HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services And Housing Funding Board - Minutes - 09/08/2021 Human Services & Housing Funding Board REGULAR MEETING September 8, 2021 at 5:30 PM Remote/ZOOM due to COVID-19 9/8/2021 – MINUTES Page 1 1. CALL TO ORDER • At 5:32PM the meeting was called to order by Josh Johnson. 2. ROLL CALL • Board Members Present o Josh Johnson, Chair o Olga Duvall, Vice Chair o Sara Maranowicz o Steve Backsen o Ethnie Treick o Mike Kulisheck o Pat Hastings • Board Members Absent o Nick Verni-Lau • Staff Members Present o Adam Molzer, Staff Liaison, CDBG Commission – City of Fort Collins o Ingrid Decker, City Attorney’s Office – City of Fort Collins For further information, details and insight, and audio recording, resources are available by contacting the HSHF-Board staff liaison. 3. AGENDA REVIEW Josh Johnson read remote session instructions for the Human Services & Housing Funding Board and public attendees. Adam Molzer reviewed agenda. The Board accepted the agenda without modification. 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None present. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – May 12, 2021 Regular Meeting Pat Hastings moved to approve the minutes. Olga Duvall seconded approval. Motion approved with roll call. Passed unanimously by those in attendance at the May 12th meeting. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None DocuSign Envelope ID: C6EB48A3-E03B-4D8C-BFB7-FBB31B1D0E2F Human Services & Housing Funding Board REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING 9/8/2021 – MINUTES Page 2 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Legal Issues Board Members Should Be Aware Of – Ingrid Decker Ingrid Decker provided a brief overview and update on the City Attorney’s staff structure, City Charter and City Code (available on the City Clerks’ website): • The Charter describes how the City Council may establish Boards and Commissions and limits what Council and Boards can do. • The Boards and Commissions Manual should be the first reference should there be questions about how boards and its members should conduct business. Boards and Commissions Manual is in the process of being revised. New code provisions. Code change: • Doing away with by-laws. • Type 2 advisory Boards and Quasi-judicial Commissions may adopt rules of procedures after review by City Attorneys Office. Must be consistent with Charter, Code, Manual and other Council adopted policies. Updated Board functions and requirements include: • Advise the City Council and City Staff on matters pertaining to the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Programs • Advise the City Council and City staff on all matters pertaining to human services issues • Asses needs of low and moderate income individuals and families and suggest programs • Advise the City Council and City staff concerning the expenditure of federal and City funds for human services and affordable housing, considering the City’s Strategic Plan objectives. • Now residency required only during service vs. prior to service. • Variety of term lengths allowed: 1, 2, and 4 years. • Joint meetings between Boards are now allowed without request from City Manager or City Council. • Attendance policies changed to number of meetings missed to percentage of meetings missed. Board and Commission Code Changes reduce barriers to participation, improve efficiency and consistency of Board and Commission processes. Ingrid Decker also explained some legal concerns for Boards to be aware of: • Definition of conflicts of interest: if conflict of interest exists, a board member cannot vote on an issue, attempt to influence, or otherwise participate in that decision in any way. Conflicts of interest must be disclosed to the Board and the City Clerk. • Use of confidential information • Requests for special treatment: as an example, a City Council member shouldn’t ask for a fee to be waived for them. These types of requests should be reported to the City Clerk. DocuSign Envelope ID: C6EB48A3-E03B-4D8C-BFB7-FBB31B1D0E2F Human Services & Housing Funding Board REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING 9/8/2021 – MINUTES Page 3 • Accepting payments or gifts: generally, small gifts worth less than $50 should be fine. Discuss with Adam or Ingrid if it could impact a decision or unsure. • Indemnification if staying within purposes and functions of the Board • Open meetings rules: Requirements of meetings of 3 or more Board members where any public business is discussed or formal actions are taken, including in-person, conference calls, Zoom meetings, and email exchanges (exceptions: chance meetings, social gatherings, and executive sessions) • When speaking in public, Board members should clarify if speaking on their own behalf versus on behalf of the Board. Adam Molzer asked Ingrid Decker what the protocol is for inviting the Council liaison. Ingrid clarified either the Board Chair or Staff Liaison can extend an invite on behalf of the HS&HF-Board. A copy of communication to the Council liaison should be sent to the City Managers office and City Clerks office. Follow-up with Ingrid for additional questions. Steve Backsen asked other Board members for input on changes to term lengths. Additionally, Mike Kulisheck asked if the Board will be required to have a certain number of members at the different term lengths. Adam Molzer mentioned changes in term lengths do not affect Board member’s current terms. However, it will affect them if they decide to reapply. There is a vacancy for a board member position. This follows Sam Stoltz’s resignation from the board. Sam is no longer a Fort Collins resident, and therefore does not meet the residency requirements. End of Term dates: 2021 – Olga Duvall and Ethnie Treick 2022 – Steve Backsen, Josh Johnson and Sara Maranowicz 2023 – Mike Kulisheck, Nick Verni-Lau and Pat Hastings b. City Manager’s Recommended Budget Adam Molzer provided an update on the City Managers Recommended Budget. City Council is currently working on evaluating the budget offers. On September 14 and 28 council will discuss the budget offers under the different outcome areas (public safety, economic health, etc.). The following October and November, the public will have an opportunity to offer feedback. Social Sustainability budget offers in the City Manager’s recommended budget: • Core staffing and program administration • Homeless Initiatives - includes an increase of $200k for services • Affordable Housing Capital Fund - $500k city funding awarded in Spring • Homelessness Coordinator position • Expanding Outreach Fort Collins • Housing Manager Position DocuSign Envelope ID: C6EB48A3-E03B-4D8C-BFB7-FBB31B1D0E2F Human Services & Housing Funding Board REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING 9/8/2021 – MINUTES Page 4 • Implementation of Housing Strategic Plan • Human service funds: $250k continuation funding + $150k new funding that is aligned with ARPA • Affordable Housing Fee Credit fund - $350k supporting affordable housing options • Engagement with community to move forward with 24/7 shelter • Childcare services and support - $170k support services, e.g., mental health services, substitute teachers, expanded summer care options. All budget offers are contingent on City Council deliberations and decisions in November. Adam will send out list of budget offers to Board members. c. FY22 Competitive Process Updates Adam Molzer facilitated a discussion regarding improvements to the upcoming FY22 grant process. Additional $2.6 million are available for HOME funds, and Adam relayed the possibilities of incorporating the extra funds too, e.g., a separate application process for new housing that would run parallel to the regular application process. Additionally, if supported in the final City budget, the $150k ARPA funds may also have a separate but parallel application process and/or may have COVID orientated questions included in the regular application (specific to COVID recovery). Adam and team will work on these processes through the next couple of months. The Board won’t know if the new funding processes will use the same scoring matrix as used previously until funding is awarded, possible for bonus criteria. The process will be mapped out in a readable and understandable way. Other improvements: • Allowing human services grantees to apply a 10% toward indirect admin costs. • Grants awarded that are under $10k can be used up in the first quarter. • Moving towards a 2-year funding term instead of 12 months. 24 months would allow the organization longer runway to run their programs. This would also align with City’s funding cycle. “Off Cycle” year would focus on evaluation and impact. Current funding process was designed 20 years ago when majority of funds were CDBG funds. Since then, budget has moved in another direction (80% city / 20% federal), and federal funded projects must align with consolidated HUD plan (5-year plan). Goals for that are: • Increase supply of Affordable Housing • Preserve Affordable Housing • Provide emergency shelter • Provide housing stabilization services • Increase access to services to vulnerable populations A limited number of organizations are eligible for the Federal funds. There is a lot more flexibility with City funds. With three years remaining on consolidated plan, a method is being devised to pair projects that align with goals for the remaining three-years. These bigger changes would be implemented in the next grant cycle. Thus, a decision is needed before DocuSign Envelope ID: C6EB48A3-E03B-4D8C-BFB7-FBB31B1D0E2F Human Services & Housing Funding Board REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING 9/8/2021 – MINUTES Page 5 January. Further discussions will be held in October, November, and December and needs to be presented in writing, i.e., documents with visuals. Staff recommendations will be taken to City Council as a resolution. d. American Rescue Plan Act Updates The City of Fort Collins has $28 million from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. About $4 million is allocated to short-term, immediate needs. Adam Molzer informed the HS&HF-Board that they are welcome to participate in recovery plan engagement. Moreover, Adam encouraged board members to share with family, friends, and the greater community to lend their voice. e. Council Liaison Invitation The Human Services and Housing Funding Board has a new Council liaison, Tricia Canonico. Adam Molzer asked the Board if there was interest in inviting Councilmember Canonico to a future meeting. Steve Backsen stated that it would be in the interest for both this board and the Council liaison to meet. The rest of the Board agreed. Josh Johnson and Adam Molzer agreed to work jointly to invite Councilmember Canonico to a future board meeting. They will extend an invitation to her and present her with potential fall dates. 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS None 9. STAFF REPORTS None 10. OTHER BUSINESS Grantee Client Story Adam Molzer shared a brief impact story submitted by Family Housing Network in their recent quarterly report. 11. NEXT MEETING a. Wednesday, October 13, 2021 | 5:30pm | Location: ZOOM 12. ADJOURNMENT Josh Johnson adjourned meeting at 6:44 PM. Minutes were finalized and approved by the HSHF-Board on ____________________ City of Fort Collins Staff Liaison: ____________________________________________ Adam Molzer DocuSign Envelope ID: C6EB48A3-E03B-4D8C-BFB7-FBB31B1D0E2F 10-13-2021