HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/10/2022 - Energy Board - Agenda - Regular Meeting ENERGY BOARD REGULAR MEETING February 10, 2022 – 5:30 pm Remote – Online via Zoom (link below) 1. [5:30] CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. [5:30] PUBLIC COMMENT 3. [5:35] APPROVAL OF JANUARY 13, 2022 MINUTES 4. [5:40] STAFF REPORTS (30 min., Discussion) • Executive Director’s Update Theresa Connor, Interim Utilities Executive Director • Solar Policy Planning John Phelan, Energy Services Senior Manager • Quarterly Financial Report (Packet Item Only) Lance Smith, Director, Financial Planning & Assets 5. [6:10] CONNEXION FUNDING NEEDS (45 min., Decision) Chad Crager, Broadband Executive Director Travis Storin, Chief Financial Officer Molly Reeves, Manager, Financial Planning & Assets Lance Smith, Director, Financial Planning & Assets Participation for this remote Energy Board meeting will be available online or by phone. No one will be allowed to attend in person. Online Public Participation: Individuals who wish to address the Energy Board via remote public participation can do so through Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/96707441862 The meeting will be available to join beginning at 5:15 pm, February 10, 2022. Participants should try to sign in prior to the 5:30 pm meeting start time, if possible. For public comments, the Chair will ask participants to click the “Raise Hand” button to indicate you would like to speak at that time. Staff will moderate the Zoom session to ensure all participants have an opportunity to address the Board or Commission. To participate: •Use a laptop, computer, or internet-enabled smartphone. (Using earphones with a microphone will greatly improve your audio). •You need to have access to the internet. •Keep yourself on muted status. ENERGY BOARD REGULAR MEETING 6. [6:55] EPIC LOAN CAPITAL AGREEMENTS (30 min., Decision) Carolyn Conant, Project Manager, Utilities Customer Connections Amanda Newton, Senior Analyst, Treasury 7. [7:25] BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (5 min.) 8. [7:30] FUTURE AGENDA REVIEW (5 min.) 9. [7:35] ADJOURNMENT