HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 01/20/2021 TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR January 20, 2021, 6:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting Via Zoom 1/20/2021 – MINUTES Page 1  FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Indy Hart Vice Chair: Council Liaison: Nathalie Rachline Kristin Stephens Staff Liaison: Aaron Iverson 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Hart called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. 2. ROLL CALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Indy Hart, Chair Nathalie Rachline, Vice Chair Jerry Gavaldon York Kevin Borchert Matt Liberati Cari Brown Rob Owens BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Diego Lopez CITY STAFF PRESENT: Lauren Nagle Andy Meger PUBLIC PRESENT: None Chair Hart noted he was reappointed to the Board and Rob Owens was newly appointed. Boardmembers introduced themselves. 3. AGENDA REVIEW Iverson stated there were no changes to the published agenda. 4. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION None. TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 1/20/2021 – MINUTES Page 2  5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – DECEMBER 2020 York made a motion, seconded by Chair Hart, to approve the December 2020 minutes as written. The motion was adopted unanimously. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Annual Bike and Pedestrian Counts – Lauren Nagle/Andy Meger Lauren Nagle, FC Moves, discussed the reasons for doing the bike and pedestrian counts noting they help justify infrastructure improvements and provide planning support. She stated the counts include travel mode, numbers, directionality, turning movements, helmet use, gender, E-bikes, and other E-devices. She discussed the count locations noting the number of locations was reduced due to the pandemic and fires. She noted intersection counts only apply to cyclists, not pedestrians. Andy Meger, FC Moves intern, discussed the comparison of the 2020 data to previous years. He noted there were fewer students on campus due to hybrid learning and the air quality due to fires was an issue during this year's counts which occurred in mid- September. York asked if volunteer shifts are being counted as the number of days or the time periods across the days. Nagle replied there were two count days in 2020 as opposed to two weekday and one weekend count day as has occurred previously. Each of those days had two count shifts per day and trails and intersections were counted on the same day but at different time periods. She commented on the importance of not making assumptions based on 2020 data as the year was so odd in terms of behaviors. Gavaldon commented on data showing declining intersection numbers over the past years. Chair Hart disagreed and stated a line of best fit would show a straight line. He also noted there are not enough data points to get a good regression line. York noted numbers were down in 2019 as the count day was very cold. He suggested including some type of weather information with the data and asked if there is data going back farther than five years. Nagle replied counts have been going longer than five years. Meger replied staff opted to utilize 2016 and forward for the sake of the slides but stated he could provide data going back to 2013. Nagle noted the number of count sites were limited prior to 2016. Meger discussed the trails data. Nagle noted trail usage per the automated counters was up 200% prior to the wildfires. Borchert asked if the lower number of shifts was planned or due to a lack of volunteers. TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 1/20/2021 – MINUTES Page 3  Nagle replied it was a bit of both. Meger discussed the mode share breakdown for trails. He noted user groups included bicycles, pedestrians, and a category of ‘other’ which included skateboards, scooters, E- scooters, horses, and others. He did noted E-scooters are not technically allowed on trails. York noted the counts are done the same week in September every year. Nagle also noted this is part of a national initiative and the dates are selected as part of that initiative. Owens asked about the automatic trail counters. Nagle described the counters and noted those counts have historically been validated as part of the manual counts. She also noted the automatic counters cannot observe other trends such as helmet use. Borchert asked if population growth is taken into account. Nagle replied the counts do not include statistical analysis of any other metrics at this time, but she will include it in a list of items to include as the project starts to grow. Nagle discussed gender data noting it is approximately split half and half, and noted the general trend is that more people wear helmets on trails. Meger discussed E-bike data noting that mode accounted for about 2.9% of all bicyclists at intersections. He also discussed E-bike trends over the past five years noting they are somewhat unclear regarding E-bike use. York noted the number of E-bikes sold has increased tremendously over the past two years. Meger stated E-bikes account for about 4% of all bicyclists on trails. He noted they were only recently legalized for use on trails and stated it will be interesting to see if sustained growth continues into 2021. Nagle stated staff is pursuing a project to place the count and automatic counter data in a GIS format that is accessible by the public. She stated an equity review is also ongoing and requested input regarding what data is valuable and what additional information would be helpful. Borchert asked about the key takeaway from this data. Nagle replied she has learned how different each year can be and finds it interesting that this data can provide a look at 2020 through a different lens. Meger replied the data around E-bikes is noteworthy and determining trends moving forward will be interesting. Liberati stated the locations of E-bike users and time of day data are helpful for the Board. Nagle noted any type of bike share program that would involve E-bikes will greatly impact those numbers as well. Chair Hart stated he would like to see self-reported data and its comparison to the TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 1/20/2021 – MINUTES Page 4  volunteer-counted data. He noted self-reporting could include information as to areas that are being reported as being heavily used that are not included as count sites. York suggested this data should be compared to regional and national data given it is part of a national effort. Nagle replied staff is working on that comparison for an infographic. York noted this Board prefers data and encouraged additional data inclusion. Gavaldon stated he will be interested in the 2021 data as compared to 2020. Borchert asked if this data has helped to drive specific investments such as protected bike lanes. Nagle replied the data has been used as part of the budgeting process, though most of that was handled through Tessa Greegor. York encouraged Boardmembers to volunteer to participate in counts in September. b. 2020 Annual Report – Aaron Iverson/Boardmembers Iverson stated he plans to compile the Annual Report based on what the Board discussed over the year. He noted he will update the mission statement and go over the year’s agendas to complete that. Rachline suggested the Annual Report include an introduction that would outline the year’s context and note the Board did not meet for a few months prior to adapting to the virtual meeting format. She also suggested the Report should include an assessment of the impact of the year on transportation overall. York suggested the Report should include the Board’s letter regarding Raising Cane’s and associated traffic backups on College Avenue as well as information on the Board liaisons which may be beneficial in the Reimagining Boards and Commissions work. Chair Hart suggested tabling this item to a future agenda. Brown made a motion, seconded by Gavaldon, to table consideration of the 2020 Annual Report. The motion was adopted unanimously. c. Nomination for 2021 Chair and Vice Chair – Boardmembers Chair Hart noted these elections will occur in March as the February meeting is the joint meeting with the Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC). Brown and Chair Hart nominated Rachline for Chair. Chair Hart stated he is not seeking a role as Vice Chair and nominated Brown for Vice Chair. Brown stated she would like to get some more information on the time commitment. Gavaldon asked if elections could be held this evening. Iverson replied there is no TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 1/20/2021 – MINUTES Page 5  administrative preclusion to that; however, he did not want anyone to be placed on the spot. Chair Hart noted the next meeting being joint with the BAC may also be a reason to hold off on elections. Brown asked if the Vice Chair can also serve as the BAC liaison. Gavaldon replied the BAC liaison position is a two-year appointment; therefore, he would still like to serve for one more year. Rachline stated her recollection is that the Board opted to not have the Chair or Vice Chair serve as the BAC liaison. Rachline nominated Borchert for the Vice Chair position. Brown stated she would withdraw her name from consideration if Borchert is interested. Borchert stated he does not feel he is prepared to take on that role. Liberati stated this will be his last year on the Board. York noted changes to Board terms are being considered as part of the Reimagining Boards and Commissions process. Brown asked York if he would be interested in the Vice Chair position. York replied the difficulty with that is that he is term-limited, and his term will be up in 2022 which would mean both the Chair and Vice Chair positions would need to be filled by new individuals at that time. Chair Hart outlined the Chair duties. Boardmembers discussed whether meetings in the future will remain on Zoom or go back to in-person. Gavaldon nominated York for the Vice Chair position suggesting he could remain as Vice Chair rather than moving into the Chair position which would assist with the 2022-2023 turnover issue. York stated liaison positions should also be discussed. Rachline outlined the Vice Chair duties. Brown stated she would be willing to serve as Vice Chair if neither York nor Borchert are interested. Borchert stated he is not interested in serving as Vice Chair but would be interested in serving as the BAC liaison after Gavaldon’s term expires. Boardmembers discussed liaison positions. Chair Hart noted the liaison experiment has been occurring for a few years and is unique to the Transportation Board; it is not TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 1/20/2021 – MINUTES Page 6  an official program. He noted the Transportation Board has provided liaisons to the Parking Board, Planning and Zoning Board, Youth Advisory Board, and Parks and Recreation Board over time. He stated nothing is required to be determined at this point. York noted he provides a report at each Planning and Zoning Board worksession. Rachline commented on the possibility of the need to link with the Energy Board. Chair Hart requested each member consider their level of interest in the Chair, Vice Chair, and liaison positions prior to the March meeting. 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Chair Hart reported on his son getting his first geared bicycle. Gavaldon noted the BAC has not had a meeting since his last report. He reported on Council’s adoption of an Ordinance related to moving the CDOT weigh station. He commented on Councilmember concerns related to the weigh station and suggested the Board receive updates on the project as it may need to provide input to Council moving forward. York reported on the upcoming Site Plan Advisory Review for the weigh station relocation being considered by the Planning and Zoning Board. He also reported on the Planning and Zoning Board asking if the Transportation Board has any specific comments regarding street-like private drives and their relation to Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards and other plans. Boardmembers and Iverson discussed the Board getting a presentation on the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards. York reported he and other members attended the recent Super Issues Board meeting. Borchert reported on the recent Super Issues Board meeting and commented on concerns with various City goals. Liberati commented on the lack of practicality and reality regarding the City goals. He discussed the Transportation Capital Project Prioritization Study and asked if the Board could be more heavily involved in the beginning of that process. Iverson replied that effort is just getting underway and he will discuss that possibility with the project manager. Liberati asked if he could personally get involved with the East Mulberry Corridor Study. Iverson replied he could connect him with the project team. Liberati asked if the Board could be involved in the Timberline and Vine intersection improvements and design. Brown replied the design work seems like it is more appropriate at a staff level. She commented on instances wherein staff has presented design options to the Board for input and recommendations. Chair Hart commented on the need for the TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 1/20/2021 – MINUTES Page 7  Board to determine how to get involved in processes earlier. York suggested there are two places for input: after design and analysis is complete and prior to the completion of that process which would help to ensure project priorities match what individual users desire. Liberati stated the Board should be watching the progress of the Transportation Capital Project Prioritization Study. Chair Hart stated Boardmembers should always consider making connections for the Board to hear certain topics. Iverson stated he can always help facilitate connections. Boardmembers commented on the Power Trail crossing at Harmony Road and the way in which the Board provided input. Chair Hart noted advancements have been made in the last four years regarding the level of input provided by Boards and Commissions to staff for projects. Liberati stated he would also like to consider how the Board interacts with Council at some point. Owens stated this discussion has been helpful. Rachline commented on icy spots on roadways and sidewalks. Brown reported elementary schools returned to full-time in-person learning which has created a great deal of traffic around schools as bussing is very limited. Boardmembers commented on planned terms for the Reimagining Boards and Commissions process. 9. OTHER BUSINESS a. Bicycle Advisory Committee Report b. City Council 6-Month Calendar Review Iverson stated Council will be discussing the Reimagining Boards and Commissions process and the Housing Strategic Plan at the January 26th worksession. Additional upcoming items for discussion include Our Climate Future, the East Mulberry Corridor Plan, and the E-scooter pilot project. c. Staff Liaison Report Iverson stated there is an offer out to a candidate for the Active Modes Manager position. York noted the Transportation Board webpage needs to be updated. TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 1/20/2021 – MINUTES Page 8  10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. by unanimous consent.