HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services And Housing Funding Board - Minutes - 04/26/2022 HUMAN SERVICES & HOUSING FUNDING BOARD SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 5:30pm 222 Laporte Avenue, Fort Collins - Colorado River Meeting Room, First Floor Additional viewing option via Zoom 4/26/2022 – MINUTES Page 1 1. CALL TO ORDER • At 5:41 PM the meeting was called to order by Josh Johnson. 2. ROLL CALL • Board Members Present o Olga Duvall o Steve Backsen o Ethnie Treick o Mike Kulisheck o Pat Hastings o Josh Johnson, Chair • Board Members Excused o Elizabeth Gillette • Staff Members Present o Adam Molzer, Staff Liaison, Social Sustainability – City of Fort Collins o Beth Rosen, Social Sustainability – City of Fort Collins o Sue Beck-Ferkiss, Social Sustainability – City of Fort Collins o Taylor Reynolds, Social Sustainability – City of Fort Collins o Beth Yonce, Social Sustainability – City of Fort Collins o Meaghan Overton, Social Sustainability – City of Fort Collins Due to the duration and extent of the housing preliminary grant review, the summary of the meeting reflected in the minutes below may not include all details of the HSHF- Board’s discussion. For further information, details and insight, video recording resources are available by contacting the HSHF-Board staff liaison. 3. AGENDA REVIEW Josh Johnson read remote session instructions for the public attendees. Adam Molzer reviewed the agenda. The Board accepted the agenda with the addition of approval of the March 9th meeting minutes. DocuSign Envelope ID: 7C1A54A6-A645-44B8-86D7-8DAC5203D680 CDBG COMMISION SPECIAL MEETING 4/26/2022 – MINUTES Page 2 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION • Christine Ferguson • Jenny Maeda • Nichole Rex • Steve Kuehneman • Bob Pawlikowski No public comments. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Olga Duvall motioned to approve the March 9th, 2022 meeting minutes as presented, Ethnie Treick seconds the motion – unanimously approved. Josh Johnson motioned to approve the March 30th, 2022 meeting minutes as presented, Pat Hastings seconds the motion – unanimously approved. No quorum to vote on the April 6th, 2022 meeting minutes. 6. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS None 7. STAFF REPORTS • The Thursday, April 27th meeting will begin at 4:00 p.m. to deliberate funding for the human services and CDBG public service grant applications. • Six board member data sets will be used for recommendations. O Javier Echeverria-Diaz and Victoria Shaw will review the data for accuracy and validity. • The City is now accepting grant applications for Learning Loss Mitigation and will distribute approximately $350,000 in ARPA funding to programs serving K-12 students in Fort Collins. Funding decisions will be made in May or June. DocuSign Envelope ID: 7C1A54A6-A645-44B8-86D7-8DAC5203D680 CDBG COMMISION SPECIAL MEETING 4/26/2022 – MINUTES Page 3 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Presentation – Overview of Funding & Strategic Goals for Deliberations Adam Molzer and Beth Rosen provided an overview of funding considerations for this grant cycle and a review of the Housing Strategic Plan goals. Of the six housing proposals, two are eligible for outside funding but will not receive notice of those decisions until after the housing deliberations. Board members were advised to rank the six projects in order so that if a project receives funding elsewhere it can be withdrawn from this grant cycle and the next highest ranked project can receive funding. Board members are encouraged to fully-fund recommended projects (working through the matrix) as the requested amount is needed for the construction and/or rehabilitation to move forward. However, partial funding for any remaining project(s), based on the available funding, is also recommended because it demonstrates the local commitment needed by those projects to acquire additional resources. One notable exception to the recommendation to fully-fund a proposal is the Elevation Community Land Trust (ECLT) Kechter Townhomes project. ECLT is only eligible for $852,000 in affordable housing funds even though their request is for $1 million. They have stated that they would gratefully accept less than the full request amount and find the additional funds elsewhere, should the board decide to fund this project. Josh Johnson asked for clarification about whether any remaining funds from this grant cycle could be used in the FY23 grant cycle. Beth Rosen confirmed that any unused funds can be reallocated for next year’s competitive funding process but reiterated that any of the projects would be grateful to receive partial funding, based on the balance of funds and their ranking. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has not released their actual allocations for 2022 funding. City staff will be operating the funding matrix based on estimated allocations. b. Deliberations to Formulate Funding Recommendations – Affordable Housing The Affordable Housing Board’s rankings of the housing proposals were presented. City staff stated that two projects may be available for funding outside of the competitive grant process: CARE Housing was deemed eligible for ARPA funding and Elevation DocuSign Envelope ID: 7C1A54A6-A645-44B8-86D7-8DAC5203D680 CDBG COMMISION SPECIAL MEETING 4/26/2022 – MINUTES Page 4 Community Land Trust (ECLT) Kechter Townhomes for state funding. If a project receives outside funding, it will not receive City funding. Rather, the next highest rank project will receive the recommended funding until all competitive grant resources are exhausted. Steve Backsen asked for clarification about whether CARE Housing would accept $1 million (full request $1.1 million). Beth Rosen recommended that board members consider fully-funding approved projects so that they can move forward with construction. If not fully funded, CARE Housing would likely request tax credits from the state and have a funding gap. Beth Rosen altered the matrix and presented to the board the estimated funds remaining after allocations for HO-4 and HO-1. Board members proceeded to rank the housing applications so that funds can be allocated later based on actual dollars from HUD. Steve Backsen stated that he would like to utilize the recommendations as presented by the Affordable Housing Board and prioritize new construction over rehabilitation. Ethnie Treick asked whether any of the housing projects could wait until the FY23 grant cycle to receive funding. Beth Rosen stated that HO-1 and HO-4 are contingent on receiving their requested grant funding to secure additional resources and move forward with their projects. HO-2 is currently under construction but would need to find those resources to close their funding gap. Construction on HO-3 corresponds to the start of the school year for Poudre School District. If unfunded, this specific build would be not able to return for funding in FY23. HO-6 and HO-5 would not halt construction if they did not receive funding through the competitive grant process, but it would require them to seek funding elsewhere. Beth Rosen shared that there are $19.9 million in total remaining ARPA funds and $4.5 million in project requests to date. Funding for HO-1 is based on whether City Council approves ARPA funding for use at the Heartside Hill project. City staff stated that HO-5 and HO-6 would likely acquire additional debt to proceed or delay portions of their renovations. They would be eligible to return with requests in the FY23 grant cycle. There is not a risk of losing affordable units as market units for HO-5, HO-6 or HO-2 because of existing land acquisition and funding agreements. HO-4: Housing Catalyst – Impala Housing Project Motion by Steve Backsen to fund at $1.5 million. Seconded by Josh Johnson. DocuSign Envelope ID: 7C1A54A6-A645-44B8-86D7-8DAC5203D680 CDBG COMMISION SPECIAL MEETING 4/26/2022 – MINUTES Page 5 Motion withdrawn. Beth Rosen presented a matrix to demonstrate the allocations based on different funding scenarios. Priority #1 - HO-4: Housing Catalyst – Impala Housing Project Priority #2 - HO-1: CARE Housing – Heartside Hill Priority #3 - HO-2: Elevation Community Land Trust – Kechter Townhomes Priority #4 - HO-3: Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity – Poudre Build 8 Priority #5 - HO-6: Neighbor to Neighbor - Phase 2 Rehab 44 Affordable Apartments Priority #6 - HO-5: Housing Catalyst - Village on Bryan Renovation Housing projects are ranked in priority order. If a project receives funding through the City from another source, the funding recommendation will be withdrawn and funds will be made available to the next eligible, prioritized project. Adoption of the FY22 Affordable Housing Board funding recommendations matrix as presented. Motion by Olga Duvall. Seconded by Ethnie Treick. Motion passed unanimously 6-0. 9. OTHER BUSINESS None 10. NEXT MEETING • Special Meeting • Wednesday, April 27, 2022 11. ADJOURNMENT • Meeting adjourned by Josh Johnson at 6:50 PM. Minutes were finalized and approved by the HSHF-Board on ____________________ City of Fort Collins Staff Liaison: ____________________________________________ Adam Molzer DocuSign Envelope ID: 7C1A54A6-A645-44B8-86D7-8DAC5203D680 May 11, 2022