HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services And Housing Funding Board - Minutes - 05/12/2021 Human Services & Housing Funding Board REGULAR MEETING May 12, 2021 at 5:30 PM Remote/ZOOM due to COVID-19 5 /12 /2021 – MINUTES Page 1 1. CALL TO ORDER • At 5:33PM the meeting was called to order by Olga Duvall. 2. ROLL CALL • Board Members Present o Olga Duvall, Vice Chair o Steve Backsen o Ethnie Treick o Mike Kulisheck o Pat Hastings o Sam Stoltz • Board Members Absent o Josh Johnson, Chair o Sara Maranowicz o Nick Verni-Lau • Staff Members Present o Adam Molzer, Staff Liaison, CDBG Commission – City of Fort Collins For further information, details and insight, and audio recording, resources are available by contacting the HSHF-Board staff liaison. 3. AGENDA REVIEW Olga Duvall read remote session instructions for the Human Services & Housing Funding Board and public attendees. Adam Molzer reviewed agenda. The Board accepted the agenda without modification. 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None present. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – April 29, 2021 Special Deliberation Meeting Pat Hastings moved to approve the minutes. Steve Backsen seconded approval. Motion approved with roll call. Passed unanimously. DocuSign Envelope ID: A0568173-CBE1-4B47-907A-6E20772CDF1A Human Services & Housing Funding Board REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING 5/12/2021 – MINUTES Page 2 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Competitive Process Update & 360-Review Adam Molzer Adam Molzer walked through the activities and follow-up that has occurred since the April 29th funding deliberation meeting, as well as the timeline of activities ahead to complete the funding process. He shared a brief analysis of the funding recommendations that the Board created, including average amounts recommended for human service proposals. Olga Duvall asked if any agencies have declined their award recommendation due to the amount, and Adam shared that no organizations have contacted him about declining their grant. Adam Molzer facilitated the group through an examination of the 2021 competitive grant process to gather feedback, critique and ideas from the Board members. The group addressed the grant application and questions, support materials, review meetings with the Affordable Housing Board and the human services apps, presentations, the scorecard and criteria, the funding protocol, and the deliberation meeting. Notes were documented by staff and will be considered as potential improvements for the FY2022 grant process. b. Summer Recess The HSHF-Board agreed that they are favorable to recessing their meetings until September 2021, unless pressing business arises. 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS None 9. STAFF REPORTS • Adam Molzer shared that City Council recently met to identify their priorities to address in the coming years. They will reconvene in the summer to finalize their priorities, many of which may align with the interests of this Board. Adam also shared that new Councilmember, Tricia Canonico, will serve as the new Council liaison to this Board. • Adam Molzer shared that guidelines and used for American Rescue Plan Act funding awarded to the City is still being evaluated, and that this Board may be called upon to support and advise on how some of the funds may be deployed. DocuSign Envelope ID: A0568173-CBE1-4B47-907A-6E20772CDF1A Human Services & Housing Funding Board REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING 5/12/2021 – MINUTES Page 3 10. OTHER BUSINESS Grantee Client Story Adam Molzer shared a brief impact story submitted by A Little Help in their recent quarterly report. 11. NEXT MEETING a. Wednesday, September 8, 2021 | 5:30pm | Location TBD 12. ADJOURNMENT Olga Duvall adjourned meeting at 6:44 PM. Minutes were finalized and approved by the HSHF-Board on September 8, 2021 City of Fort Collins Staff Liaison: ____________________________________________ Adam Molzer DocuSign Envelope ID: A0568173-CBE1-4B47-907A-6E20772CDF1A