molzer reviewed agenda. The Board accepted the agenda without modification. 4. BOARD MEMBER INTRODUCTIONS Board members introduced themselves, including the two new members who were attending a regular meeting for the first time. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Elizabeth Gillette moved to approve the July 13, 2022 meeting minutes as presented, Olga Duvall seconds the motion. Approved 5-0. Human Services & Housing Funding Board REGULAR BOARD MEETING 10/1 2 /2022 – MINUTES Page 2 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 8. NEW BUSINESS a. HOME-ARP Draft Plan & Process  Beth Rosen, Grants Compliance & Policy Manager at the City of Fort Collins, joined the Human Services and Housing Funding Board for a presentation regarding the one-time allocation of $2.6 million through the American Rescue Plan Act via the HOME program. In April, City staff conducted focus groups comprised of representatives from local service and housing providers that ranked the greatest priorities of qualifying populations and eligible uses to serve with the available funds. Board members reviewed the proposed funding recommendations and followed up with clarifying questions to Beth Rosen.  This Board may be asked to participate in a grant process for Housing and Supportive Services applications in the spring of 2023, pending the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) approval of the Allocation Plan. b. 2023 Work Plan  Adam Molzer reminded the Board that the annual Work Plan for 2023 is due in November. Adam will start the draft to review and modify with the Board in the November meeting. c. Council Liaison Invitation  The Human Services and Housing Funding Board’s Council Liaison is Tricia Canonico. Adam Molzer asked the Board if there was interest in inviting Councilmember Canonico to a future meeting. Josh Johnson will work with Adam to extend an invitation. 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS None 10. STAFF REPORTS  Some board members expressed interest in having an in-person meeting before the end of the year.  The CEO of Boys and Girls Clubs of Larimer County, Kaycee Headrick, left her position to work for Boys and Girls Clubs of Colorado. The CFO is serving in the local interim capacity.  Executive Director of the United Way of Weld County, Jeannine Truswell, retired. Melanie Woolman has moved into that position.  The Salvation Army Fort Collins office experienced staff turnover and needed to suspend some direct service activity. Adam met with their leadership and arranged a plan for spending their remaining FY21 grant dollars.  Sara Maranowicz, a former HSHF-Board member, and employee of the Bohemian Foundation has left Fort Collins and moved to Seattle, WA to enjoy an early retirement.  Jackie Kozak-Thiel, former Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) at the City, overseeing Economic Health, Environmental Sustainability, and Social Sustainability left her position in August to become the Director of Human Services & Housing Funding Board REGULAR BOARD MEETING 10/12 /2022 – MINUTES Page 3 Global Programs at the Bohemian Foundation. A national recruitment search is underway for a new CSO.  The Social Sustainability Department will be hiring for a new administrative support staff in November.  The Food Bank for Larimer County sent a thank you letter to this Board for their efforts.  City Council will be voting on the 2023-2024 City Budget in two weeks. Currently, all the Human Service funding received in the past is expected to be approved and continued for the next two years. Additional funding for program growth was not approved this cycle.  Three different categories of ARPA funding are currently being recommended in the City Budget for the next two years: approximately $400,000 for Childcare Systems Support, $180,000 for Social Services Recovery, and additional funding for Homelessness programs.  City staff are currently making final payouts for the FY21 grant cycle that ended on September 30th.  Contracts for FY22 grants are now complete. The grant cycle for FY22 recipients began on October 1st.  Preparations for the FY23 grant cycle will begin early November. Service organizations will have the opportunity to apply for funding beginning in early January.  Jessica Plummer from Larimer County will attend the November meeting for a presentation regarding the Behavioral Health Services grants.  The City Clerk’s Office has hired a Boards and Commissions Specialist and is currently working on a new Boards and Commissions manual. 11. OTHER BUSINESS Grantee Client Story: Adam Molzer shared a brief impact story submitted by the Sexual Assault Victim Advocate Center (SAVA) for their Prevention Education program in their recent quarterly report. 12. NEXT MEETING a. Wednesday, November 9, 2022 | 5:30pm | Location: Zoom 13. ADJOURNMENT Josh Johnson adjourned meeting at 7:03 PM. Minutes were finalized and approved by the HSHF-Board on ____________________ City of Fort Collins Staff Liaison: ____________________________________________ Adam Molzer November 9, 2022